Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 230: Please Stay Out Of My Way

Chapter 230: Please Stay Out Of My Way

Lin Moyu watched the approaching figures, which stopped 10 meters away from him, with wary eyes. They were also a party of twelve.

But unlike the Dragonkind party Lin Moyu fought just now, this human party consisted of two Knights, one Battle King support, three Healers, three Archers, and three Mages. This was a party that primarily focused on ranged attacks.

Lin Moyu sized them up, already calculating in his mind how to respond were they to attack him. Although they were humans and his seniors at the academy, but he wouldn't show them any mercy.

"Hey, junior, why did you come to the Immemorial Battlefield at level 30?" The Battle King support, who led the party, stepped forward and uttered with a friendly smile.

Lin Moyu didn't answer but instead asked, "What do you want?"

The Battle King support subconsciously wrinkled his eyebrows. This junior wasn't really the talkative sort. Nevertheless, he still uttered patiently, "Junior, you're a student of the Xiajing Academy, right? We're from the Chuangshi Institute. My name is Ling Yizhan."

"I see. What do you want?"

Seeing that Lin Moyu was still like this, Ling Yizhan showed a hint of displeasure on his face, "Junior, do you realize you're in grave danger right now?"

Lin Moyu looked up at the scarlet light shooting into the sky, "I'm aware."

Ling Yizhan continued to say, "Junior, we can protect you. We can help you get through the 10-day period."

Lin Moyu shook his head, "Thanks, but there's no need."

"I'm leaving. Please stay out of my away." Lin Moyu didn't even bother to learn their names. After he was done speaking, he turned and left.

Protection? Did he need other people's protection?

For the next 10 days, he aimed to avoid contact with people as much as possible. If they were foes, things would be simple. But since they were also humans, he couldn't initiate an attack. Keeping his distance was the best solution.

"Junior, you'll die like this." Ling Yizhan called after him.

Ignoring him, Lin Moyu swiftly walked away and disappeared from sight, leaving only the scarlet light shooting into the sky.

With the scarlet light serving as a beacon, they could go after him at any time.

A Knight said to Ling Yizhan, "Party Leader, this kid seems quite arrogant."

Ling Yizhan nodded, "He might be some prodigy. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to the Immemorial Battlefield at level 30."

The Knight sneered, "This kid is really lucky. He actually obtained the Primordial Rune. It's a shame we weren't the ones to acquire it."

Ling Yizhan raised his eyebrows, his voice dropping to a low hiss, "Don't even think about it. After all, he is a fellow human, and our junior at that."

The knight smiled, "Of course, I know that. I wouldn't lay a finger on him. But without our protection, he won't last long out there. To roam the Immemorial Battlefield alone at level 30, does he think he's a level 60 class user?"

The other Knight joined the conversation, "I noticed his eyes earlier. This kid must not be a simple character."

Ling Yizhan nodded, "He's wary of us. Clearly, he knows about the Primordial Rune. Someone like that must come from an extraordinary background. I suspect he has left a soul brand, so even if he dies, he can be resurrected. If that's really the case, and we attack him…"

Everyone understood immediately. Lin Moyu could die, and some of them might even wish for his death, but they couldn't be the ones to kill him. They intended to wait and play the role of the oriole from the Shenxian saying: the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

After a while, Lin Moyu left the range of the Soul Devour Insect Territory, and the ground flattened out beneath his feet.

He found a suitable spot, built a bonfire, and set up a grill with practiced ease, and then fetched out some skewered meat from his storage space and started grilling it over the bonfire.

Two skeletons stood by the bonfire, helping Lin Moyu turn the skewers.

The firelight danced on his face, reminding him of the times he shared grilled meat with Ning Yiyi on the Dimensional Battlefield, and a pang of longing washed over him.

"Where did that girl go? How long will her family's mission take?" Lin Moyu murmured to himself.

Lin Moyu took out a Soul Crystal and gently stimulated it with his spirit force, and then the Soul Crystal melted, seeping into his skin like liquid. He focused on his spirit attribute, watching it climb rapidly. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

The effect was undeniable. Within seconds, his base spirit attribute increased by 1,000 points, rising from 4,000 to 5,000 points.

The Soul Crystal's effect was exceptional; the entire process took less than five seconds, with no discomfort. It performed exactly as Detection had indicated.

Lin Moyu continued to activate the Soul Crystals one after another, raising his spirit force further. Within just two short minutes, he had used up all 15 Soul Crystals, causing his base spirit attribute to soar from 4,000 to 19,000 points.

With the additional boost from his equipment, his total spirit force reached a staggering 22,000 points, making him standing head and shoulder above other level 30 class users.

Next was the Soul Gem's turn. Compared to the Soul Crystals, its effect was 100 times better. It increased natural restoration of spirit force by 100 times. Whether for skill grinding or engaging in extended combat, the benefits were undeniable.

With the crimson light still painting the sky, he knew the next 10 days would see a surge in unwelcome visitors—Dragonkind class users, Abyssal Demons, and possibly even human class users.

The allure of the Primordial Rune was simply irresistible. Fights would find Lin Moyu one after another, leaving him with scarcely a minute to rest.

However, with the Soul Gem, Lin Moyu wouldn't have to worry about his spirit force running out. Furthermore, he still had a reserve of eight Fatigue Potions. He felt confident in his ability to engage in combat for 10 days straight.

The Soul Gem resembled a flawless piece of blue jade, radiating an ethereal glow. After admiring the Soul Gem for a brief moment, Lin Moyu decisively activated it.

His spirit force enveloped the Soul Gem, causing it to emit a soft popping sound as it transformed into a blue mist. The mist followed his spirit force and flowed into his spirit world.

He felt a cool sensation wash over his body. His consciousness plunged into a blue ocean, experiencing comfort and warmth. His previously depleted spirit force began to rapidly replenish itself.

Lin Moyu unwittingly entered a meditative state. Within just five minutes, he emerged from the meditative space, his spirit force fully restored.


When he entered the meditative state just now, it felt like he was meditating in the Military Skill Grinding Site. Moreover, with his enhanced base spirit attribute, the rate at which his spirit force was restored per unit of time was significantly greater than before.

Henceforth, with just a few minutes of meditation, Lin Moyu could restore a large chunk of his spirit force. This was enough to sustain him through battle after battle.

Overjoyed by the immense rewards killing the Soul Devouring Worm Mother yielded, Lin Moyu picked up a skewer of grilled meat and prepared to eat.

However, his moment of peace was shattered by a flash of white light. The Bone Armor emerged automatically, preventing him from touching the grilled meat.

Something was wrong with the meat! Lin Moyu trusted in the Bone Armor's judgment.

"Ke-ke-ke, you unexpectedly have such an impressive defensive skill."

A chilling laughter rose, and an Abyssal Demon appeared in the air. This Abyssal Demon had a serpent-like head, a spider-like body, and three pairs of limbs, looking extremely bizarre.

[Abyssal Poisondemon]

[Level: 50]

[Strength: 30,000]

[Agility: 20,000]

[Spirit: 30,000]

[Physique: 30,000]

[Skills: Apply Poison, Toxic Fumes, Stealth]

[Traits: Formidable Toxicity and Stealth Ability, Immunity to Poison-Type Damage]

It was a level 50 Abyssal Demon, with a total of 110,000 points in attributes. Among humans, Dragonkind, and Abyssal Demons, in terms of raw attributes, Abyssal Demons reigned supreme. Even compared to elite monsters of the same level, Abyssal Demon boasted superior attributes.

Humans and Dragonkind could only compete with Abyssal Demons in terms of attributes after being fully buffed.

This Abyssal Poisondemon could unleash silent, deadly poison and vanish into thin air. If it weren't for his Bone Armor, Lin Moyu would surely have been poisoned.

The Abyssal Poisondemon's arsenal of poisonous skills was limited in number, but each one was very strange and powerful.

The Abyssal Poisondemon's eyes gleamed with malice, its forked tongue flicking in and out of its mouth, "How in the world did a level 30 small fry manage to get into the Immemorial Battlefield? And what outrageous fortune brought you the Primordial Rune? But alas, fate has delivered you to me. Kid, fear courses through your veins, doesn't it? I will kill you, then devour you whole, slowly digesting you!"

The Abyssal Poisondemon laughed maniacally in the air, convinced that the Primordial Rune was within his grasp.

Lin Moyu frowned, "This guy talks too much."

He was waiting for the Abyssal Poisondemon to come down. After all, he couldn't fight the enemy in the air. He lacked the ability of flight.

"Scared stiff, aren't you? Ha-ha-ha. Dying at my hands is your good fortune. Die and become my food!"

As Lin Moyu waited impatiently, the Abyssal Poisondemon finally swooped down, spewing out poisonous gas.

Skill: Toxic Fumes!

With a bang, the poisonous gas exploded and turned into green smoke covering an area 100 meter in radius, completely engulfing Lin Moyu. The Abyssal Poisondemon plunged into the smoke.

From outside, nothing could be seen inside the poisonous smoke, except for the occasional flicker of faint white light. Chilling screams emanated from the toxic haze.

Ten seconds later, Lin Moyu emerged from the poisonous smoke, a look of regret on his face. His Bone Armor glowed white, keeping the toxic fumes at bay. He regretted losing the grilled meat, now inedible due to the poison.

[Killed level 50 Abyssal Poisondemon, EXP +2,000,000, military merit +2,000]

When killing a level 50 Abyssal Demons, the military merit doubled from 1,000 to 2,000. This was a piece of good news for Lin Moyu, feeling confident that his military merit would significantly increase in the coming days.

Five minutes after Lin Moyu left, the poisonous smoke had dissipated, and Ling Yizhan and his party arrived.

They had seen the Abyssal Poisondemon from afar, watching him charge into the poisonous smoke and launching a deadly assault on Lin Moyu. But they had chosen not to intervene.

In the end, they witnessed Lin Moyu emerge from the toxic fumes by himself.

When the poisonous smoke cleared, they hurried over and found the Abyssal Poisondemon's corpse, sliced into pieces, and their eyes widened in disbelief. Ling Yizhan and company drew in a sharp breath.

"What exactly happened here?"

"He's only level 30. How could he kill a level 50 Abyssal Poisondemon?"

"Abyssal Poisondemons are a though nut to crack. Those toxic fumes are really a headache."

"Does he perhaps have an item that conceals his real level?"

"The entire fight took no more than ten seconds. That's incredibly fast."

Ling Yizhan sighed, "It seems we underestimated him. He has the qualification to walk the Immemorial Battlefield."

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