Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 594: Red-haired Monkey, Roshi?

Chapter 594: Red-haired Monkey, Roshi?

Deep in the jungle of the Land of Grass.

Yamahashi was caught off guard by Kanps sudden provocation.

How many years have passed since the last I encountered such a stupid and ignorant young brat!

If you still cant see the situation clearly

Yamahashi lifted his right hand slightly, and said indifferently, You might as well try the feeling of being attacked by a hundred Shinobi!

After the words fell, the Iwagakures Shinobi, who surrounded Kanps group of three, pulled out kunai, shuriken, and Explosive Tags. They are now waiting for Yamahashis order to be heard before they make it rain with weapons!

Kakashi and Itachi stood motionless among the branches, directly ignoring the threats of Iwagakures Shinobi below. Kanp even laughed strangely and said: This Advisor-sama from Iwagakure, your confidence should not come from these one hundred Iwagakures Shinobi, right?

His teasing tone of can you stop joking around? can make Yamahashi I was very angry.

But even then, Yamahashi just frowned, Are all Konohas Shinobi so arrogant now?

Do they think they are Yellow Flash, and each one of them defeat one hundred?

Dont underestimate this Shinobi World!

Yamahashi clenched his right hand, and he almost couldnt help but wave it down.

But considering the subsequent impact of his action and the mission to capture Roshi, he chose to grit his teeth and endured this, and issued a final notice: This is the last warning, if you don't leave, you will bear the consequences!

Kanp was about to continue to provoke when he was interrupted by Kakashi: Husky, please don't speak anymore.

There are two reasons why Kakashi is willing to stay here and wait for Yamahashi, one is to confirm Roshis identity, and the other is to fish in troubled waters, but now, seeing Yamahashis tough attitude, Kakashi found it obvious that Yamahashis wants to drive out them first, and then hunt down Rhoshi.

In other words, if they do not leave, they will inevitably conflict with Iwagakures Shinobi.

Although Kakashi is not afraid, he is a mature Anbus Shinobi. His mission is only to find out the reason for the abnormal movement of Iwagakures Shinobi. If there is a conflict with Iwagakures high-level advisor for no reason, it will definitely make it difficult for his sensei, Minato.

So he felt that the most correct approach at this time is to bring the information back to Konoha and leave it to Minato to take care of it.

However, Yamabashis attitude makes Kakashi also made Kakashi more convinced that the identity of this person called Roshi must not be simple!

Is it true that Kanps poisonous tongue said, that this Roshi is the illegal child of Sandaime Tsuchikage, Onoki?

Kakashi shook his head violently, he feels that he has being twisted by Kanp, and he couldn't think normally anymore!

Lets go!

Kakashi restrained his distracting thoughts, and his figure turns into an afterimage and disappeared among the branches in an instant.

Kanp smacked his lips, feeling a little regretful that he couldn't fight, but when he thought of Roshi, his heart became hot again.

Seeing Kakashis group of three leaving one after another, the one hundred Iwagakures Shinobi were a little unhappy, but since Yamahashi didnt say anything, they didn't dare to take action without permission.

My Lord? One of the Iwagakures Shinobi looked tentatively at Yamahashi.

The purpose of our coming here is to drive those Konohas Anbu away, theres no need to cause trouble! Lets go, and continue to look for Roshi according to the original plan! Yamahashi was also upset with Kanp in his heart, but the overall situation is the most important thing!

Yes! The one hundred Iwagakures Shinobi responded in unison.

After Kanps group of three left calmly, they soon joined with Tenzo and the others, and then left the Land of Grass at the fastest speed and rushed back to Konoha.

At the same time.

After Kanps shadow clones separated from Kanp, they didnt rush towards the direction of the Land of Rain and Land of Waterfall, but instead, they directly activated Sage Mode to surf the Internet, spent more than ten seconds rushing back to the underground base of the Forest of Death. Within the surveillance range of Byakugan shadow clone, they formed hand seals and use Transformation Technique to change their appearance, and then applied medicinal juice to cover their smell. Only then did they surf the Internet again and return to the Land of Grass, and just in case, they didnt divide into two groups, but divided into four groups to act!

With such caution, even if there is a White Zetsus clone at the underground of the Land of Grass, it is impossible to connect these four groups with Kanps shadow clones.

Among the four groups, madara and Komadara led two groups to search in the direction of the Land of Waterfall. Among them, Komadara followed the border and madara led his group in the Land of Waterfall.

It didnt take long for madara to regret it.

There are many waterfalls in the Land of Waterfall, the terrain is large, so it is very easy for people to hide here. On the other hand, it is very difficult to find people here, especially since they are not good at Sensor Ninjutsu!

After searching blindly for two days, madara suddenly thought of an important piece of information.

In the original work, after leaving Iwagakure, Yonbis Jinchuriki turned into a wandering monk. Although his whereabouts cannot be determined, but



madara immediately searched for various temples in the Land of Waterfall.

As a result, after this investigation, he was depressed again.

Because of the terrain, there are almost no Shinobi villages willing to invade this country, so the Land of Waterfall is very peaceful, and the peaceful environment has spawned a large number of temples.

When madara asked someone to inquire, he got the names of more than a dozen temples.

Lets start with the temple closest to the border. The Ice Release shadow clone, Hyketsu said coldly.

Without the other Ice Release shadow clones, this guy can exclusively enjoy the great name of Yuki Hyketsu by himself, so he is kind of happy!

It's really troublesome. Explosion Release shadow clone who has usual name, Tenk, crossed his arms and looked around in dissatisfaction. He prefers to blow people with his fists compared with looking for people.

Even if its troublesome, we have to find him, this is a Biju!

madaras figure flickered. According to the information provided by the passer-by A, he rushed towards a temple called Water Temple.

In the early morning of the next day, three people who had traveled through the middle of the night savagely broke into the temple that had not yet opened to welcome visitors, and then intimidated the abbot of the temple with absolute force. Unfortunately, after some torture (One Thousand Years of Death) to make them confess, the three of them did not get any information related to Roshi.

madara was not discouraged, and set off with Hyketsu and Tenk again.

Three days later, they finally found Roshis whereabouts in a remote temple!

"That's right, that's right, there was indeed a short red-haired man who traveled here yesterday. He brought a monk certificate, but he didnt shave his head, and he communicated with me in the middle of the night, so I have a deep impression about him!

The abbot, who had been stabbed by madaras One Thousand Years of Death, was so ecstatic that his face was flushed, his eyes were full of tears, and he immediately sold his fellow monk, Roshi.

Very good, I like a straightforward man like you!

madara patted the abbots shoulder vigorously, Go on, where did he go?


The abbot has bitter expression on his face, then said with an awkward smile, Our temple has only one exit, straight to the east, after that, after that, I don't know, I really don't know!!!

Seeing madaras hands is gesturing the One Thousand Years of Death, the temples abbot fell to his knees with a thump.


Okay, we finally found Roshis whereabouts, dont waste time here. Hyketsu urged.

madara then reluctantly stopped: Lets go.

Leaving this remote temple, the three people walked east along the exit, and then scattered to search.

Roshi came to this temple yesterday, and after staying overnight, he left this morning, which is already half a day.

The three searched carefully, and soon found clues in the southeast direction.

The three were overjoyed and immediately chased after him all night.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh

A huge river rushes along the river bed at a high speed, and suddenly turns sharply down at a certain corner. Tons of clear river water pours down one after another r, turning into a huge waterfall, reflecting countless brilliant rainbows in the sunlight.

Below the waterfall is a water pool with a radius of 100 meters. It is washed by the waterfall day and night. The current is rushing, and huge dangerous whirlpool gushes out from time to time.

Roshi sat cross-legged on the pool with his eyes closed.

Occasionally, his body will be dragged into the whirlpool by the current, but when the whirlpool dissipates, his body would emerge out of the water with the chaotic current.

Hey, someone is coming.

A rough voice suddenly came from deep within his body.

Its Yonbi, Son Goku!

Roshi immediately opened his eyes.

After leaving the Land of Earth, Roshi is determined to travel the Shinobi World as a wandering monk, and at the same time, train hard to strive for the perfect fusion with Yonbi in his body as soon as possible.

Shinobi? Roshi asked.

Yes, from the Chakra, there are three people on the other side, all of them are Jonin-Level. Yonbi said.

After being sealed into Roshis body for decades, Yonbi has gradually got used to Roshi existence, and the relationship between the two became more and more acquainted due to various opportunities, and now, they can be considered half friends.

Three people? Then it cant be Iwagakures Shinobi.

Roshi closed his eyes again, thinking that perhaps, its just Takigakures Shinobi passing by.

But soon, his eyes opened again.

Look over there, there is a red-haired monkey on the pool under the waterfall!

Idiot, thats a human! How could a monkey sit on the pool?

So we found him? Is he the Yonbis Jinchuriki, Roshi?

madara, Hyketsu and Tenk are standing above the pool, looking down at Roshi on the pool and pointing their fingers across the huge surging waterfall.

Although Roshi is facing the waterfall, his ears are not.

Even if the waterfall blasted loudly behind him, he could still hear the word red-haired monkey clearly!

The raging anger was boiling in his chest, then Roshi stood up from the pool with no expression, turned around and looked up coldly.

Under the refraction of the sun, madaras group of three people standing above the waterfall are like Gods standing on the rainbow bridge, unattainable and sacred!

Roshi grinned cruelly, in the cold water vapor, scorching light and heat overflowed from Roshis mouth, turning into a huge lava fireball, blatantly going upstream against the water, violently crashed into madaras group of three.

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