Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 169: Super High Elimination Rate; It Isn't Just Talk

The owner of the voice is at least two meters tall, and is carrying a huge blade on the back. He looks like a Warrior-type class user.

He looked at Lin Moyu and Ning Yiyi with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

There are too many people around, and Lin Moyu and Ning Yiyi are standing in place, obstructing part of the passage.

This person has a broad physique and can't easily pass through.

But if he can't pass through, he should have said it nicely, and things would have been over.


Lin Moyu looked coldly.

Lin Moyu's cold and detached gaze made the large man shudder, and his aura made him feel frightened.

These are the eyes of someone who has killed people before. In addition to being cold, they also carry murderous intent.

It's as if he will pull out a blade at the first disagreement and kill the opponent.

The large man hesitated, then said, "What are you doing? It's not permitted to fight here, or do you want to be disqualified."

Ning Yiyi's pretty face turned red, and she pulled Lin Moyu, saying, "Forget it."

Lin Moyu nodded and stepped aside.

The large man hurried past them, and then muttered, "Who was that? His eyes were so scary."

He accelerated his pace and was gone in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Taotao returned with the others, "I inquired and found out that tomorrow's preselection will be held by the seaside, where the empire has done land reclamation, forming a large square."

Miao Yu said, "It's not just the preselection, but also the subsequent matches will be held there."

Ning Yiyi quickly said, "Then let's go and take a look."

Jiang Taotao shook her head, saying, "We can't, it's closed off. No one can enter before tomorrow."

This is to prevent anyone from making a mess. Everyone can understand this.

Ning Yiyi turned her eyes in thought, "Let's go eat something. Let's try Nanhong City's cuisine."

Food holds great power over Ning Yiyi.

Miao Yu seconded that, "Alright. I heard that the empire has prepared a lot of delicious food. You can find food from all over the country here, and it's all free."

"What?!" Ning Yiyi let out a cry.

Many people nearby looked at Ning Yiyi strangely, thinking that something happened.

Ning Yiyi quickly lowered her voice and said, "Sister Miao Yu, what are you saying is free?"

"Well, I also just found out about it. Food and accommodation are all free here. The empire will foot the bill."

Upon hearing the news, Ning Yiyi showed a sour expression and said, "If I had known this, I wouldn't have bought food back at Xiajing City."

Lin Moyu couldn't help but laugh. He stroked Ning Yiyi's head and said, "It's okay. You can eat it later."

For this competition, the empire deployed a large number of livelihood-type class users.

The free food is provided by the livelihood-type class users, and can be said to include food from all over the country.

Faced with the wide variety of food, Ning Yiyi didn't know where to start.

"Unfortunately, the people here can only eat for two days."

Today and tomorrow.

After tomorrow, the eliminated class users will leave their encampment.

After tomorrow, the encampment will quiet down.

With an elimination rate of more than 90%, this isn't just talk.


In the distance, a blue ocean can be seen, accompanied by the sound of waves hitting on the shore.

There is a curtain of light that resembles a giant bowl upside down on the ground, blocking people from entering inside.

The curtain of light is opaque, and so you can't see inside.

Outside the curtain of light, the square is filled with people. As far as the eye can see, there is a sea of people. It's basically impossible to count them all.

The Shenxia Empire has announced to the public that there are over 100,000 teams participating, and this number seems to be reflected in the square.

The rules for the preselection have been clearly stated: team up and enter the curtain of light.

If you can pass without a hitch, you can stay. But if you fail, you will be directly eliminated.

The rules are very simple yet cruel.

The teams are distinguished according to their groupings, and the difficulty the teams of the same grouping will encounter is the same.

Both level 20 and level 29 will encounter the same difficulty.

Generally speaking, within the same grouping, the higher the level, the greater the advantage.

Factors such as skills, equipment, adaptability, class differences, and team compatibility must also be taken into account.

So everything is still up for debate.

Lin Moyu's team is considered to have a very standard formation -- a tank Knight, two supports, a long range damage dealer Mage, and a short range damage dealer Assassin.

Following an established passage, the teams entered the curtain of light one by one.

From the moment they step into the curtain of light, the assessment will have started.

There are two preselections today, namely a team preselection in the morning and an individual preselection in the afternoon.

Lin Moyu will participate in both of them.

After Lin Moyu's team entered the curtain of light, the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

A long channel appeared in front of them.

Lin Moyu felt a sense of familiarity from it.

He has sensed the aura pervading the channel several times already.

The first time was during the great examination, the second time was during the trial mission on Mermaid Island, and the most recent time was when Meng Anwen helped him make the Abyssal Teleportation Stone.

"It turns out the empire is using the Shenxia Tower for the assessment."

At this moment, the assessment's description appeared in front of everyone.

Follow the channel and defeat the boss deep inside and you will pass.

The rules are simple, without superfluous requirements.

Although the assessment seems quite easy. But in actuality, it's definitely not the case.

Jiang Taotao barked in a low voice, "Duan Gao, status buffs!"

Duan Gao promptly applied status buffs to everyone.

Halos appeared on everyone one after another.

Strength Enhancement! Agility Enhancement! Defense Enhancement!

Magic Boost! Speed Boost! Berserker's Soul!

With the support of the status buffs, the team's attributes have been greatly amplified.

Strength, agility, physique, and spirit, the four attributes have been amplified by 30%.

And this amplification is applied after the boosts from equipment are provided.

As such, the better the equipment, the greater the amplification.

Magic Boost, increases the power of Mage-type skills by 20%. This status buff unfortunately doesn't apply to Lin Moyu.

Speed Boost, increases attack speed by 30%.

Berserker's Soul, increases skill damage by 30%, reduces taken damage by 20%, reduces pain by 50%.

The last two skills are simply godly skills for melee class users.

The status buffs can last for one hour.

With the support of the status buffs, the combat power of Jiang Taotao and Ning Yiyi has increased by at least 200%.

As for Lin Moyu...

With or without the status buffs, it makes no difference.

Lin Moyu looked at the long channel and said, "Do you want..."

Jiang Taotao interrupted him, "We'll give it a try first. If we can't handle things, you can step in."

Ning Yiyi nodded in agreement.

This is a team competition. They can't rely on Lin Moyu alone.

Although they will eventually have to rely on him, but this is just the preselection stage. They can definitely give it a try.


Lin Moyu didn't insist and just followed at the back of the team.

If there are any problems, he will step in without hesitation.

The channel is very long, and has a width of about five meters.

After they stepped into the channel, a monster appeared in front of them.

Lin Moyu's pupils constricted slightly.

This monster's appearance is identical to that of an Abyssal Hound.

However, its aura isn't as formidable as that of an Abyssal Hound.

This is a simulation created by the Shenxia Tower based on Abyssal Hounds.

"In that case, is the final boss a Dog Demon?"

Jiang Taotao assumed a combat stance and unleashed Detection.

[Abyssal Hound (fake)]

[Level: 27]

[Strength: 2,800]

[Agility: 3,500]

[Spirit: 1,000]

[Physique: 2,000]

[Skill: Bite]

Its level is four levels lower than that of real Abyssal Hounds. Real Abyssal Hounds are level 31.

Given that its four attributes have been greatly reduced, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with it.

Even though Jiang Taotao is only level 24, but given the status buffs, she has surpassed the level Abyssal Hound in terms of attributes. She can handle it.

Jiang Taotao let out a shout, launched the Charge skill, and rushed forward, and then collided with the Abyssal Hound.

Skill: Shield Bash!

She activated another skill and slammed her shield into the Abyssal Hound's head.

The Abyssal Hound not only suffered damage, but also fell into a stun state.

At this moment, a faint light flickered behind it.

Ning Yiyi had unwittingly appeared behind the Abyssal Hound.

Skill: Fatal Blow!

Accompanied by a bang, a dagger stabbed into the demonic hound's body.

The demonic hound let out a cry and collapsed on the ground, motionless.

In terms of instantaneous explosive power, Assassins are second to no one.

Mages also possess powerful skills. However, they require time to be cast -- 10 seconds at the lowest.

Unlike Assassins, Mages can't unleash their power instantaneously.

This doesn't seem too difficult.

The others revealed a shade of relief on their faces.

Lin Moyu smiled secretly. It naturally can't be that simple.

After going through the great examination, he knew the truth of the matter.

This is just the beginning.

At this time, the square outside the curtain of light is already empty.

The teams have all entered inside and started the preselection's assessment.

Numerous characters appeared on the huge screen of light. These are the names of the teams' leaders.

Lin Moyu's name was among them.

There was at first a 0 in front of the team, but now there's a 1.

[Lin Moyu's Team, 1]

This represents their current score.

As the score changes, the position of the teams will change accordingly.

In the 20 to 29 level grouping, there is a total of more than 30,000 teams participating.

At the moment, the ranking of Lin Moyu's team is 10,000-plus, which is neither good nor bad.

There are many people paying attention to this assessment.

The Shenxia Empire has released a live video broadcast to the entire world.

As the preselection continued, the ranking of the teams changed in real time.

Suddenly, the name of a team turned gray, and its ranking dropped directly to the bottom.

The team has been eliminated.

Five minutes into the preselection, the first team was already eliminated.

This shows that the preselection is far more difficult than imagined.

Discussions raged all over the world.

"It's only been a few minutes. Someone has been eliminated that quickly."

"It seems that this time's preselection is quite difficult."

"Of course it's difficult. After all, as the Shenxia Empire's officials have stated, more than 90% of the teams will be eliminated in the preselection."

"If it weren't for the preselection, with over 100,000 teams taking part, the competition wouldn't be over until next year."

"I think 90% is a conservative number. I reckon more than 95% will be eliminated during the preselection stage."

"Look, another team has been eliminated."

At the same time, the names of three teams turned gray. They were eliminated.

The eliminated people appeared outside the curtain of light, disheartened.

They lost their qualification to proceed forward.

They haven't even seen the real competition venue yet.

People who can't even pass the preselection aren't qualified to enter the real venue.

The rules are really strict.

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