Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 273: Archaic Earth Dragon: Weakened Boss

As they approached, they realized the red glow emanated from lava, and its source was a colossal creature, curled up on the ground like a small mountain, at least 10 meters tall. If it stood up, it would likely exceed 30 meters in height.

The source of the dungeon's lava was the creature's drool, dripping from its mouth as it slept. Since the ground had already cooled, when lava droplets fell from the corners of its mouth now, they solidified into stone shortly after hitting the ground.

Needless to say, this was the dungeon's true boss.

"It's huge!" Mu Xianxian gasped, covering her mouth. This boss was even larger than the Archaic Luanniao they had encountered in the core area.

A Detection spell fell on the boss and revealed its attributes.

[Archaic Earth Dragon (weakened lord rank boss)]

[Level: 58]

[Strength: 130,000]

[Agility: 60,000]

[Spirit: 60,000]

[Physique: 150,000]

[Skills: Fire Dragon Breath, War Stomp, Dragon Tail Swipe]

[Traits: 70% Physical Damage Reduction, 70% Elemental Damage Reduction, Curse Effect Greatly Weakened]

Lin Moyu instinctively felt a sense of caution upon seeing the word 'archaic,' recalling the Archaic Luanniao. However, after examining its attributes, he breathed a sigh of relief. With a total of 400,000 in attributes, it was comparable to a level 56 world rank boss—it was manageable.

Mu Xianxian quietly asked, "What does 'weakened lord rank boss' mean?"

Lin Moyu shook his head, equally puzzled, "No idea."

This was his first time encountering a weakened monster.

Mu Xianxian furrowed her brow, "I've seen enhanced monsters before, which are stronger than others of their type. But a weakened monster? This is new to me."

As they pondered, the Archaic Earth Dragon stirred—it was waking up. A blast of hot air shot from its massive nostrils, like a force 12 hurricane, triggering the Bone Armor.

So strong! Lin Moyu felt a chill in his heart.

He decided to strike first, summoning all 13 undead legions—2,600 Skeletal Warriors and 1,690 Skeletal Mages. The Lich Generals applied status buffs, their white light illuminating the dark terrain.

The Skeletal Mages spread out, encircling the Archaic Earth Dragon, while the Skeletal Warriors charged forward. Just as the Archaic Earth Dragon stood up, shaking its massive body, another blast of wind erupted, momentarily halting the Skeletal Warriors.

Now towering over 30 meters, the boss was even more terrifying. Its enormous size made every slight movement cause significant upheaval. Glancing at the charging Skeletal Warriors as if they were mere ants, it casually lifted its feet and stomped down.

Skill: War Stomp!

The ground cracked like a spiderweb. The Skeletal Warriors were flung back like raindrops, severely injured.

"So strong!" Lin Moyu narrowed his eyes and muttered, realizing that while the dragon’s attributes seemed manageable, its skills were overwhelmingly powerful. With just one blow, it had nearly wiped out the Skeletal Warriors.

The Lich Generals began healing, streaks of white light illuminating the battlefield as the Skeletal Warriors were quickly restored. No matter how powerful the attack, as long as they weren't instantly killed, they could keep fighting.

Despite many being blasted away, more Skeletal Warriors continued to climb, reminiscent of the vision from the class awakening ceremony. Their attacks rained down on the Archaic Earth Dragon, producing sounds like metal clashing.

However, the boss's thick scales provided an incredibly strong defense. With its formidable 150,000-strong physique attribute, the Skeletal Warriors' attacks could only inflict negligible damage.

"Let's grind it down!" Lin Moyu uttered, tapping the air with his finger.

Skill: Damage Curse!

A tiny red sword pattern appeared on the Archaic Earth Dragon's head, though its color was duller than usual. Lin Moyu realized the boss's trait had significantly weakened the curse’s effect—by at least 60%. Still, it was better than nothing.

With the curse, the damage dealt by the skeletons increased noticeably.

The Skeletal Mages rained magic spells on the boss from a distance of 200 meters, forming a massive circle.

The Archaic Earth Dragon opened its mouth and roared.

Skill: Fire Dragon Breath!

The scorching breath ignited the Skeletal Warriors one after another, pushing them to the brink of death. Before the Lich Generals could heal them, the boss’s massive tail swept across the battlefield.

Skill: Dragon Tail Swipe.

Over a hundred Skeletal Warriors were sent flying, with more than 30 shattering in midair.

Lin Moyu felt a pang of heartache and said in a grave voice, "Even though its attributes are weakened, its skills are still as powerful as ever."

Despite the reduction in its attributes, but the boss's skills remained just as potent as before. Otherwise, if it were an ordinary lord rank boss, it wouldn’t have been able to decimate the Skeletal Warriors so quickly.

With one breath and a tail swipe, Lin Moyu had already lost 30-plus Skeletal Warriors. His recently replenished undead legions were suffering losses once again.

He glanced at the time—over 5 hours remained until the Eartheart dungeon closed. They had already spent nearly 4 hours inside.

"If we can finish the battle within half an hour, we might have time to clear the dungeon again." He thought, torn between wanting to complete another run and minimizing further losses to his skeletons.

Lin Moyu decided to join the battle himself, and Soul Blaze ignited in his hand and then landed on the boss's head.

The Archaic Earth Dragon suddenly paused, its massive eyes locking onto Lin Moyu.

For a moment, Lin Moyu was stunned. There was no reaction—could Soul Blaze have failed? It seemed impossible. Whether it was against Godly Mage Xu Yan or the Archaic Luanniao, Soul Blaze had always been successful. Yet, against the Archaic Earth Dragon, the skill appeared to have failed. Though the damage was there, but the boss showed no signs of pain.

"No, it feels the pain." Lin Moyu realized, seeing the anger in the Archaic Earth Dragon's eyes.

"Watch out!" He quickly pulled Mu Xianxian behind him, casting Bone Armor on both of them.


The boss's Fire Dragon Breath was already heading their way, its scorching heat triggering their Bone Armor to shimmer. Then, War Stomp followed, giving Lin Moyu no chance to evade.

With a loud bang, both were sent flying, their Bone Armor shattering.

Lin Moyu reacted quickly, recasting Bone Armor in midair on both himself and Mu Xianxian.

Mu Xianxian’s face was pale—she was clearly injured. Unlike Lin Moyu, she didn’t have the Damage Transfer skill, so she bore the full brunt of the damage.

The two crashed to the ground, more than a hundred meters away.

Lin Moyu handed her several Recovery Potions, "Move further away for now. I'll call you later."

Mu Xianxian nodded and quickly retreated.

But the Archaic Earth Dragon wasn’t satisfied, charging at Lin Moyu, covering a dozen meters with each step. In just a few strides, it was right in front of him, stomping down with considerable force.

This time, it wasn’t using War Stomp—it was just a regular stomp. But the power was still great.

Lin Moyu quickly summoned several Lich Generals to shield him.

Though they lacked combat power, the Lich Generals had the strongest physique among his summons, and their tall stature made them ideal for blocking the boss’s attack.

Simultaneously, Lin Moyu raised his hands, aiming at the boss’s feet. White light flashed on his fingertips as he unleashed Bone Fangs.

In under a second, he fired Bone Fangs six times, the fangs glistening with while light piercing the boss’s feet, creating bloody holes.

The Archaic Earth Dragon roared, clearly in pain, lifting its feet to stomp again, its feet glowing with the skill’s light.

Skill: War Stomp!

But Lin Moyu was ready, continuously reapplying Bone Armor to perfectly block the attack. He then pointed at the Archaic Earth Dragon and cast a skill.

Skill: Poison Star Ring!

The Archaic Earth Dragon was instantly dyed green.

Subsequently, Lin Moyu unleashed Soul Blaze repeatedly. Having already drawn its aggro, he stepped into the role of a tank once more.

Enraged, the Archaic Earth Dragon focused all its attacks on Lin Moyu, completely ignoring the Skeletal Warriors and Skeletal Mages.

"Keep fighting! Cut it down!" Lin Moyu commanded as the battle raged on.

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