Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 621: Tenacious Toneri

Chapter 621: Tenacious Toneri

The center of the altar.

Kanp looked Toneri, who is standing next to him and pretending to be calm, and is silent for a while, when he suddenly remembered something: Benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes!

Yeah, as long as I activated that, this brat Toneri will definitely bow without me doing anything, shouting brother, brother, brother.


He is a blind

Kind eyes your sister!

Kanp then asked with a depressed look: What Taijutsu have you learned?

Gentle Fist.

Toneri is very cooperative, Its the Taijutsu obtained by the ancestors of Shinobi Worlds Hyuga Clan.

The existence of the Earth-Moon Pass is to allow Otsutsuki Clan on the Moon to monitor the Shinobi World conveniently, so it is not difficult for them to obtain the Gentle Fists training method from the Hyuga Clan.

And then? Kanp continued to ask.

I have learned thirty-two palms. Toneri answered childishly.


Kanps eyes flashed with joy, and he hurriedly asked, Apart from Gentle Fist, you haven't learned any other Taijutsu?

Father said to focus on one thing at a time. When I master Sixty-Four Palms, he will teach me Revolving Heaven and other Taijutsu.

Toneri said pridefully. To be able to learn Gentle Fist to thirty-two palms at his age, Toneri felt that he is indeed worthy of having the purest Otsutsuki Clans bloodline!

What about Genjutsu and Ninjutsu? Kanp continued to ask.

Toneri is a little confused, but still shook his head.

He is only in 7 years old. It is almost the limit to train Gentle Fist to thirty-two palms, so what do he expect from him?

But seeing Toneri shaking his head, Kanp is so happy.

Collection Technique can only be used on a person three times, and Toneri, except for Gentle Fist and Chakra Refining Technique, only has Byakugan and Otsutsuki Clans physique.

And he is not born with Byakugan!

Kanp was overjoyed, and without saying anything further, he threw a Collection Technique at him.

The green light group in his mind surged, but it quickly subsided.

The collection failed without any suspense.

At this time, Toneri is frightened, hate, furious and full of vigilance towards Kanp, so how can he suddenly success collecting him?

Seeing this, Kanps eyes flickered, Why dont I just kill Toneri directly, and then use Fukuyama as a sacrifice to summon Toneri with Impure World Reincarnation, and then collect his physique?

But will this be too cruel? No matter what, he is still a child.

Although Kanp has beheaded hundreds or even thousands of people, he still cant kill an innocent child, unless he had no other choice.

Kanp squinted his and took two steps forward, then he forcefully took off Toneris shirt.

You What are you doing?!

Toneri felt Kanps roughness and immediately resisted fiercely, but he is only 7 years old, what can he do in the face of an adult?

In a blink of an eye, Toneris clothes was taken off by Kanp, and then Kanp immediately bit his finger, carved a symbol on the chest on the other party, and slapped it with his palm.

As the blood color symbol blended into his body, Toneris struggle became lighter and lighter, and he finally he lay on the ground, holding his heart with both hands and letting out uh uh uh' sound continuously.

Kanp gave him a Heart Binding Curse Mark, and the order he gave is not to be hostile to Kanp!



Toneri trembled all over, and he started hissing and howling.

After a while, Fukuyama next to him was woken up by the sound.

Toneri, whats wrong with you? Fukuyama was heartbroken when he heard his sons miserable howling!

Ah Father, save, save me Arrrgghhh Toneri has already collapsed on the ground at this time. His whole body is dripping with cold sweat, as he feels that his heart being tightly pulled by a big hand, trying to drag him into the abyss of death!

The only one who can save you is yourself.

Kanp said, You have been cursed by me. Unless you let go of your hatred towards me, you will

Devil! You devil!! Fukuyama glared at him furiously, wishing to bit Kanps flesh and blood!

If I am a devil, you father and son would have died a long time ago.

Kanp said with a snort, As long as you let go of your hatred, there will be no pain. Dont worry, when I get what I want, Ill let you go.

Fukuyama didnt believe Kanps words at all. He struggled to get to his sons side, only to find that his son had already passed out while foaming at the mouth.

Kanp waved his hand, and a shadow clone next to him immediately went over to do menial cough, heal Toneri.

After a while, Toneri shouted vigorously again.

Kanp was a little hungry, so he get the shadow clone to look after the father and son and guard the altar, while he leave some food pills here before rushing outside with Flying Thunder God Technique.

In the hazy twilight, the sky is still covered by dense numbers of black eagle puppets, flying into the passage one after another, heading for the altar.

Seeing this, Kanp shook his head slightly, Without Toneris fathers control, even if these puppets could still operate, they would only be robots and cant do anything worthwhile.

Otherwise, they can destroy this huge boulder in one wave of attack.

But unfortunately, in this round stone is the sacred altar of Otsutsuki Clan. Without Fukuyamas order, these puppets would never dare to attack without authorization! Therefore, they can only line up and rush into the passage one by one, sending their heads to Kanps shadow clones.

Speaking of which, if it wasnt for the shadow clones Fire Release to be strong enough to burn these puppets to ashes, the puppet parts alone would be able to bury this long passage!

Kanp retracted his gaze, and his figure flew to the balcony of the palace two kilometers away in a flash, and then he used Transparent Release to enter the palace.

Although Otsutsuki Clan is on the brink of extinction, their history must be recorded somewhere.

History is very important, so Kanp wants to see it!

Of course, if possible, he even wants to find the place where Kaguya is sealed, and have a supernatural relationship with Kaguya!

There are many floating islands nearby, and each has a huge cluster of palaces. In order to increase the efficiency, Kanp created dozens of shadow clones to help.

Then, half a month passed by in a flash.

During this period of time, Kanp would return to the altar from time to time to check the father and son, but the situation surprised him.

Fukuyama seems to have accepted his fate and sits in the corner while holding Toneri, but Toneri is extremely tenacious. Even if his heart keeps being suppressed by the Curse Mark, he still doesnt change his original intentions, and still hate Kanp desperately.

Kanp didnt lower himself to the level of a child, and left enough food pills and water for them to survive, and then left again.

The black eagle puppets outside were continuously wiped out by Kanps shadow clone in the past half month, and the shadows in the sky became more and more sparse.

It wont be long before they all disappeared.

Kanp shook his head. At this moment, the memory of a shadow clone suddenly poured into my mind.

The library of the Otsutsuki Clan has been found!

Kanps figure flashed and he teleported there immediately, when he arrived, he saw a huge bronze gate in front of him. The gate had been opened, and a Flying Thunder Gods Kunai was inserted on the ground. Kanp then picked it up and put it away before stepping inside.

Library is very large, covering an area of 500 square meters. The four walls are covered with huge and beautifully decorated bookshelves, on which are densely packed with scrolls.

At the same time, the shadow clones who were looking for libraries in other palace clusters also teleported here one after another, and under Kanps order, they started to check the scroll here.

Unconsciously, time passed slowly

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