Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 856 Evolution And Phenomenon (Part 2)

The moment Evan chose "Yes," the Boots Of Voidgazer flashed with blinding purple light, and all the materials that Evan placed near it turned into liquid and merged with it.

Evan was forced to close his eyes because of the blinding light but he continued to look at the boots using his spiritual senses.

[The Boots Of Voidgazer are evolving into a low-level rank one artefact...]

A few minutes passed, and slowly, the blinding light coming out of the boots started to recede.

Evan opened his eyes when the light from the boots started to disappear and looked at both of the boots with anticipation. A few more minutes passed, and all the materials that turned into liquid merged with it perfectly.

[The Boots Of Voidgazer successfully Evolved into a low-level Rank One Artefact]

A notification flashed before Evan and silver boots with small purple outlines appeared in front of him.

Evan picked up the boots from the ground, and their details appeared in front of him.

---) Boots Of Voidgazer (Low-Level Rank One): These boots bestow the user with increased agility and reflexes, allowing them to change direction rapidly and perform complex acrobatics while moving swiftly. While wearing the boots, the power of all your movement-type skills will be increased by 80%. After equipping the boots, the user can use Step Of Voidgazer, Void Study, and Nether Stride skills.

---) Step Of Voidgazer: When the wearer activates this skill, they gain the ability to step into the void and traverse vast distances in mere seconds, teleporting from one point to another. The maximum distance you can travel using this skill is five thousand kilometers and this skill can be used four times a day.

---) Void Study: This skill allows you to send your spiritual senses into the void for twenty minutes a day. With the help of this skill, you can understand the mysteries of the void and turn your world essence into the conceptual energy of the void. While the skill is activated, your comprehension abilities to understand the void element will be increased by ten percent.

---) Nether Stride: Upon activation, this skill allows the user to teleport short distances within a one-kilometer area around them. There is no limit on the usage of this skill, and it can be activated using the world essence or the conceptual energy of the user.

Evan quickly looked at the details of the Boots Of Voidgazer and immediately noticed the changes.

The control that the boots of Voidgazer gave him while moving at a fast speed increased even more, at the same time, the increase in movement type skills rose from the previous fifty to eighty percent.

Not only that, the power of the previous two skills, Step Of Voidgazer and Void Study, also increased greatly. Especially the Void Study that could now increase his comprehension speed of the void element by ten percent.

On top of that, he received the new skill Nether Stride. At first glance, this skill looks quite normal, but after reading the details of the skill a few times, Evan finally understood just how useful this skill was.

"There is no limit on using this skill, so I can use it as many times as I want, huh..." Evan muttered in a low voice and his lips arched upwards.

Unlike his other skills like Wind Walk or Flicker Step, which he can use to travel tens of kilometres instantly, Nether Stride can only be used to move within a range of one kilometre. But even then, it was far better than those skills because, unlike those skills, the advantage of Nether Stride was its ability to teleport its user.

In the case of Wind Walk or Flicker Step, the user won't be able to use these skills if they are surrounded by enemies from all sides because no matter which direction they move, they will eventually encounter the enemy.

On the other hand, Nether Stride is different because it is a skill based on teleportation. So even if the user found themselves surrounded by enemies, they could still escape from them as long as the space around them wasn't locked.

Evan wore the Boots of Voidgazer and tested them for a bit. After using them for a few minutes, he realized that although not much, his control over his agility definitely increased a little bit.

"Although its evolution is not as extravagant as Carnage that gave me the Elemental Bullet skill, it is still better than a normal low-level Rank One artefact..." Evan muttered in a low voice and wondered if in the future he would be able to use his Void Energy to teleport without any restrictions.

Just when Evan was thinking about his boots, the gloomy dark sky of the second layer suddenly lit up with various lights.

Evan was alarmed because of the sudden change and raised his head towards the sky, only to see the dark sky of the second layer flashing with rainbow-coloured light.

"This light..." Evan raised an eyebrow when he saw the rainbow-

coloured light flashing in the sky and felt as if he had seen something like this before.

ROAR! ROAR! ----

Just when Evan was wondering what was going on, the monsters in the second layer went into a frenzy and started to roar.

Evan felt goosebumps when he heard the roars of the monsters because he could feel many auras of Rank Three monsters rising in different places of the second layer.

Noticing the strange behaviour of the monsters and the sky illuminated by the rainbow-coloured light, Evan's mind worked at full speed, and soon he remembered why he felt this scene was a bit familiar.

"Damn, don't tell me it's a phenomenon that only appears when a high-ranking treasure is about to be born..." Evan muttered with his eyes wide open as he thought about the phenomenon that he saw in the World Domain.


Just when Evan was lost in his thoughts, the ground of the second layer started to shake.

Evan used his spiritual senses and immediately understood what was going on.

"All the powerful monsters of the second layer are on the move!"

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