Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 77: Unexpected Exam

Chapter 77: Unexpected Exam

After Kanp took Hayates hand and talked about the combination of work and rest for more than half an hour, his cheap father finally returned and hurriedly cooked a simple meal of noodles as a dinner for the three people.

Hayate is a salted fish, and doesnt require much food, but Kanp suffers.

The noodles cooked by Hoshino are very soft. The chopsticks break them when he tried to mix them, and they are sticky in the mouth. Not only are they not chewy, they are also sticking to the teeth. The taste of the soup is also supported by only MSG and salt. Kanp then added some wasabi to it all in all, its junk food!

Kanps only hope now is on Yui.

If there are crayfish, then his good days are coming.

In the early morning of the next day, in the Class 8s classroom of, Kanp was already sitting in his seat and waiting early, but it was a pity that he did not find Yui as he waited.

Kanp, what are you worried of?

Iruka has transformed into a psychological mentor, ready to heal Kanps mind.

No, I'm waiting for someone.

Kanp stared at the door and said, I asked Yui for some advice yesterday, and she said to give me the answer today.

Then why dont you go to her? Iruka asked strangely.

She hasnt come yet! Kanp said helplessly.


Iruka pointed to the wall diagonally ahead, She just came in.


I kept staring at the door and didn't notice?!

Kanp was very shocked.

Iruka was speechless when he saw Kanps expression.

Cough cough, that, Iruka, thank you for your reminder.

Kanp calmed down, then got up and walked over.


With a smile on his face, Kanp walked towards Yui, and then asked in a low voice, What happened yesterday

Yui said bluntly: Yes.

Yes? Is there really? Kanp was excited.

Well, its called crawfish. One of my uncle's father once brought back some crawfish from the Land of Rivers for research, and then he threw them down at the sewers. Yui pondered, and then said I cant tell you where the crawfish live in the Land of Rivers now, unless the war is over.

Yui was afraid that Kanp would get hot-headed and went directly to Land of Rivers, but she didnt expect that Kanp didnt care about Land of Rivers at all, but instead asked about the sewer.

Did your uncle's father throw them down the sewers? Kanp looked expectant and said, When he threw it down, did the crawfish live? Is it? Is it?

Yui was a little stunned and nodded.

Kanp is overjoyed.

The sewers are used to discharge domestic sewage and rainwater. However, with the current level of Konohas technology, the water flowing into the sewer may not even contain heavy metals. For crayfish, such sewage is still is just like playing at hot spring. However, considering the abundant rain in Konoha, if the crayfish survived, it is very likely that they have been flushed out of the sewers.

So Kanp asked: Yui, where do the village's sewers lead to?

The big river two miles to the east of the village.

Yui asked curiously, Kanp-san, do you think that crawfish can survive from the sewer?

I dont know, but anyway, Yui, thank you! Youve helped me a lot! I will treat you to a big meal in the future!

Kanp cant wait to rush over there directly, but considering the attitudes of Yu, Hoshino, and Keiko if he skips the school, he still feels he has to slow down.

Returning to his seat, Kanp asked Iruka about the big river to the east.

Iruka pondered for a while and said: The specifics are not clear, but I know that the villages sewers led the sewage to the big river, it is because of the rapid flow rate of that river, which can flush all the sewage discharged from the village.

Its really an extensive economic growth method.

Lets not talk about how much damage this will bring to the nature, lets just talk about the crayfish. If this crayfish really comes out of the sewer, I wonder how far it will be washed out by the river?

Kanp estimated that if he were to find it alone, he would not know how long it would take.

Then, a thought flashed through Kanps mind.

In a few days, isnt it Ankos birthday picnic?

How about changing the picnic spot to that river?

At that time, wouldnt I be able to get everyone to help?

The lower reaches of that river are not suitable for picnics, but the upper reaches are not polluted and are perfectly fine for picnics.

Kanp looked excited, and then immediately put his plan into action.

However, just as he was about to find Anko, the bell rang.

Yu arrived on time and walked into the classroom, holding a stack of test papers in his hands.

Everyone, sit down! Lets start the exam!

Yu took slapped the test paper on the podium and looked at all the bronzes with serious eyes. Students who failed the exam will need to copy all the test questions and answers ten times! Did you hear it clearly?

I hear it clearly!!!

Fatty, who was sitting in the front row, shouted with hoarse voice, his breathing became rapid at that time, and then he couldnt help but turn his head and look at the stunned Kanp on the last row: I dont know why, but I suddenly got so excited!

Seemingly feeling Fattys eyes that are full of maliciousness, Kanp, who has recovered, raised his eyebrows at Fatty very provocatively, and then gestured to Iruka who was sitting next to him with his eyes.

Fatty felt a chill in his heart. He knew that Iruka is one of the students with excellent theoretical knowledge in the class, so if Iruka helps Kanp cheat

Fatty was shocked, anxious, aggrieved and uncomfortable. He wanted to tattletale to Yu immediately, but what could he say before the incident happened?

Youre so despicable and shameless, Gekk Kanp, it seems that I still underestimate you!

Fatty lowered his head, clenched his teeth and had to hold his pen, but he didnt hear Yu calling him to hand out the test papers.

Ito-kun, Ito-kun? Pass out the test papers.

Yu raised his voice and shouted twice, finally waking up Fatty.

Yes, I understand!

Fatty hurriedly stood up and went to hand out the test paper.

When he got the test paper, Kanp took a rough look at it. The question was really daunting, so he couldn't help but ask for help on the spot.

He poked Iruka in the arm, and his eyes were wandering.

Iruka nodded, then shook his head suddenly, gave Kanp a look full of hidden meaning.

Kanp knows what Iruka is worried about by looking at his eyes. This is almost a common problem of almost all good students. He is worried that others will just copy whatever he writes, including his name. This kind of thing is like saving a drown person, but was pulled by the person to drown together.

Therefore, Kanp winked and nodded.

Iruka was relieved.

At the beginning of the exam, Yu walked around the classroom, his gaze is like eagle and falcon, scanning everyone in the classroom.

But although the classroom is not big, it is not small. Whenever Yu turns his head, there will be a bronze probing around in his blind spot.

Kanp sat in the back row and looked at everyone. Seeing that there are so many like-minded people, he secretly thought that he is not alone!

So, he did two things, he just took a look at Irukas answers, and followed it smoothly all the way. After halfway through writing, Kanp took a few glances and wrote down the other topics. Of course, he will polish it up this time, and add his own understanding. Although his points will be deducted, it will not be deducted completely. In this way, there is no need to worry about passing the grade.

More than an hour later, when the exam was over, Yu told everyone to put down their pens and put away the test papers. Then, he shuffled the test papers and let Fatty passed them out again, so that everyone can become the teacher and mark one test paper.

I will announce the answer now!

Kashima said with a serious face, Everyone must seriously mark the test paper, and you all also need to write your name after you finished marking it. Understand?


Many bronzes were very excited when they got other peoples test papers, as if they have the power to be in charge of someones life and death, and they took out red pens and are excited to start.

Fatty who is sitting in the front row was even more gleaming. When he passed the test papers, he naturally made small movements. The test paper in his hand was Kanps, and the test paper at his deskmate was Irukas, so if the two cheated, he could report Kanp under his real name in minutes, and be happy for a whole day!

Then, the answer to the first question is

Yu began to announce the answer.

Fatty read Kanps answers very seriously, and from time to time, he would communicate with the deskmate next to him, but the more he marked the answer, the more ugly Fattys face became, and he even had an inexplicable feeling of grief and indignation.

Gekk Kanp, Gekk Kanp, you bastardyou copy a test paper, but you didnt copy it completely, you you are not human!!

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