Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 91: Second Nature Affinity

The Lightning chakra crystal had 80% of the energy that the Wind chakra crystal did. Fujin meditated for 4 hours. After waking up, he was surprised, 'Wow! I never expected to have the highest affinity to Lightning after Wind. The speed was about 62-63% when compared to the Wind at the start. To think my top two affinities were the 2 most rare Elements in Konoha. That said, I wonder if my speed of refining my chakra with the help of this crystal will increase similar to what happened with the Wind Chakra crystal.'

He kept sitting there and thinking. After a few minutes, he concluded, 'Lightning is a very strong element. But, how far can I take it? I'm confident that with enough time, I can master Chidori. Though I may not be able to use it while running at high speeds.

But the more important question is, Can I master Lightning Armor like Raikage? Also, how should I go about it? He could dodge freaking Amaterasu. So I don't think it's something as simple as just cloaking the body with Lightning chakra armor. Also, considering that no one apart from Raikage managed to learn it, it's safe to say that it is very dangerous to learn it.'

He thought for a bit more, before getting up and sighing, 'I need to somehow check whether Konoha has any details regarding this. If not, then the only choice will be to sneak into Hidden Cloud and read or steal all their scrolls.

Unfortunately, that isn't something I'd do before I become a rank S ninja myself and have excellent means of escaping. I hope the Uchiha with their Sharingans managed to copy at least some details and passed the information to the village. Would be quite a challenge otherwise.

Also, considering some of the crazy plans that I made that day, I should keep my Lightning element a secret. In the future, that might help more. But, if I keep it a secret, it'll be hard to get anyone's help. So what to do?'

He kept thinking hard while walking to the dining room. In the end, he decided, 'My Wind element is quite strong. Lightning won't be able to match it at least until I can learn Rank A jutsus. So it won't be much help for me in the short term in any case. So let's just hide it. I'll take as much help as the village can give me for my Wind element. And my Lightning element will be my hidden element, which I'll use when I don't want to expose my identity. I can also use it to catch the enemy by surprise and kill them if there are no witnesses.'

Fujin entered the dining room while still in deep thought. He grabbed a plate, served himself the food, and sat down at the table while still in his thoughts. After deciding, he was about to think more when he felt, 'Why does it feel like dozens of eyes are staring at me?'

He looked around him and noticed that the 6 Kiri genins were sitting opposite him. He noticed that all 6 had dark bags under their eyes. And they all had a lot of injuries too which were given first-aid.

The chunins, who were incredibly bored over these 5 days, were paying close attention. They hoped to get some entertainment. Mieko and Hoka wondered if they could get into a fight.

Fujin looked at the Mist genins and said, "Hey. When did you guys pass?" All the Kiri genins were incredibly pissed at Fujin. They spent over 4 days on full alert, waiting for an ambush that never came! They barely got any sleep. Even when they slept, they were on high alert! When they arrived at the tower, the Konoha chunins all gave them weird looks due to those huge dark bags under everyone's eyes!

Yumi controlled herself and replied, "An hour ago. You?" Fujin began eating again and replied without looking, "Oh, we passed in the first hour itself."


'Fucking Bastard!'


'Fucking Asshole!'

'Son of a Bitch!'

'I'm gonna beat him up!'

Every single Kiri genin cursed him. Of course, they didn't say it out loud as they were surrounded by Konoha ninjas. But everyone could notice the killing intent leaking out of them. One chunin whispered to another, "Hey, what do you think Fujin did to them that they all want to swallow him whole?" The other chunin replied, "Who knows? But if looks could kill, Fujin would have died a thousand deaths by now!"

Mieko and Hoka too wondered, 'Why are they so pissed at Fujin and not at us? After all, we were there as well.' Soon they both realized, 'WAIT! Fujin still had his clones chasing them. I completely forgot about them. Don't tell me he fought them with his clones!'

They looked at the Kiri genins and realized that was indeed the case. Both were incredibly annoyed, 'This Asshole! He didn't let us fight and fought them himself?' Both snorted and looked away from Fujin while pouting.

Tsume and a few chunins noticed this. They wondered, 'Now even his teammates are mad at him? What did he do?'

Fujin ignored them all as he didn't particularly care. He was wondering how many Elemental chakra crystals he should ask from Hiruzen as a reward for coming first.

As for what happened in the Forest of Death, the forest became very active from Day 2. Though the forest was huge, almost every team had a sensor. So they eventually end up fighting. The ones who had it the worst was the Ame team, as they didn't have any sensor. They kept getting attacked again and again, but they stubbornly managed to hold onto their scrolls.

By Day 3 ended, except for the Nara-Yamanaka-Akimichi team, all other teams had fought multiple times. The Kiri teams were the unluckiest. Every time they fought, they were on high alert for an ambush. So they could never give their 100%. They still won every fight, but the opponents used to retreat every time. And whenever they tried to give chase, they would be attacked by the wild beasts from the forest, delaying them just enough to lose sight of their enemies.

So they were very annoyed.

On day 4, 2 scrolls were successfully seized. The Kiri team managed to defeat the Suna team and got their Heaven's scroll. While the Nara-Yamanaka-Akimichi team, who had healed up, sneak attacked the Ame squad and got their Earth scroll.

On day 5, the Kiri genins managed to find the Ame squad and fought them once again. They defeated the Ame team, only to discover that they didn't have scrolls.

The Hyuga squad noticed this fight and waited till the Kiri genins put their guard down and attacked. Unfortunately for them, the Kiri genins were always on guard. They lost and couldn't escape this time. They accepted their loss and handed them the Earth scroll. The Kiri genins were instructed not to kill any genins if they could avoid killing them. So they didn't kill anyone and just took their scrolls.

Now, the Kiri genins had all the required scrolls and decided to head to the tower. On route, they were ambushed by the last Konoha team. The Kiri genins were very exhausted and took a beating. But they managed to escape to the tower.

The last 2 teams with the scrolls will search for each other all night, but they won't see each other and only end up fighting against teams who don't have any scrolls.

On the last day, when only 30 minutes were left for the exam to end, the 4th squad from Konoha noticed that 4 teams were waiting near the tower. The Nara-Yamanaka-Akimichi lied that they didn't have any scrolls, and managed to convince others to ally. Unfortunately, the last team had fought against the Hyuga and Suna teams in the night and had no chakra to continue. They hid in the forest and gave up on the exam.

So, only 3 teams passed the 2nd round!

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