Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 1033 Anastasia Vs Halphas (Part 3)

Chapter 1033 Anastasia Vs Halphas (Part 3)

The Life Water contains a boundless life force and has exceptional healing abilities.

Just by using a few drops, even a Peak Rank Two Core Evolver who is on the brink of death can be fully healed in the blink of an eye, which is even more potent than a high-grade Rank Three healing pill.

The higher the rank of a Core Evolver, the harder it is for them to heal themselves in case of serious injuries.

For Core Evolvers above Rank Four, it is very hard for them to heal themselves using healing pills.

This is similar to how Halphas wasn't able to heal Raum (Beginner-level rank six demon) using a Rank Five healing pill.

Other than stopping his bleeding and stabilizing his condition, the Rank Five pill didn't have much effect on him because he was a Rank Six Core Evolver.

Currently, the situation in the Gehenna Empire is very dire. Not only do they have to deal with the Dragon Islands, but even the nations under the control of the Gehenna Empire are showing signs of restlessness.

Most of the kingdoms under the control of the Gehenna Empire are ruled by demons, and after receiving the news that Baphomet is dead, the ambitions of these demons are surging and they want to break free from the Empire's control.

Although the high officials of the Gehenna Empire can control the situation for the time being, they know it won't be long before some demons lose their patience and start to act.

In the current time, when they don't know whether Baphomet is alive or not, the most important thing for Halphas and other high-level demons is to preserve as much power as possible.

Raul was a Rank Six Core Evolver and one of the pillars of the Empire. In a situation where they are on the brink of war and the kingdoms under them are showing signs of restlessness, they can't let him lie in bed for tens of years before he fully heals.

When it comes to healing, Life Water is one of the best things in Utopia, so it is natural that Halphas doesn't want to miss it.

If he could get the Life Water, it would be a piece of cake for him to heal Raum.

"As you all know, the final item for today's auction is Life Water," Bryce said as he showed the bottle filled with half a litre of Life Water to the audience. "The starting bid for the Life Water is 100 million high-level essence stones, and the increment will be 1 million high-level essence stones each!"

"150 million!"

The moment Bryce finished speaking, a cold voice rang out from one of the VIP rooms.

Evan nearly choked on the fruit he was eating and looked at the auction venue with an astonished look on his face.

He had thought the starting price of the Life Water would be around 50 million or something, not much different than the Enlightenment Stone, but everything that was happening was completely out of his expectation.

"Isn't the price of Life Water too high? Shouldn't it be around 40 or 50 million at best?" Evan said to Anastasia with a stunned look on his face.

Anastasia rolled her eyes when she heard Evan and explained to him.

"The price of Life Water depends on its quantity. If there were just a few drops of Life Water, the price would be just a few million high-level essence stones, but there is half a litre of Life Water in that bottle, so it's normal that it would be at least a few hundred million essence stones."

Hearing Anastasia, Evan felt it made sense that half a litre of Life Water would fetch such a price, but he was still shocked that the price would reach over one hundred million in a single step.

Moreover, Anderson and Halphas still hadn't started bidding, so he didn't know how much the Life Water would fetch.

"180 million!"

Another person sitting in the VIP room, from the Beastkin Race, bid.

The people in the venue were shocked because most of the people sitting in the auction venue were not high-level Core Evolvers, so it was quite shocking for them to see the bid reaching 180 million high-level essence stones in just a few seconds.

Anderson's eyes were cold as he watched people increasing the bid for Life Water, making it reach 210 million in just a minute.

"250 Million!"

Suddenly, a dominating voice rang out and Anderson looked at Halphas, who finally decided to take action.

When people heard Halphas's voice, many of them immediately decided to stop bidding.

Halphas was a mid-level Rank Six Core Evolver, and they were inside the Gehenna Empire. Among the people who came to buy Life Water, most of them were Rank Three or Rank Four, and they didn't want to mess with a Rank Six Core Evolver who could kill them without them even realizing it.

"250 million high-level essence stones. Anyone willing to bid higher?" Bryce asked in a loud voice, looking at the people in the auction venue.

Although there were many people who wanted to bid, they thought it was not worth messing with a Rank Six demon in their own empire, so most of the people hesitated and cursed Halphas because before coming to the auction, they never expected a Rank Six Core Evolver would participate.

Just when Bryce was thinking no one was going to increase the bid, Anderson finally opened his mouth.

"300 Million!"

Halphas glanced in Anderson's direction with his black eyes glowing menacingly, and he also increased the bid.

"310 Million!"

Anderson smiled coldly when he heard Halphas's bid and his indifferent voice rang out.

"350 Million!"

"Damn, these guys are really going all out," Evan muttered in a shocked voice as he couldn't believe the price had reached 300 million in just a few minutes.

He looked at Anastasia, who was eating fruits leisurely, and asked in a curious voice.

"Do you think Anderson will successfully win?"

Anastasia nodded her head and replied with a smirk.

"Because of my order, that slave vampire told Anderson that he would give him a thirty percent discount in the end, so there is no way Anderson is going to lose since in the end, he will only need to pay seventy percent of the amount that he is bidding."

Evan was speechless when he heard Anastasia and shook his head.

'She really planned everything to make sure nothing goes wrong,' He thought to himself and continued to watch the show.

After some time, just as Anastasia expected, once Anderson bid 500 million high-level essence stones, Halphas didn't raise the bid any further as 500 million was a huge sum even for him.

More importantly, the capital of the Gehenna Empire was recently destroyed by the light dragon and it was still under construction.

As if that wasn't enough, they also had to train new troops because of the war against the Dragon Islands, so he couldn't carelessly spend so many essence stones.

Seeing that Halphas wasn't bidding anymore, Bryce finally closed the bid and the Life Water was sold to Anderson.

"Let's go, we don't need to wait anymore," Anastasia said once Bryce closed the bid and both of them immediately left the room.

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