Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 1035 Anastasia Vs Halphas (Part 5)

Chapter 1035 Anastasia Vs Halphas (Part 5)

Far from the Magmara Kingdom, inside a space isolation formation, three silver lights flashed, and Halphas, Anastasia, and Evan appeared there.

Because of the forceful teleportation, Halphas was furious and as soon as he appeared inside the space isolation formation, he distanced himself from Anastasia and looked around cautiously, thinking it was an ambush.

But after surveying his surroundings, Halphas realized that besides the three of them, there was no one else inside the space isolation formation. His spiritual senses easily covered the entire space, revealing only barren land and nothing else within the formation.

'My spiritual senses can't go outside of the space isolation formation...' In less than a second, Halphas understood that he was inside a powerful space formation, completely cut off from the outside world.

"Who are you? Are you from the Dragon Islands?" Realizing he was trapped in a space formation, Halphas' face turned grim and he asked in a cold voice.

Other than the Dragon Islands, the demon couldn't think of anyone else who would attack him for no reason.

Hearing Halphas, Anastasia smiled and released some of her dragon aura.

Feeling Anastasia's dragon aura, Halphas' face turned extremely cold, and his eyes blazed with hatred.

"Do you dragons really want to start an all-out war?" He shouted in a cold voice as golden lightning started to crackle around him.

"War?" Anastasia sneered when she heard Halphas. "Do you think you weaklings are qualified to go to war against us Dragons? The moment we dragons make a move, it won't be a war... It will be a pure slaughter of demonkind."

"You—" Halphas' face turned extremely gloomy upon hearing Anastasia's provoking words and a murderous look flashed in his eyes. While Halphas was glaring at Anastasia, Evan suddenly thought of something and sent a message to her.

Anastasia raised an eyebrow when she heard Evan and looked at him in confusion.

"Why do you want to go there?"

"I just thought of something. If I succeed, it will be of great benefit to us," Evan said in a low voice as his eyes flickered with excitement.

Anastasia looked at Evan for a few seconds before nodding her head.

"Don't do anything reckless after going there."

Evan rolled his eyes when he heard Anastasia and replied in a calm voice.

"I know my limits. I will take action from a distance."

"As if. If you knew your limits, you wouldn't have dared to meddle in the fight of Rank Six Core Evolvers..." Anastasia said and paused. After a moment, she asked in a low voice,

"You don't want to see me beat the hell out of this guy?"

Evan was speechless when he heard Anastasia's question and asked while sending a message to Ashley,

"Do you think I am some kind of psycho who likes to watch people getting beaten by someone?"

"You are not?" Anastasia was surprised when she heard Evan and looked at him in confusion.

Evan's mouth twitched when he saw Anastasia's surprised look and decided to ignore the female dragon.

Seeing Evan wasn't responding, Anastasia stopped looking at him, shifting her gaze towards Halphas, whose anger was already on the verge of exploding from being ignored by them.

"You are leaving from here? Aren't you worried that I will lose to him or be seriously injured?"

Although Anastasia's voice was calm, Evan could feel a slight trembling in it, as if she was nervous about his response.

Hearing her question, Evan was silent for a moment. He wasn't stupid or dense so he could easily recognize her feelings for him.

Since coming out of the Tomb, he had spent most of his time with her and Elora, and it was the most peaceful and relaxed period of his life.

Since the moment he was transmigrated to Arora World, he was either fighting or trying to become stronger, without any friends or close ones to talk to so the time he spent with her was quite valuable to him.

Suddenly, a silver light started to cover Evan's body. Seeing the silver light, he knew his message had reached Ashley, and she was teleporting him away.

Realizing he would soon be teleported, he sighed and walked in front of Anastasia.

"My answer to your question about whether I am worried about you getting injured is a big NO, as I am sure this demon is just a small fry in front of you." He said to her in a calm voice and smiled slightly. "But still..." He stepped forward and lightly kissed her forehead. "Be careful and don't get your ass kicked by him."

As Evan finished speaking, his body was completely covered in silver light, and he disappeared from the space isolation formation.

Anastasia stood in the same place with a dumbfounded look on her face as if her mind had stopped working. Like a puppet, she slowly raised her stiff hand and touched her forehead with a blank look on her face.

After a moment, her mind finally processed everything that had just happened, and her eyes opened wide in shock.

"These two fu*kers..." Halphas was enraged that not only had he been forcefully teleported inside a space isolation formation, but the people who did this were also completely ignoring him as if he didn't exist.

"I am going to fu*king kill you," Halphas roared in anger, and his body started to change. His handsome face transformed into the face of a bull, his eyes turned deep red in colour, and two sharp horns grew on both sides of his head. His body bulged up, and his height increased to three meters as a terrifying aura exploded outward from his body.

Even though Halphas was releasing a terrifying aura, Anastasia didn't pay attention to him and just continued to look at the space blankly.

Seeing that Anastasia was completely unaffected by his aura, Halphas' red eyes blazed, and he swung his arm towards her.

As he swung his arm towards Anastasia...


Golden lightning flashed around his bull-like body, and...


A giant monster made of golden lightning that looked like a Kirin shot towards her.

The lightning Kirin was as fast as light and arrived in front of Anastasia in an instant. Seeing the lightning Kirin about to engulf her, Halphas smiled widely, but just before the Kirin struck her...



A terrifying aura erupted from Anastasia's body, and she started to laugh as if she had gone mad.


The entire space isolation formation started to tremble under the pressure released by Anastasia, and the lightning Kirin was instantly destroyed.


Under the pressure emanating from Anastasia's body, Halphas was forced to his knees, and a look of horror flashed on his bull-like face as he looked at Anastasia, who was laughing while releasing a terrifying black aura.

"What in the world is wrong with this woman?" He muttered in a trembling voice, as he felt the aura coming out of Anastasia's body continue to grow stronger.

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