Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 760: Did I Go Too Far With This?

Chapter 760: Did I Go Too Far With This?

After thoroughly searching the laboratory, ōmadara not only found all the research materials on Cursed Seal of Heaven and Earth, but also discovered a scroll detailing the usage of the Cursed Seal. He didn't bother being polite with Orochimaru, as he grabbed the scroll and stuffed it into his pocket!

Then, ōmadara, carrying the unconscious Jugo, cheerfully left the base, retracing his steps back to the ship.

When the sailors on the ship saw ōmadara coming back with an unfamiliar man on his back, their eyes immediately turned weird.

‘You went through all this trouble for a man?’

‘It seems like you're not a straight guy with such complicated actions!’

All the sailors were full of resentment, but considering their own wallets, all of them rationally remained silent.

ōmadara didn’t bother explaining to them either. After returning the money to the sailors, he ordered the ship to set sail overnight, heading towards the nearest port in the Land of Iron.


When Orochimaru’s clone arrived on the island, the moonlight gradually brightened, casting a translucent silver veil over the yellow-brown island.

Tap, tap, tap……

With footsteps neither fast nor slow, Orochimaru walked towards the entrance of the base, and smelled a faint smell of blood as soon as he approached.

‘Sure enough, something happened!’

Orochimaru squeezed the corners of his mouth slightly, and when he arrived at the entrance, he saw two subordinates kneeling on both sides, one on the left and the other on the right. Their bodies are stiff, clearly already dead for more than two hours.

Orochimaru coldly walked through the two.

Entering the base, the smell of blood became even stronger. Bodies of his subordinates were scattered everywhere, but the doors of various laboratories showed no signs of damage, until… Orochimaru reached the laboratory storing the research data on the Cursed Seal.

Looking at the shattered laboratory door and the messy documents inside, Orochimaru's face turned dark. However, he didn't go inside to check. Instead, he continued walking, arriving at the iron prison at the deepest part of the base.

This prison was built according to Jugo’s request for self-confinement. If Kimimaro went out for something, Jugo would lock himself in here.

At this moment, the prison is empty.

His premonition came true, Abyss had indeed obtained information about the northern island’s base from Kimimaro, and sent someone to take away the most valuable things here.

“Hehehe… Hahaha…”

Orochimaru laughed up to the sky, the laughter filled with anger and regret.

With Kimimaro’s loyalty to him, Orochimaru believes that no matter how cruel the interrogation was, it is impossible for Kimimaro to betray him. The only explanation is that Abyss used Mind Reading Technique and stole the information directly from Kimimaro’s mind!

But doing this would undoubtedly damage Kimimaro’s brain.

In other words, Kimimaro is just a dispensable experimental subject for the Abyss, and it’s fine even if he turned into an idiot!

But for Orochimaru, Jiraiya was one of the most important containers for his Living Corpse Reincarnation!

Thinking that the reincarnation container he cherished so much was treated like this, Orochimaru feels like… using expensive bait, but lost the bait and didn’t get the fish?


It’s like having given away a bride, and to lose one’s army on top of it!

Because Jugo’s research value was also enormous!

Orochimaru is extremely enraged, his chest is undulating, then he used an Earth Release Ninjutsu to directly bury the base and himself completely!

In the next moment, the memory is passed back to Orochimaru’s main body.

Orochimaru stood on the coast of the Land of Rice Fields, gazing at the night sky and the bright moon, his eyes flickering.


Land of Iron’s capital.

Konoha Tavern.

Kimimaro, who has lost his memory, sits at a table while looking Kanpū and Kabuto with cute expression.

“My Lord, this is…” Kabuto pushed the round-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes somewhat playful.

With his IQ and experience, he could easily see the abnormalities on Kimimaro.

‘The other party was undoubtedly a Shinobi, but his sitting posture was completely unguarded, and his eyes are clear and dull, like a foolish child. Interesting!’

“His name is Kimimaro, from Kaguya Clan and also has Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai. However, he has lost his memory and has Kekkei Genkai disease.” Kanpū introduced briefly.

“Amnesia? Kekkei Genkai disease…”

Kabuto looked at Kimimaro in amazement and said, “This is a terminal illness.”

“Can it be cured?”

Kanpū asked, “For example, transplanting Hashirama’s cells and so on?”

Kabuto pondered for a moment, then slightly shook his head: “Kekkei Genkai disease is a condition rooted in the Kekkei Genkai. Transplanting Hashirama’s cells won't cure the Kekkei Genkai disease, unless… We deprive him of Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai inside his body!”

“Deprive his Kekkei Genkai?” Kanpū’s eyes lit up, and he asked, “Do you have a way?”

“Uh… no.”

Kabuto said with a bitter smile, “I’m talking about theory, but in reality, there's no one in the Shinobi World who can deprive someone else's Kekkei Genkai.”

‘Is that really so?’

As a prophet of Shinobi World who knew five hundred years into the past and five hundred years into the future, Kanpū knew that Kabuto is wrong.

However, all the Shinobi whose Kekkei Genkai was deprived by Hiruko ended up dead.

Obviously, his method of removing the Kekkei Genkai is not suitable for curing Kekkei Genkai disease.

But if there was a chance, Kanpū still hoped to ask Hiruko Hiruko to give him the Chimera Technique!

“My Lord, what are you thinking?” Kabuto asked strangely.


Kanpū shook his head slightly, then glanced at Kimimaro, and said, “I want you stay here, don't wander around. Kabuto, follow me to the basement.”

The two entered the basement one after the other and closed the door to isolate the sound. Kanpū said, “From now on, Kimimaro will live here. I will leave a shadow clone to take care of him. If you have time, try to treat his Kekkei Genkai disease. No matter how absurd the methods are, just give them a try.”

‘Any absurd methods?’

‘It seems that Kimimaro is not a subordinate trusted by My Lord.’

Kabuto understood, and replied: “I understand.”

“How is the experiment of Hashirama’s cells transplantation going?” Kanpū mentioned his second purpose coming here.

Kabuto shrugged: “Although there is progress, the rejection of cells cannot be completely eliminated. It's still a bit far from human experimentation.”

‘It is cell rejection again, still a bit far…’

Kanpū sighed deeply. For some reason, he has a strange feeling that Kabuto, who works as his subordinate, is far inferior compared to Kabuto who works as Orochimaru’s subordinate in the original work.

‘Is it an illusion?’

Kanpū thought about the difference between himself and Orochimaru, and said, “Kabuto, if it's not working out, let's just proceed with human experimentation. At any rate, there are quite a few bandits at the border of the Land of Fire recently.”

‘With human experimentation, the progress of his experiments should speed up, right?’

“…Yes.” Kabuto nodded with a strange look in his eyes, but in his heart, he thought: ‘Lord is a prominent figure even in Konoha, so how could he know about the bandits at the border?’

‘Could it be…’

Kanpū doesn’t know about Kabuto's inner thoughts, and is still thinking about how to speed up the process of Kabuto’s experiment.

At any rate, he was the prophet of Shinobi World who knew five hundred years into the past and five hundred years into the future, so Kanpū soon came up with a method.

That method was grafting flowers onto trees!

In the original work, Danzo’s right arm was transplanted with ten Sharingan. These Sharingan are from different Uchiha’s clansman. More than ten kinds of genes are mixed together, but weirdly, there is no sign of rejection at all. Why?

Was it the degradation of DNA or the distortion of genes, the helplessness of cells, or the eruption of chromosomes?

Neither, there is only one truth!

The right arm that was transplanted with more than ten Sharingan eyes did not belong to Danzo at all, it came from… Uchiha Shin!

A boy with a special physique that allowed him to be able to transplant any organ or tissue onto himself without any rejection reaction!

If he can find this person, he can use the grafting flowers onto trees on Shisui like Danzo!

First, he would transplant Hashirama’s cells on Shin’s right hand, and then transplant his right hand to Shisui!

But with Shisui’s character, he might not agree to exchange hands or feet. However, it’s fine, as exchanging skin was also an option!

He can just take a piece of white and tender skin from Shin’s buttock, and then transplant it to Shisui’s face… cough, on the chest, allowing him to have Hashirama’s face there. How wonderful would it be?

‘Yeah, Shisui will definitely agree!’

Kanpū smiled.

“My Lord?” Seeing Kanpū who suddenly beamed with joy, Kabuto was a little flustered, “Why did you suddenly smile?”

“I just thought of something interesting.”

The interrupted Kanpū waved his hand and said, “Well, I will go now.”

Saying that, Kanpū formed hand seal, leaving behind a shadow clone, and used Sage Mode. Climbing along the network cable, he went to his secret underground base at the Land of Iron.

The shadow clones under the base still performed their duties. They generate electricity with their hands, explore the Yin-Yang Release, and monitoring the surroundings…

Kanpū glanced around and sat in the middle of the base, which is the coffin lid of Hashirama. Then, he continued thinking of the information about Uchiha Shin.

To be honest, Kanpū doesn’t know exactly when the Uchiha Shin appeared by Orochimaru's side, but one thing was certain… Uchiha Shin would definitely appear in the Shinobi World after the Year 56 of Konoha!

Because in the original work, that was the year Uchiha Clan was destroyed!

Danzo therefore collected a large amount of Sharingan, and then Orochimaru transplanted these Sharingan into Uchiha Shin’s hands, and finally gave this arm to Danzo.

‘Oh, it seems like it’s this year.’

‘Even though in the current timeline, Danzo has been captured and is undergoing hard labor in Konoha's prison, Orochimaru is still active in the Shinobi World.’

‘So, the likelihood of Uchiha Shin joining Orochimaru, just like in the original work, is still very high!’

‘That’s right!’

‘In those secret bases of Orochimaru…’

Kanpū suddenly shook his head. In the images from Kimimaro’s memory, there was no information about Uchiha Shin.

‘Either Uchiha Shin hasn't joined Orochimaru yet, or Orochimaru has placed Uchiha Shin in an even more secretive location.’

‘However, the only thing certain is that it would be extremely difficult to snatch Uchiha Shin away from Orochimaru, no matter which situation is true!’

Kanpū silently took out a small notebook and recorded information about Uchiha Shin using Romanized Chinese.

Unconsciously, as the day brightened, a memory suddenly poured into Kanpū’s mind.

Kanpū’s eyes immediately lit up, because this memory came from ōmadara!

In the next instant, Kanpū disappeared.

At the Iron Country's port, in a dimly lit room on the second floor of a tavern, Kanpū’s figure appeared along with an invisible circular wave.

The dim room made Kanpū a little uncomfortable. He fumbled to turn on the light and saw his Flying Thunder God Kunai and the slumbering Jugo lying on a futon.

On Jugo's body, there was an exquisite scroll.

Kanpū first put away his Flying Thunder God Kunai and then picked up the scroll to examine it. The content above is the Cursed Seal of Heaven and Earth developed by Orochimaru using Jugo’s DNA!

Halfway through reading, Kanpū’s eyelids suddenly twitched.

He almost forgot, there are Orochimaru's cells in the Cursed Seal of Heaven and Earth!

And Kimimaro should already have the Cursed Seal of Earth on his body!

‘Well, I will solve the Cursed Seal of Earth when I go back, and then give the cells belonging to Orochimaru humane harmony!’

‘I’m such a clever devil!’

Then, Kanpū put away the scroll, grabbed Jugo, then activated Sage Mode. He then took him all the way to the Konoha Tavern in the Land of Iron!

“I’m back.” Kanpū’s sudden appearance startled Kabuto.

“My Lord…”

Kabuto gazed at him with deep eyes, and then looked towards Jugo in his hand, “This is?”

“His name is Libra Jugo, he’s…”

Kanpū just wanted to introduce him, but suddenly remembered something.

‘Kabuto, Kimimaro, and Jugo… These three people are supposed to be Orochimaru’s people, if you add the Uchiha Shin that I’m targeting…’

‘Did I go too far with this?’

‘Although Orochimaru is Missing-nin, he is still a person!’ Kanpū fell into deep self-reproach.

However, he quickly shook off this negative emotion and continued: “Jugo is a good friend of Kimimaro. His physique is very special. Once he absorbs enough Natural Energy, he will go berserk. But don’t worry, my shadow clone will suppress him.”

“Natural Energy?”

Kabuto’s eyes flickered, “Is it… Sage Transformation?”

Kanpū smirked and said playfully: “Kabuto, you know a lot.”

Kabuto didn't mind. After all, he was now working for Kanpū, and there’s also Cursed Mark on his heart, so there was no need to conceal anything. He laughed openly and said: “My Lord, can I study him?”

Kanpū nodded: “Of course, but don’t kill him… Well, forget it. With my shadow clone watching, why would I care?”

Saying this, he took out the scroll that records the Cursed Seal of Heaven and Earth, handed it to Kabuto, and said: “There is one more thing. Kimimaro has a Cursed Mark placed on him, which is the Cursed Seal of Earth recorded in the scroll. Please release it for me.”

“Cursed Mark?”

Kabuto’s eyes flickered, “Is it the same as the Cursed Mark on my body?”

Kanpū’s face twitched: ‘Brother, you are drifting!’

“Of course it’s different! Whether it’s the Cursed Seal of Earth or Cursed Seal of Heaven, both are dangerous seals that enhance one's strength.”

Kanpū pointed to the still unconscious Jugo and said, “These two kinds of Cursed Seal are made from his cells…”

With that said, Kanpū began to explain the functions and dangers of the Cursed Seal of Heaven and Earth.

After listening to Kanpū’s explanation, Kabuto looked regretful: “I see… Well, I'll give it a try.”

“Don’t just give it a try, you must remove it.” Kanpū looked serious.

‘If it wasn't removed, wouldn't Orochimaru's cells continue to reside in Kimimaro’s body forever?’

Kanpū couldn't tolerate having another man's cells inside his subordinate's body!

Absolutely not allowed!

“I understand.” Kabuto opened the scroll and began to study it earnestly.

After reading for a while, he suddenly looked up: “My Lord, if you have something to attend to, you can leave first.”

“I’m not leaving. I want to watch you remove the Cursed Seal on Kimimaro’s body.” Kanpū looked serious.

<( ̄﹌ ̄)>

Kanpū is not angry, nor does he distrust Kabuto. It’s just that Orochimaru’s cells are too dangerous, so in the moment he removed the Cursed Seal, what should they do if Orochimaru’s cells suddenly became alive?

Wouldn't everything here fall into Orochimaru's eyes at that time?

Kanpū didn't want his little secret to be discovered by others.

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