Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 629: I Don’t Know

Chapter 629: I Don't Know


Gekko mansion.

Under the night, Kanps shadow clone sits on the rockery, looking up at the bright moon of the gazed star in the sky, dazed.


Suddenly, a thin black shadow in the distance flickered quickly under the moonlight, and rushed to the rockery like a ghost.


Kanps shadow clone squinted his eyes and saw that the person here is his former teammate on Team 2, Aburame Yui.

long time no see Yui, did you come to see me specially? Kanps shadow clone jumped down from the rockery and looked at Yui with a smile.

After not seeing her a few years, he saw that the construction of Yuis airport has become more and more stable, which is gratifying.

Hokage-sama asked me to come, he has something to look for you. Yui said flatly.

Now? Is it urgent? Kanps shadow clone was a little confused. It didn't feel like a good thing to ask him to go at such a late hour.

You'll know when you get there.

Yui turned around, stopped halfway, then turned around and asked Kanp, By the way, do you have any news about Shisui?

Im looking for him too, but Kanps shadow clone shrugged, indicating that he had no information about him.

Yui nodded: Let's go, don't keep Hokage-sama waiting.

Kanp sighed, and his figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the night. Hokage Tower.

Minato stood by the offices window, staring blankly at the moonlight outside, his azure blue pupils were somewhat blurred.

Hokage-sama, Kanp is here. Genmas voice came from outside the office.

Let him come in. Minato turned around and said.

The door opens.

Kanps shadow clone walked in: Hokage-sama, you are looking for me?

Minato nodded slightly, and said: I want to verify something with you.


Kanps shadow clone feels a little uneasy, but on the surface, he remained calm, and said with a smile: Hokage-sama, what's the matter?

Its about Roshi and Abyss. Minato stared at Kanps shadow clone seriously.

Roshi and Abyss?

Kanps shadow clones heart was shocked: Has Roshi been caught?

No way, this guy is so trashy?

At this time, although in his heart, Kanps shadow clone is anxious, but there is no change on the surface, and hes still as stable as an old dog.

Roshi is in Konoha now!

Minato said, He revealed some important information to me!

Sure enough!

Kanps shadow clone sighed in his heart, Roshi, that red monkey, must have said about Hyketsu, Tenk and madara.

But theres no need to panic, although this matter is dangerous, there is still room for maneuvering.

Kanps shadow clone was writing the script in his mind, then Minato continued: Roshi told me that before I found him, three people in the Abyss came into contact with him, one is Yuki Hyketsu and the other is Rysi Tenk, who is your proxy in the Abyss, and there is one person who owns Sharingan.

Kanps shadow clone immediately stated: Hokage-sama, I dont know the identity of that Sharingan user.

Minato shook his head slightly, and said: What I want to ask is, at that time Are you on the scene?

Kanps shadow clone was startled, as this question is not easy to answer.

If I say I was not there, what if Minato showed an ironclad evidence and gives me a slap in the face?

If I say yes, then my firm position in Konoha will collapse.

In that case haah!

Originally, I wanted to get along with you as a shadow clone, but what I got in exchange was suspicion. I will just stop pretending, I am shadow clone, and lets have a showdown!

Hokage-sama, I really dont know about this. Kanps shadow clone looked ashamed.

Minato is taken aback, You dont know if you are there?



Minato reacted suddenly, and couldn't help but look up and down at Kanps shadow clone, and asked weirdly: Are you a shadow clone?

Kanps shadow clone nodded: Yes, not long after the last mission ended, the main body left the village. I dont know where he went.

Minato silently calculated the time and found that the time Kanp left the village and Roshi encounters the Abyss coincided, so it is really possible that Kanp is the one brought Roshi from the Land of Waterfall to the Land of Fires sea territory.

But what is his reason for doing this?

Minato couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time, so he asked another question: Roshi told me that Yuki Hyketsu can use Senjutsu, do you know this?

Kanps shadow clone still shook his head: At any rate, this matter is done by the main body, and I can just say that I dont remember this matter.

As for the explanation, I can just let the main body come back from the Moon to explain again.

Facing Kanps shadow clone who doesn't know anything, Minato didnt know what to ask, then said with a bitter smile: When will your main body come back?

Kanps shadow clone continued to shake his head: Sorry Hokage-sama, I dont know about this either.

Minato was speechless. He was looking for Kanp for verification, but it was a shadow clone who came instead, moreover, it just brought him more doubts.

He sighed helplessly, waved his hand and said: When your main body comes back, ask him to come see me immediately.

I understand.

Time passes.

Inside of the Moon.

In the empty palace, Toneri was dressed, washed, and eating like a walking corpse under the service of the puppet servants, indifferent like a child without emotion.

Kanp made the shadow clone observe him silently for a few days, and after confirming that he would not cause any more troubles, he ignored him, and instead concentrated on training Yonbis Chakra.

Seven days later, with the efforts of Kanp and many shadow clones, Kanp could finally completely control the Yonbis Chakra inside his body. At this time, even without Senjutsu Chakra, he can easily mobilize Yonbis Chakra, and let the Chakra cling to the surface of his body to form a lava-like Chakra Cloak!

In other words, Kanps meteor return plan is about to begin!

Of course, in view of the danger of this plan, Kanp intends to let the shadow clone be the pioneer first!

Leaving the artificial moon, Kanp activated Sage Mode, uses Ice Release to slowly fall, and then formed hand seals: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

Bang~ bang~!

Two shadow clones came out of the light smoke, and Kanp directly instructed: You go to the surface of the moon to see the situation first.

Although there were scenes of Naruto and Toneri fighting on the surface of Moon in the original work, Kanp still intends to let shadow clone take a look first.

The two shadow clones were also unambiguous, and they immediately performed Subterranean Voyage, and dived along the ground under their feet, and came to the surface of the Moon.

As soon as they rushed out of the ground, the two shadow clones felt light all over their bodies, and their whole bodies were soaring, and if they kicked on the ground, they could jump far away.

It seems that we can breathe

And can talk

The two shadow clones looked at each other: Is this place really the Moon?

After a while, one of the shadow clones disbanded himself expressionlessly. After the memory returned, Kanp immediately dived into the ground.

This is one small step for me, but one giant leap for mankind!

When he came to Moons surface, Kanp stomped his own footprints heavily on the ground.

Then, he looked around and found that the environment on the surface of Moon looked like the Moon in his previous life. If there is a difference it can only be that he can breathe and talk here.

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