Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 568: Kanpū’s Base

Chapter 568: Kanpū's Base

In the evening, the sun sets.

The sixth team, who are working as Danzos subordinates, got off work.

People came out of the small three-story building in group of twos and threes, communicating with each other about today's boredom.

Itachi, who had been beaten by the society, did not chat with them. He chose to rush back to the bathhouse as quickly as possible, and then change back to his own clothes and leave.

On the street, Itachi touched the face that was swollen by Kanp, thinking that Sasuke would be worried if he goes back like this, so he changed his way to Konoha Hospital to treat his injuries.

The beating was so hard that it almost disfigured me.

Since it is already late, most of the doctors in the hospital had left. There were only a few doctors on duty, and the one who treated Itachis injuries is none other than Kabuto.

Kabuto keeps in mind Kanps requirements, and stays in the hospital all day long to train his medical skills, and strives not to let any patient go!

I fall. Itachi said blankly.

Kabuto pushed the frame on the bridge of the nose, and said with a smile: You can deceive others, but I am a doctor.

So you cant deceive me.

Itachi didnt speak, he was just a stranger anyway, so he didn't care.

After his injuries were treated, Itachi looked in the mirror in the hospital, and the bruise on his face had subsided a lot, but because of the red bruise, he looked a bit coquettish.

Can this be the only way?

Itachi frowned, I can put on a bandage.

He somewhat disliked Kabutos craftsmanship, and he didn't want Sasuke to see his face like this.

Dont worry, its just a minor injury. Bandages will affect the recovery of the injury.

Kabuto said with a gentle smile, You can recover in two days at most and it will not leave scars.

Itachi nodded, got up and went outside to pay, and then left.

When he got home, his swollen coquettish face really aroused Sasukes concern.

Big brother, did you fight?

Sasuke nervously stood on Itachi's right side and looked up at his right cheek, then ran to the left to look at his left cheeks and his immature faces are full of prejudice against this society.

Big brother

Sasukes eyes turned red.

I just fell.

Itachi couldn't get it out of his mouth, so he changed his words and smiled slightly: There was an accident during training, its okay.

Big brother has never hurt his face in training before. Sasuke said aggrievedly.

This time is an exception.

Itachi sighed, took out his certain kill skill, poked a finger on Sasukes forehead, and said, It won't happen next time, Sasuke.


Sasuke covered his forehead arrogantly: Big brother is such a big person, yet he still makes me worry, hmph!

On the other hand, when Kanp arrived home, Keiko was cooking while Karin ran back and forth in the kitchen and living room, eating some small dishes while helping Keiko to cook. As for Hoshino and Hayate, they had already started drinking.

Arent minors not allowed to drink alcohol? Kanp poured a glass for himself when he came to the table.

The alcohol content of Konohas sake is not too high, so Kanp can drink more than 20 cups without trouble.

Hayate took a drink and said with a smile: Brother, my adult birthday will be in a few months, its okay to be faster by a little.

Hoshino ate a mouthful of sashimi, and said: Kanp, hasnt Anbu been quite idle lately? I havent seen you leave the village.

Kanp didn't hide it, and replied: Our team has been temporarily transferred to under Danzo. Were staying at Roots Headquarters every day, its very boring.

Brother, brother.

Hayate, who is next to him, suddenly turned his head and said with a smile, Is there any shortage of people in Anbu?

Do you want to enter Anbu? Kanp was taken aback for a moment.

Its not me, its Yugao. Hayate smiled palely with a blessed face.

Kanp seemed to smell some kind of stench, and suddenly became endocrine disordered, and then he said with a fierce expression on his face: No shortage!


Hayate felt a little bit lost, but soon after, he said with a smile: But its fine, she can just wait for next year.


Kanps chopsticks broke.


Karin ran over with a bowl of spicy crayfish, sniffing vigorously while sneezing to the side, enjoying it.

After the family happily ate the dinner, Hoshino and Keiko took Karin away, while Hayate ran out for a date. Kanp was alone and could only go back to the bedroom to do shameful things.

Walking into the bedroom with yawn, Kanp immediately left behind a shadow clone, then went online and rushed to the depths of the Forest of Death underground.

Kanp used to only be active on the ground, but afterwards, under the suggestion of his shadow clone, his place of activity was placed underground.

For Kanp, it is simple to use Earth Release Ninjutsu to create an underground space.

Ventilation is not a problem, as he can just create more small holes to let the air flow.

As for the lighting, the problem is not big. Just get some wires and lights, and then ordered his shadow clone to use Lightning Release to charge it. This is not only environmentally friendly and saves money, but it can also temper his Lightning Releases micro-control. It serves multiple purposes, and the shadow clones are very happy!!


The huge underground space is pentagonal, and each of the five corners has Byakugan shadow clone. They used Byakugan to monitor the underground 24 hours a day. And once someone approaches, according to the situation, they will kill or cause a small earthquake to collapse the underground space.

In addition to these five shadow clones who are responsible for monitoring, there is a row of shadow clones in the upper right that is developing the Yin-Yang Release, but the current progress is zero and the results are zero.

On the upper left, there is a Sharingan shadow clone practicing the Sharingans Genjutsu, Byakugan shadow clone on the lower right practicing Gentle Fist, another shadow clone on the lower left practicing Impure World Reincarnations rune depiction, and shadow clone on the lower right to generate power cough cough.

Everyone is very busy, very good, my secret base really is thriving!

Kanp came to the center with satisfaction, and then clapped his hands together and slapped the ground!


The dark brown soil turned over and spewed from the ground, squeezing out a wooden coffin.

In the wooden coffin is the Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama, whose consciousness has been wiped out!

During this period, Kanp all contributed his precious three times to Hashirama every day. Unfortunately, after such a long time, he didnt even see Wood Releases shadow.

However, the more difficult it is to collect, the more it proves the power and rarity of Wood Release. Besides, Hashirama has done so much for Konoha, so it is worth for Kanp to throw his precious three times a day to him!

Demonstrate Wood Release!

Kanp quickly ordered as he looked at the lifeless Hashirama.

Hashirama also immediately started forming hand seals with his hands.

Kanp immediately threw out the Collection Technique.

The green light cluster in his mind quickly surged, and then subsided.

Collect again.


The third collection.

Still failed.

Kanp helped Hashirama get into the wooden coffin with his foot, and said: Sleep you!

Hashirama immediately put down his hands, closed his eyes and stopped moving.

The world is so unkind to me.

Kanp sank the wooden coffin into the ground with a troubled look.

After turning around, Kanp get his consciousness into his mind again.

In the corner of the green light cluster, the dozen or so purple stardust representing Uzumaki Clans physique and Senju Clans physique are now fused together, but the appearance still looks like a ball covered with big bumps.

Kanp tried to touch it mentally, but was repelled by an invisible wall of air.

Kanps mood cant help but feel bad.

He raised his head and looked at the shadow clones in the underground space.

Imagining the catastrophe they would bring to him after they disbanded together, he wished They can live forever.

The night is getting darker, but the lights in Hokages Office are still brightly lit.

Minato sat at the desk and quickly browsed the Shinobi files in his hand.

After some time, he looked up and asked: Are they all here?


Standing in front of him is the Anbu Commander, Eagle, There are only these thirteen Elite Jonin in the Hyuga Clan.

Without the strength of Elite Jonin, infiltrating Roots Headquarters is just courting death.

Its just

Because the other side has Byakugan, we cant monitor them up close. Eagle said.

It is difficult to track and monitor Elite Jonin, not to mention the other party has Byakugan, which can see far away. As long as they are alert and used Byakugan, even if they dont look back, they can see if someone is following them.

Minato understands it, so he didnt say much.

Please call Shikaku here. Minato felt a little pain in his head, so he had to call for help.

Shikaku is washing his feet at home. His wife is teaching her son next to him. When Anbu comes to visit, he hurriedly asks his wife to ask their son pour the footwashing water, and then he puts on wooden clogs and come to the reception room.

Shikaku-sama, Hokage-sama is asking for your presence. Anbu said.

Now? Shikaku is not happy, as he is ready to sleep with his wife

Haaah. After changing his clothes, Shikaku lazily rushed to Hokage Tower.

Yondaime, is there anything you need that you ask for me so late?

Shikaku came to the office with a lazy expression.

As the Jonin Commander, Shikaku is also a person with high-level position in the village, plus he is familiar with Minato, so it is quite natural for the two to get along.

Minato chuckled and said: Sorry, because things are very complicated, I can only invite you at this time.

Then, Minato told him about the Uchiha Clans Shinobi taking the Impure World Reincarnation from the taboo data room, and Hyuga Clans Shinobi infiltrated Roots Headquarters and stole an important item.

Impure World Reincarnation?

Although Shikaku has a high position, he is still a recent riser. So naturally, he has never heard of the name of this Forbidden Technique. As for Hyuga Clans Shinobi infiltrating Roots Headquarters

Shikakus scalp felt numb.

All Hyuga Clans Branch Houses members have Caged Bird. Without the approval of Main House, how can the Branch Houses Shinobi dare to invade Roots Headquarters?

Minato did not hide anything, and directly told him the information about Impure World Reincarnation, and even said his guess: I suspect that Hyuga Clan stole Shodaime-samas cells from Roots Headquarters.

Shikaku suddenly remembered that there was something at home, and subconsciously wanted to go home and have a look.

It cant be helped. Uchiha Clan steals Impure World Reincarnation and Hyuga Clan steals Hashiramas cells. This shows that they are colluding together and preparing to make a big move.

Shikaku knew Shisuis spying plan, and also guessed Minato and Fugakus plan to pit Danzo, but he never expected that Fugaku's heart would be so wild!

This is an unscrupulous desire to be superior!

Have the Uchiha Clan cooperated with the Hyuga Clan? Shikaku looked towards Eagle, who is standing on the side without a word.

Eagle shook his head: At present, there is no evidence of cooperation between the Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan.

Shikaku is not surprised by this. If it is so easy to be discovered, then this two great noble clans should just go to sleep.

Minato then said: In fact, apart from the possibility of Uchiha Clan and Hyuga Clan working together, I have another guess.

What is it?

Shikaku was stunned. It is not that he is suspecting Minatos IQ, but according to the current information, the probability of two clans cooperating has reached more than 90, so how can there be other possibility?

Abyss! Minato said solemnly.

When Kanp brought back the information of the Abyss, Minato blocked the information, and even Shikaku did not know about it.

Assuming a listening posture, Shikaku hopes to hear the details.

Minato quickly explained the organizational structure and the purpose of Abysss existence.

After listening, Shikaku immediately started to use his brain, After the Third Shinobi World War, Hyuga Clans Main House was only left with Clan Head Hyuga Hiashi. It was impossible for him to abandon the Hyuga Clan and join Abyss, and Hyuga Clans Branch Houses members have Caged Bird, so they wont dare to betray the Main House.

But with Impure World Reincarnation, it is different. If the people of Abyss summoned the ancestor of Hyuga Clan using Impure World Reincartain, and then asked how to release the Caged Bird

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