Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 144: Chaoter 141: Farewells

Renjiro looked at his students and said, "Come, let's go out to eat."

His students followed him.

Mieko asked, "Which restaurants are open at this time of the day, Sensei?"

Renjiro replied, "The Ramen shop should be open. Follow quickly. It's my treat."

He flickered. His students immediately began the race. They arrived at the shop and ordered their ramen.

Renjiro asked, "What have you planned for the future?"

Mieko replied, "I will join the Konoha Police force."

Hoka said, "My father will arrange for me to join a squad. So I will be doing more missions."

Fujin answered, "I am not sure. I haven't thought about it. I guess I will spend some time mastering the Wind Vacuum Technique."

Renjiro thought and said, "Mieko, I know all Uchiha join the police force. However, there aren't many opportunities to fight in the Police force. I would recommend you to go on a few missions. It will provide you with more experience that will be helpful in becoming a jounin."

Mieko nodded and said, "Yes Sensei. If the police force isn't a challenge, then I'll take difficult missions as well."

Renjiro smiled. He looked at Hoka and said, "Hoka, don't forget to train ninjutsu as well."

Hoka nodded and said with reluctance, "Yes Sensei."

Renjiro looked at Fujin and said, "Fujin, training is good. But don't forget to do missions as well. In a battlefield, your skills will grow at a much faster pace than in a training field."

Fujin nodded and said, "Yes Sensei."

Teuchi served ramen. They began eating. While eating, Renjiro said, "Chunin is an important phase. Your leadership skills will be developed at this rank. And you will be able to undertake a variety of missions and cooperate with a large number of fellow chunins.

When undertaking missions, do a few missions with chunins you have never worked with. It will help you understand the skills of a lot more ninjas. And you could also find techniques or jutsus that suit you perfectly. So keep your mind open and observe everyone properly."

He took a pause and said with a serious tone, "Of course, the most important thing is that you take care of your life. Don't take unnecessary risks and complete the missions in the most efficient ways. Don't try to get interesting fights when you can finish your enemy off with lesser efforts."

All three nodded seriously. Until now, they could play around as they had Renjiro looking after their backs. But that won't be the case anymore.

Renjiro said, "There is another thing that I want you to know. Fujin, do you recall our conversation about Kekkei Genkai?"

Fujin thought for a bit and said, "Yes Sensei."

Mieko asked, "What did you discuss?"

Renjiro replied, "We didn't discuss much."

He looked at Fujin and said, "Last time, I didn't tell you some details as you were still training. The truth is, that other than inheriting a Kekkei Genkai from a bloodline, you can also create a Kekkei Genkai by fusing two natures."

Mieko and Hoka were surprised to learn this. Fujin was shocked. He thought, 'What the hell? Kekkei Genkai can be created? By people who don't have any relations to that bloodline?'

Mieko asked, "How can Kekkei Genkai be created, Sensei?"

Renjiro said, "Let's take the example of Scorch Release. It is a Kekkei Genkai that forms from the Fire and Wind natures. If a ninja has mastered these two natures and can fuse the two natures perfectly, then that ninja will be able to use Scorch release."

Mieko quickly asked in an excited tone, "Does this mean that I can have two Kekkei Genkai?"

Renjiro nodded and said, "If you can fuse two elements perfectly, then yes."

He paused for a few seconds to let his students absorb this information. He continued, "However, it is almost impossible to do this. Very few are known to attain a Kekkei Genkai through this method. I didn't tell you about this earlier because I didn't want you to waste your time on this. Even someone as talented and strong as Lord Hokage couldn't manage to do this."

Fujin thought, 'Oh. Even Hiruzen can't do it. But, he said that very few could do this. Who were they? And how did they manage to fuse them?'

Mieko asked, "How to fuse two elements, Sensei?

Renjiro smiled and answered, "I don't know. I never managed to do it. The basic requirement is that you should have a complete mastery of two natures. Only then can you attempt to fuse them.

No one from Konoha ever managed to do this. Lord Second and Third spent quite a few years trying this but never succeeded. One of the Sannins, Orochimaru, also tried without any success.

But, we researched this a lot and concluded that managing to fuse two natures needs a lot of luck and maybe some sort of epiphany. While talent is also a factor, it isn't enough to achieve this."

This information decreased the hopes of Fujin and Mieko. Hoka wasn't concerned about this. Fujin thought, 'An epiphany. I guess that is the only explanation that can explain the likes of Kakashi, Hiruzen and Orochimaru not achieving this. Still, this is definitely worth a try. Though I need to decide which elements to try.'

After analyzing, Fujin asked, "Sensei, is this method only valid for Elemental Kekkei Genkai? Can Kekkei Genkai such as Sharingan, Byakugan or Shikotsumyaku also be created?"

Mieko and Hoka were surprised by this question. They both looked at Fujin as he had just mentioned their Kekkei Genkai.

Renjiro answered, "No. At least, there has been no record of those 3 Kekkei Genkai appearing outside their bloodlines."

Fujin was disappointed. He sighed internally thinking, 'Just when I thought I had an easier way to climb to the top. I am not sure how much aid an elemental Kekkei Genkai will provide me. But something like Sharingan or Shikotsumyaku would have buffed me up a lot.'

Renjiro said, "Anyways, don't bother trying to fuse two natures anytime soon. None of you has even mastered one nature manipulation to a sufficient degree. Fusing would need two natures at a similar level as my Earth and Water natures.

I told you just so that you guys would be aware. So that if one of you gets lucky and has that epiphany in the future, you won't miss out on the good fortune."

The trio nodded. Fujin thought, 'My Wind element is still not at that level? Guess there really is no need to consider this anytime soon.'

The group finished their ramen and left the shop. Renjiro looked at his students and said, "I am glad that Lord Hokage assigned me as your sensei. You have become fine ninjas."

All three respectfully bowed and said in unison, "Thank you for teaching and training us Sensei."

Renjiro looked with an emotional look and said, "Leave. Take some rest."

He flickered away.

Fujin, Hoka and Mieko saw Renjiro flickering. Hoka said in a sad voice, "I'll miss training under him. We got so strong in a year!"

Fujin nodded, "Yes. We were lucky to have him as our sensei. From what I have heard, other senseis don't put this much effort into their students."

Mieko nodded and said, "Yes. Even my parents were very respectful of him."

The trio looked at each other.

Fujin said, "I guess it means that we won't see each other often either."

Hoka and Mieko nodded.

Hoka said, "Well, we could take missions together once in a while."

Mieko nodded, "Yes, that will be fun."

She looked at Hoka and smirked, "Maybe you would learn something that could help you join my and Fujin's combo attack."

Hoka's shoulders dropped. Though he had developed a lot of combination jutsus with Fujin and Mieko, none came close to Fujin and Mieko's wind and fire combination.

Fujin said, "I heard that Jiraiya of the Sannins uses Oil jutsu to strengthen his Fire jutsus. I am not sure if that is a part of Water Release. But if it is, then you can check that. That way both oil and wind would amplify Mieko's fire jutsu."

Both Hoka and Mieko were surprised by the suggestion. Hoka said, "I had never thought of Oil."

Mieko said, "Me neither. Fire, Wind and Oil combination seems very strong. Great idea Fujin."

Hoka asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"

Fujin shrugged and answered, "I just had that thought. Besides, did you really want to learn more ninjutsu while our training was on?"

Hoka immediately became embarrassed. He replied, "Sorry, good point."

The three exchanged glances. They didn't have any more words. Hoka said, "Let's leave guys. Good luck. Next time we meet, let's have a Battle Royale again!"

Hoka and Mieko grinned.

Fujin replied, "Sure. Hopefully the next time you two will last longer."

Fujin began laughing.

Mieko and Hoka angrily looked at Fujin, but he had flickered away. Only his laugh could still be heard.

Mieko said, "That jerk is still as annoying as ever!"

Hoka sighed and said, "Yes. He was so quiet in the academy. I didn't think he'd have this side as well."

Mieko said, "Anyways, see you later Hoka."

Hoka nodded and replied, "See you as well."

They both left towards their home.

Team Renjiro, which was assembled a year ago and completed 7 rank D, 41 rank C and 3 rank A missions, was finally disbanded!

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