As Fujin asked that question, a chunin instructor appeared in their room. He said, "Congrats on passing the 2nd exam. You will stay in the tower for the next 5 days until this round is over."

Mieko complained, "5 days? What will we do here for 5 whole days?" Hoka and Fujin too nodded. Making them stay here for 5 whole days was unreasonable.

The chunin replied, "That's the rule. If you leave the tower, you will be disqualified from the exam."

Mieko pointed at the chunin and said loudly, "Hey, that's unreasonable." Hoka nodded and said, "Yes, it is." The chunin dismissed their complaints and said, "There are a lot of facilities in this tower. Including many training rooms. You can access them and train there for the next 5 days."

This calmed the genins down.

Fujin asked, "What about food?" The chunin replied, "It'll be made. Come to the dining room at 8 AM, noon, 4 PM, and 7 PM. The dining room is on the 1st floor."

He then explained some more details, such as their sleeping arrangements, and then left.

The genins looked at each other and said, "Let's check out the training rooms." And they left.

The training rooms were on the 2nd floor. The floor had most of its area closed off by a wall, forming a circular shape in the center of the floor. Fujin realized, 'The other side should be a part of that area where preliminaries happened.

The rooms were on the outer side of the floor, with a meter-wide circular passage to access them. The genins checked out the name plates on all rooms. There were 2 meditation rooms, 2 rooms for dodging, 1 for Taijutsu, 5 for each element, 1 for Shuriken practice, and a few more rooms.

Hoka said, "I'm entering the Taijutsu training room." Mieko said, "I'm going for shuriken practice." Fujin thought for a bit and said, "I'm interested in seeing what the meditation room has to offer."

Fujin entered the meditation room. The room was mostly empty. A couple of bulbs were on in the room. The walls had multiple candles at certain locations. And there were a few Incense sticks placed around the room too. At the center of the room, a mat was placed.

Fujin picked up the instruction manual, which was placed in front of the door, and read. It read -

This is a Meditation training room. Meditating here will be easier and more effective. For the best effect, follow the following instructions.

Light all the candles in the room.

Light one incense stick from each bundle.

Switch off the bulbs

Sit on the mat placed in the center of the room.

Kindly leave everything in the same spot when you leave.

Before you leave, blow out the candles and cut the burning part of the incense sticks.

Fujin lit the candles and the incense sticks. They began producing a very fragrant smell.

He turned off the bulbs, sat on the mat, and began meditating.

After an hour, he woke up from his meditative state and concluded, 'Incredible! Meditating here is almost 5 times more effective than when I meditate at my home or when I did it in the academy.'

He analyzed a bit and concluded, 'Even though this is good, it still doesn't compare to the gains I get from practicing Senju Taijutsu style. That said, I still meditate a bit daily. So though not significant, it'll still provide me with small boosts if I can get something like this at my homeā€¦ Now, what to do?'

He thought for a bit, before coming up with 2 ways, 'I haven't thought what gift I can ask from Hiruzen. So I could ask him to build such a meditation environment at my home. But, this way isn't a guarantee. I won't get this if he doesn't care about his thick face and says no.

The better way would probably be to just create such an environment back home. This place has many seals inscribed, which likely aid in meditation. So it should be made with the help of Fuinjutsu. I should be able to make one too, the only issue is that I don't recognize most of the seals.'

He thinks for a bit more and decides, 'I'll draw every seal in this room and record their location. After I become Chunin, our team should be disbanded. So I'll finally have time to learn Fuinjutsu. If all these seals are available in the library, then I will be able to create such a room too.'

He immediately drew the entire room on a large drawing paper he had stored in one of his many scrolls. He drew all the seals and recorded the distance between each seal in absolute terms and ratio with respect to the size of the room. He grabbed one of the incense sticks that was lying around and took a bit of wax from one of the candles on the walls.

After storing everything properly, he wondered, 'Since this tower had such a room, is it safe to say that every clan has such training rooms? If true, it would explain why the chakra reserves of clan kids are usually higher than civilian kids and why they are able to master their clan jutsus so quickly. Looks like it isn't all just talent and guidance.

I should check out the other meditation room and see if everything's the same. And I should also check out every training room, and check the feasibility of creating such rooms.'

While he was thinking about recreating all the training rooms, he chuckled, 'Well, that's kinda pointless. There's no way my small house can have such rooms, haha.'

While walking over to the other meditation room, he thought, 'Should I buy a new home? Hmm, do I even have money to buy a new home? Or would it be better if I make a secret base?'

He checked the other room and noticed that everything there was exactly the same. He then began walking over to the Dodging practice training room. 'Having a secret base will be very convenient. Konoha also has a lot of empty spaces to make secret bases. But, in a village full of ninjas, is it possible to hide a secret base?

Hmm, I couldn't sense anything inside this tower from the outside. And, if I recall right, there are seals that can block even the Byakugan. So it might be doable, but still very risky. Should I make one outside the village? No one would check the endless forests after all. But I'll need to be able to sneak out and into the village to actually be able to use it.

Oh well, let me learn the seals first. I can then worry about how to make it work. The Uchiha massacre should be happening soon too. I could try to sneak in and use their training rooms if they exist after the massacre.'

[A/N : Thanks for the suggestions. Feel free to post more if you get more ideas in the future :-)]

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