Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 746: Two Shoulders Bear Responsibility!

Chapter 746: Two Shoulders Bear Responsibility!

Since Danzo was arrested, the Anbu who had been on standby for a few months gradually returned to their busy schedule. The missions that had piled up for several months were also assigned to each team one by one. Finally, Kanpū’s sixth team was also came to do mission.

The Anbu Commander, Eagle personally handed over the mission scroll to Kanpū, and asked him to complete the mission brilliantly!

Kanpū opened the scroll and found that the commission client was actually Kusagakure!

A few days ago, the villages near the Land of Grass and Land of Earth’s border disappeared one after another. After Kusagakure’s Shinobi repeatedly searched but found no results, they were forced to seek help from Konoha under pressure!

Kanpū read the content and listened to Eagle’s chatter, and quickly figured out what was beyond the mission.

Many years ago, after Konoha helped rebuild Kusagakure, the relationship between the two villages has been very close, especially Konoha has a significant influence on Kusagakure!

But with the passage of time, Kusagakure gradually developed and grew, and the new generation of Shinobi also grew rapidly. As a result, the beating hearts of the higher-ups, including the leader of Kusagakure, began to restless. Little by little, they wiped out Konoha’s influence in Kusagakure, and wanted to become a completely independent and powerful Shinobi Village!

So this time, if the internal pressure in Kusagakure this time was not too great, they would have never asked Konoha for help.

“Husky, if you can successfully complete the mission, you can re-enhance Konoha’s influence in Kusagakure!”

Eagle clenched his right fist and waved hard, “Ganbatte!!!”

Kanpū’s face twitched.

‘That’s what he said, but…’

‘An entire village disappeared… Could it be that it’s done by Nagato’s Shinra Tensei?’

To be honest, Kanpū doesn’t want to touch this kind of ‘important’ mission.

But he is now the captain of the sixth team of Konoha’s Anbu. In addition to his head, he also carries a heavy burden called ‘responsibility’ on his shoulders!

So he said with a serious expression: “Commander, in a search mission like this, the longer it goes on, the fewer clues there will be. Moreover, Kusagakure’s Shinobi must have searched the scene countless times, and even if there are clues, they must have destroyed them.”

As the team captain, Kanpū said these words not because he was afraid that his position as the team captain would be removed after failing this mission, but because he was thinking about his subordinates!

What if their wages are deducted?

His subordinates are all working hard, so Kanpū will never let this happen!

Yes, he is such a good captain who thinks about his subordinates!


“You’re right…”

When Eagle heard Kanpū’s words, he subconsciously nodded, but he soon realized it, changed the subject, and couldn't help but said angrily, “But this mission involves diplomacy, so no matter what, we have to give Kusagakure a satisfactory answer, understand?”


Kanpū saw that Eagle was not easy to fool, so he had no choice but to agree.

Then, he returned to the locker room of the sixth team and saw that everyone had arrived. He sighed before saying anything. After successfully making the atmosphere in the locker room tense and uneasy, Kanpū slowly said: “Everyone, we have a new mission. Get ready to go to Kusagakure.”


“Captain Husky, what's the mission?”

“I always feel a little uneasy.”

“To actually send our sixth team, this mission must not be easy.”

The crowd of extras said one after another.

Shisui, Itachi, Tenzo and the others looked Kanpū with solemn expressions.

“The specific content of the mission… Let’s talk about it on the way.” Kanpū waved his hand and turned away happily.

That morning, Anbu’s sixth team left Konoha.

On the way, Kanpū told them about the disappearance of several villages in the Land of Grass, and exaggerated the severe diplomatic matter, and then, he finally said: “So if this mission cannot be completed smoothly, Commander Eagle may cause trouble to everyone, but you can rest assured, if he wants to make it difficult for you, he must pass me first!”

At the last sentence, Kanpū said it resolutely and decisively, showing great momentum!

All the extras are so excited that they wished the mission would fail immediately, so that Eagle can immediately blame Kanpū, and then they will jump out and take the responsibility!

‘Well…something feels weird when I think about it this way.’

Shisui followed at the end, and under his mask, he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Tenzo has suffered too much from Kanpū, so how could he not understand his face clearly? If he hadn't been wearing a mask, his disdainful smile can be seen by all.

As for Itachi, this guy has been following Shisui all the time. He doesn’t care about what Kanpū said, as long as he can act with Shisui!

Everyone traveled over mountains and ridges, and crossed the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass in just five days, and arrived at Kusagakure the next day.

The leader of Kusagakure, Nishida Hisao warmly received them, but the formulaic smile on his face kept Kanpū and the others at arm's length.

Kanpū didn't want to be polite to him and said straight to the point: “Sir, please give us all clues related to the mission.”

Nishida Hisao looked embarrassed and said hesitantly: “To be honest, when the first village disappeared, I sent our Anbu to investigate the matter in time. Although we successfully found a lot of clues, it didn’t help in the end. I guess that the clues we have in our hands are very likely to be false, and the secret mastermind deliberately left them on the scene to mislead us, so in order not to affect Konoha’s Anbu’s investigation, I can’t hand over these clues to you!”

Hearing this, Kanpū almost spit out his saliva at this guy’s face!

‘I have seen seen shameless people when looking in the mirror, but I have never seen such a shameless person!’

‘My god… I have to learn more from him.’

‘Nishida Hisao, please be my teacher!’

Since he couldn't find any useful clues in Kusagakure, Kanpū decisively left with his men.

After walking out of Kusagakure, all the extras of the sixth team cursed and uttered fragrant words, and fiercely greeted the relatives of the leader of the Kusagakure, Nishida Hisao.

“Captain Husky, how can you tolerate this?”

“It’s too much, the leader of the Kusagakure clearly doesn’t want to give us the clues!”

“Does Kusagakure’s Shinobi really want us to complete this mission?”

“Just mere Kusagakure, how dare they be so arrogant, bastard!”

After greeting the relatives of the leader of Kusagakure, they continued to complain towards Kanpū.

Kanpū smiled nonchalantly and said: “Don’t worry, there will be clues.”

Everyone is puzzled, and while they were looking at each other, someone finally realized something was wrong.

“Where is Itachi?”

“Where did that guy go?”

“Could it be…”

These extras were very unfriendly to Itachi at first, because when he joined Anbu, Shisui had just defected, and the relationship between the village and Uchiha Clan was also very tense, so their attitude towards Itachi was extremely bad! But now that Shisui has returned, and it has been confirmed that he had tolerated the burden of defecting for the mission, the relationship between the village and Uchiha Clan quickly eased. Therefore, when they thought how bad they were to Itachi at the beginning, they now feel guilty towards him.

Of course, Itachi doesn’t care about this at all. His eyes and heart were all about his Big Brother Shisui.

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