Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 797: Tree Climbing And Water Surface Walking

Originally, when Otogakure was suddenly established in the Land of Rice Fields, Minato indeed had suspicions. After all, Land of Rice Fields is just a small country with average resources, but he really didn’t expect that Otogakure would be related to Orochimaru!

Minato asked Kanpū for detailed information, and immediately sent Anbu to investigate Otogakure!

At the same time, Minato wrote a strongly-worded letter and sent it to the Land of Rice Fields’ Daimyo, demanding that he distance himself from Orochimaru and avoid self-destruction.

However, these matters had nothing to do with Kanpū.

In the backyard of his luxurious mansion, Kanpū heard a series of intense physical impacts and rapid breathing from a distance before he even approached.

Kanpū focused his hearing and was surprised to hear three sets of breaths!

His expression changed drastically, and he rushed over quickly, only to find that Naruto was in a fierce battle against Hinata and Karin, with the scene in complete chaos.

Hinata seemed to be weak, but her inherited Gentle Fist were executed with precision and she engaged in close combat with Naruto, while Karin, on the other hand, wielded a kunai and launched sneak attacks from the side.

Naruto was having a tough time.

Although he has abundant Chakra, but because he doesn’t pay attention to train his Chakra control, plus being the last ranker, his combat style lacked any semblance of strategy. It could be described as reckless, and that's why Hinata could hold her ground against him.

After half an hour of intense fighting, Naruto was finally tripped by a shameless sneak attack from Karin.

“Damn it!”

With his resilient body, Naruto quickly got up from the ground, “I won't accept this, let's go again!!”

“Naruto, let’s take a break.” Hinata panted heavily and told Naruto to stop.

She is a young girl after all, and she doesn’t have the abnormal talent like Naruto, so keeping up with him for this long was already commendable.

“Naruto, how did you become so strong?” Karin was also very tired. She felt that it was easy to bully Naruto before, but why is it so difficult now?

“Haha, that's obvious.”

As soon as Naruto was praised, his tail wagged. He folded his arms near his chest, pretending to be mature, then he said, “I undergo rigorous training every day. Achieving such results is only natural, hahaha.”

As he said that, Naruto couldn't contain his laughter.

“What a joke, you still got defeated by me in the end.” Karin mocked.

Naruto's laughter paused, and as he blushed, he vehemently defended himself: “I was careless just now and got caught by your sneak attack. It won't happen again next time!”

Karin makes a face at him, then dragged Hinata away.

After they left, Naruto sat down with a disgruntled expression, tilting his head.

“Naruto.” Kanpū smiled as he approached, and asked knowingly, “Got something on your mind?”


Naruto stood up excitedly, and rushed over, “You came at the perfect time. Quickly teach me how to train!”

“Training, huh? Didn't Iruka-sensei already teach you how?” Kanpū asked with a smile.

“Iruka-sensei did teach me, but he focuses more on theory.” As a last ranker, Naruto expressed his grievances.

“Mastering theory can also help you defeat Hinata and Karin.” Kanpū jokingly said.

“Kanpū-sensei, so you saw all that.”

Naruto chuckled foolishly, then his expression turned bitter, “Kanpū-sensei, you must help me.”

‘Help was a given, but how to help?’

Kanpū recalled in the original work, thinking about how Kakashi taught Naruto, but after deliberation, ‘It seems that there is only Tree Climbing, Water Surface Walking, and then what?’

‘I couldn't remember at all.’

‘It feels like Kakashi has been slacking off the whole time, is it just my imagination?’

Kanpū wore a skeptical expression.

“Kanpū-sensei~~” ​​Naruto grabbed Kanpū’s arm and started shaking it.

Kanpū felt goosebumps all over, but reluctantly said, “Naruto, I will teach you Tree Climbing and Water Surface Walking first, so that you can control the Chakra inside your body more freely!”

‘Well, following Kakashi's old methods shouldn't be wrong.’

Naruto is always interested in new things, so he was enthusiastic about learning these things.

“Distribute your Chakra evenly on the soles of your feet and let them flow on the soles of the feet to create stickiness…” Kanpū guided while demonstrating by walking vertically up a tree.

“Amazing!” Although it wasn’t the first time Naruto saw this, he was still very excited, especially when he thought that he could do this himself right away, making him even more excited.

He immediately infused a massive amount of Chakra into the sole of his feet, and then tried to walk on the tree trunk…


The tree bark cracked.

“Naruto, be gentle!” Kanpū shook his head and said on the tree trunk.

Naruto, admitting his mistake, tried again with a lighter touch. Unfortunately, there was still too much Chakra on the sole of his feet, and he fell harshly after just two steps.

“Again!” Naruto rolled on the grass after the fall but got up and continued climbing the tree.

Kanpū gave timely guidance: “Naruto, you don't need so much Chakra. It’s enough as long as it can cover the soles of your feet.”

“Why didn't you say that earlier, Kanpū-sensei?” Naruto, with disheveled clothes from multiple falls, looked pitifully at the tree trunk.

‘I just remembered…’ Kanpū said sternly: “In hardship lies greatness, Naruto, stop complaining, keep going!”

“Yes!” Inspired by this simple motivational talk, Naruto was on fire. As a result, he poured too much Chakra and once again tumbled from the tree trunk.

At this time, Karin and Hinata had finished resting. Seeing that Naruto was in training, they immediately came to join in the fun.

Kanpū thought it’s better if there’s more people, so he simply dragged them into the training group, so that they could compare each other and make progress together.

Compared with Naruto’s carelessness, Hinata and Karin smoothly completed Tree Climbing in just over ten minutes.

“Why is it like this…” Naruto, who fell again, looked at the two standing vertically on the tree trunk with grief and indignation.

“Big brother, is Water Surface Walking next?” Karin, watching Naruto still on the ground, asked with a smug expression.

Kanpū pondered for a moment, then shook his head: “Since you're in the same group now, if Naruto doesn't complete the Tree Climbing, none of you are allowed to train the Water Surface Walking.”

“Huh? But, Big Brother … …” Karin was unwilling, but facing Kanpū’s stern face, she could only keep her opinion to herself.

As for the kind-hearted Hinata, she is already earnestly encouraging Naruto to keep it up: “Naruto, ganbatte! You can definitely do it!”

Naruto's health bar was full again, and he enthusiastically climbed the tree once more.

After falling off the tree trunk again and again, Naruto’s face was covered with blood stains and weeds, but he did not give up, and tenaciously stepped on the tree trunk!

In the original work, Naruto spent a lot of time to successfully master Tree Climbing because of the interference of Kyubi’s Chakra and his carefree personality. However, in the current time and space, Minato would always check the seal on Naruto’s body every five days, so there was no interference. However, due to his personality, Naruto still took nearly half a day to successfully climb the tree!

“I made it!” Naruto was very excited.

“Naruto, congratulations.” Hinata congratulated.

“So slow, the sun is about to set.” Karin was extremely dissatisfied, feeling that Naruto had delayed her training.

“What? It's obviously still early evening.” Naruto disagreed.

“Alright, stop arguing. Since there's still time, let's learn the Water Surface Walking.” Kanpū led the group to the small courtyard in front of Karin’s bedroom, where there was a pond suitable for Water Surface Walking training.

“Distribute your Chakra evenly on the soles of your feet and let them flow on the soles of the feet…” Kanpū started with the same paragraph as before.

“Why do I feel that I have heard this sentence…” Naruto rubbed his chin, looking up at the sky in contemplation.

Kanpū slapped him on the head like a chestnut and said: “Start training!”

“Yes!” Naruto shivered and quickly responded.

With the experience of Tree Climbing and the fact that the water in the pond was still, it took less than half an hour for Hinata, Karin and Naruto to master the Water Surface Walking successively.

“Kanpū-sensei, am I stronger now?” Having completed Tree Climbing and Water Surface Walking, Naruto eagerly looked at Karin and Hinata.

“Uh…” Kanpū didn't want to discourage Naruto, so he said, “Yes, you've become stronger.”


Naruto roared loudly, then rushed towards Hinata and Karin…

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