Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 587: Is Shodaime Still Alive?

Chapter 587: Is Shodaime Still Alive?

The night is dark and windy.

Outside the coastline of the Land of Rice Fields, the endless sea is like a huge piece of black satin, undulating quietly in the night wind, rolling up waves of silent waves, and slapping a certain deserted small island one after another.

In the depths of the small island, there is a secret underground research base, which is the stronghold in the north of Orochimaru.

Kimimaro, have you decided?

In the laboratory, Orochimaru played with the needle in his hand, looking down at Kimimaro with his golden vertical pupils.

I have decided!

Kimimaros eyes are burning, With this, I can become one with Orochimaru-sama!

In that case

Orochimaru smiled, and then suddenly stretched out the needle in his hand and stabbed directly into Kimimaros chest, injecting some kind of body fluid from the needle into his body.


Kimimaros whole body trembled, the veins on his chest bulged, and a burning pain spread all over his body like sparks.

This is the Cursed Seal made from Jugos blood, which also contains the consciousness of Orochimaru himself. Once Orochimaru accidentally dies, Kimimaro can use the Orochimarus consciousness contained in this Cursed Seal to resurrect him!

This is why Kimimaro said, I can become one with Orochimaru-sama.

Accompanied by the Cursed Seal into his body, severe pain also invaded his delicate body like tides, and Kimimaros pitiful howling became more and more shrill!

A grave expression flashed in Orochimarus eyes. There is no doubt that the cells belonging to Jugo obviously repelled Kimimaros cells!

And regarding this phenomenon, even Orochimaru cant solve it.

In the previous nearly 100 human experiments, the rate of death due to cell rejection is very high. If Kimimaro cant hold it

Orochimaru quietly looked at Kimimaro, who was rolling on the ground, looking at countless black weird runes appeared on the surface of his body, looking at the bones in his body that pierced the skin like bamboo joints, protruding fiercely out of the body.

Kimimaro, Kimimaro, whats wrong with you? Quickly open the door, Kimimaro

Outside the laboratory, Jugo, who heard Kimimaros screams, banging on the door anxiously.

Orochimaru ignored Jugos shouted from behind the door. After all, whether he can survive this catastrophe can only be relied on by Kimimaro himself. Letting Jugo in will not help the matter, and it may cause things to get out of control, so its better to ignore him.

Kimimaro, Kimimaro, Kimimaro Jugo persevered with his powerful perseverance. With his banging, the steel door of the laboratory was smashed by him, causing fist marks with clearly visible finger marks appearing on it!

Orochimaru glanced at it, but still didn't care.

Even if Kimimaro reached a berserk state, it will not cause any trouble for Orochimaru, and Kimimaro should be approaching the limit.


Kimimaro roared up to the sky, and the strange black runes that filled most of his body suddenly glowed and burned like lava.

Success! Orochimarus eyes lit up.

Sure enough, in the next instant, the lava-like runes on Kimimaros body began to fade like a tide, and finally turned into a 3-tomoe pattern on Kimimaros chest.

Hah, hah, hah

Kimimaro put his hands on the ground, looking like a hedgehog covered with white bone spikes, panting heavily, I, did I succeed? Orochimaru-sama

Yes, you have become one with me. Orochimaru grinned with excitement.

With Kimimaros loyalty to himself, if he unfortunately dies accidentally, Kimimaro will be the biggest support for his own rebirth!


Orochimaru was overjoyed.


At the same time, Jugo finally smashed the door of the laboratory and rushed in. Seeing Kimimaro full of bone spikes, Jugo rushed towards him while disregarding everything else.

Jugo, dont worry, Im fine. Kimimaro raised his head and smiled at Jugo.

Help him to rest.

Orochimaru chuckled softly, his tone was gloomy and hoarse, but theres a rare smile on his face.

Jugo looked at Orochimaru, but didnt say anything. He carefully picked up Kimimaro and sent him back to the room to rest.

Orochimaru looked Kimimaros back and pondered in his heart: The Cursed Seal should still be strengthened, but the risk of death will increase again. There is no suitable candidate for now, so let's suspend the research on the Cursed Seal.

Orochimaru thought for a while, and decided to summon the two Hokages of Konoha with Impure World Reincarnation.

Whether its for Pains Rinnegan, Shisuis Sharingan, or counterattacking Konoha, it all requires a strong force. Although Cursed Seal can greatly strengthen the strength of his subordinates, compared with the previous ones, it is obviously not enough!

With Hashirama and Tobirama, it will be much more convenient for him to do anything!

As for the cells of Hashirama and Tobirama, hmph hmph, when Orochimaru and Danzo collaborated to study Hashiramas cell transplant, he secretly kept many Hashiramas cells for himself. Of course, he also went to the grave of the Tobirama to have fun during the period!

Then, let me take a look at the demeanor of Shodaime and Nidaime.

Orochimaru turned around and entered another empty secret room, and then began to carve the technique formula.

The technique formula required for Impure World Reincarnation is extremely cumbersome, and even for Orochimaru, it took half a day to complete it.

Next is the living sacrifice.

When Orochimaru did the Cursed Seals transplant experiment before, there are few young Shinobi who only had the desire to destroy, which happened to be used as waste.

After knocking out a living sacrifice and putting it into the center of the technique formula, Orochimaru took out the cells of Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama.

Tobirama died in the First Shinobi World War. At that time, Orochimaru was just born, so regarding this senior who was very good at research, Orochimaru had a very good impression. Now that he can finally face the other party, to be honest, he is somewhat scared.

After all Impure World Reincarnation was developed by Tobirama himself, so it would be bad if it were countered by him.

Orochimaru sneered and formed hand seals: Tiger Snake Dog Dragon!

Impure World Reincarnation!

Orochimaru clasped his hands together.

As Chakra flooded into the technique formula, Tobiramas DNA also poured into the living sacrifice along with the densely packed runes on the ground like earthworms.

In the next instant, countless gray dust gathered from all directions, completely covering the living sacrifice, and indistinctly, the handsome face of Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobiram, slowly emerged.

At this moment, Orochimaru held the technique formula kunai upside down, and came behind the Nidaime Hokage' in a blink of an eye. When the gray dust slowly stabilized, Orochimaru immediately inserted the kunai into the back of his head.

Orochimaru walked in front of Tobirama vigilantly, staring at this stern and majestic face, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

He then put Tobirama into a wooden coffin, and then started to use Impure World Reincarnation for Hashirama.

After the preparation is done, Orochimaru formed hand seals again: Tiger Snake Dog Dragon!

Impure World Reincarnation!

Orochimaru clasped his hands together, and the gray dust from the surrounding come again, and then there was no more.


What happened?

The Impure World Reincarnation failed?

There was a hint of hesitation in Orochimarus vertical pupils: Is the sacrifice dead?

He carefully senses the sacrifice lying in the technique formula, and there was still breathing, The sacrifice is still alive!

Since its not an issue with the sacrifice, is there something wrong with Shodaimes cells?

Orochimaru frowned slightly, then slowly shook his head.

The Shodaimes cells have clearly integrated into the technique formula, indicating that his DNA is correct, and the dust has just risen, indicating that Impure World Reincarnation has succeeded, but in the end

After eliminating all the impossible option, then the only remaining truth is: Is Shodaime still alive?

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