Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 682: Naruto And Sasuke’s Interaction

Chapter 682: Naruto And Sasuke's Interaction

“Naruto, this is not the way to solve this question!”

“Why can't you do such a simple question!”

“Obviously Hinata and Karin can do it!”

Kushina’s occasionally violent, occasionally stern, occasionally helpless voice came from Naruto’s bedroom. After some time, she clutched her head and walked out speechlessly.

‘My son’s culture class is really disappointing!’

Going down to the living room, Kushina saw Minato sitting on the sofa reading document, and couldn’t help but complained: “Minato, I know that village’s affairs are important, but it's already x your off-work time now, so you should pay attention to Naruto’s matters!”

“Hai, hai.” Minato responded absently, but his eyes never left the document.

“You…” Kushina was about to explode, when suddenly, there was a rhythmic knock on the door outside the entrance.

Minato raised his eyes: “It’s Anbu!”

“I'll open the door.” Kushina suppressed her temper and opened the door.

“Kushina.” Standing outside the house was a Shinobi wearing an eagle mask. It was the Anbu Commander, Eagle.

“Commander Eagle?” Kushina was quite surprised.

It’s so late, but since Eagle actually came here in person, Kushina knew that something big must have happened!’

“Please come in.”

Although Kushina was so angry at Minato and her son that she had endocrine disorders, she acted decently and generously at this moment. After welcoming Eagle in, she consciously went up to the second floor to fight Naruto in his bedroom.

“Hokage-sama, Kanpū is back.”

After Eagle came in, he came straight to the point and said softly, “He brought back Sanbi’s Jinchuriki.”


Minato is overjoyed, “Where are they?”

Eagle said: “The Jinchuriki has been imprisoned in the secret room, and Kanpū sent his shadow clone to hand over the Jinchuriki. He seems tired after returning from the Land of Water, and should have fallen asleep now.”

“Ask him to come to Hokage Tower tomorrow.” Minato said.


Eagle paused for a moment and then said, “Hokage-sama, there is another… more suspicious thing.” “What?” Minato looked at him with a smile.

“Konoha Hospital suddenly received a large number of strange patients with similar symptoms today.”

Eagle then added, “These patients are all unconscious and have weak aura, as if their vitality has been overdrawn. None of the doctors at Konoha Hospital, including Medical-nin, are able to diagnose the cause of these patient's illness.”

“Let the Anbu’s medical team take action.”

Minato looked solemn, and then asked in confusion, “Did you just say it was suspicious?”

Eagle nodded, and continued: “According to preliminary investigations, these patients suddenly appeared after Kirigakure’s envoys entered the village!”

Minato’s expression turned serious: “So you’re saying that it is related to Kirigakure?”

“It's not certain yet.” Eagle said.

“Immediately get someone to investigate Kirigakure’s envoy group!” Minato said.



The night is dark.

Uchiha Clan’s Naka Shrine.

Fugaku dressed in a loose kimono, bathed in the moonlight and the warm night breeze, and slowly climbed up the stairs.

“Clan Head Fugaku.”

From the nearby shadows, the old comrade Danzo walked out with a cane, bringing five to six people with him, and there’s a hint of displeasure in his gloomy tone, “You’re late.”

Fugaku looked up at the torii gate of Naka Shrine, and said, “What do you want from me?”


Danzo grunted, and said, “The plan has begun. Clan Head Fugaku, be ready to cooperate with my actions at any time!”

Fugaku narrowed his eyes and probed: “What is your plan? How should I cooperate?”

“When the time comes, I will inform you.” Danzo said lightly, then quietly retreated and disappeared into the darkness.

After experiencing Orochimaru’s ‘betrayal’, Danzo no longer dared to trust others easily. Even against the Uchiha Clan, who is oppressed by the village in every possible way, he must be on guard to avoid making mistakes.

After Danzo left, Fugaku took another walk before turning around and returned home.

Mikoto has fallen asleep, and his younger son, Sasuke has also fallen asleep, drooling all over his pillow.

As for his eldest son, Itachi, he has not returned since he left the village with Kakashi more than a month ago.

Fugaku walked to the study, silently contemplating about Danzo's plan.

‘Danzo’s ambition is nothing more than Hokage’s position, so the biggest stumbling block for him to get to the top is Yondaime.’

‘Then, his plan has nothing more than two outcomes. Either to kill Yondaime directly, or plotting to make Yondaime to make mistakes and cause huge losses to the village, in order to force him to take the blame and resign.’

‘No matter which one it is, since Danzo chose to start his plan at this time, there must be two reasons.’

‘One, a certain research he mentioned back then has been successful.’

‘Two, something must have happened in the village, which made Danzo think the time is right.’

“Could it be… Kirigakure’s envoys?” Fugaku muttered softly.

The visit of the Kirigakure’s envoys is a distant matter for ordinary villagers, but for Fugaku, who is the Military Police Force’s Captain, it is today's headline news and is of great concern!

‘Could it be that Danzo and Kirigakure are colluding together?’

Thinking of this, Fugaku immediately wrote a letter eloquently, then sealed it carefully, and even used Fuinjutsu on it.

The next day.

Sasuke got up early to eat, and when he is almost done, Fugaku walked out with a letter in his hand.

“Father!” Sasuke shouted.


Fugaku handed the letter to his son and said, “Give this letter to Yondaime’s son.”

“For Naruto?” Sasuke took it curiously, and subconsciously wanted to open it. Unfortunately, there seemed to be something strange in the letter, and he couldn’t open it no matter how hard he tried.

“This is a letter for Yondaime Hokage, don’t let others see it.” Fugaku didn’t stop him, and just ordered with a calm expression.

“I understand, Father.”

Since he couldn’t open the letter after trying for a while, Sasuke stuffed the letter into his schoolbag, and then went to the Academy with the schoolbag on his back.

After he left, Mikoto was unhappy: “Minato, you can just leave this kind of thing to me. Why should Sasuke get involved?”

“You don’t understand “

Fugaku replied faintly, then he turned around and left.

Now that Danzo’s plan has begun, if Mikoto comes into contact with Kushina again, it is very likely to stir Danzo’s sensitive nerves. On the contrary, Sasuke and Naruto are always at the Academy together all day long, so it won’t arouse any suspicion.

After Sasuke arrived at the Academy, he had been looking for an opportunity to hand over the letter to Naruto, but since there are a lot of people coming and going on the class, it is not appropriate.

As the break approached at noon, Sasuke suddenly found Naruto running out of the classroom while clutching his stomach. He was overjoyed and hurried to get rid of the two unfathomable mystery women, Sakura and Ino, and followed Naruto to the toilet.

After entering the toilet, Sasuke enters the ‘suite’ next to Naruto, and then climbs to the baffle, looking down at Naruto who is squatting on the toilet and working hard.

“Naruto.” Sasuke called softly.


Naruto subconsciously raised his head and when saw Sasuke, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly covered his crotch with his hands, “You, you… What are you going to do?”


Sasuke looked around. There was no one in the toilet at the moment, so it is a good time to hand in a letter. He took out the letter from his trouser pocket and whispered, “This is a letter for Yondaime Hokage. It is very important and must not be discovered by anyone.”


Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously opened the letter after receiving it, but unfortunately, he also couldn’t open it.

“The letter contains Fuinjutsu used by my father, and only Hokage can unlock it.” Sasuke said very arrogantly.

“I got it, leave it to me!” Naruto rolled his eyes and immediately agreed, then he stuffed the letter into his pocket with dignity.

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