Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 84: Kanpū Vs. Hyūga Shinichi

Chapter 84: Kanpū Vs. Hyūga Shinichi

The training ground of the Shinichis house is indoor, about the size of a basketball court. There are a lot of Ninja Tools on both sides, kunai, shuriken, senbon, sword, samurai swords, everything. Of course, these Ninja Tools are only used for training, so they didnt have edge.

Kanp, you can choose whatever weapon you want. Hyga walked straight to the center of the training ground, not at all planning to choose any Ninja Tools at all.

Kanp is an arrogant guy, so he walked directly to the Ninja Tools shelf, took a ninja bag and tied it to his thigh, and then took some kunai, shuriken, and senbon first.

After that, Kanp picked a sword.

After he collected Dance of the Crescent Moon from Inoue, he would train with the wooden stake every day for three to five minutes. Although it was still impossible for him to use Dance of the Crescent Moon, his Kenjutsu improved rapidly.

"I'm ready, Shinichi-senpai, lets go!"

After selecting the equipment, Kanp stood in front of Shinichi with a sword in hand, while the green light cluster in his mind was about to move.

Shinichi raised his eyelids slightly, and he quickly approached Kanp with one step, and slapped his palm towards Kanps left rib.

Without saying a word, Kanp raised his sword and slashed at Shinichi's elbow, attacking the place where the enemy would definitely protect.

Shinichi narrowed his eyes slightly and made a wrong footstep. His figure dodged to Kanp's right side dangerously and almost hit the sword, and at the same time, he buckled himself up and slapped Kanp's abdomen again.

Kanps eyelids twitched, This guy's reaction speed so fast!


One inch is longer, one inch is stronger, one inch is shorter, and one inch is more dangerous. At this time, Shinichi is approaching Kanp, so the long sword in Kanp's hand cannot be used, and it becomes a burden, restricting his movements instead.

Kanp abandoned the sword decisively, and then took out a kunai from his ninja bag with the hand speed from being single for many years, and stabbed at Shinichi.

Shinichis eyes lit up, and he seemed to express his admiration. At the same time, he retracted his palms and turned over. Like a rabbit kicking the eagle, not only did he dodge Kanp's kunai, but he also kicked him on the chin.


Immediately after, Kanp was kicked into the sky, and his head was buzzing. When he returned to his sense, he found himself lying on the floor in an indecent posture, while Shinichi was standing two meters away from him, looking at him nervously.

"Kanp, are you okay?"

"Im fine."

Kanp got up from the ground, and touched his chin subconsciously, No broken skin, no teeth were loose, it seems that Shinichi-senpai was holding back just now.

Then, Kanp looked at Shinichi solemnly. Recalling the few collisions just now, Shinichi was far superior to him in terms of skill and combat experience. Even without the Gentle Fist, he had already kicked himself into the sky and almost stood side by side with the ceiling.

It seems that the only way to fly a kite is to keep a distance.

Kanp immediately backed away quickly, and at the same time, he took out kunai and shuriken from his ninja bag with both hands, and aimed at Hyga Shinichi from the distance.

Shinichi knows that Kanp was very good at throwing Ninja Tools, so he immediately assumes the Gentle Fists stance, and the aura on his body has become dignified.

Kanp didn't dare to be arrogant. Without saying anything further, he started throwing the kunai, shuriken, and senbon in an instant, whistling across the air in straight or curved trajectories, continuous lasing towards Shinichi.

Shinichi moved with each step, his body moved quickly, Chakra gathers in his hands, and then he slapped all the Ninja Tools that came towards him!

Is this Gentle Fist?

Kanps eyes turned serious, and he is not sure.

In the original work, those Hyga Clan's chniby would always shout Gentle Fist, Eight Trigrams, Kaiten and so on. But now, Shinichi didn't shout anything, so Kanp didn't know whether he used Gentle Fist or not!

Just as Kanp was absent-minded, Shinichi relied on his rich combat experience to resist the Ninja Tools, and in a blink of an eye, he was already three meters in front of Kanp.

When Kanp came back to his senses, he saw that Shinichi had turned into an afterimage and slammed into him at a very fast speed.

"Jkenp: Hakke Ni Sh!" (Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams Two Palms)

Plak plak!

With the two sound of crisp palm meeting flesh, Kanp was once again beaten by Shinichi.

But at the same time, Kanp's love also turned into a green light cluster, surging wildly.

But unfortunately, when Kanp fell, the green light cluster in his mind gradually subsided.

Kanp lay down on the ground, not getting up even after a while.

Too hard!

Im too hard to me!

Kanp was depressed.

After all, hes so miserable now, but the collection was not successful!

Kanp, do you want to continue?

Hyga still stood with Gentle Fists stance.

Just now, when he attacked Kanp, he retracted the Chakra in his hands in time, so he was pretty sure that Kanp was not injured.


Kanp gritted his teeth and jumped from the ground like a carp but, he failed.

Kanp then stood up with his hands on the ground, looked down at the ninja bag, and saw that the Ninja Tools inside were emptied.

Let me take some Ninja Tools. After Kanp said that, he went to pick up the Ninja Tools on the ground.

Shinichi put aside his stance, and said with a smile: Kanp, your Ninja Tools throwing is very good. In this regard, I am afraid that there is no student in the Academy that is better than you!

Kanp asked while picking the Ninja Tools: But why can't I feel that I can touch you?

"Because I have seen through your Ninja Tools throwing!" Shinichi said with a smile.

Have you used Byakugan?

Kanp secretly thought that he was wrong, as he didn't see the veins appeared on Shinichis face just now.

"It's not Byakugan, it's combat experience!" Shinichi said, "Kanp, you lack combat experience, so no matter how tricky the angle of the Ninja Tools you throw out is, there are traces to follow, and it is easy for me to see through it, so I can easily block it!

Well, you are great!

Although Kanp has collected the Ninja Tools Throwing Technique, he cannot collect combat experience. In this regard, he can only fill it up through constant battles.

After replenishing the Ninja Tools, Kanp immediately distanced himself from Shinichi, and at the same time, he thought about how to throw the Ninja Tools so that Shinichi could not see through it.

On the opposite side, Shinichi put on the Gentle Fists stance and said, Let's start!

As Kanp looked him, he suddenly remembered the Uchiha Clan's throwing skills. His eyes lit up, and then he quickly threw a kunai with his left hand, targeting Shinichi's right shoulder, and at the same time, he threw a shuriken with his right hand with a faster speed.

In the next instant, the rapidly spinning shuriken flew very fast, and slammed into the kunai in the front violently.


With the crisp sound of the impact, not only the kunai's speed soared again, but even the direction was changed due to the impact, and it shot towards Shinichi's leg.

Shinichis expression changed slightly. He had seen through the trajectory of the kunai just now, and boldness of execution stems from superb skill, so instead of retreating, he moved forward, trying to dodge the kunai while narrowing the distance with Kanp, but at this time, the kunai suddenly accelerated and its trajectory also changed, disappearing directly from his line of sight, immediately making him on the passive side.

Fortunately, he has rich fighting experience, and didnt go chaotic in the face of danger. At the critical moment, he quickly poured Chakra into his eyes, and veins appeared. Shinichi opened his Byakugan immediately, and instantly obtained the perverted vision with panoramic skylight of more than 300 degrees. The kunai that had disappeared from his sight was seen instantly, and it has nowhere to hide.

Shinichi then moved his right palm, and sharply slapped at the kunai who was shooting towards his leg to the side.

It's dangerous! However, to be able to do such thing so quickly, it really makes me

Shinichi looked at Kanp with a solemn expression.

But in the next moment, he had no time to think about it.

Kanp lashed his left and right hand, the kunai and shuriken fluttered in the air, then collided, and then their trajectory changed. As he is throwing them in a hurry, even Kanp himself couldn't control these Ninja Tools trajectory, and the trajectory after the collision was so messy and shot towards Shinichi.

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