Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 743: Two Letters And One Information

Chapter 743: Two Letters And One Information

Land of Fire.


The Hokage Office in the Hokage Tower received two letters today, one from Land of Water’s Kirigakure and the other from Land of Wind’s Sunagakure.

After Minato went to work, he first opened the letter from Kirigakure.

The person who wrote the letter was the actual person in charge of Kirigakure Village, Elder Genji.

Genji is old, so the content of the letter is long and convoluted, with a lot of polite words. It is not until the last paragraph that he sharply accuses and protests against Konoha’s shameless cover-up of Yondaime Mizukage’s killing. At the same time, he hoped that Konoha can take on the responsibility of Shinobi World’s strongest Shinobi Village, take the initiative to admit its mistakes, hand over the murderer Hyuga Clan, and compensate Kirigakure for the huge losses! (T/N: It seemed that I have mistranslate this elder name. In Naruto Wiki, his name is Genji, not Genki. Sorry about all the confusion before. I won’t fix his name in previous chapter, and use Genji as his name from now on.)

After seeing this paragraph, Minato felt that they hired a ghostwriter.’

Minato shook his head slightly.

‘After the death of Yondaime Mizukage, although the Kirigakure broke through the bloody mist policy and resumed diplomacy with other Great Shinobi Villages, the corrupt management…’

Minato casually put the letter aside, and then opened the letter sent by Sunagakure.

The letter was written by Yondaime Kazekage, Rasa.

The content of the letter is very strange. First of all, Rasa mentioned Akatsuki, saying that Sunagakure will definitely pay attention to this Missing-nin organization, and actively cooperate with Konoha to eliminate this cancer from the Shinobi World, emphasizing that the friendship between Sunagakure and Konoha will last forever.

Next, Rasa talked about how Sunagakure and Konoha have been mutually beneficial to each other, and having win-win situation over the years, and believes that the alliance relationship between the two parties should be immortal.

Finally, there were a lot of compliments.

‘It seems that he has also hired a ghostwriter.’

Minato didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but his expression straightened immediately.


‘Why did Rasa suddenly write this letter?’

Minato had written to Rasa before, asking him to guard against Akatsuki, but Rasa’s reply was neither humble nor overbearing, neither warm nor cool, neither familiar nor distant.

‘And this letter, this tone… why does it feel like kneeling and licking?’

‘Did something unexpected happen to Sunagakure that caused its strength to plummet?’

Minato’s expression suddenly changed: ‘Could it be that Akatsuki managed to kidnap Ichibi from Sunagakure?’

He hurriedly shouted outside: “Genma.”

“Hokage-sama, I am the one on duty today.”

The person who came in was not Genma, but another member of the Hokage Guard Platoon, Namiashi Raido.

Minato apologized, and then asked him to find all the recent information on Sunagakure.

Half an hour later, a large amount of information appeared on Minato's desk. He opened it one by one and read them, but he found no sign of anyone invading Sunagakure, nor any trace of the war.


Minato is puzzled.

At this moment, the Anbu Commander, Eagle suddenly hurried over.

“Hokage-sama, there’s an important information!” Eagle nervously handed over a scroll.

When Minato opened it, the expression suddenly showed realization, and he murmured: “Land of Wind’s border… Forest… suspected of being Wood Release?”

‘So that’s how it is!’

‘No wonder Rasa would write such a letter.’

‘He honestly thought that Konoha has a Wood Release Shinobi again.’

The sound and smile of Tenzo appeared in Minato's mind, and then he shook his head and chuckled.

But soon after, he noticed something was wrong, ‘If Rasa only knew about Tenzo's existence, why would Eagle say ‘important information’?’

He quickly lowered his head to look at the information again, and his face gradually becoming serious.

‘According to the information, the forest at the desert on the Land of Wind’s border suddenly appeared at the beginning of this month, and during that time, Tenzo was always in Konoha and has never left!’

‘Moreover, the forest that suddenly appeared actually stretched for dozens of kilometers…’

‘For such a large-scale forest, I am afraid that only Shodaime-sama’s Wood Release can do it, right?’

Minato looked up at Eagle and asked: “Eagle, what do you think?”

Eagle is wearing an eagle mask, so his expression can’t be seen, but Minato could feel his uneasy heart from his rapid breathing.

“Hokage-sama, could it be… Impure World Reincarnation?” As the Anbu Commander, Eagle knows about the Forbidden Technique recorded on Scroll of Seals.

However, because of the various Forbidden Technique recorded in it, the Scroll of Seals has been guarded by Anbu day and night. If Impure World Reincarnation is leaked, then Anbu can’t shirk the blame.

There are also Hashirama’s cells. If someone want to summon Hashirama with Impure World Reincarnation, he must have a certain amount of Hashirama’s cells, and this thing is also something the Anbu guard!

Eagle did not dare to shirk the blame and immediately apologized.

Minato then fell into deep contemplation.

‘Although the complete version of Impure World Reincarnation is recorded on Scroll of Seals, the taboo data room on the second floor also contains a large amount of research data left by Nidaime Hokage-sama, including Impure World Reincarnation. If a Shinobi with extraordinary talent obtains these research data, they might be able to infer Impure World Reincarnation from it.’

‘As for Shodaime’s cells, in addition to Anbu, Root also has them, and it happens that Root’s Shodaime’s cells were stolen.’

Among the people who stole Shodaime’s cells was Hyuga Clan’s Shinobi, who should Hyuga Taki who betrayed Konoha and the Hyuga Clan, and joined Abyss!’

‘Abyss has obtained Shodaime’s cell. Then there’s Orochimaru. With his ability and talent, whether it was stealing the Impure World Reincarnation in the Scroll of Seals from Anbu silently, or compiles the Impure World Reincarnation’s research materials in the taboo data room, it is not a problem.’

‘Then here comes the question…’

‘Do Abyss and Orochimaru really cooperate to summon Shodaime Hokage with Impure World Reincarnation?’

Minato pondered this possibility.

‘According to Kanpū, the purpose of Abyss’s existence is to study various Kekkei Genkai. Then, Wood Release must be one of the Kekkei Genkai Abyss wanted to obtain the most, so Abyss has every motive to do so.’

‘As for Orochimaru, this guy is ambitious and joined Akatsuki after defecting to Konoha, and has never settled down. If he has a chance to obtain Shodaime Hokage using Impure World Reincarnation, he would definitely do so without hesitation!’

Thinking of this, Minato suddenly remembered something.

A few months ago, Orochimaru once broke into his house at night and tried to provoke his relationship with Kanpū by telling him about Kanpū joining Abyss. At that time, Minato and Kanpū were both wondering why Orochimaru knew that Kanpū had joined Abyss?

Now, Minato suddenly realized.

‘It turns out that Orochimaru and Abyss have cooperated!’

‘But there is still a problem.’

‘From what Kanpū said, Abyss obviously does not want Akatsuki to resurrect Jubi, but isn’t Orochimaru from Akatsuki?’

‘In that case, why did Abyss choose to cooperate with Akatsuki’s member?’

‘Is Orochimaru planning to leave Akatsuki?’

Minato's thoughts were like the wind, searching for the truth among various clues.

“Hokage-sama?” Seeing Minato looked absent-minded, Eagle called softly.

Minato came back to his senses and said: “Don’t disclose this matter to the public for the time being. Also, ask Kanpū to come and find me.”


After Eagle left, Minato thought for a while and decided to write a reply first.

His letters to Kirigakure’s Elder Genji are all kinds of convoluted words, and the letter to Rasa deliberately hinted in a subtle way, indicating that Wood Release Shinobi is indeed in Konoha, in order to scare Sunagakure.

Not long after he sent out the two letters, Kanpū arrived.

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