Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 133: Hoka finally gets to use Taijutsu!

A few kilometers away from the shores, Mitsuzuka looked behind. Renjiro was still hot on his tail. He thought, 'One of my clones was dispelled. And so soon too. Sigh, how did we attract this bastard?'

Fujin looked at Renjiro's clone. He was hiding inside an Earth Dome. The dome collapsed. Renjiro's clone flickered next to Fujin. He asked, "What's the status?"

Fujin replied, "My opponent is dead. How are things with you?"

Renjiro's clone answered, "My opponent made a few Water clones and sent them to sneak attack you three."

Fujin nodded. He had concluded along the same lines.

Renjiro's clone said, "My clones have gone to Hoka and Mieko as well. You go help Hoka. I'll help Mieko."

Fujin nodded and flickered. He had already sensed Hoka. Fujin landed on a tree beside the beach. A frown appeared on his face, 'These guys are fighting on water. I won't be able to sneak attack.'

Fujin observed the situation properly. Renjiro's shadow clone was suppressing the Water jutsus of Mitsuzuka's Water clone and the other rogue ninja.

Both the water clone and the rogue ninja maintained a long distance from Hoka. His Gentle Fist and Vacuum Palm were too threatening. However, Renjiro's clone and Hoka weren't able to attack effectively either.

Fujin thought, 'I should consider getting a summon that can fight in the water. After all, my Water affinity is pretty much non-existent. I'll be in danger if I get trapped underwater.'

After observing for a minute, Fujin sighed, 'There is no way to sneak attack. Maybe I should have bugged Hiruzen for a jutsu that can attack over a kilometer away with pinpoint accuracy instantly. Surely he'd have something like that. Even if he doesn't, considering the badass titles he has, he should be able to create a new jutsu like that, right?'

Fortunately for Hiruzen, he couldn't know Fujin's thoughts.

Fujin made a few hand signs.

'Wind Release : Vacuum Bullet jutsu'

A vacuum bullet formed inside Fujin's mouth.

Chakra gathered on his feet and Fujin flickered. The fight was happening around 250 meters from the shore. Fujin flickered thrice in quick succession.

Mitsuzuka's clone felt Fujin's danger and looked at him. He shouted, "Another ninja is coming. Pay attention, Ryu!"

Ueda Ryu paid attention to the new enemy while keeping an eye on the existing ones.

Fujin appeared on the battlefield in the blink of an eye. His target was the Water Clone. The Water Clone noticed that Fujin had built his chakra and was moving towards him. Immediately, a water wall appeared between them.

Fujin grinned and used Vacuum Bullet jutsu. The Water Clone's sight was blocked by the water wall. However, sensing danger, he moved towards his left.

While moving, he saw something piercing the water wall he erected. He increased his speed. The vacuum bullet barely missed his abdomen. However, Fujin grinned. It was enough.

The protective wind around the vacuum core was removed when it hit the water wall. As the Vacuum core of the Vacuum Bullet passed by the side of the Water Clone's abdomen, it created a strong suction force. This force created a cut on the clone's abdomen as it absorbed some water from the clone. This cut was enough to dispel the clone.

The Water clone watched with wide eyes as he was being dispelled. He would never imagine that a kid not even in his teens would dispel him.

Ryu watched with wide eyes. He cursed internally, 'What the hell! Not only did he lead Renjiro's clone here, but he got dispelled by a kid who hasn't even grown any facial hairs yet! What did I do to that foul-mouthed bastard that he would resort to such means to kill me?'

Ryu's complaints were understandable. Unfortunately, that wouldn't stop the Konoha ninjas from killing him.

With the water clone dispelled, Fujin, Hoka and Renjiro's clone looked at Ryu. Ryu's hair all stood up! He had seen the capabilities of the clone. He knew that he had no chance of escaping into the water.

Hoka took the Gentle Fist stance. Fujin grabbed his swords. They would be more practical while fighting on water.

Ryu quickly shouted, "WAIT, I surrender! I will give you all the secret information about Kirigakure. Just don't kill me!"

Hoka and Fujin didn't make any move and waited for Renjiro to decide. However, both were ready to make a move at a moment's notice.

Renjiro judged for a moment. On deciding, he said, "Alright. Don't resist. If you do, I will kill you. Hoka, close all his chakra points."

Understanding his position, Ryu didn't resist. Hoka attacked him and closed all his chakra points. Renjiro's clone flickered next to Ryu and knocked him unconscious. He put a Chakra Suppression Seal on him.

He looked at Hoka and Fujin and said, "You two go check on Mieko. I will keep an eye on him."

They nodded and flickered. Renjiro's clone carried Ryu and flickered to the forest and hid among trees.

Hoka and Fujin moved towards Mieko. Hoka asked, "How did you finish your battle so quickly?"

Fujin shrugged and said, "I attacked that injured guy. Why did you rush after an Elite Chunin?"

Hoka snorted and said, "I wanted to fight a stronger opponent."

Fujin smirked and asked, "Oh, I hope you had fun."

Hoka didn't reply to Fujin. However, he was complaining endlessly in his mind, 'I only fought him by myself for half a minute. Then the two Jounin clones interfered and dominated the fight! I barely got to fight!'

On Mieko's battlefield, Motoyuki was stunned when he saw another clone of Renjiro entering the battlefield. Motoyuki swore endlessly in his mind, 'I was winning the fight! I had set up the Hidden Mist jutsu. I could have easily escaped into the seas. I would have left far away in no time!

But Mitsuzuka's clone led Renjiro's clone here! With his methods, I couldn't escape! And now, another one showed up here! Don't fucking help if you are going to make the matters worse!'

Mitsuzuka's clone's expression was also grim. It understood the significance of Renjiro's clone showing up here. It meant that one of his fellow clones was defeated. And the ninja alongside him was also killed or captured.

A huge fight began. The Water clone desperately tried to defend himself while trying to create an opportunity to escape for Motoyuki. Unfortunately, nothing worked.

The teamwork of the two clones was flawless. And Mieko provided perfect support with her shurikens and the threat of Sharingan Genjutsu.

After a bitter struggle, the Water clone finally fell. Just like Ryu, Motoyuki also offered to surrender.

As soon as he offered to surrender, Fujin and Hoka arrived. One of Renjiro's clones looked at Hoka. He looked at Motoyuki and said, "Alright, don't resist. If you do, I will kill you. Hoka, close all his chakra points."

Hoka was surprised to be asked that again. Fujin grinned and taunted, "Today is your lucky day Hoka! You get to attack 2 Elite Chunins with your Gentle Fist. I am so happy for you!"

Hoka's face immediately went dark. He ignored Fujin and walked ahead while thinking, 'I want to fight them head-on! This is just lame!'

He followed the clone's command and closed his chakra points. The clone knocked him out and put a Chakra Suppression Seal on him.

Fujin said, "Sensei, even Hoka's opponent surrendered. Your other clone took him back to the shore."

One of the clones nodded and said, "I will take care of him."

He grabbed Motoyuki and flickered.

Mieko had heard Fujin's comment. She grinned and said, "Good job Hoka! I am glad you finally found opponents to fight with Taijutsu."

Both she and Fujin began laughing. Hoka's face got even darker. He looked at Mieko and said, "Why are you laughing? Even with two of Sensei's clones helping you, you were the slowest of us!"

That made Mieko scowl. She immediately began arguing with Hoka. Fujin silently moved away and stood next to Renjiro's clone. He was trying hard to suppress his laughter.

Renjiro's clone was speechless, 'We are in the middle of an A rank mission! And two of my students are arguing mindlessly. And the third one is the one who instigated the argument and is laughing at it! Was I too lenient with them?'

Renjiro's clone let out a cough. That attracted the attention of Mieko and Hoka. Realizing what they have been doing, they immediately stop arguing. However, both gave Fujin a few angry stares.

Fujin saw them but acted like he didn't see them. He thought, 'Oh boy! These two are hilarious as always! It's so hard to suppress my laugh, hahaha.'

Seeing that his students have calmed down, the clone said, "We will leave the enemy Jounins to my main body and Tokuhei. Let us move and clear out the 3 chunins that are engaging against Yugakure."

They nodded and said, "Alright Sensei."

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