Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 748: Kimimaro’s Shikotsumyaku

Chapter 748: Kimimaro's Shikotsumyaku

Returning to the Forest of Death, Kanpū subconsciously wanted to create a clone, but he soon remembered that the secret base at the Forest of Death had been moved. In other words, it was no longer safe here.

There is no Byakugan shadow clone in the base to monitor the surroundings day and night, so who knows whether the White Zetsu’s clone is lurking in the vicinity or not. Therefore, to be on the safe side, Kanpū immediately climbed along the ‘network cable’ to the underground base under the frozen soil at the Land of Iron. Under the monitoring of Byakugan shadow clone, he silently deactivated Transparent Release, lit up Ice Release, puts on the ice crystals mask, and uses all kinds of messy things to eliminate his aura, completely transforming into Hyōketsu.

Then, he ordered another Byakugan shadow clone and Sharingan shadow clone to follow. After leaving the base, the Byakugan shadow clone took the alias Hyuga Taki, and Sharingan shadow clone himself an unusual name, Uchiha Nimadara! (T/N: Ni means two.)

This is a tribute to ōmadara who searched for deserted islands far away in the coastal area.

Kanpū didn't bother to care and took them straight back to another ‘landing point’ in the Forest of Death.

Then, the three people went to find Orochimaru quietly.


The night is as dark as ink.

In the depths of the jungle outside Konoha, White Zetsu’s clone stared at Orochimaru, who was sleeping against a big tree not far away, and opened his mouth several times but stopped talking!

Just now, Orochimaru suddenly approached Taki and whispered a few words, and then Taki exploded with a bang.

The sensitive White Zetsu’s clone had a premonition that something has happened: ‘The Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai Shinobi Orochimaru said has arrived!

‘What should I do?’

White Zetsu’s clone felt a little uncomfortable. Whether as Madara's henchman or as a member of the Akatsuki, he can’t just sit back and watch Orochimaru hook up with Abyss, but how can he stop it without combat power?

‘No matter what, I need to find the Shikotsumyaku Shinobi first, and then report the information to the main body!’

White Zetsu’s clone started diving into the ground. “Where are you going?”

Orochimaru, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes, and his golden vertical pupils stared at the White Zetsu’s clone with a slightly mocking expression in his eyes.

White Zetsu’s clone paused, and said bravely: “Go and take a look nearby.”

Orochimaru smiled evilly: “Really? Aren’t you afraid that I will take the opportunity to disappear?”

White Zetsu’s clone snorted and said: “Orochimaru, what on earth are you trying to do?!”

Orochimaru chuckled, but closes his eyes and no longer speaks.

White Zetsu’s clone felt that he is just dancing on Orochimaru’s palm and became depressed!


White Zetsu’s clone cursed secretly, and quickly got into the ground.


“Orochimaru-sama, where is this?”

In a prosperous village fifty kilometers away from Konoha, Kimimaro followed Orochimaru into a hot spring in confusion.

Orochimaru did not answer him, but went straight to the hot spring’s owner and rented a small courtyard.

The two of them put on their bath towels and got out of the hot spring, where they soaked comfortably.

In his childhood, Kimimaro was trained by his clan as a weapon. Later, when the clan was destroyed, he followed Orochimaru around the world, so this was his first time soaking in a hot spring!

After soaking his whole body in the warm water, Kimimaro felt warm and comfortable all over his body. Suddenly, he saw a small white snake come out from Orochimaru, who is opposite him, slithering through the water and swimming toward him.

Kimimaro’s whole body tensed up.

“Open your mouth.” Orochimaru closed his eyes and spoke coldly.


When Kimimaro the order, he immediately relaxed his body and opened his mouth.

The small white snake swam onto Kimimaro, crawled along his neck and entered his mouth.

The cold snake scales moved across the delicate skin, making Kimimaro shuddered slightly. He felt a little scared, but more of excitement. He felt that he has fused together with his Orochimaru-sama again!

Not long after, Orochimaru suddenly opened his eyes, and he sensed three strands of Chakra aura, one of which came from Taki!

Tap, tap, tap…

With the chaotic footsteps, Kanpū, who turned into Hyōketsu, brought in Taki and Nimadara.

“Orochimaru.” Kanpū wears an ice crystals mask on his face, and his eyes are cold, seeming to have a sharp edge.

Hearing this voice, Orochimaru’s pupils shrank: ‘Yuki Hyōketsu?’

‘Didn’t he team up with Hidan on the mission?’

‘Is it the main body?!’


“This is the Shikotsumyaku?”

Taki next to Kanpū pushed the big sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and said, “It’s still a little brat, Orochimaru, are you trying to play around?”

Orochimaru smiled and said nothing, but Kimimaro has already jumped out of the hot spring pond fiercely, and rushed towards Taki with a fierce look on his face: “You are not allowed to be rude to Orochimaru-sama!”

Taki immediately activated Byakugan, and veins appeared near his eyes. He then stood in Gentle Fist stance and slapped the galloping Kimimaro with his palms repeatedly, and slapped him back into the hot spring pool with the last palm.


The warm pool water splashed everywhere, Orochimaru didn't care and slowly stood up.

“Orochimaru-sama, just leave it to me!”

Kimimaro jumped out of the hot spring pool again, pointed his fingers at Taki, and shouted, “Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets!”

Bang~ bang~ bang~ ……

In the next moment, close and numerous finger bones shot out like bullets from Kimimaro’s fingertips, leaving a ring of air waves in the air with a harsh sonic boom!

Moreover, the finger bones’ attack range directly covered Kanpū’s group of three!

Taki chuckled and quickly retreated behind the others.

Shikotsumyaku’s attack is extremely powerful. In the original work, Gaara’s sand can only barely resist Kimimaro’s Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets. Taki is not talented, so he chose to hide behind the main body!

Kanpū had a constipated expression on his face, but fortunately, he wears an ice crystals mask so he wasn't afraid of his expression being seen.

Ice Release: Waltz!

Under Minato’s neural reflex, Kanpū easily erected a tough, thick semi-circular ice shield in front of him before the finger bone descended.

Bang bang bang bang…

As if the calm water surface was covered by sudden rain, the ice fragments were splashing everywhere. Countless finger bones blasted out tiny ice holes on the surface of the round ice shield, which went straight to the inside. Unfortunately, it did not penetrate in the end!

“That’s it?”

Taki stepped forward and immediately showed off, “Little brat, it seems Shikotsumyaku is just merely this.”

“Damn it!”

Kimimaro growled, and at this moment, there seemed to be ferocious edges and corners under his fair skin, “Then, let me show you the true power of Shikotsumyaku, Dance of the Willow!!!”

Puff puff puff ……

Along the piercing sound of flesh and bones being separated, everyone saw white bone spurs strangely sprouting from Kimimaro’s palms, elbows, knees, back and other parts, and then, he turned into a hurricane and rushed towards Taki.

The white bone spurs drew pale arcs in the night, rushing towards Taki like a ghost.

Kimimaro could even see the hair on Taki’s face, but at this moment, Kimimaro suddenly saw a burst of blood color eroding from all directions, quickly covering him.

‘What happened?’

Kimimaro looked up in disbelief, only to find that Taki, who was close at hand, had disappeared without a trace, and only a huge blood-colored full moon filled his eyes.

He looked around in confusion, only to find that he was trapped on a huge wooden stake. And all parts of his body, except for the eyeballs, were not able to move even for a little bit!

Then, he saw wedges with a rusty smell inserted into his body bit by bit…


Kimimaro groaned in pain, with veins on his forehead exposed and cold sweat pouring out, but as a subordinate of Orochimaru, what is this little pain?

He gritted his teeth, his pupils gradually overflowed with bloodshot, but his eyes kept moving and observing his surroundings.

‘This is…’

He saw the surrounding environment has changed drastically. There is a layer of lake water under his feet, with a bloody full moon reflected on it. He’s surrounded by towering and strange rocks, and Nimadara is sitting on a strange rock, dangling his feet while looking at him.

In Nimadara’s eyes, there is a pair of 3-Tomoe Sharingan exuding a faint scarlet luster!

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