Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 246: The Number Of Fresh Corpses Is Growing

Succubus Alice was among the Demons. Although she was only level 50, which was considered low-level among the Abyssal Demons, but her status was the highest, serving as an envoy of the Succubus Queen. The Abyssal Demons were compelled to obey her commands.

Jiang Hanshan, having identified the approaching Demons, breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunate, there are only high rank Demons, no lord rank demons."

The Abyssal World was teeming with Demons, and they had a strict hierarchy. Demons were categorized by level: below level 40 were ordinary Demons, between level 40 and level 69 were high-level Demons, above level 70 were top-level Demons.

In additions, Demons were also divided into ranks, with higher ranks correlating with greater status: Demon, lord rank Demon, and Demon King rank Demon.

This strict classification clearly defined the hierarchy among the Demons.

Lin Moyu was well aware of this classification. The Crimson Moon Demon he encountered before was a lord rank Demon. In terms of status, Demons of the same level couldn't compare to it. Only top-level Demons above level 70 could rival the level 55 Crimson Moon Demon in terms of strength.

However, the Crimson Moon Demon was quite special, differing from ordinary Demons. Its mind was rather simplistic. It possessed lord rank Demon strength, but lacked the intelligence typically associated with its rank, making it suitable only as a henchman.

The Dragonkind also had a hierarchical distinction, but it was cruder and more senseless, which was quite in line with their nature. Among Dragonkind, the purer the bloodline, the higher the status. Therefore, there were common and noble Dragonkind.

Even if it was a level 70 common Dragonkind, their status and authority would be lower than that of a level 30 noble Dragonkind. The Dragonkind valued bloodline above all else.

Among the approaching Dragonkind, some possessed powerful bloodlines. This was evident from the auras they emanated and their equipment. Their auras were more powerful, and their equipment was more ornate and exquisite, adorned with numerous jewels, vibrant and colorful, fitting the Dragonkind's characteristics.

They belonged to the noble class of Dragonkind.

Lin Moyu observed the rapidly approaching Dragonkind and remarked, "Their equipment looks quite impressive."

Mo Yun looked at Lin Moyu askance. This guy was already eyeing other people's equipment.

Lin Moyu turned to Jiang Hanshanand said, "In a moment, follow my lead and use the flight restrictions skill."

Jiang Hanshan nodded, "Understood."

The Shadow Great Mage nodded, "Got it."

Jiang Hanshan chose to trust Lin Moyu, and his party chose to trust Jiang Hanshan.

When the Abyssal Demons were about 500 meters away, they halted and spread out across the sky, maintaining a distance of more than 100 meters from one another. This was clearly a tactic to counter Lin Moyu's Corpse Explosion skill.

Alice fixed her eyes on Lin Moyu, located the farthest away from Lin Moyu. Seeing Lin Moyu's calm and even slightly relaxed expression, she couldn't help but feel a growing fear.

She threw down a crystal ball, which seemed to flicker with flames inside. With a bang, the crystal ball shattered upon hitting the ground, creating a vast sea of fire.

The fire was an eerie dark-green, burning fiercely on the solid black ground. The earth instantly melted into lava, serving as a testament to the fire's extreme temperature.

The countenance of Mo Yun and Jiang Hanshan changed dramatically, and Mo Yun exclaimed in shock, "Abyssal Fire."

Lin Moyu turned to look with a questioning expression. He had never heard of Abyssal Fire before.

Mo Yun explained, "It is said that Abyssal Fire is the source of power for Abyssal Demons, that the first Demon in the Abyss was born from Abyssal Fire. Within the range of Abyssal Fire, the power of Abyssal Demons will be greatly increased."

At this moment, Jiang Hanshan also spoke up, "Within the range of Abyssal Fire, the power of Abyssal Demons can be raised by at least 30%."

Lin Moyu roughly understood. The Abyssal Fire could be seen as a state buss for the Abyssal Demons. The Abyssal Demons already had the highest attributes among the three races, and with this status buff, their attributes would become even more formidable.

Jiang Hanshan continued, "It was because of the presence of Abyssal Fire that our human armies have failed to attack the Abyss so far. We must be careful."

After the Abyssal Fire was released, Alice shouted, "Attack!"

In an instant, the large number of Abyssal Demons rushed forward, their appearances ferocious, exuding powerful auras. Dark abyssal power surged in their hands, and they unleashed a barrage of attacks.

The abyssal power transformed into black swords that rained down like raindrops. Some of the abyssal power combined with the Abyssal Fire, forming dark green fireballs that fell from the sky.

Moreover, the Abyssal Demons flapped their wings, creating tornado-like attacks. A few Abyssal Demons in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Hanshan shouted, "Be careful!"

He wanted to protect Lin Moyu, but then was stopped by the other party's gaze.

At the same time, four slender daggers appeared around Lin Moyu. Four Abyssal Demons, capable of becoming invisible, had snuck up on Lin Moyu.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Along with four consecutive sharp sounds, the Bone Armor shone brightly, blocking their attacks.

Lin Moyu smirked slightly and pressed down with his hand.

Skill: Slow Curse!

Subjected to the curse, the four Abyssal Demons were revealed. The four Demons were short in stature, only about 1.5 meters tall, half-crouched with a pair of small wings on their backs, unlike other high-level Demons that were tall and imposing.

A flash of panic streaked past the eyes of the four Demons, and they retreated swiftly, leaving afterimages in the air.

Seeing the slight smile playing on Lin Moyu's lips, Succubus Alice felt a chill go down her spine, realizing something was amiss. Through the gaps in the mass of skeletons, she saw a corpse, a fresh monster corpse.

There was another flash of red light, and the Slow Curse was replaced by the Damage Curse. Almost at the same time, there was a loud explosion!

The monster corpse detonated, instantly killing the four Abyssal Demons.

The 55-level monster might not be a match for level 60 Abyssal Demons in terms of health. But with the 10-fold amplification of the Damage Curse and the 10-fold amplification of the Corpse Explosion, even level 60 Abyssal Demons couldn't withstand it.

Jiang Hanshan shivered involuntarily when he saw this scene. He recognized the four dead Demons. They were Abyssal Nightstalkers, similar to human Assassins.

Abyssal Nightstalkers could turn invisible, were very fast, possessed great explosive power, and specialized in ambushes. They could even potentially one-shot other Mages and supports of the same level.

However, the downside was that their health and defense were fairly low, and once caught, they could easily be killed. But they shouldn't have been one-shitted like this.

With four fresh corpses... the battle turned in their favor.

Alice bellowed while in midair, "Spread out. Be careful of Lin Moyu's group attacks."

A barrage of attacks from the Abyssal Demons rained, pummeling Lin Moyu. His Bone Armor gleamed and creaked under the onslaught. The power of the attacks was undeniably formidable.

Although not quite on par with those from the Earth Evil Centipede, but the attacks were just as potent as those from the Crimson Moon Demon. Even his Bone Armor couldn't withstand them for long.

Lin Moyu quickly recast his Bone Armor and that of Mo Yun. As for Jiang Hanshan and company, there was no need to worry about them. The Shadow Great Mage in their party cast a dark cloud that shielded them from all attacks.

The Abyssal Demons spread out and launched attacks from a distance—exactly as Succubus Alice had planned. She believed this was the safest approach.

The surprise attack of the four Abyssal Nightstalkers was merely an attempt, but it had failed, much to her surprise.

Ignoring the dispersed Abyssal Demons, Lin Moyu turned his attention to the Dragonkind class users charging toward them.

The Dragonkind, fairly simple in their thinking, rushed directly at them, not paying attention to what the Abyssal Demons were doing They were practically ignoring the Abyssal Demons.

Following the Dragon King's orders, their sole objective was to reduce Lin Moyu to a pulp.

The supports cast status buffs in rapid succession as the melee fighters charged at Lin Moyu.

"This is the kind fight like!" Lin Moyu chuckled.

A skeleton picked an Abyssal Nightstalker corpse and threw it into the air.

Mo Yun said softly, "It's going to rain again."

Before Jiang Hanshan could react, a red light flashed by, followed by a powerful explosion. The explosion in the air was even more devastating than on the ground.

Nearly half of the Dragonkind class users were killed in the blast, and their bodies plummeted in a grisly downpour.

It was only then that Jiang Hanshan understood what Mo Yun meant by rain.

Even several Dragonkind nobles at the forefront, clad in ornate armor, were not spared. They also perished in the explosion.

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