Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 204: Raid The Dungeon A Few More Times; I Will Give You A Discount

In the God Bai Courtyard, Ning Tairan stared at Lin Moyu with a displeased expression. The stare made Lin Moyu feel uncomfortable.

To have a godly powerhouse look at you with such an unkind expression, it would make anyone feel cold inside.

Bai Yiyuan smiled and said, "Ignore this guy. That's just the way he is."

"What brings you here?"

"You're the one responsible for the upgrade of the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon, aren't you?"

Lin Moyu made a sound of assent, then took out the Fire Crystal Fragment, as well as the Fire God's Key and Fire God's Flower.

"Teacher, please take a look."

The Fire God's Key and Fire God's Flower were soul-bound, so Lin Moyu couldn't hand them over to them. He could only have them take a look.

Bai Yiyuan took a closer look, "Fire Crystal..."

Meng Anwen opened his eyes and looked over. Ning Tairan also turned his attention to the Fire Crystal Fragment.

Meng Anwen suddenly chuckled, "So it's like this. It turns out the legend was right, but not completely."

Lin Moyu didn't quite understand what Meng Anwen meant. He didn't know about the legend.

Bai Yiyuan saw this and gave an explanation, "There is a legend stating that if five elemental fragments are combined into one, you will be able to get an incredible thing."

"Actually, the real legend states that when five elemental fragments are combined, an Elemental Divine Stone can be obtained."

"During the third awakening, the Elemental Divine Stone can increase your chances for the second class sublimation by a certain amount. As you must know, high-level legendary class users need to undergo at least two class sublimations."

"But it's very difficult to achieve the second class sublimation."

"Although we have a lot of treasures and various means, but the chances are still very low."

"The legendary Elemental Divine Stone can raise the chances of a second class sublimation by about 30%."

Lin Moyu was shocked. If that was the case, then it was something truly remarkable. But it was naturally very difficult to get such a thing.

After listening to Bai Yiyuan's explanation, he finally understood. It was practically impossible to get an Elemental Divine Stone. After all, no one knew where the lightning and light elemental dungeons were located.

The legend of the Elemental Divine Stone was spread by a class user a long time ago. It was said that he completed two class sublimations. But that was too long ago and could not be verified.

Ning Tairan suddenly said, "Raid the dungeon a few more times and get some more Fire Crystal Fragments."

Lin Moyu was taken aback at first, and then immediately understood the meaning of Ning Tairan's words.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ning, I will get Yiyi a Flame Crystal."

Seeing Lin Moyu be so sensible, his expression softened a little.

At this time, Bai Yiyuan turned his attention to the Fire God's Key and Fire God's Flower in Lin Moyu's hands. He took a careful look and then revealed a shade of shock.

"So there is still such a thing." Bai Yiyuan exclaimed.

Meng Anwen's voice was calm, "That's surprising. True Fire God's Palace, I wonder where it is."

Ning Tairan stroked his beard, "I'm curious about how strong the Fire God is."

Bai Yiyuan said, "Keep these things. You might be able to use them in the future."

What he meant by this was that the things weren't needed at the moment. As for whether they could be used in the future, they have no idea. After all, godly powerhouses were also human. They didn't know everything.

Lin Moyu wasn't disappointed. He was content with learning about the Fire Crystal's use.

Lin Moyu decided to raid the Fire God's Palace Hall a few more times. After all, three fragments were needed to form a Fire Crystal. Furthermore, he wanted to get a Fire Crystal for himself, his sister, and Ning Yiyi.

Even if a Fire Crystal Fragment were to drop every time, he would still need to raid the dungeon at least 15 times.

Lin Moyu meditated in the God Bai Courtyard for a while and restored his spirit force. At the same time, he summoned six Skeletal Warriors, bringing the number of Skeletal Warriors to 160.

Two hours later, after the skeletons in the summon space had fully recovered, Lin Moyu said goodbye to Bai Yiyuan and the others and returned to the Dungeon Hall.

After taking a look at the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon, Lin Moyu spent points to reset the dungeon's cooldown period.

Regarding hell rank difficulty, the entry fee enter the dungeon, 1,000 points were required, and to reset the cooldown, 5,000 points were required. This was quite expensive.

"Huh? How come it only costs 500 points to reset the dungeon?"

"And it only costs 100 points to enter the dungeon?"

After resetting the dungeon and seeing the notification, Lin Moyu was confused, wondering what was going on.

He looked at other dungeons and found that there were no changes. Their fees remained the same. Only the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon has become particularly cheap; its entry and reset fees have been reduced by 90%.

Needless to say, this was a privilege Ning Tairan granted to Lin Moyu.

After all, Lin Moyu had to gather Fire Crystal Fragments for his precious granddaughter. Furthermore, he may become a member of his family in the future. Ning Tairan naturally had to convenience him in some way.

However, he didn't tell Lin Moyu about this, and he won't tell him in the future.

Lin Moyu didn't understand what was going on, nor did he care. He was content that he could save some points. After all, points could be used to buy many things.

When he previously set the new dungeon record, he received a reward of 10,000 points and 10 contribution points. The academy also awarded points and contribution points to those who took first place in the class user competition. As a result, at this time, Lin Moyu had about 550,000 points and 500 contribution points.

Suddenly, the dungeon's entrance shook, and a group of people emerged. These people were angry, cutting a sorry figure. As soon as they came out, the Healers began to treat the rest.

The raid of Baili Sheng and company ended in failure.

The Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon at hell rank difficulty was far more challenging than at nightmare rank difficulty. Not only did the monsters become stronger, but the burning of the fire element has also increased significantly.

The four Healers, taking turns to provide treatment, were placed under great pressure. The party forged ahead with great difficulty. But after two hours, they were finally forced to retreat in embarrassment.

Baili Sheng's expression looked very ugly.

Despite the extensive preparations, the raid still ended up in failure. The dungeon's difficulty was too high. Baili Sheng was convinced that it should be impossible for other parties to clear the dungeon.

"Please step aside! I want to enter the dungeon!"

When Baili Sheng and company emerged from the dungeon, they just so happened to obstruct Lin Moyu path.

"Who are you to tell us what to do? Go to some other dungeon." Baili Sheng was in a foul mood, not only because he failed the raid, but also because Lin Moyu succeeded. This proved once again that he is far from being a match for Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu looked at Baili Sheng, "Are you asking for a beating?"

Baili Sheng snapped, "What did you say?"

He frowned and looked over, his face distorted with anger. But when he saw Lin Moyu, his expression suddenly changed, "It's you!"

There was both hatred and fear in his eyes. The source of his fear was Bai Yiyuan. He still remembers what happened last time. Backed by Bai Yiyuan, Lin Moyu wasn't an easy target to mess with.

"Make way! I want to enter the dungeon!" Lin Moyu said in a quiet voice.

Baili Sheng snorted coldly, but still motioned for his teammates to get out of the way.

You can't block people from entering a dungeon -- that was a rule that everyone must follow. Baili Sheng must follow it as well.

Lin Moyu chose hell difficulty and entered the dungeon.

Baili Sheng said, "Use the Dungeon Detection Talisman to see what rank of difficulty he has chosen."

Immediately after, one of his teammates used a Dungeon Detection Talisman.

"Young Dean, he chose hell rank difficulty."

Baili Sheng's expression changed, "I want to see if he can clear the dungeon."

"Let's rest outside and discuss our gameplay for the next raid."

It was definitely possible to clear the dungeon, but they had yet to figure out how to do that.

They went outside the Dungeon Hall. As they discussed their strategy, they stared in the direction of the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon through the gate.

Baili Sheng didn't quite believe that Lin Moyu was able to solo the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon. Without the support of Healers, how could anyone resist the continuous assault of the fire element in the dungeon?


Lin Moyu entered the Fire God's Palace Hall for the second time. Compared to the last time, it gave off a completely different feeling. This time it was at hell tank difficulty from the beginning.

Lin Moyu took a deep breath, then four Skeletal Warriors appeared. He didn't summon more skeletons.

As soon as the four Skeletal Warriors appeared, they ran across the flaming bridge as fast as they could, and then drew the Fire Sprites on the other side of the bridge toward the square.

Lin Moyu followed from a distance. He could see the four Skeletal Warriors turn into four balls of fire, running like crazy in the dungeon.

They circled the square, drawing the Fire Sprites into the square.

The Fire Sprites, purely composed of the fire element, won't leave a corpse after death. As such, Corpse Explosion couldn't be used on them.

To deal with them, unless he released a large number of Skeletal Warriors, Lin Moyu had to slowly take them down one at a time.

Last time, he wasted a lot of time dealing with the Fire Sprites. It can be said that two hours of the record he set up last time were wasted here.

The four Skeletal Warriors dispersed and entered the four caves respectively.

Although no matter which cave you enter, you still had to cross all the caves before reaching the exit. There were also a few monsters in small chambers that had to be drawn one by one.

The four Skeletal Warriors kept running across the caves, drawing the monsters they came across.

Then, they ran out of the caves and ran toward the palace.

Lin Moyu followed quickly behind them and ran out of the caves as well!

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