Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 199: Dungeon Upgrade; Hell Rank Difficulty Activated

After taking care of the two Fire Sprites, Lin Moyu wanted to put away the Skeletal Warriors. There was no point in them being out and taking damage in vain.

Suddenly, he creased his brow. He can't put them away.

The Skeletal Warriors, enveloped in raging flames, suffered damage continuously. This counts as them being in a state of combat. As a result, they can't be called back into the summon space.

Fortunately, the amount of damage the Skeletal Warriors suffered wasn't high. By solely relying on the fire element to burn the Skeletal Warriors, it would probably take a long time to burn them to death. Even 10 hours may not be enough.

Seeing as he can't collect them, Lin Moyu had the Skeletal Warriors run ahead to clear the way for him.

16 Skeletal Warriors fanned out and ran forward. Soon, the encountered more monsters in the dungeon. Lin Moyu gave them the order to attack monsters whenever they encountered them.

Regarding level 32 dungeon monsters, so long as they have no control-type skills, then even if it's a one-on-one fight, they won't be able to defeat the Skeletal Warriors. What's more, if they are besieged, the battle can be finished after just a few moments.

The Skeletal Warriors -- shrouded in flames -- explored the terrain and fought monsters. Soon, the dungeon's terrain was roughly explored.

Lin Moyu found himself in a square completely covered in flames. In the square, there are four entrances, with two Fire Sprites standing guard in front of each entrance respectively.

The entrances look exactly the same, making it impossible to tell them apart.

To other people, this would be a very troublesome problem -- they would need to try them one by one. But to Lin Moyu, it's very simple.

The 16 skeletons divided into four and ran to the four different entrances.

Lin Moyu quickly ascertained the situation inside the caves: there are a lot of monsters, and not just Fire Sprites.

[Killed level 33 Lava Boulder, EXP +660,000]

[Obtained Fire Core]

[Killed level 33 Winged Flamewinder EXP +660,000]

[Killed level 34 Flare Lizard, EXP +680,000]

[Obtained Fire Core]

Notifications came in one after another.

Lin Moyu quickly followed in.

By consuming the Elementary Magical Draught, all his attributes were raised by 200. His speed became faster.

After entering the caves, Lin Moyu soon discovered monster corpses, and his eyes surged with a shade of joy.

This place wasn't entirely filled with monsters composed of the fire element. There were also some monsters here that have a physical body.

Although, upon death, more than half of their health will disappear, but they will still leave a corpse. Since there were corpses, it made things simpler.

Lin Moyu gave an order, and the Skeletal Warriors stopped killing the monsters and started drawing them.

The Skeletal Warriors ran quickly in the lava caves, luring any monsters they could find to follow them. Next they started running toward Lin Moyu's location with the monsters in tow.

Through the map in his mind, Lin Moyu could see that at least 100 monsters have been lured, and each one of them can provide a lot of EXP. His EXP will be able to increase by a chunk.

At this time, he wasn't far from level 28. As long as he did this a few times, he should be able to level up.

Accompanied by clicking sounds, the Skeletal Warriors ran back one after another.

Lin Moyu's hand flashed with red light.

Skill: Slowing Curse!

The red of the curse was stronger than the red of fire.

The monsters that were drawn here suddenly started moving in slow motion. At this time, the Skeletal Warriors turned around and unleashed their skill.

Skill: Berserk Strike!

Blades fell, and the monster at the very front fell to the ground with a shrill cry.

[Killed level 33 Winged Flamewinder EXP +660,000]

In the next moment, Lin Moyu raised his palm.

Skill: Corpse Explosion!

A violent explosion broke out and charged in all directions, killing a lot of monsters.

The entire dungeon shook, and lava spurted out and fell to the ground. The fire on the ground burned more vigorously.

The dungeon kept vibrating, as if Lin Moyu's action triggered some mechanism.

The remaining pursuing monsters unleashed cries, and their momentum rose sharply.

Lin Moyu -- no longer concerned -- activated his skill again and again, and a number of corpses detonated in the blink of an eye. A cacophony of explosions rose, and monsters died in droves.

Lin Moyu felt that something was wrong. Why are the monsters growing stronger?

After these monsters died, because the fire element dissipated, their health became much lower than when they were alive. But thanks to the skill's 600% amplification, it was still enough to kill monsters of the same level.

That was true at first. Now, however, one explosion didn't cut it. At this time, two explosions were necessary to kill the monsters.

Strange as it may be, Lin Moyu didn't stop. He continued to unleash Corpse Explosion.

Later, it took three, then four explosions to kill monsters of the same level. It seems like their resistance against Corpse Explosion was growing sharply.

The vibrations of the dungeon became more and more violent, as if it were an earthquake.

The lava continued to spurt out, and the fire element grew more and more dense.

Outside the dungeon, the vortex at the entrance suddenly spurted out flames, startling the class users next to the dungeon.

"What's going on!"

"Why is it breathing fire?"

"Hey, isn't this the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon?"

"The Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon is one of the five elemental dungeons. It is said that -- if you are lucky -- you can get an elemental fragment there. When five elemental fragments are combined into one, you will be able to obtain unexpected benefits."

"Don't joke around. This is just a legend. No one has ever obtained them."

"Oh my god. Guys, come take a look. The Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon suddenly has hell rank difficulty."

At this moment, the entire Dungeon Hall erupted into a commotion.

The Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon has been here for who knows how many years, and it only had two ranks of difficulty, namely ordinary rank difficulty and nightmare rank difficulty. Now a third rank of difficulty suddenly appeared... hell rank difficulty!

Shu Han's eye glistened brightly, "I knew you could do it."

As the one in charge of the Dungeon Hall, Ning Tairan has supreme authority in this place. He knows everything that is happening in here.

In fact, he was the first one to learn about the abnormal changes in the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon. After looking into it, he found that Lin Moyu was in the dungeon.

"It's actually his doing."

"Will elemental fragments really be dropped? Is the legend true?"

Ning Tairan naturally also knows the legend about the elemental fragments. However, he knows more than others.

To obtain elemental fragments, you must first activate the dungeon's hell mode. Elemental fragments can only be dropped in hell mode. Luck is also a variable.

In order to activate the dungeon's hell mode, you need to eliminate a large number of monsters in the dungeon in a short period of time. This will have a fundamental impact on the dungeon. Only in this way can hell rank difficulty be activated.

Of course, Ning Tairan knows about the condition. In this world, when it comes to understanding dungeons, if he claims to be ranked second, no one would dare to claim to be ranked first.

Bai Yiyuan can't measure up to him in this regard!

In addition to the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon, many other dungeons have a similar feature.

When he was young, Ning Tairan gave it a try but failed. Later, he organized a most elite party, but still failed.

The Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon requires two supports, which leaves one less spot for damage dealers, greatly reducing a party's attack power.

If you can't activate the hell mode, it is naturally impossible to obtain elemental fragments.

Unexpectedly, after blowing apart several waves of monsters, Lin Moyu accidentally activated the hell mode.

The difficulty of the nightmare rank dungeon he was in instantly shot to hell rank difficulty.

The fire element surged, the monsters turned stronger, and the burning flames rapidly increased.

The flames that enveloped the Skeletal Warriors burned ever so fiercely and grew in intensity, turning the skeletons into walking masses of fire. The amount of damage the skeletons received increased as well.

If before it would take at least 10 hours to burn the Skeletal Warrior to death, now it would take up to three hours.

Lin Moyu didn't know that the dungeon he was in changed to hell rank difficulty. All he knew was that the damage increased, and the monster became tougher. If he doesn't hurry, the Skeletal Warriors will really be burned to death.

Go! He willed, and the skeletons quickly ran toward the depths of the dungeon.

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