Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 244: Memories Of The Past; Chinese Character

Chapter 244: Memories Of The Past; Chinese Character

The rune was shockingly the character 兵. It wasn't a character from this world, but from his previous world. It was a Chinese character. ƒгeeweɓn૦

He was too familiar with Chinese characters, to the extent that he didn't react at first.

How could the Primordial Rune display a Chinese character? What did this mean? Could there be more things related to China within the Primordial Space?

Lin Moyu lowered his head, narrowing his eyes, feeling as though he had stumbled upon an incredible secret. It was mystical truly mystical.

At this moment, Lin Moyu felt a strong desire to explore the Primordial Space. He wished he could go there immediately and take a look. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to go there now.

Lin Moyu would either have to kill the boss in the center most of the upper layer and go down the channel, or wait until he reached level 70 and then enter the lower layers of the Immemorial Battlefield from the outside. These were the only two options.

"What are you thinking about? Don't tell me you're studying the Primordial Rune?" Mo Yun suddenly asked.

Lin Moyu had his head lowered as if he were inspecting the Primordial Rune.

Mo Yun uttered with a smile, "Don't waste your time. The Primordial Rune is way too complex to understand it in a few tries You'll need to be at least level 70 before you can even start studying it."

Lin Moyu suppressed the shock in his eyes, looked up, and said, "Oh, I was just taking a look."

He couldn't possibly reveal that he recognized the Primordial Rune, not even to Bai Yiyuan.

"It seems this mystery can only be solved in the Primordial Space." Lin Moyu mused.

Solely examining the character 兵 couldn't provide any answers. The answers could only be found in the Primordial Space. Meanwhile, he should focus on leveling up, for with strength came qualification.

The two proceeded toward the core area.

The level and number of the monsters grew higher and greater respectively. Solo class users were practically nonexistent here; human class users moved in parties.

For safety, multiple parties stayed within proximity, and distress signals were heeded, demonstrating the unity of the human race.

Human class users occupied a large area here, with parties maintaining contact with each other, unafraid of Dragonkind and Abyssal Demons.

Dragonkind class users also moved in groups, but were less organized compared to humans. Abyssal Demons were even more chaotic, with a high-level Demon leading a group of low-level Demons and roaming erratically.

The three factions were often in conflict, with battles never ceasing.

Mo Yun, with the scarlet pillar of light above her, attracted the attention of many human class users, leaving them surprised.

Two people, one level 41 and one level 30, dared to wander around here. Any random monster they encountered here should be able to kill them.

In particular, with the Primordial Runes's light above Mo Yun, they would be even more a target for pursuit.

According to reason, they shouldn't have been able to get here. Yet, here they were, advancing in a leisurely manner, seemingly slow yet progressing swiftly.

Lin Moyu's pace wasn't slow. Although it appeared he was merely taking a stroll, but he could cover thousands of kilometers each day, heading toward the light.

The Immemorial Battlefield was incredibly vast.

Ever since arriving here, Lin Moyu had traveled at least 10,000 kilometers, yet it didn't seem like he had gotten any closer to the pillar of light rising into the sky from the core.

After resting for two days, Mo Yun had fully recovered. There was now only one day left until she would completely fuse with the rune.

By the time she fully fused with the Primordial Rune, even if someone killed her, they wouldn't be able to obtain the rune. People weren't eager to do things that didn't come with benefits. At that time, she should be safe. She just had to hold on for one last day.

Lin Moyu and Mo Yun bypassed a monster blocking their path. They went out of their way to avoid fighting, even if it meant taking a detour of several kilometers. They repeated this again and again.

Mo Yun asked curiously, "With your strength, clearing these monsters shouldn't be difficult. Why do we keep taking detours?"

Lin Moyu gave her a flat glance, "What are we here for?"

"To look for the Divine Selection Secret Realm." Mo Yun replied instinctively, a puzzled expression on her face, as if saying, "Don't you know?"

Lin Moyu continued, "And is there a set location for it?"

Mo Yun shook her head. No one knew where the Divine Selection Secret Realm would appear. Someone once moved a large stone and found the Divine Selection Secret Realm behind it. Therefore, it was all up to luck and chance.

Lin Moyu uttered, "Since there's no set location, does it matter which way we go?"

Mo Yun had nothing to say in response. His words were right; without a specific location, it didn't matter which way they went.

There was another reason Lin Moyu hadn't mentioned—he didn't want to gain EXP. He had tried to kill as few monsters as possible, but the monsters only got more numerous and grew more aggressive.

Many times he couldn't avoid them and had to kill them. At this time, his EXP had already reached 70%. If this continued, it wouldn't be long before he leveled up.

There was a slight difference between gaining divinity at level 30 and at level 31. Following Bai Yiyuan's advice, Lin Moyu strived for the best possible outcome.

When other class users saw them avoiding the monsters, they interpreted it differently. Most assumed the two were scared and didn't dare provoke the monsters.

This made sense. After all, the monsters here were at least level 55. To their mind, with the levels of the two, provoking these monsters was tantamount to throwing their lives away.

Seeing Mo Yun, a man's eyes lip up, and he came over, "Beautiful miss, my name is Claude. I see that you've obtained a Primordial Rune. We can protect you."

Claude was dressed in the distinctive attire of an Eagle Kingdom class user, wearing a military badge—eight-star lieutenant.

Mo Yun shook her head, "There's no need."

The man looked disappointed, "But miss, you'll be in danger like this. There are many monsters here. Furthermore, your Primordial Rune will attract Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind."

He just finished speaking, when a hearty laugh came from the side, "We of the Shenxia Empire don't need protection from people of the Eagle Kingdom."

A class user party, dressed in the characteristic attire of the Shenxia Empire, walked over. They were 18 in total, exuding a formidable aura.

On the Immemorial Battlefield, such parties had a special name—boss party. They didn't go into dungeons, but roamed the Immemorial Battlefield, looking for boss monsters to kill.

On the Immemorial Battlefield, there was a staggering amount of ordinary rank bosses.

Ordinary rank bosses weren't as strong as lord rank and or world rank bosses, and the things they dropped weren't particularly impressive. But they still dropped equipment that regular monsters didn't. Killing them was highly profitable.

Occasionally, a few pieces of top-tier equipment would drop, which could not only enhance their own equipment, but also be sold for a lot of money.

On the Immemorial Battlefield, there were quite a few boss parties.

Mo Yun glanced at them and said in a quiet voice, "They're from the Jialan Guild."

Lin Moyu had heard of the Jialan Guild, mainly because they were incredibly famous.

The Jialan Guild was one of the top guilds in the Shenxia Empire, and it was more powerful than the Dynasty Guild. Whether it was the Immemorial Battlefield, the Dimensional Battlefield, or the wilderness of the Shenxia Empire, their presence was everywhere.

The party in front of Lin Moyu was a boss party from the Jialan Guild, each member proudly wearing the guild's unique badge. Their equipment was all top-tier platinum rank. They also had a few boss accessories.

Jiang Hanshan didn't hide his aura of superiority, his face full of confidence. Being over level 60, he looked down at Claude with a condescending gaze.

Claude forced a smile, "So it's Jiang Hanshan from the Jialan Guild."

"I see that you know of me." Jiang Hanshan glanced at Claude indifferently and then ignored him.

The blatant disregard made Claude's expression crack slightly, but he eventually turned and left without a word. He knew he was no match for Jiang Hanshan. If they were to fight, he would surely be the one to eat a loss.

Claude couldn't afford to provoke him and had no choice but to back down. It wasn't just him; his entire party felt the same way.

After Claude left, their party quickly distanced themselves, eager to avoid any trouble with Jiang Hanshan. They couldn't afford to provoke the Shenxia Empire or the Jialan Guild, including Jiang Hanshan and them.

Jiang Hanshan then turned to Mo Yun, "Holy Spirit Summoner, mid-tier legendary class, very impressive!"

Mo Yun smiled but didn't say anything. Given Jiang Hanshan's level, Mo Yun's level and class couldn't be concealed from him.

Next, Jiang Hanshan looked at Lin Moyu and showed a surprised expression, "Level 30, Necromancer? This is the first time I've heard of this class."

In the next moment, his pupils contracted sharply, and he stood up straight, saluting Lin Moyu, "Nine-star lieutenant Jiang Hanshan greets senior officer!"

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