Chapter 591: Little Bee

Itachi stood alone in the corner of the Kusagakures mission hall, looking at the Kusagakures team going to and fro in the hall, and Kanp and the others frolicking together.

Fortunately, Kakashi came down not long after.

Lets go. Kakashi called everyone.

Captain Kakashi, what does the leader of Kusagakure say? Tenzo asked.

He wanted to send someone to assist us, but I refused. Kakashi turned and walked out.

Its not that Kakashi didnt trust Kusagakures Shinobi, but that he was afraid that these people would only hold them back.

People in big cities look down on those in small cities, and Kakashi, someone from a Great Shinobi Village, also looks down on the Shinobi from small Shinobi Village.

However, the leader of Kusagakure still provided a useful information about the Iwagakures Shinobi on the border.

Iwagakures Shinobi on the border seem to be rushing towards the Land of Rain. Kakashi said solemnly.

The Land of Rain is an important strategic location where the three great countries of the Land of Fire, Land of Earth and the Land of Wind intersected. During the past three Shinobi World Wars, Land of Rain has always been the center of the battle between these three great countries!

So Kakashi was very worried that Iwagakures Shinobi will shift towards the Land of Rain.

But Kanp is not worried. Although he does not know how amazing these Iwagakures Shinboi are, he can be sure that there is no possibility of Shinobi World War.

So he can take it easy and treat it as a trip.

After leaving Kusagakure, the group once again plunged into the green virgin forest.

Near the border of the three countries of Land of Earth, Land of Grass, and Land of Rain, under the towering barren rock face, there are nearly a hundred Iwagakures Shinobi moving forward quickly.

The leader is impressively the Iwagakures high-level advisor, Yamahashi.

Yamahashi was in the same period as Onoki, and held a high position in Iwagakure. He was also the commander of Iwagakures army in the Land of Rains battlefield during Third Shinobi World War. He also once led the Iwagakures army to encircle and kill Minato, Kanp and the others, but unfortunately failed.

My Lord, the rock rain is coming! Suddenly, a Sensor Shinobi jumped to Yamahashis side and reported respectfully.

Yamahashi stopped and raised his head to look at the sky, only to see that the bright sky had been covered by a huge heavy yellow cloud at some point, and there was a dull breeze in the air.

As soon as Yamahashi saw this, he frowned. There are many rock walls in the Land of Earth, so when the wind is strong, the fine rocks on the rock walls will be blown into the sky, and they will fall together with the strong wind, bringing great disaster to the people of the Land of Earth!

Rest on the spot, and be careful not to get hurt. Yamahashi will be ordered.


The Iwagakures Shinobi behind them immediately clung to the bottom of the rock wall, using Earth Release Ninjutsu to create a curved hard rock wall to avoid the coming rock rain.

A few minutes later, accompanied by a gust of wind, densely packed fine rocks fell down from the sky, slapping to the ground and rock walls.

The fragmented rocks gather in small quantities, and the earth is covered by a thick layer of rock in a blink of an eye!

Did the other teams discover anything? Yamahashi sat behind a curved rock wall, his old face looked a bit worried.

My Lord, not yet. The Sensor Shinobi next to him replied.

That guy Roshi is too impulsive. Yamahashi sighed.

Roshi is the Yonbis Jinchuriki from Iwagakure. He has a very stubborn personality. Some time ago, it is unknown why, but he was going crazy. He suddenly quarreled with Onoki, and as the quarrel become more and more fierce, Roshi finally left Iwagakure without permission.

If someone else leaves, they can just leave, but Roshi is a Jinchuriki, an important strategic force for Iwagakure to deter other villages. As Sandaime Tsuchikage, how can Onoki just let Roshi leave like this?

So Onoki immediately dispatched his old partner, Yamahashi, and asked him to lead a thousand Iwagakures Shinobi to capture Roshi.

Unfortunately, after they chased and intercepted all the way, Roshi would escape first every time. When they rushed to the border, Roshi disappeared directly, and there is no more news. Yamahashi was helpless and can only take the one thousand Iwagakures Shinobi and divided them into ten teams and search in ten different areas, hoping to stop Roshi before he leaves the Land of Earth!

But a few days later, they still find no trace of Roshi.

Bang bang bang bang

The rock rain fell without stopping, and the heavy yellow clouds finally dissipated from noon until the evening.

Yamahashi immediately ordered to continue on their way.

Two hours later, a few fist sized bees suddenly shot down from the rock wall.

It is the bee raised in the Kamizuru Clan, is there any information from them?

Why would Yamahashi-sama bring the insect-controlling clan here too?

Seeing these huge bees, many Iwagakures Shinobi smiled disdainfully.

Although their voice is not loud, it can still be clearly transmitted to the ears of the Kamizuru Clans Shinobi, Hiachi.

These scoundrel!

Kurobachi gnashed his teeth.

Once upon a time, Kamizuru Clan was also a big clan in Iwagakure. However, in the battle against Aburame Clan, they were completely beaten and thrown into the cold palace by Iwagakure. Since then, Kamizuru Clan has completely declined. And today, the entire Kamizuru Clan only composed of three to five weak clan members.

And Kurobachi is one of them.

Kurobachi, Yamahashi-sama let you pass.

When Kurobachi is still feeling resentful, Iwagakures Shinobi sends an order from Yamahashi.

Kurobachi responded with a muffled sound, and at the same time, he took out a bottle and pulled out the cork.

A strange smell wafted out of the bottle, and a few seconds later, the big bees that flew down from the rock wall followed the smell and flew over.

Kurobachi dragged these big bees with his right hand, and while moving towards Yamahashi, he used the secret method of the Kamizuru Clan to interpret the information contained in these big bees.

Land of Grass



Kurobachi frowned, That is not a good news!

Kurobachi, is there any news? Seeing him coming, a flash of nostalgia flashed in Yamahashis cloudy eyes: The honey produced by the captive bees of the Kamizuru Clan is delicious.

Yes, My Lord, Konohas Anbu have been sighted in the Land of Grass! After Kurobachi arrived, he immediately reported the information.


The nostalgia on Yamahashi's face quickly dissipated, and his old face gradually darkened. Is that idiot Roshi colluding with Konoha?

My Lord, only Konohas Anbu are mentioned in the information. Kurobachi said truthfully.

Yamahashi narrowed his eyes, and thought to himself: That means, Konohas Anbu may be attracted by our abnormal movement.

But the possibility that they came here to meet Roshi cannot be ruled out!

Yamahashi pondered for a while and said: But no matter what it is, it is necessary to warn these Konohas Anbu!

In the depths of the forest in Land of Grass, it is still some distance away from the Land of Grass, Land of Earth, and Land of Rains borders, so Kakashi ordered to rest here for now.

Kanps group immediately found a small stream, took a cold shower, and then dispersed to find food. After a while, all kinds of meat smelled from the stream: roasted rabbit, roasted pheasant, snake soup

When Kanp was salivating with the smell of meat, Tenzo next to him suddenly poked his arm, then pouted his mouth, and said in a low voice: Brother Gekko, do you think those bees have been following us all the time?

Kanp turned his head to look, and saw that on a few wild flowers not far away, there were a few bees collecting honey!

Picking flowers in front of my face? (T/N: Picking flower can also mean r**e in Chinese.)

Kanp was frightened and angry, and without saying anything further, he rushed up and crushed those wild flowers.

Kanp then returned to his position full of vitality and continued to barbecue, but the corner of his eyes kept watching the bees.

After a while, these hardworking bees buzzed and flew to the other side to start picking flowers.

Brother Gekko? Tenzo leaned over.

Kanp nodded slightly: There is a problem.

This forest is huge, and there are all kinds of wild flowers, not to mention the forest in the Land of Grass is so big, so why would these little bees pick the flowers in front of them, and after Kanps horrible destruction of the flowers, they still dont leave. Doesnt it just show the abnormality?

It's just

The Shinobi in Iwagakure have always given people a clumsy and tall appearance. How can they have the means to control insects?

There is Kamizuru Clan in Iwagakure. Like Aburame Clan in our village, they are good at controlling bees, but it is said that they have declined. Kakashi suddenly interjected in a low voice.

Kanp and Tenzos movements are not hidden at all from Kakashi, so even though the sixth teams members are quietly grilling at this time, their attention was already on the hardworking bees.

It seems that we have been discovered by Iwagakures Shinobi.

What should I do now, Captain Kakashi?

The extras all looked towards Kakashi.

Kakashi pondered for a while, and said softly: Let's sense the surroundings first.

Understood. The Shinobi in charge of sensing in the team turned his back to the little bees, and began to form the hand seals of Sensing Technique.

After a while, he opened his eyes, shook his head and said: Within thirty kilometers, no trace of Shinobi was found.

Kamizuru Clan sure is something. Kanp praised.

Cant we track to Iwagakures Shinobi through these bees? Tenzo asked.

Sorry, I cant do it.

The Sensor Shinobi shook his head and sighed, If its the Shinobi of Aburame Clan, maybe they can find them.

Captain Kakashi Everyone turned their attention to Kakashi again.

Let's get rid of the surveillance of these bees first.

Kakashi looked towards Itachi and asked, Itachi, can your Genjutsu confuse these bees? Itachi was startled.

Let me use Genjutsu to confuse bees?

What the hell! Are you serious?!

The lines on Itachis face seemed to be getting deeper at this moment.

I will try.

Itachi narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, his dark pupils had already turned into 3-Tomoe Sharingan.

The scarlet pupils exuded a faint trace of mystery, and even if they are teammates, Kakashi and the others subconsciously looked away when they saw this.

Itachi didnt care too much about it. He took out a small mirror, and then began to use Genjutsu through the mirror.

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