Chapter 586 Secret Cult

Ashbourne Town, Inside the room of a hotel- Illusia was sitting on a sofa, reading an article on her phone.

The title of the article was 'One Hundred and One Ways to Make Your Secret Cult Famous'

"I have already tried seventy-two methods mentioned in this article, but the secret cult I created for the master is still not well known" Illusia muttered in a depressed voice and sighed loudly.

"Should I call a cult meeting to discuss this issue?" Illusia said and opened a chat group app.

In the chat group app, there was only one group named 'Secret Cult Group'... And the members of that group were Illusia, Elysia, Kazil, Nekros and a few other shadow undeads.

"Illusia" As Illusia was thinking about calling a group meeting, Evan's voice rang out in her head.

"It was Elysia's idea to create the cult" Illusia freaked out when she suddenly heard Evan's voice and shouted in a panicked voice.

"Elysia's idea? Cult?"

Illusia heard Evan's confused voice through the shadow senses and finally realized she just messed up.

As she was panicking because of unintentionally spilling the beans, she once again heard Evan's voice.

"Stop thinking about stupid things and listen carefully."

Illusia sighed in relief when Evan didn't ask anything about the cult and listened to him carefully.

"Do you understand?" Evan asked after explaining everything.

"Yes, Master" Illusia replied in a serious voice.

"Contact me as soon as you find something," Evan said and stopped using shadow senses.

Illusia leaned back on the sofa and wiped the cold sweat that was covering her forehead after Evan cancelled shadow senses skill.

"Luckily Master didn't find out about the cult," Illusia said in a voice filled with relief and looked at the time on her phone.

"Only ten minutes left," she muttered, looking at the time.

Illusia stood up after checking the time and left the hotel where she was staying.

Two minutes after Illusia left, two more people emerged from the hotel and walked in the same direction Illusia was going.

Among the two people, one was an A rank hunter and the second one was a B+-rank hunter.

Illusia left Ashbourne Town and arrived in the middle of the wilderness. Soon the two men who followed after her also arrived there and stood some distance away from her.

Both of the men nodded towards Illusia after coming there, but Illusia ignored them and stood there without any expression on her face.

The men were not surprised to see Illusia ignoring them and waited patiently.


Around five minutes later, someone landed in front of them from the sky.

Illusia and the A rank hunter were fine, but the B+ rank hunter was forced to take several steps back because of the shockwaves generated by the person who landed there.

When the dust cloud that rose after the person's landing settled down, the figure of a muscular man who was wearing a loose shirt and shot pants appeared in front of them.

"You are one minute and six seconds late, Xavier" Illusia said in an emotionless voice seeing Xavier.

"Oh really" Xavier was surprised hearing Illusia and looked at the time. Seeing he was really late he shrugged his shoulders and said in a helpless voice, "I am also a human being and humans make some mistakes in their life."

Illusia didn't say anything hearing Xavier and continued to look at him.

"Don't you guys think that her bitchy attitude turned into super bitchy attitude after she reached A+ rank" Xavier looked at the two hunters who were standing there and asked.

"Just get to the point? Why you guys asked me to stay in this run down town?" Illusia said in a cold voice.

Xavier didn't mind Illusia's cold voice and took out three deep red coloured triangle shaped tokens from his storage ring.

He threw the tokens towards Illusia and the other two hunters and said in a normal voice.

"We're going to start the plan we talked about a few days ago and I'm going to need the help of you guys here."

"We are going to launch an all-out attack?" Illusia asked while looking at the triangular shaped token that Xavier threw toward her. The token was just ten centimetres big and a strange rune was engraved on it.

"Yes, all preparations are complete and we are ready to attack."

"So.. What are we supposed to do and what is this token?" Illusia nodded her head hearing Xavier and asked casually.

"Right now you guys don't need to do anything, just go to the location I'm sending you to on your phone and stand there with the token I gave you," Xavier said and sent locations to Illusia and the other two men.

"That's it?" Illusia asked in a frustrated tone hearing she just had to stand in one place.

"Stop complaining and go already, you don't need to stand there for long. Two hours will be enough." Xavier said and looked in the direction of Ashbourne Town. "I'm going to prepare some things. Make sure you take your positions in the next twenty minutes."

Xavier did not wait for Illusia's response after saying this and started walking in the direction of Ashbourne Town.

The two men immediately left to take their position after Xavier went towards Ashbourne Town.

Illusia looked at Xavier's back who was walking towards Ashbourne Town and many thoughts flashed in her mind.

After Xavier completely disappeared from her view, a sneer appeared on her face.

"It seems that what Master told me earlier is true." She said, looking at the red triangular shaped token.

She took out her phone and looked at the location that Xavier had sent her. After confirming the location, she smiled slightly and went towards the location just like the other two men.

While moving towards the location, Illusia took out a bottle of blood from her storage ring and started to engrave a few things behind the token.

'I wonder what master plans to do.'


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