Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 689: Something In Common?

Chapter 689: Something In Common?


Under the night, the continuous heavy rain turned into a layer of dark rain curtains hanging down from the sky to the ground. In the majestic rain, six figures dressed in black windbreakers with red clouds pattern are like gods descending from the earth, surrounding Jiraiya!

“Jiraiya-sensei, like I said…”

Deva Path Pain looked directly at Jiraiya’s eyes and said coldly, “You are already dead.”

Jiraiya looked Deva Path Pain expressionlessly. At this moment, he only felt goosebumps all over his body.

“How did you find me?” Jiraiya asked with a solemn expression.

“The dead doesn’t need to know so much.”

Deva Path Pain slowly stretched out his hand, “Bansho…”

“Too slow!”

Jiraiya’s eyes widened, and he formed hand seals instantly, and at the same time, violently shook his hair, “Wild Lion's Mane Technique!”


In an instant, Jiraiya’s shoulder-length white hair grew crazily under the stimulation of Chakra, as if on hormones, and swept across Deva Path Pain’s feet like a whisk.

Deva Path Pain tip-toed, and jumped high to avoid Jiraiya's long hair.

At the same time, the two Pain next to Jiraiya also took action.

Asura Path on the left threw a punch, and the terrifying power brutally shattered the air, causing an ear-piercing sonic boom.

The Human Path on the right stretched out his right hand towards Jiraiya, looking ordinary and without the slightest hint of style.

Jiraiya subconsciously wanted to dodge to the right, but fortunately, at the last moment, he realized that this might be a trap, and immediately kicked on the ground and flickered backwards.

“Summoning Technique!”

Animal Path, who is standing at the back, glanced at Jiraiya, who was passing by for an instant, and slammed his palms on the ground with an expressionless face.


Under the huge light smoke, a ferocious hellhound with sharp fangs and stinky saliva came out of the smoke with a roar, crazily chasing and biting Jiraiya.

“I don’t like being chased by a dog.”

Jiraiya jumped to the empty square with a few flickers. He immediately bit his thumb, formed hand seals and slammed the ground, “Summoning Technique!”


A huge light smoke engulfed Jiraiya.

“Roar roar ……”

The hellhound that was speeding towards him ran into the smoke without caring anything, but was kicked fiercely by a thick toad leg in the next instant!

“Gamaken, you are as reliable as always.” As the smoke dissipated, Jiraiya stood on the head of a giant toad with his arms crossed, looking at the giant hellhound flying dozens of meters upside down with a relaxed expression.

“Although I am very clumsy, I will still try my best to take on the challenge!”

Gamaken carried a huge bamboo hat on his back, holds a large iron fork in his paws, and stares at the hellhound dozens of meters away with vigilance.

“Roar roar…”

The hellhound struggled to get up from the ground, shook its head, and continued to pounce on Jiraiya as if it was nothing.

At the same time, a huge bird chirped and swooped down from the sky.

“Another Summoned Beast?”

Jiraiya quickly jumped down from Gamaken’s head, and formed hand seals to summon another toad, “Gamahiro, I will leave that bird to you!”

Jiraiya, who is backed by Mount Myoboku, has never been afraid of anyone in terms of Summoned Beasts!

“Leave it to me!”

Gamahiro pulls out the two ninja swords on his back, kicked the ground with both feet aggressively, and jumped up to kill the giant bird.


At this moment, a strange attack suddenly shot from the void on the left.

Jiraiya heard the piercing sound of breaking through the air and subconsciously made dodge movements, and when he came to his senses, his right arm had been injured and blood was flowing everywhere!


Jiraiya dodges with an ugly face as he casted Sensor Ninjutsu. The invisible tentacles instantly spread to all directions, capturing a grotesquely shaped… chameleon?

And inside the chameleon’s body, hides five people, which are five of the six Pain!

As for the last Deva Path Pain, Jiraiya looked up and saw a silhouette floating in the majestic rain, looking down at the world like a god.


Land of Fire, Konoha.

At the secret room in the basement of Minato’s house.

After Kanpū and Minato deduced that the large number of patients in the village were most likely Danzo’s handiwork, Minato immediately used Flying Thunder God Technique to bring Shikaku, Eagle and Hiruzen here!

“Yondaime, you…”

As Hiruzen was about to speak, he heard a series of begging for mercy coming from above.

“Aooo… Mom, don’t hit me. I was really wrong. I will never dare to do it again…”

Minato showed a polite but awkward smile and said: “Sorry, Naruto made a mistake, so Kushina is educating him at this moment.”

After he said that, Minato quickly formed hand seals and cast a barrier to isolate the sounds from upstairs.

“Naruto is as active as Kushina when she was a child.” Hiruzen said with a smile.

Minato smiled wryly and shook his head. But now it’s not the time to discuss this matter, so his face turned serious, and he said: “Sandaime, Eagle, Shikaku, I’m sorry for calling you here so late, but there is a really important matter that needs to be discussed with you all!”

Shikaku glanced at Kanpū, who is standing on the side in silence, and said with a smile: “It seems that Kanpū has already known about it in advance.”

Kanpū grinned. If he hadn’t known Shikaku’s character, he would really have thought that this guy was trying to provoke him.

“Is it related to Kirigakure’s envoys?”

Hiruzen said solemnly, “I heard in the afternoon that there were a lot more patients in Konoha Hospital, and many people said it was done by Kirigakure’s Shinobi.”

“It is true that those patients only appeared after Kirigakure’s envoys arrived in Konoha. I am afraid not many people would believe it was a coincidence.” Shikaku said lazily.

“But according to Anbu’s investigation, there is no direct evidence to prove that these patients are related to Kirigakure’s envoys.” Eagle said.


Minato sighed, “All these are the work of Advisor Danzo.”

“What?!” Hiruzen’s face changed slightly.

‘Could this old friend of mine, after so many years of being docile, finally be unable to resist causing trouble again?’

‘Did he deliberately choose this time to take action to sow discord between Konoha and Kirigakure?’

Hiruzen’s feelings for Danzo instantly dropped to freezing point at this moment!

“Advisor Danzo …”

Eagle suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, and exclaimed, “Could it be that…”

Minato solemnly nodded: “It is very likely that Root has completed the so-called Gozu Tenno and began to implement it.”

“What is that Gozu Tenno you are talking about?” Hiruzen asked.

“It’s not clear at the moment.”

Minato said seriously, “I only know that he contacted Clan Head Fugaku last night, saying that his plan has already started, and asked Uchiha Clan to be ready to cooperate at any time.”

Hiruzen closes his eyes, giving a moment of silence for Danzo.

“With Clan Head Fugaku as the insider, no matter what Advisor Danzo’s plan is, we should be able to minimize the losses.” Eagle said thoughtfully.

Kanpū grinned in his heart: ‘That is not necessarily true.’

To put it bluntly, Gozu Tenno is actually a Summoning Technique that can summon out Nue. Nue is the kind of creature that can absorb the negative Chakra within human’s body to quickly strengthen itself. Its only attack method seems to be self-destruct, and the more it absorbed, the more powerful the self-destruction will be!

Those patients lying unconscious in Konoha Hospital were probably unhappy in their lives, so that they were filled with negative emotions, which eventually attracted Nue.

And in Konoha, there are definitely a lot of people full of negative emotions like this!

As for why ordinary villagers have Chakra… Of course this is the blame of Nidaime Hokage.

Since the establishment of the Academy, many students have successfully graduated to become Genin every year, but more students have failed to pass the graduation exam. But in the end, these people have gone to the Academy after all, so they know how to refine Chakra. Once these people have negative emotions, they will naturally be the best prey for Nue.

“Kanpū, can you share your thoughts?” Minato suddenly asked.

“Oh, I was wondering …”

Kanpū coughed dryly and said, “Do those people in Konoha Hospital have something in common?”

“Common?” Minato looked at him in confusion.

Kanpū is about to explain, but Shikaku next to him has already realized: “You mean that Advisor Danzo didn't randomly ‘create' those patients?”

At this point, Minato, Shikaku, Hiruzen, and even Kanpū simultaneously turned their heads and looked towards Eagle.

Being stared by these people, Eagle didn’t feel too good.

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