Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 187: Other People Can Only Twiddle Their Thumbs

Meng Anwen's voice echoed throughout the entire Shenxia Tower.

Lin Moyu had already guessed that Bai Yiyuan and company would step in, that nothing untoward would happen.

As such, he wasn't in a hurry to make a move just now.

Bai Yiyuan and company have already made arrangements, waiting to give the Demons a taste of their own medicine.

What took him aback was the fact that Meng Anwen took advantage of the Abyssal Demons' raid to hold the individual competition.

It makes sense when you think about it. Regardless whether your class is strong or weak, you still have to ultimately go to the battlefield to kill Demons.

This is the meaning behind the existence of class users.

In front of the class users, there are countless abyssal demonic creatures and a large number of Demons.

As if caged, they struggled and roared madly, but to no avail.

Meng Anwen's voice continued to ring.

"The level 10 grouping will be facing level 22 abyssal demonic creatures, for a total of 4,320."

A total of 432 class users have passed the preselection of the level 10 grouping, and they will be facing 10 times as many abyssal demonic creatures. They won’t be facing Demons.

A large hand appeared in the air, plunged into the midst of the abyssal demonic creatures, and grabbed a bunch, no more and no less than 4,320.

These demonic creatures were thrown aside like garbage, and their levels quickly dropped, from above level 30 to level 22.

"The level 20 grouping will be facing level 32 abyssal demonic creatures and level 35 Abyssal Demons, for a total of 7,520."

Unlike the level 10 grouping, the level 20 grouping will also be facing Abyssal Demons.

"The level 30 grouping will be facing level 42 abyssal demonic creatures and level 45 Abyssal Demons, for a total of 4,990."

Following the same pattern, some abyssal demonic creatures had their levels suppressed, while others had their levels upgraded.

Meng Anwen's methods are extraordinary. Lin Moyu watched in amazement.

Everything seemed to be under his control.

"Is this the strength of a godly powerhouse?"

"One day I will also reach the godly level!"

Lin Moyu felt slight excitement, full of expectations for the godly level.

"Killing an abyssal demonic creature will earn you 1 point, killing an Abyssal Demon will earn you 100 points."

"The contestant with the most points will take first place."

The rules are simple and crude. You just have to kill more than anyone else.

"Everyone, activate the legion mode and join the legion."

By forming a legion, friendly fire can be avoided.

In this way, everyone can discard their reservations and fight with all their might.

Su Sheng's eyes surged with a shade of provocation, "Lin Moyu, let's compete again. Let's see who kills more!"

While Su Sheng found Lin Moyu, Liu Xianren found him.

"Su Sheng, although your class's ranking is higher than mine, but on the battlefield, I won't lose to you."

Su Sheng said with pride and arrogance, "You're a loser who was defeated at my hands. This time things won't be any different."

Liu Xianren snorted coldly, "You can say that about yourself as well. After all, you are also a loser who was defeated by another's hands."

Su Sheng's countenance changed, and he let out a low growl and said no more.

Sacred light shone in his hand. He was ready.

Liu Xianren, with bow and arrow in hand, started gathering power, making reparations for his skill.

One minute later, Meng Anwen's voice rang again.

"Start the competition!"

In an instant, a channel between the class users and the abyssal demonic creatures opened.

A large number of abyssal demonic creatures rushed forward like crazy.

Some flying Demons also shot forward.

These flying Demons are incredibly agile, making it hard for low-level class users to kill them.

Skill: Sacred Light!

Skill: Ruinous Arrow Blast!

Su Sheng and Liu Xianren started at the same time.

Sacred light expanded out. Arrows rained down.

Su Sheng can eliminate at least 100 abyssal demonic creatures with this strike. As long as he unleashes his skill a few times, no one will be able to contend against him.

Unlike him, Liu Xianren needs to accumulate power every time he activates his skill, costing him valuable time.

As he used his skill, Su Sheng glanced at Lin Moyu.

"Why isn't this guy summoning his skeletons?"

Su Sheng felt a bit strange. Lin Moyu didn't summon a single skeleton.

Is he going to give up?

Liu Xianren's Ruinous Arrow Blast skill is very powerful. Each arrow unleashed by it explode with a loud bang.

At this time miserable cries rose. Some abyssal demonic creatures have already been killed.


All of a sudden, a completely different explosion sounded, suppressing the bangs caused by Ruinous Arrow Blast.

The earth shook violently.

Skill: Corpse Explosion!

What happened?

Who is doing this?!

Su Sheng's eyes welled up with disbelief. In that explosion, a large tract of abyssal demonic creatures died.

The power of this attack is much greater than that of his sacred light.

He turned and saw Lin Moyu, his hand uplifted.

"It's him!"

Su Sheng's pupils suddenly contracted into dots.

It's actually Lin Moyu!

Not only him, but Liu Xianren and some other class users also noticed Lin Moyu at this time.

This explosion was clearly caused by Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu is not only a Summoner, but also a Mage. He himself also possesses offensive power.

Booming explosions sounded one after another, and abyssal demonic creatures fell like mowed grass.

Every booming explosion can claim the lives of hundreds of abyssal demonic creatures.

At this moment, Lin Moyu dashed out.

The abyssal demonic creatures within his skill's range have already been wiped out. Not a single struggler remains.

The remaining abyssal demonic creatures continued to charge forward, and so the distance between the two sides rapidly shrank.

Lin Moyu raised his hand and continued to cast his skill, and thunderous explosions rose one after another.

In less than half a minute, the 7000-plus abyssal demonic creatures have all died.

Only some Abyssal Demons, who seized an opportunity to run, narrowly escaped with their lives.

A few unlucky ones, who didn't run fast enough, were blown down from the air and then were submerged by massive explosions.

At this moment, Skeletal Warriors appeared next to Lin Moyu. The Skeletal Warriors threw the corpses of abyssal demonic creatures into the air.

Lin Moyu's palm lit up with red light.

Skill: Slowing Curse!

The Demons in the air wanted to run, but found that their movement speed dropped sharply.

The corpses approached rapidly.

With the strength of the Skeletal Warriors, the corpses flew as fast as arrows.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The corpses detonated in midair one by one.

Several Demons were killed in the explosions.

The remaining Demons, with the curse placed on them, flew away with all their might, not daring to get close.

However, this is not the outside, but an internal space of the Shenxia Tower. Meng Anwen would never let them escape.

After a short while, they bumped into the edge of the internal space. They had no way to escape.

The Skeletal Warriors on the ground have already thrown another batch of copses into the air.

Subsequently, the remaining Demons were swallowed by explosions.

From start to finish, only three minutes have passed.

The battle has ended.

Of the 7,520 demonic creatures and Demons, at least 7,500 were killed by Lin Moyu.

Everyone stared at Lin Moyu in a daze.

If you kill them all by yourself, what should other people do, twiddle their thumbs?

Is this still the individual competition? Or is it a one-man show with Lin Moyu as the performer?

No one could have imagined that Lin Moyu's AOE attack skill would be this powerful, powerful enough to instantly kill Abyssal Demons.

The tip of the iceberg has been lifted further.

He can summon, curse, and unleash AOE attacks.

His summoned skeletons can engage in melee and ranged combat.

This class is close to perfect.

Su Sheng swallowed with difficulty, no longer able to muster his pride.

"What the hell is this class?"

After holding it in for a while, he finally managed to spit out a sentence.

Liu Xianren laughed heartily, "Serves you right. Now you know who the real deal is."

"Compared to Lin Moyu, your class is nothing."

Su Sheng glared at Liu Xianren, but didn't refute him.

Indeed, compared to Lin Moyu, he seems pathetic.

The military badge on Lin Moyu's chest lit up, and a large amount of military merit flooded in.

A third star appeared on his military badge.

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