Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 575: The Whetstone

Chapter 575: The Whetstone

Generally speaking, only elementary school students are blocked when they go home. Kanp absolutely didnt expect that people who has graduated will be blocked when they go home!

The newcomer was dressed in a tight-fitting green suit, black and shiny hair, unruly thick eyebrows, and a pair of big watery eyes under his long eyelashes. After three months, the Konohas beast is here again.

The moment Kanp saw Guy, he sprained his ankle without saying more!

Guy-senpai, you came just in time, take me to the hospital!! Kanp shouted with a pale face.

Pale is not because his foot is really sprained, but because he is scared!

Now that Kanp does not have Uzumaki Clans physique, if his bones broke again, it will be a real three-month plaster, and he can't bear this grievance!

Hospital? Kanp, whats wrong with you? Guy asked with a nervous expression on his face.

A sprained ankle!

Kanp clenched his teeth and inhaled, It hurts!

Sprained ankle? Dont worry, just leave it to me! Guy heaved a sigh of relief. He was often injured during training, so a sprained ankle is just a minor problem. At first, he went to the hospital too, but as the number of sprains increased, he became pro in it!

No no no

Seeing Guy stepping forward, Kanp hurriedly pushed him away, stared at him vigilantly, and questioned him, Guy-senpai, do you have a Medical-Nin qualification certificate and a medical practice certificate?

Guy looked confused, What are those?

Kanp looked regretful: If you dont have it Im sorry, I cant let you treat me.

He has always been a principled person. Although sprained ankle is really hurt, he cant just let someone he meets treat him.

Kanp limped past Guy and walked straight towards the hospital.

Although Guy is straightforward, he is not stupid. His beast-like intuition tells him that Kanp is lying to him, so he silently follows Kanp.

Kanp continued to move forward calmly and after walking for a while, he found that the footsteps behind him hadnt stopped, and he felt very uncomfortable: Guy is really not a human!

Fortunately, I have someone in the hospital, otherwise, I would have to fight with this beast.

Kanp sighed.

Yo, Kanp.

Two people walked from the corner of the street. They were once two of the six-person group, and now the gate guard duo: Izumo and Kotetsu.

Izumo, Kotetsu.

Kanp casually held onto the electric pole next to him, and said with a smile, Long time no see, are you two going to work?

No way, were on a mission.

Kotetsu put his hands on his hips lazily, but then raised his eyebrows indistinctly, and asked softly, Kanp, That Guy-senpai seems to be following you all the time, are you okay?

Kanp sighed and said: Its okay, his blood is boiling right now, don't mess with him.

The two couldnt understand Kanps pain, so they chatted casually for a while and left.

Kanp continued to move forward, and the sound of footsteps behind him followed unhurriedly, like a ghost.

The key point is that Kanp has really sprained ankle now, so he cant walk too fast.

So tormenting.

He finally reached Konoha Hospital, but Kabuto entered the operating room again, and Kanp couldnt let others do it, so he had to wait.

Guy felt Kanp is more and more weird, so he ran over and circled around him: Kanp, you are too suspicious!

Kanp retorted blankly: The suspicious one is you, right? You have been following me here Tell me, are you greedy for my body!

How is it possible! Kanp, I have a serious business to come to you this time, you promised to accept my challenge every three months before, I

Before Guy finished speaking, Kanp, with a guilty conscience, immediately interrupted him, and said fiercely, Guy-senpai, didn't you see that I was injured? I refused to accept any challenge during the injury!

Guy rubbed his chin with a suspicious expression on his face: So, your foot injury is very concerning

While the two were chatting, Kabuto finally came out of the operating room.

Kabuto, I've sprained my ankle, please help me look at it. Kanp said while sending out cryptic glances.

Kabuto is a smart person, and after receiving Kanps eye cue, he pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose calmly, and said very cooperatively: Come with me.

Guy stepped forward two steps and took the initiative to support Kanp.

Entering an empty operating room, Kabuto took out alcohol, gauze, etc., and secretly poured some white liquid medicine into the gauze.

Then, he wiped Kanps right ankle with gauze dipped in alcohol. After a while, the wiped part overflowed with purple red color, which was extremely terrifying at first glance.

Look at you, look at me, you say Im suspicious. Guy-senpai, you really treat a gentleman like a villain, I dont have a friend like you! Kanp immediately turned his face when the effect' came out.

Guy looked embarrassing, scratched his head and smiled shyly: Sorry Kanp, I misunderstood you. Then, you should take good care of your injuries, I'm going on a mission during this time.

Kanps face twitched. He looked at Guy carefully, and for some reason, he suddenly felt that he had been tricked!

Kanp coughed dryly, and asked without a smile, Leaving for a mission?

Guy nodded with a sad face: Yes, I have been recuperating for the past few months, and I havent done any mission at all.

Then why are you trying to find me? Kanp was furious.

Guys big eyes blinked and he said innocently: I came to you this time just to postpone our duel. I guess it will be December.

You didn't say it earlier!

Kanp felt that his feet suddenly healed, and he was ready to move, with the urge to kick someone!

But in order to prevent Guy from calling him a liar, Kanp endured it.

After Guy left, Kanp waved his hand to ask Kabuto to wipe the purple red off his feet.

Kabuto is very cautious, and said with a smile: This is just an ordinary paint, and it will not affect the human body.

He then wrapped a bandage on Kanps right ankle and asked, My Lord, was that person just now Guy-senpai?

Kanp sighed and said: Yes, hes a good person, but his personality is too overwhelming.

Kabuto does not make any comments on Guys personality, but reminded: Guy-senpai can postpone the challenge because of mission. Kanp-sama, you are in Anbu, shouldnt you be able to do the same?

Kanp shook his head.

If he could do that, he would have used it.

But there is a Kakashi between him and Guy, who happens to be the Captain of his Anbus team.

If he told Guy here that Anbu has a mission, but when Kakashi learned of it, he will immediately expose it. At that time

Kanp is very upset.

However, for Kabuto to be capture so much information and make suggestions from my and Guys short talk, he really is a talent!

Kabuto is not clear about the talent card Kanp sent to himself, and continued to analyze: My Lord, there are so many Konohas Shinobi, why is Guy-senpai only interested in you?

And Kakashi.

Kanp said without thinking, but there is a high probability that Guy wont open the fifth gate and sixth gate when fighting against Kakashi.


Thats right, why!

Eight Gates Technique is Forbidden Technique. The more doors he opens, the greater the impact on his body. Although it is only fifth gate and sixth gate, it still has an impact on your body. Wont Guy die sooner?


Kanps eyes flickered and he thought of an important question: Once the eighth gate is opened, he will definitely die!

Then here comes the problem

In the original work, Guy opened all the eight gates and used two moves, one is Evening Elephant and the other is Night Guy.

Theres no need to comment on Evening Elephant, as it should be the move created by the predecessors, but Night Guy, just from the name, it can be seen that Guy named this move himself, so in other words, there is a high probability that this move was created by him!

Then, how did he create it?

It must be known that the end of opening all the eight gates is death!

After much deliberation, the only explanation is that Guy created his ultimate move, Night Guy, without opening all the eight gates!

Combined with the fact that Kai has opened the gates after several battles with him, Kanp had a vague guess.

When fighting with five gates opened, he developed the sixth gates move, when fighting with six gates opened, he developed seventh gates move, and when fighting with seven gates opened, he developed eighth gates move!

This should be the most reliable way of creating it himself.

Sixth gates Morning Peacock, seventh gates Daytime Tiger, eighth gates Evening Elephant, should should have been created by the predecessors in this way.

Its just that to develop this kind of high-level Taijutsu, it must be experienced and thoroughly tempered. In the original work, Guy did not have a good training object when he was training Eight Gates Technique. Although there was Kakashi, Kakashi is a technical Shinobi. When Guy opened the fifth and sixth gate, even if Kakashi can contend with him, he must use all kinds of tactics and delays, and cant let Guy be free, so how can Guy create his own move?

Therefore, Guy can train several high-level Taijutsu recorded in the Eight Gates Technique in a regular manner.

As for Night Guy

Night Guy is strong, but it is also very simple. It can be said that there is no technical content. In one sentence, it stakes all on one strike, throwing out the strongest kick on the target!

This kind of move is definitely the ultimate move that Guy made up in his brain when he opened the seventh gate to train Daytime Tiger, as he would die if he opened the eighth gate!

But in this life, Guy has Kanp.

Every time Guy fights Kanp, he opens more than five gates. In addition to the original Taijutsu recorded in the Eight Gates Technique, it is very likely that he is still accumulating experience and preparing to self-created high-level Taijutsu!

In this way, Guy is simply the winner with his training and self-created Taijutsu!

Of course, all this is just Kanps guess, but if Guy uses a move other than Morning Peacock when opening the sixth gate, it will prove that Kanps guess is correct!

I am being used as a whetstone!

My Lord? My Lord? Its done. Seeing Kanp was absent-minded, Kabuto softly called twice.

When he came back to his senses, Kanp subconscious asked: Its done?

He looked down at his right ankle, which was covered with a bandage, it was a little tight, but it didn't affect his movement.

Kanp had some obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he was satisfied after asking Kabuto to wrap his left ankle with a bandage.

My Lord, about the experiment Kabuto has not been in Konoha Hospital for a long time, but with his talent, he has learned everything he can learn, and it doesn't make much sense to stay here any longer.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to help Kanp, wanting to repay his favor!

Theres no need to be in hurry, wait for my news. Kanp is not in a hurry at all.

Of course, there was nothing he could do even if he is in a hurry. Hashiramas cells are of great importance. Without Curse Mark on his heart, Kanp would never dare to give it to Kabuto like this.

After comforting Kabuto with a few words, Kanp left Konoha Hospital.

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