Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 800: Splish, Splash, Splash

Intensive training is the most challenging, but for Naruto, the more challenging it is, the more it ignites his fighting spirit!

After a day of exhausting training, Naruto appeared vigorous and lively outside the Gekko Mansion the next day, knocking on the iron gate.

When Keiko heard the knock on the door, the wrinkles on her face rose.

‘It must be that Naruto again!’

Grandma Keiko opened the door with an expressionless face, and indeed, she saw her big grandson!

“Good morning, Grandma Keiko! I’m here again.” Naruto grinned, rubbing his head, the fox-like whiskers on both cheeks trembling slightly, and his golden hair swaying in the morning breeze.

‘I'm not even fifty yet!’

‘Yondaime-sama is so brilliant and wise, but how did he end up with such a foolish son?’

Keiko sighed, feeling helpless: “Come in.”

“Grandma Keiko, how come you didn't ask me if I had eaten yet today?” Naruto asked shyly.

‘Do I still need to ask?’

Keiko turned around angrily and went to the kitchen to make seaweed onigiri.


Half an hour later, after enjoying the seaweed onigiri, Kanpū, Naruto, Karin and Hinata set off again for yesterday's training ground.

“Yesterday, you learned to walk, today let's practice running first.”

Kanpū walked to the surface of the river and ran against the current. Naruto and the others followed suit.

At first, Kanpū controlled his speed so that Naruto and the others could gradually adapt. After falling into the water several times, Naruto and the others gradually got used to running on the river surface, so Kanpū increased the speed.

“It turns out that Water Surface Walking is only this, hahaha.” Naruto swung his arms as he followed behind Kanpū. Remembering the hard work in the past two days and finally getting results, he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

‘Although I always fail the theoretical exams, I'm a genius in practical combat!’

Naruto felt like he was about to ‘shine’~~

Just then, a sharp whistling sound came from ahead.

Naruto woke up instantly, looking up to see a small stone whistling through the air, and with a ‘pop’, it hit Naruto's forehead.


Naruto shouted as he fell into the water, and drank two mouthfuls of river water. Naruto then crawled out of the river with great effort, with a big lump already swelling on his forehead.

He looked up and saw Kanpū was throwing stones backward while running. Karin and Hinata were struggling to run while avoiding the stones. Because they needed to focus on dodging the stones, the Chakra under their feet became unstable. The ripples got bigger and bigger, and after enduring for a while, they also followed Naruto’s footsteps, falling into the water.

Kanpū stopped for a moment, then turned around with a playful smile: “You're still far from catching up.”

For Shinobi, focus is the basic exercise, and although Naruto and the others are still students at the Academy, Kanpū is already a proper Shinobi at their age!

“Big Brother, you're so cunning!” Karin thought that Kanpū was deliberately messing with them and got annoyed.


Kanpū didn't explain and, seeing that they had all climbed out of the water, turned around and continued running.

Naruto gritted his teeth and rushed forward, shouting as he ran: “Kanpū-sensei, is this also training?”

Kanpū chuckled and said:” Naruto, didn’t you always want to learn Shadow Clone Technique? When you complete this stage of training, you'll be able to use the Shadow Clone Technique.”

“Really?” Naruto’s eyes immediately lit up.

Of course… it was just Kanpū making things up.

Focusing and Shadow Clone Technique are completely different things.

Who would believe this in the world of serious Shinobi?

Naruto believed it.

“Kanpū-sensei, come on, I will definitely complete the training!”

‘Then master Shadow Clone Technique, then defeat Karin and Hinata, ahahahaha…’

Thinking of his triumph, Naruto couldn't control the corners of his mouth from curling up again.


The sound of breaking through the air rang out again, and Naruto quickly put away his mischievous thoughts, focusing on dealing with it.

Karin and Hinata also caught up, and the three of them stood in a row, ready to face Kanpū’s harassment.


Near Uchiha Clan’s residence, in a secluded private training ground.

A young Uchiha named Sasuke was practicing with kunai alone.

He thrown out three kunai with his left hand, followed by a somersault, and then threw another three kunai. These three kunai hit the three kunai in front, clang clang clang, making a crisp sound as they collided. The six kunai changed their trajectories simultaneously and pierced the red dot on six targets hanging on trees, stones, and bushes.

‘Did I succeed?’

Sasuke stepped forward to check excitedly. The first two targets hit the bullseye, the third missed the bullseye, the fourth went off target, and so did the fifth and sixth.


The excitement on Sasuke’s face quickly dissipated, and he sighed silently: ‘It’s a pity that Big Brother is not there.’

‘If Big Brother were here, I would definitely be able to master the clan’s Shurikenjutsu.’

Sasuke sat dejectedly on a rock, supporting his chin with both hands, thinking about the beautiful scene of training with his dear brother. He couldn't help but grin foolishly, and a blush spread across his cheeks.

After daydreaming for a while, Sasuke ran to the riverside to start training the Great Fireball Technique.

Great Fireball Technique was originally Uchiha Clan’s signature Fire Release, but after Uchiha Clan joined Konoha decades ago, this signature Ninjutsu gradually spread and became a trademark of Konoha’s Shinobi.


“Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!”

Sasuke gathered the Fire Attribute Chakra in his throat, opened his mouth and spurted out… saliva.

Sasuke was stunned for a moment, and his white face immediately blushed. He quickly looked around to make sure no one was there before sighing in relief.

‘How embarrassing.’

Sasuke lowered his head, and a displeased expression appeared on his tsundere face: ‘Big Brother knew is always busy with Anbu affairs and always refused to spend time training with me.’


Sasuke sat on the riverbank, took off his shoes, dipped his feet into the water, and began swimming.

Feeling the gentle touch of the clear river water, Sasuke revealed a cheerful smile: ‘So comfortable~~’

( ̄▽ ̄)~*


“So tired.”

On the turbulent river surface, Naruto stood as if he’s on flat ground, panting heavily with his hands on his knees, “Kan… Kanpū-sensei, I can't… hold on…”

“A man should never say he can't!” Kanpū threw a small stone.

As the sound of breaking through the air rang, Naruto instinctively dodged to the left, colliding with the stumbling Karin, and the two screamed and fell into the water at the same time.

“Idiot Naruto, you must have done it on purpose!” Karin resurfaced from the water, glaring fiercely at Naruto.

Naruto, using the doggy paddle to maintain balance, retorted: “You’re clearly the one who deliberately stood there. How despicable~”

“What did you say?” Karin was furious, and she immediately swam over to start a fight with him, “Idiot, apologize to me!”

“No, never!” Naruto wasn't one to be pushed around either. He immediately started splashing and fighting with Karin in the water.



“Apologize, splish, splash, splash…”

“As I say, never, splash, splash, splash…”

As they fought, the two of them sank underwater, producing a large string of bubbles.

“Big Brother Kanpū!!!” Standing on the river’s surface, Hinata was anxious. However, in the next second, she couldn’t control herself. She covered her mouth and burst into laughter. Watching Naruto and Karin quarrel, fight, and sink into the water, it felt like all her fatigue from today had disappeared.

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