Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 735: Father and Son

Chapter 735: Father and Son



With the Gate of View opened, Guy, who was covered in green aura, turning all over, breaking the sound barrier in an instant, and suddenly burst into flames amidst a series of harsh sonic booms and landed in front of Kakashi and kicked him.


The air wave roared and exploded, like an invisible steel knife scraping Kakashi's cheek, causing pain!

‘So fast!’

Kakashi’s Sharingan shrank, and without saying anything further, he dispersed Raikiri, ducked to avoid Guy’s kick, and then counter-kicked towards Guy’s butt.


Guy was kicked by Kakashi.

Kanpū next to him was stunned by this dramatic scene!

‘You bastard can still be kicked?!’

‘What the hell!! Guy, you have opened the sixth gate. How could you be kicked by Kakashi's shabby moves?!’

When Kanpū looked suspicious, Kakashi had already stopped.

“You lost.” Kakashi adjusted his forehead protector confidently and pulled it down again to cover his left eye.

Kanpū… was stupefied.

“I didn’t lose!!” Guy jumped from the ground, and the green aura on his body became even brighter.

Kakashi smiled brightly, he calmly kicked his toes, releasing a shuriken, and said: “I was merciless just now.”

“Kakashi, you are too cunning!”

Guy subconsciously covered his butt, becoming angry, and shouted, “It didn’t count just now, let’s start again!”

Kakashi don’t care, and insisted that if he stretched out the shuriken with his kick just now, he would surely cut off the flesh on Guy’s ass.

Guy couldn't defeat him, and in the end, he had to admit that he was unlucky.

Beside him, Kanpū was completely petrified.

In the previous battles between him and Guy, he always suffered fractures, but in the battle between Kakashi and Guy… ‘No one suffered anything, right?’

Kanpū was dumbfounded, secretly lamented that he was too naive and simple before!

“Guy, report to the Military Police Force at eight o'clock tomorrow.” As the winner, Kakashi immediately ordered in a victor's voice.

“Don’t talk to yourself, what Military Police Force, I…”

Guy was interrupted by Kakashi before he could finish his words, “Well, that’s all. Goodbye.”

Kakashi waved his hand and said. Without giving Guy a chance to say anything, he disappeared into the darkness with a few flickers.

“…I don’t know what you are talking about!”

Guy stared blankly at the shadows in front of him, his face gradually distorting, “Bastard Kakashi! He still doesn't listen to what people say, as before, damn it!!!”

Guy was angry and sullen again. Turning his head and looking around, he saw Kanpū still standing aside, and he suddenly felt a mixture of joy and anger, “Kanpū, let’s have a bloody battle on a moonlit night.” Come on! Eight Gates…”

“I suddenly remembered that the gas at home is not turned off, Guy-senpai, let's meet again next time.”

Kanpū, who has lived and learned over time, quickly absorbed the essence from the battle between Kakashi and Guy, and disappeared without a trace before Guy could speak.


Guy stood there stupidly, so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

‘Why don’t you let me finish?!’



Deep at night.

The Land of Wind.

The Elite Jonin Baki carries the sleeping Temari on his back, and travels in the desert at night under the stars.

Finally, a tall earth wall stretching for dozens of kilometers appeared in front of the field of vision. It was the outer defense line of Sunagakure. It was used for both warning and protection against the yellow sand

After he arrived under the earth wall, two Sunagakure’s Shinobi on duty immediately gathered around him. Seeing that it was Baki, they quickly knelt down on one knee and said: “Baki-sama!”


Baki, nodded expressionlessly, and while still carrying Temari on his back, he enters the village.

It was already dark at this time, and there are almost no pedestrians in Sunagakure’s street. Baki held Temari tightly on his back, and his figure turned into an afterimage as he walked through the empty streets.

Half an hour later, he arrived at Rasa’s home.

‘Kazekage-sama should have fallen asleep, but…’

Thinking of the jungle he saw before, Baki didn't dare to hesitate, and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door opened.

Rasa, who is wearing pajamas, stood under the light, looking at Baki outside the house with uncertain eyes.

“You are back.” Rasa said expressionlessly, and then his eyes fell on Temari.


Baki greeted respectfully, then gently handed Temari, who is on his back, to Rasa.

“Come in.” Rasa carried Temari into the living room.

Baki changed his shoes at the entrance and followed into the living room.

Rasa first carried Temari back to her bedroom, then came to the living room and asked: “Looking at your expression, did you encounter an accident?”

Baki nodded solemnly and said “When Temari and I came back, we found a forest on the border!”

“A forest? What do you mean?” Rasa looked at him with puzzled expression.

Baki took a deep breath and told the story in a low tone.

Rasa’s face gradually darkened: “Baki, you are not trying to joke, right?”

“Absolutely not!”

Baki said agitatedly, “That forest suddenly appeared in the past few days. Apart from Wood Release, I really can’t think of any other Ninjutsu that can do this!”

“God of Shinobi is dead!” Rasa said word by word.

“Although God of Shinobi is dead, he still has descendants left in Konoha.”

Baki said hesitantly, “Tsunade, one of Konoha’s Sannin, is a descendant of the God of Shinobi, and her whereabouts were unknown many years ago, could it be she…”


Rasa stood up from the sofa so suddenly, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and he coldly said, “Tomorrow, I will send Anbu to check the place you mentioned, you go back first.”

“Yes.” Baki responded.

After Baki left, Rasa sat down again.

‘Wood Release…’

‘How could this terrifying Kekkei Genkai appear in the Shinobi World again?’

Rasa’s expression gradually became ugly.

After the Third Shinobi World War ended, Sunagakure fell into a double dilemma. On one hand, overwhelming majority of the village’s mission had to be transferred to Konoha, and on the other hand, Land of Wind’s Daimyo massively reduced Sunagakure’s funding, which brought the development of Sunagakure to almost a standstill!

God knows how Rasa has survived these past few years.

Well, it’s about to get better, as the defeated nation’s treaty with Konoha is about to expire, and Sunagakure is about to get rid of the unequal treaty and stepped forward again. But at this time, a forest suddenly appeared on the edge of the Land of Wind.

‘Wood Release?’

‘Is it really Wood Release?’

‘This is clearly a bare-naked threat from Konoha!!’

‘Damn it!’

Rasa gnashed his teeth. He then got up and wandered back and forth in the living room, muttering to himself: “No! It’s impossible, I don’t believe it!”

Rasa couldn't wait until tomorrow, so he immediately went out and sent a signal to call the Anbu and ordered them to go to the border overnight to check out the forest!

Then, Rasa left his house, turned left and right, and came to a very ordinary and dilapidated bungalow.

This is the home of his brother-in-law, Yashamaru.

Unfortunately, Yashamaru is already dead.

Like his elder sister, he died in Gaara’s hands.

Rasa opened the door and entered with a gloomy expression.

The room was pitch black, and it’s silent except for the sound of a slightly rapid breathing.

“Why aren't you sleeping yet!” Rasa said coldly to the darkness.

But there was no response from the darkness.

Gaara huddled in the corner. In the dark circles that almost fuse with the darkness, a pair of bloodshot pupils stared at the door bathed in the cold moonlight without any emotion… ‘Father?’

‘No, he’s just a stranger.’

‘One day, I will definitely kill you!!’

Feeling the killing-intent, Rasa frowned: ‘This weapon still failed in the end.’

‘With this failed product, can we deal with Konoha?’

Rasa fell into deep doubt.

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