Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 234: The Level Is Still Too Low.

The Bone Armor erupted with dazzling white light, its brightness directly proportional to the damage it endured. Enveloped by white light, Lin Moyu heard cracking sounds and saw a web of cracks spread over the Bone Armor.

The Earth Evil Centipede's attack was incredibly powerful, only surpassed by the attack of the Fire Demon King. The Bone Armor could only withstand one hit. A second attack would shatter it.

The Earth Evil Centipede possessed formidable attack power and equally formidable defense. Its Physical Damage Reduced by 30% and Elemental Damage Reduced by 30% traits proved a major headache, rendering the Lich Generals' status buffs useless.

Ultimately, Lin Moyu felt that his level was too low. Confronting the Earth Evil Centipede at level 30 placed him at a great disadvantage. Had he been level 40 and undergone the second class awakening, things would have been much easier. However, with the fight underway, there was no point lamenting things now.

Lin Moyu swiftly recast the Bone Armor, acting as a tank to divert the Earth Evil Centipede's attacks.

The Skeletal Warriors capitalized on the distraction and climbed onto the Earth Evil Centipede's massive body, and their blades descended like hammer on anvil, creating a cacophony of din.

These ordinary attacks failed to inflict significant damage to the Earth Evil Centipede.

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The Skeletal Warriors, as directed by Lin Moyu, didn't use their skill.

Simultaneously, Soul Blaze struck again and again, each blow causing the Earth Evil Centipede to howl in agony. The relentless assault inflamed its hatred for Lin Moyu, causing it to completely disregard the Skeletal Warriors crawling all over its body.

The Earth Evil Centipede also ignored the attacks of the Skeletal Mages, its sole focus now on eliminating Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu repeatedly reapplied the Bone Armor. With his spirit force now aplenty, and its restoration rate astonishingly high, he could sustain this consumption. If it were before, this would have been impossible.

Ling Yizhan and the others watched in shock.

"You can fight... the Earth Evil Centipede like this?"

"What exactly is his class? It's tougher than Knight."

"What an incredible tank."

"Party Leader, if it were us, how many hits could we withstand?"

Ling Yizhan snapped, "How many hits? We would be dead already. Enough with the chatter. Quickly fall back, move to the edge. Don't forget about the Earth Evil Centipede's skills."

The others were startled and hurriedly retreated.

The Earth Evil Centipede's skills...

The foremost as well as the largest pair of its insect legs suddenly burst forth with dazzling light.

Skill: Slice and Dice!

The insect legs turned into unstoppable blades, slicing wildly at Lin Moyu. The Bone Armor unleashed a series of clanging sounds, pushed to the brink of its resilience in the blink of an eye. The skill's attack power was immense.

Lin Moyu's eyes remained calm and composed as he recast Bone Armor repeatedly, blocking the Earth Evil Centipede's assault three times in a row.

Finally, the Skeletal Warriors were all in place, covering every inch of the Earth Evil Centipede's back. At least 1,000 Skeletal Warriors had climbed onto the 100-meter-long Earth Evil Centipede.

With a flash of red light, the Slow Curse changed to Damage Curse, amplifying damage tenfold.

At the same time, Lin Moyu issued a command.

Skill: Berserk Strike!

The 1,000 Skeletal Warriors unleashed their skills simultaneously, combined with the Damage Curse, instantly breaking the Earth Evil Centipede's carapace and riddling its body with wounds.

Simultaneously, the Skeletal Mages' attacks arrived. With the Damage Curse's tenfold amplification, the Skeletal Mages' assault caused substantial damage.

Lin Moyu wasn't idle either. He raised his hand and aimed at the Earth Evil Centipede, his fingers poised like a gun.

Skill: Bone Fangs!

Bone Fangs erupted at close range. A total of 1,200 Bone Fangs stabbed into the Earth Evil Centipede and then exited on the other side, spilling copious amounts of blood.

Individually, each Bone Fang inflicted less damage than Soul Blaze. However, when combined and unleashed at close range, their collective damage far exceeded that of Soul Blaze.

The 1,200 Bone Spikes all hit the Earth Evil Centipede, not a single one missed. Wave after wave, Bone Fangs continued to eject out, punching bloody holes into its body.

The Earth Evil Centipede howled in agony and then spun wildly.

Skill: Swipe!

The Earth Evil Centipede spun like a spinning top, flinging off most of the Skeletal Warriors covering its body. The Skeletal Warriors on the ground were also knocked into the air.

Battered by an immense force, the Skeletal Warriors were injured one after another. The Lich Generals swiftly provided treatment, ensuring the ability of the skeletons to continue fighting.

The Earth Evil Centipede was now covered in wounds, looking pitiful and miserable. It let out a furious roar, and green poisonous fog sprayed out from all over its body.

Skill: Deadly Toxic Fog.

The poisonous fog spread over an area more than 1,000 meters in radius. As the Earth Evil Centipede moved, the range of the poisonous fog shifted, causing the ground within it to decay and dissolve. The toxicity of the poisonous fog was tremendous.

Standing within the poisonous fog, Lin Moyu's Bone Armor gleamed, barely under any pressure. What seemed like a formidable attack was, in his eyes, less threatening than the Earth Evil Centipede's direct strikes. The presence of Elemental Resistance reduced elemental damage by four times.

The same was true for the skeletons. Although they kept taking poison elemental damage, the Lich Generals' treatment ensured they weren't in any real danger.

The skeletons were more vulnerable to powerful single-target attacks that could instantly deal massive damage or even kill them outright. Sustained damage was more dangerous before Lin Moyu had reached level 30. But now, with the Lich Generals' support, it was almost negligible.

And besides, the Lich Generals' physique had reached 100,000, making them harder to kill than the skeletons.

The Skeletal Warriors that were flung away charged back into the fray, while the Skeletal Mages' attacks never ceased and Lin Moyu's palm continued to burned with fire, repeatedly assaulting the Earth Evil Centipede with Soul Blaze.

Ling Yizhan and his party, standing at the edge of the sealed space, swallowed nervously. The fog obscured their view, so they couldn't see what was going inside. But they could hear the Earth Evil Centipede's constant roars. The battle raged on.

All they could do was pray that Lin Moyu would persevere. Otherwise, both he and they would die.

Even through they couldn't see the battle, but Ling Yizhan and his party still kept their eyes fixed on the poisonous fog, not daring to relax for even a moment.

"Can he pull through?"

"At this point, we have no choice but to believe in him."

"Party Leader, do you regret coming back? We could have run away earlier."

Regret? Ling Yizhan immediately had an answer, "I don't regret it. Even though I had some questionable thoughts at first, I soon saw the light."

"We are all human and should look out for and help each other. Besides, he is our junior. If there's a battle, as the senior, I should be leading from the front."

At this moment, a Knight laughed heartily and said, "What are you talking about? If anyone should be leading from the front, it should be us. Although you are the party leader, but as a support, you should be at the back."

The group burst out laughing, as if they had put the danger out of their minds for the time being.

Within the poisonous fog, the Earth Evil Centipede grew increasingly frenzied. Suddenly, it lunged at a Skeletal Warrior, a pair of its front insect legs glowing brightly.

Skill: Slice and Dice!

Its front legs, as if expert blades, cut the Skeletal Warrior into pieces in an instant.

Lin Moyu sighed inwardly—finally, it had noticed. He had intentionally drawn its attention because he knew from the start that its single-target skill could kill the Skeletal Warriors in one strike. That was why he acted as a tank.

After swiftly dispatching a Skeletal Warrior, the Earth Evil Centipede lunged toward the Skeletal Mages, aware of their fragility.

"Scatter!" Lin Moyu willed, and the Skeletal Mages immediately dispersed. Simultaneously, he released the Slow Curse.

The Earth Evil Centipede slowed down once more. The Skeletal Mages quickly spread out. When its speed decreased, the Earth Evil Centipede began to glow intensely.

Skill: Swipe!

It swept through the area with its body like a whirlwind, flinging several Skeletal Mages backward, and they disintegrated in midair.

"My level is still lacking!" Lin Moyu admitted, aware there was no way around it. He summoned more skeletons from the summon space to fill the gaps.

Because his level was too low, this had become a battle of endurance, to see who ground whom first. ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

If he were level 40, Lin Moyu believed the fight would not be this arduous.

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