Chapter 607: Tracking


Hokage Tower.

Minato received information this morning from the Anbus third team on the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth this morning.

Iwagakures army returned to Iwagakure, and Roshi disappeared?

Minato closed the information.

As Jinchuriki, Roshis strength must be very strong, but for him to be able to escape silently under the hunt of one thousand Iwagakures Shinobi

Minato frowned, feeling it was a bad start, as even the first Jinchuriki is not going well.

But he cant just give up like that.

Minato immediately sent a message to the people of the third team, asking them continue to continue searching for Roshis whereabouts!

Hokage-sama. Anbu Commander, Eagle suddenly appeared in the office.


Minato raised his head surprised and asked, Is there something going on?

Yes, last night at nine oclock, about halfway through on his way home, Advisor Danzo encountered an assassination from Hyuga Clans Branch Houses Shinobi.

Eagle continued, There are three people on the other side. They wear grim masks and their faces cannot be seen, but they were using Gentle Fist Sixty-Four Palms, and their masks dont have eye holes, so they should be the Shinobi of Hyuga Clan. Unfortunately, the three people are all shadow clones, so we cant track their true identity.

Minato nodded solemnly.

After talking with Danzo yesterday, Minato invited Hiashi to have an in-depth exchange. After that, he asked Eagle to search for Orochimaru in the village.

But Konoha is too big, and it was unrealistic to rely on Anbe's manpower alone to find Orochimaru, so Minato discussed with Eagle and definitely sent someone to follow Danzo.

Since Orochimaru decides to take revenge on Danzo, he will not end the assassinations without Danzos death. So by following Danzo, they can definitely follow the path!

But what Minato didnt expect that they saw it but couldnt touch it.

Just think about it, Danzo is still holding the position of advisor. Once the Shinobi of Hyuga Clans Branch House reveals their true identity, they will definitely die!

Continue to follow Advisor Danzo, and let Kakashi join. Minato pondered and said.

Kakashi's eight Ninken may be able to trace the identity of the assassin through scent.

I understand. Eagle nodded.

At around eight oclock, the members of the sixth team of Anbu gathered in the third locker room of the bathhouse.

A shadow clone of Kanp attended on time. After checking in and signing in, he and Tenzo chatted with each other.

Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

One hour later, Kakashi finally opened the door and entered. As soon as he entered, he politely apologized: Sorry, there is a cat blocking my way.

Everyone looked at him emotionlessly, cursing him in their hearts.

The stray cats in the village don't block anyone, but you, you think you are a dog!

Kakashi continued: Today, everyone goes to the third training ground for training. Husky, you and Tenzo will lead the team.

Kanps shadow clone was startled: What about you?

Something happened at the headquarters, so I was needed there. Kakashi said with a shrug. Captain Kakashi, what happened? Tenzo stepped forward and asked with concern.

Kakashi didnt hide it either: We need to confirm the identities of a few shadow clones over there, so they asked for me.

Tenzo immediately understood.

Kakashis Summoned Beast are eight Ninken who are good at tracking. Just by giving them a little scent, they can track to hundreds of kilometers!

The rest of the people didn't talk nonsense, and only Kanps shadow clone showed thoughtful look.

Shadow clone?

Confirm the identity?

Could it be that what Kakashi wants to confirm is

Kanps shadow clone smiled, Fortunately, the main body has been prepared for a long time, covering his own smell with herbal juice, and Byakugan shadow clone rushed from the ground to the small jungle to wait for Danzo, so even if Kakashis Ninken nose is amazing, it is impossible to track to the main body!

Kanps shadow clone looked Kakashi with a smile and left, and then took the rest to the third training ground for training.

Roots Headquarters.

Danzo walked into the underground passage with an ugly expression.

On the way here, he was once again blocked by three shadow clones from Hyuga Clans Branch Houses Shinobi!

Although there are no surprises or dangers, who knows if there will be three or thirty of them next time, and Danzo doesnt want to live this kind of dreadful life forever!

My Lord.

Suddenly, a Root flickered in and said, The sense team found Anbus Shinobi nearby.

Danzo narrowed his eyes slightly: Is Yondaime trying to track Orochimaru by those Branch Houses Shinobi assassinating me?

Very good, I look forward to your methods!

Danzo waved his hand and said, Dont worry about them.


Time passed, and it was noon soon.

Danzo originally planned to stay at the headquarters for lunch, but considering Minatos good intentions, he decided to eat out.

After leaving the Roots Headquarters, Danzo went straight to the bustling market. When passing by the small jungle, three Byakugan shadow clones jumped out as expected.

A bag of rice has to resist how many floors, a bag of rice has to resist the second floor, a bag of rice has to be given too much, I have to wash a bag of rice, there is mud everywhere!

Three Byakugan shadow clones shouted the usual slogans and waved their palms, rushing towards Danzo.

Danzo stood there motionless, without even lifting his eyelid, standing there like a sculpture.

In the next moment, six Roots Shinobi came from all directions, and the nine began to fight again!

Behind the bushes not far away, Kakashi and Eagle squatted on the ground, watching silently.

The mask has no eye holes, and they use Gentle Fist. It seems that they are really the Hyuga Clan.

After Kakashi made a judgment, he immediately bit his thumb, formed hand seals, and slammed his palms onto the ground, Summoning Technique!


In the light smoke, the eight Ninken headed by Pakkun appeared!

Kakashi, you are not asking us fight the cat again this time, right? Pakkun didn't give Kakashi any face, his dog's paws slapped the ground, and he stared at him with extremely dissatisfaction.

Kakashi didnt care, and said: There is business, Pakkun, remember the smell of the three grim masked Shinobi.

Pakkun and other dogs look at each other: Theres really business.

Dont worry, leave it to us, Kakashi.

Pakkun immediately led the rest of the Ninken through the grass, and quietly approached the battlefield. Their noses lightly touched the ground and began to sniff.

On the edge of the battle, Danzo stood on the spot like a scarecrow, but faintly glancing at the eight Ninken.

Its Kakashis Summoned Beast.

Danzo thought, Do they want to use scent to track?

Thats right, there are only so many Branch Houses Shinobi in Hyuga Clan. As long as they remember their smell, they will definitely find them if they look for them one by one!


Behind these guys is Orochimaru. With Orochimarus caution, how could he not have thought of this?

Im afraid the smell of these guys has long been covered up.

Danzo sneered, Minatos methods are also only this much, how could I lose so badly back then?

Thinking about this, Danzos face suddenly stiffened.

After less than half an hour of fighting, the three grim masked Shinobi were destroyed by the Roots Shinobi and dissipated in light smoke.

Pakkun and other Ninken quickly crawled back into the grass.

Kakashi, Im sorry.

Pakkun lowered his head and said, The grim masked Shinobi has a strange smell, which affects our sense of smell. We cant tell which belongs to their own smell.

Eagle next to him said solemnly: It seems that the other party has been prepared for a long time.

Kakashi bowed his head, pondered, and then said, Pakkun, can you track them through that strange smell?

Pakkun was startled, his head tilted slightly, and he said: Thats right! That smell is very special, and if I smell it, I will definitely recognize it, but the smell of those three grim masked men only appears around here.

Did they use Earth Release Ninjutsu to show up here? Theyre really cautious.

Kakashi feels like he has encountered a tough opponent, and his one eye shone with excitement.

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