Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 656: The Legend of Sage of Six Paths

Chapter 656: The Legend of Sage of Six Paths


When the two saw the dusty Kanpū, they immediately ran out happily.

“Izumo, Kotetsu, long time no see.”

Kanpū enthusiastically opened his arms to embrace them, but the two bastards disliked Kanpū for being too dusty and refused.

Kanpū is furious, and cynically lamented that the public moral is declining with each passing they. Kotetsu and Izumo immediately made a combination of punches, which makes Kanpū speechless.

After chatting with them for a while, Kanpū felt as if he had returned to the carefree Academy days. At that time, the sky was blue and the grass was green, and there was joy for just running around.

‘The happy times are always gone forever!’

After bidding farewell to the two close friends, Kanpū stepped into the village and went straight to Hokage Tower.


The people who are on duty at Hokage’s Office today are the same as usual. After a brief report, Kanpū opened the door and walked in.

Minato had already put down the paperwork in his hand, and his azure pupils looked at the incoming Kanpū rather complicatedly.

“Hokage-sama, I’m back.” Kanpū looked at Minato with a sad face, and his eyes were a bit tired, giving people a sad temperament that has gone through vicissitudes of life.

Minato looked at him, and for a moment didn't know where to start.

Minato sighed, and then said: “Have you been in Abyss all this time?”

Kanpū nodded, shook his head again, and said: “After returning from the mission in the Land of Grass, my proxy, Ryōshi Tenkū suddenly came to me and said there was an emergency, and I followed him away after that.”


Minato asked, “Is it related to Roshi?”

“Roshi’s incident was an accident.”

Kanpū said, “The people of Abyss found Roshi’s trace in the Land of Waterfall, and Ryōshi Tenkū took me to find Roshi. Considering Roshi’s identity as a Jinchuriki, at that time, apart from me and Ryōshi Tenkū, there were two other people who were sent to contact Roshi.”

Minato’s expression turned serious and he asked: “Who?”

“One of them is Yuki Hyōketsu, which is Yuki Ao, and the other should be the one who recruited Yuki Hyōketsu… a member of the Uchiha Clan.” Kanpū said.

Roshi has been caught by Minato, and Minato must have already known about this information, so Kanpū will naturally not hide it.

Kanpū then began his act, “When they were in contact with Roshi, I stood on the side with Transparent Release, so he probably didn't notice me. After the contact, Roshi refused their solicitation, and the two parties started fighting.”

“Roshi lost.” Minato said.

“Yes, although Roshi was very strong, it was one against three, so he was defeated. After being knocked out by them, they drew his blood.”

Kanpū said, “At that time, the commotion caused by the fight was a bit loud, and I was worried that the fainted Roshi would be captured by others, so I used Flying Thunder God Technique to take him to the Land of Fire’s sea territory.”

“Draw his blood…”

Minato hesitantly said, “Is it to study Lava Release Kekkei Genkai?”

Kanpū nodded: “Yes.”

“What about Senjutsu?” Roshi told me that when he was fighting with the members of Abyss, and Yuki Hyōketsu used Senjutsu.” Minato asked.

Kanpū showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said: “The reason why he can use Senjutsu is because of something called the Sage Cursed Seal.”

“Sage Cursed Seal?” Minato raised his brows: ‘This name sounds powerful and unusual!’

“It seems to be a Cursed Seal made with my Sage blood, but I don’t know the specifics.” Kanpū said with bitter expression.

Minato is shocked upon hearing this: “Could it be that all the members of Abyss have this Sage Cursed Seal?”

Kanpū shook his head decisively: “The backlash of Sage Cursed Seal is very strong, so ordinary people are not able to bear it. I recalled that my proxy, Ryōshi Tenkū, can’t bear this Sage Cursed Seal.”

Hearing this answer, Minato breathed a sigh of relief, ‘As long as this Sage Cursed Seal can’t be mass-released, the problem is not big.’

“Where did you go after Roshi’s incident?” Minato asked.

“I went to… the Moon.” Kanpū smiled shyly.


Minato asked with a confused face, “Kanpū, are you cracking a joke with me?”

Kanpū said with bitter expression: “I really went to the Moon and I almost couldn’t come back.”

Minato certainly wouldn’t believe it, but then he suddenly remembered that not long ago, there would be mysterious falling stars every night, and according to observations, these falling stars were suspected of falling from the Moon!

‘Is it related to Kanpū going to Moon?’

‘But, how is it possible?!’

‘How did he get to the Moon?’

Faced with Minato’s doubts, Kanpū already had a draft in his head.

“Hokage-sama, this matter must start has to start with the Sage of Six Paths.” Kanpū recalled.

“Sage of Six Paths?” Minato suppressed the doubts in his heart and looked at Kanpū quietly.

Kanpū said: “According to Abyss, Moon was actually created by the Sage of Six Paths.”

Minato stared at him with wide-eyes, and he didn't know how to release the thought in his heart.

“This… This legend seems to have never been circulated in the Shinobi World.” Minato organized his words.

“I also didn’t believe it at first, but when I got on the Moon, I found out that it was true!” Kanpū said.

“What did you find on the Moon?” Minato asked hurriedly.

“The descendants of the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths!” Kanpū said.


A black line appeared on Minato's forehead, “You’re saying that Sage of Six Paths has a younger brother?”

“Not only is does he have a younger brother, he also has an old mother.” Kanpū said happily.


Minato- my heart is tired- Minato doesn’t want to ask anymore, and quickly waved his hand, “Kanpū, let’s finish everything in one go.”

Kanpū nodded, and then started to briefly talk about the lives and grievances of Otsutsuki's mother and son.

“So the Moon is actually the location where Sage of Six Paths’ mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya, is sealed?”

Minato looked suspicious, “Then, in order to guard the seal, the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths moved his descendants to the Moon?”

Kanpū nodded: “Yes, yes, that’s it.”

Minato still can’t believe it. After all, these legends had never been circulated in the Shinobi World at all, and there are also no traces about this kind of thing. He felt that Kanpū’s story is even more outrageous than his teacher, Jiraiya’s novel!

But Minato still said: “Go on.”

“Although the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths went to Moon with his descendants, but before leaving, he left an Earth-Moon passage that allowed people to travel between the Earth and the Moon.”

Kanpū said, “I went to the Moon through this Earth-Moon passage.”

Hearing this, Minato suddenly interrupted Kanpū and asked: “You went to the Moon alone? Why did Abyss send you to the Moon?”

Kanpū was startled, ‘That’s right, why did Abyss send me to Moon? What is the reason?’

Kanpū’s face remained the same, but his thoughts is revolving rapidly, and he soon found a reason: “I was asked to investigate the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path (Gedo Mazo).”

“Gedo Mazo? What is that?” Minato asked.

“They said it is the main body of Jubi.” Kanpū revealed a solemn expression.

“Jubi?” Minato frowned, feeling a deep sense of malice all of a sudden.

Kanpū felt a bit of headache at this moment. After all, the memory of Otsutsuki Kaguya, God Tree, Jubi, and Gedo Mazo is too long, and it can only be edited in this meeting now. Then, he said solemnly: “They said that Jubi is an extremely terrifying Biju, which brought a huge disaster to the world and was finally defeated by Sage of Six Paths. After that, Sage of Six Paths sealed Jubi’s body, which is this Gedo Mazo, into the Moon. As for Jubi’s Chakra, he sealed it into his body and became Jubi’s Jinchuriki.”


Minato’s pupils shrank upon hearing all of this.

‘This expression is good.’

Kanpū chuckled in his heart, but his expression is still serious, and he continues: “Before Sage of Six Paths, he divided Jubi’s Chakra into nine parts.”

‘Nine parts?’

Minato’s heart trembled, and he suddenly thinks of the nine Biju in the Shinobi World at this moment!

‘Is this the origin of Shinobi World’s nine Biju?!’

Kanpū guessed what Minato is thinking through his expression, so he seriously said: “Hokage-sama, the nine Biju in the Shinobi World are actually created by Sage of Six Paths using Jubi’s chakra!”

Minato turned silent from this. He needs time to digest the terrifying news.

‘If this is true, then how powerful and terrifying is Jubi, which is the collection of nine Biju’s Chakra?’


‘Abyss asked Kanpū to go to the Moon to check Jubi’s body, Gedo Mazo…’

“Kanpū, did you see this Gedo Mazo on the Moon?” Minato asked anxiously.

Kanpū shook his head and said solemnly: “It has been summoned away.”

“This Gedo Mazo can be summoned?” Minato is taken aback.

“Yes, as long as the summoner have the same eyes as Sage of Six Paths.” Kanpū said.

“Rinnegan!” Minato blurted out.

Kanpū slowly nodded: “That's right, it’s Rinnegan! As long as you have Rinnegan, you can summon the body of Jubi from the Moon!”

Minato responded quickly “The Abyss… Could it be that Abyss has found a person with Rinnegan, that's why you were asked to check the situation on the Moon?”

“As expected of you, Hokage-sama!” Kanpū calmly praised at this moment.

“Who is that person?” Minato asked quickly.

“Hokage-sama, do you still remember Yuki Ao?” Kanpū asked back.

Minato nodded: “He entered Akatsuki under the pseudonym of Yuki Hyōketsu… Could it be…”

Kanpū nodded with no emotions: “That's right, it is the leader of Akatsuki, Pain!”


‘Aren't the leaders of the Akatsuki Nagato and Konan? How did you become Pain?’

Because Kanpū also knew the spy plan, Minato did not hide it, and directly told Kanpū about the information that Shisui sent back.

After hearing this, Kanpū immediately showed a look of surprise, and said: “Pain must be the puppet that Nagato puts in front of the Akatsuki’s members!”

Minato didn't continue to care about these things, and said in a deep voice: “For Nagato to summon Gedo Mazo, what does he want to do?”

“Yuki Hyōketsu found reliable information from the Akatsuki, saying that Akatsuki’s ultimate goal is to capture all the nine Biju. Coupled with Rinnegan, which can summon Gedo Mazo, the people in Abyss suspect that Nagato wants to resurrect Jubi and dominate the Shinobi World.”

Kanpū felt that his words became more and more smooth, and continued, “After that, Abyss began to search for the Earth-Moon passage, and it was not until more than a year ago that they finally found it. Considering that there are descendants of the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths on the Moon, this errand fell to mine, who can use Flying Thunder God Technique and Transparent Release.”

‘Perfect, everything makes sense.’

Kanpū is very excited in his heart.

‘I really am a genius!’

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