Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 1014 Gloom Puppet Curse

Chapter 1014 Gloom Puppet Curse

"Did you get the invitations?" Anastasia asked as she created a barrier around them to prevent being overheard. She then sat down on a chair, followed by Evan and the others.

Alaric, who had changed his appearance to look like a Beastkin with sharp facial features and a little wolf fur around his face took a sip of the tea he had ordered earlier and nodded.

"When the owner of the auction house is your slave, do you think it would be difficult for us to get the invitations?" He replied while looking at Anastasia with a smile.

"What kind of curse did you put on him that made him your slave, and he doesn't even know he is under your control?" Evan asked curiously as he pressed a button on the table, causing a holographic screen displaying the restaurant menu to appear in front of him.

Anastasia looked at the menu without much interest and ordered a steak before explaining.

"I used Gloom Puppet Curse on him. When someone gets marked by this curse, they won't feel anything, but I can give them some commands. Whenever something related to those commands happens, the curse will trigger," She said and continued.

"For example, after marking Leopold with the curse, I commanded him to inform me if anything important happened in the Bloodmoon Empire or other major factions. Whenever the curse triggers, Leopold will subconsciously follow the command I gave him without even realizing it." She paused after saying this and a cold smile appeared on her face.

"Of course, there are other effects as well, like I can turn him into a real puppet without free will, moving solely based on the commands I give him. But I am too lazy to control him 24/7, so I just gave him some simple commands and let him move on his own."

Evan wasn't surprised when he heard Anastasia's words and just nodded. He ordered a bunch of dishes using the holographic screen and waited for his order to arrive.

Although Evan didn't care much about the curse Anastasia mentioned, Sylvan and Ashley were quite shocked to learn she could turn Leopold into her puppet anytime she wanted.

Although Leopold wasn't very strong despite being a Rank Five Core Evolver, his connections and information network in Utopia were invaluable since he was the owner of one of the biggest auction houses in Utopia.

'She came out of the Shadow Realm just a few months ago, and she already turned one of the most influential people in Utopia into her slave...' Evan thought inwardly and nodded. 'As expected from a dragon who has been alive for who knows how many years.'

As they were talking, the dishes they ordered arrived. Ashley, Sylvan, and Alaric were surprised to see that Evan had practically ordered almost half of the restaurant's menu.

Once the waiter left after placing the dishes, everyone, except Anastasia looked at him with a weird expression, wondering if he had been starving for years.

Evan didn't care about Sylvan and others' expressions, and in the next second, a black golden light flashed and all the dishes he had ordered disappeared.

"What the—" Alaric and the others were stunned when they saw the black golden light because they felt a powerful destructive energy from it.

They all looked at Evan with questioning eyes, wanting to know what that destructive light was.

Evan shrugged his shoulders when he saw their questioning looks and said in a calm voice.

"A skill that allows me to eat all the food in an instant. It's a very good skill to save time."

Anastasia, eating the steak she had ordered shook her head with a speechless look on her face, thinking the appetite of her recently found daughter was the same as ever.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. There's no need to spout bullshit in broad daylight," Alaric said while rolling his eyes when he heard Evan.

'As if I would believe such destructive energy was related to a skill that helps you eat your food in an instant.'

Evan didn't say anything when he heard Alaric's sarcastic remark and just leaned back in his chair.

Soon Anastasia finished her steak and ordered a cake for herself. Evan looked at her from the corner of his eye and thought mother and daughter were indeed the same.

"Do you think he wants that thing to revive his son?" Ashley asked while placing her hands on the table and resting her chin on them.

"Most likely. Some skills of vampires make them even worse than cockroaches. They can come back to life with just a drop of blood, so I think he needs that item to provide enough life force to revive his son," Sylvan said thoughtfully.

Hearing Sylvan, Ashley looked at Evan with an expressionless face. Seeing the way Ashley was looking at him, Evan raised an eyebrow in confusion.


Ashley's mouth twitched when she heard him and she said in a speechless voice.

"What do you mean by 'what'? Don't you know everything is happening because of you? It was you who killed that guy's son in the Tomb of the Ancient."

"Is that so..." Evan shrugged his shoulders when he heard Ashley and replied with a smirk on his face. "I killed many people in the Tomb, so I don't remember clearly if I killed the son of a vampire duke while I was there."

"I don't think it's something you should be proud of," Ashley said while rubbing her eyebrows when she saw Evan's smirk.

Soon, the cake Anastasia ordered arrived. After finishing it, she stood up and grabbed Evan's hand.

"We still have five days before the event starts. I have to visit a place, so I'll see you guys later," She said and before Alaric or anyone else could say anything, she disappeared along with Evan.

Sylvan and Alaric blinked a few times when Anastasia and Evan disappeared.

But suddenly, something clicked in their minds and their mouth hung open.

"They... Did both of them dine and dash?"

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