Chapter 589: New Mission

The third changing room in the bathroom.

Anbu Commander, Eagle pushed the door open, his sharp eyes scanned the audience from under the Eagle mask, and asked: Where is Kakashi?

Commander, Captain Kakashi is not here yet.

Some of the people in the sixth team were still very loyal, so they immediately explained, He should have something to do at home, so he was delayed.

Eagle crossed his arms and thought to himself, If I remember correctly, Kakashi should be the one in his house, right?

And with Kakashis character, he doesn't seem like someone who will be late.

Is there any accident?

Eagle immediately ordered: Go and find him quickly.


The sixth team had no choice but to rush out of the changing room, dispersed and searched in the direction of Kakashi's house.

Kanp, who has ulterior motives, followed Tenzo all the way, asking for his health, praising and being kind towards him.

Feeling the passion from Kanp, Tenzo was inexplicably moved: Brother Gekkou is so gentle.

Thinking of Kakashi who was late due to being blocked by cats many times, Tenzo sighed silently: They are all Senior, why is there such a big gap?



At this moment, several sharp meows came from not far away.

The two looked for the sound, and saw a familiar black figure jumping and running among the houses. He was bathed in the morning light, and his posture was full of youth and vitality.

Captain Kakashi. Tenzo hurriedly waved his hand and called.

But just as the voice barely fell, Kakashi has already disappeared from the house in front of them.

And behind Kakashi, there are several big cats.

Big black cat, fat orange, black tabby cat

There are at least seven or eight big cats in total!

Their short legs turned into gusts of wind, and they landed silently, following behind Kakashi, trying to stop him.

Tenzo is dumbfounded when he saw this: Captain Kakashi didnt lie, he was really hunted down by the cat, but why?

Could it be that Captain Kakashi did something outrageous that attract stray cats?

Kanp, who is next to him, touched his chin with a pensive expression: These cats look familiar.


Why are you here?

As the two were distracted, Kakashis voice suddenly came from behind them.

Captain Kakashi. Tenzo turned his head abruptly, and saw Kakashi walking lazily from behind with one hand in his pocket, with his one eye drooping.

Tenzo turned his head again and looked at the other side, where another Kakashi was moving between the houses, with seven or eight big cats hanging behind him.

Shadow clone?

Tenzo feels that his feelings have been deceived.

Since you can use shadow clone to attract those stray cats, why are you still late?

Tenzo glanced vaguely at the cover of the erotic novel in Kakashis hand.

Icha-Icha Paradise?

Tenzo swallowed his saliva silently.

This is the best-selling novel in the Shinobi World. Tenzo once went to the bookstore to buy it, but unfortunately, he was told that it is forbidden for those under the age of eighteen to buy and read it!

So Tenzo asked others to buy it, but unfortunately, the bookstore was sold out when he did that, and he couldnt buy it again afterwards.

Tenzo felt sorry for himself.

Kanp has also heard the name of Icha-Icha Paradise for a long time, and today, he finally saw the live one, so he immediately stretched his head to take a quick look. Unfortunately, Kakashis reaction was not slow. Seeing Kanp stretched his hand, he immediately closed the book, and then quickly stuffed it into his ninja bag.

Kanp winked and said: Captain Kakashi, can I borrow it?

Kakashi pretended not to hear it, and asked: Why dont you wait in the base?

Captain Kakashi, Commander Eagle has arrived. He is worried that something will happen to you, so he asked us to come out to find you.

Tenzo replied, and then said, Captain Kakashi, can I borrow it?

Kakashi tilted his head, as if he didnt understand what they were talking about.

Please! Kanp was very good at things like this. He clasped his hands together and bowed to express his desire.

Not to be outdone, Tenzo learned in a dignified way: Please!

Kakashi can't pretend anymore, but he has always been a principled person, so he shook his head and refused: Even if you ask me, I wont give it to you.

It cant be helped, because Icha-Icha Paradise is too popular, it's no longer available in ordinary bookstores, so it they borrow it, they may never return it.

Therefore, he wont borrow it to them!

Captain Kakashi, just half a day, half a day is enough. Kanp pleaded earnestly.

Captain Kakashi, one hour, one hour is fine! Tenzo said.

Half an hour is enough for me! Kanp was furious, he didnt expect this junior would try to outdone him, So shameless!

Ill be done in five minutes! Tenzo said confidently.

Hearing this, Kanp looked at Tenzo up and down, then couldnt help but patted his shoulder, and said earnestly: Tenzo, I feel sorry for you.

Tenzo looked at Kanp with confused face, completely unable to understand the deep meaning contained in Kanps words.


At this moment, a stray cat passed by the corner of the street and saw Kakashi. The cats eyes showed a look of hesitation, and at the next moment, it rushed over, and blocked Kakashis path without hesitation.

Kanp glanced at him and thought: This cat is also familiar.

It's all your fault. Kakashi looked at the little cat helplessly.

Although he can use shadow clone to distract these cats, Kakashis Chakra is consumed all the time because of Sharingan. So if he creates too many shadow clones, the burden on him will be a bit too heavy.

Kakashi-senpai should reflect on himself!

Tenzo is very resentful towards Kakashi since he didnt let him borrow the book, so he muttered, How many unspeakable things have you done that make these stray cats keep targeting you?


Kakashi wanted to refute, but when he thought of stabbing the big black cat's buttocks last time, he suddenly had nothing to say.

He scratched his head and said: Anyway, help me hold it, I'll go to the base first.

After saying that, Kakashi flickered and disappeared immediately.


The little cat reacted quickly. Seeing Kakashi disappeared, it immediately rushed over with its short legs, but Kanp and Tenzo blocked its vision, so when the little cat come over, it couldnt find Kakashis figure.

The little cat meowed twice, swept its tail twice, and then walked away gracefully.

Tenzo, send a signal to everyone to return to the base. Kanp said to Tenzo.

I understand.

After the signal was sent out, the members of the sixth team returned to base one after another. Ten minutes later, all the members of the sixth team who had not gone far were already had already returned to the base.

In the third changing room of the bathhouse, Eagle has already communicated with Kakashi. After learning the reason why he was late due to being blocked by cats, he happily deducted his full attendance salary this month.

Kakashi felt very bitter when he heard this.

Seeing that all the people gathered, Eagle said: Starting today, the Roots mission ends here, and theres no need for you guys to find Advisor Danzo in the future.

Yes! Everyone responded in unison.

Now, its a new mission for you guys.

Eagle took out a scroll and handed it to Kakashi, then said, The specific content of the mission is in the scroll. Now, immediately set off for the Grass and Earth border!


After Eagle left, everyone immediately surrounded Kakashi and asked about the specific content of the mission.

Kakashi unfolded the scroll and everyone looked at it. After a while, a dull feeling of the rising wind forebodes the coming storm filled the changing room.

Since the reconstruction of the Land of Grass, Konoha has planted many eyes in Kusagakure. Some time ago, these eyes sent reliable information, that a large number of Iwagakures Shinobi suddenly gathered near the border of the Land of Grass and the Land of Earth, and is suspected of wanting to invade the Land of Grass!

Although the Land of Grass is rich in natural resources, its domestic politics is corrupt, and even after reconstruction, it still doesnt improve. Therefore, defeating such a country will not make much money!

As for occupying the territory of the Land of Grasss territory, it is also unrealistic. unrealistic. Leaving aside the fact that the border between the two countries is composed of huge rock walls, but how could it be possible for the Land of Fire to just watch the Land of Grasss territory is occupied by the Land of Earth?

Therefore, if the Land of Earth really has the ambition to invade the Land of Grass, it must be because their ulterior motive is not in the Land of Grass, but in the Land of fire!

Is Sandaime Tsuchikage planning to start the Fourth Shinobi World War? Tenzo asked.

It is impossible for a Shinobi World War to break out in a short period of time.

Itachi, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly expressed his opinion, Kirigakures Yondaime Mizukage implements the blood mist policy, closed the country all the year round, and do not communicate with the outside world. Sunagakure is far from recovering after the last Shinobi World War. As for Kumogakure, the relationship between it and Iwagakure is extremely bad, so relying only on the strength of Iwagakure, it is impossible to shake the situation in the Shinobi World.

Kanp glanced at Itachi in surprise, What he said is not bad, but he actually said what I thought of in a moment.

Bad review!

Itachi is right. Even if Iwagakures Shinobi intends to invade us, it is impossible for a war that spreads to the whole Shinobi World like the Third Shinobi World War to break up.

Kakashi said, Pack up, and meet at the entrance of the village in one hour.

Kanp has nothing to pack up, but in order to pretend to pretend he was important to the family, he still went home.

The mansion is very quiet at this time. Keiko goes to the hospital to work, Karin goes to school, and Hayate goes out for a mission. Hoshino plays shogi every day with Inoue and Matsushita, and occasionally handles family affairs when he has time, after all, he is one of the eight elders.

Looked at the empty home, Kanp didnt bother to create a shadow clone to stay here. He just took out a paper and pen, wrote that he went for a mission and then set off.

After dilly-dallying on the way, it took Kanp exactly one hour to arrive at the entrance of the village.

Kakashi and the others had already arrived. Seeing Kanp arrived the last, Kakashi didn't talk nonsense, and ordered: Lets go!

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