Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 556: Talent Fusion

Chapter 556: Talent Fusion

At night, Konohas Forest of Death, the moon is dark and the wind is powerful, and everything is silent.

But in the depths of the forest, there were continuous roars of beasts, and from time to time, there were wailings of beasts dying, which were shrill and short. It is Kanps shadow clones, who is clearing the wild beast attracted by the bonfire.

Its finally ready.

Next to the bonfire is an open space that has just been cleared out, and it has been engraved with black technique formula, densely packed like countless ants lining up.

Kanp put a bandit captured from thousands of miles away in the technique formula on the ground, and then he took out a bottle of blood. The owner of this blood is also a bandit who did many evils. After his shadow clone killed him, he collected a bottle of blood, which happened to be a pair with this bandit sacrifice.

Kanp pours the blood on the top of the starting point of the black technique formula, and then formed hand seals.

Tiger Snake Dog Dragon!

Impure World Reincarnation!

Kanp clasped his hands together, the Chakra in his body gushed out of his body in an instant, and quickly flowed along the black technique formula on the ground.

At the same time, the blood on the ground is also absorbed by the technique formula, like red earthworms meandering into the bandit, who is half-kneeling in the technique formula.

In the next instant, countless gray dust gathered from all directions, covering the bandit like snow, and in a blink of an eye, the bandit turned into another bandit.

Where is this?

Yamajiros soul returned from the Pure Land, and he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes are black, full of the smell of death, and there are even cracks in the pupils, like broken ceramics.

I didnt die?

Yamajiro was a little confused for a while, and even more pleasantly surprised. He looked around and couldnt help but shouted, Great, Im not dead, Im not dead!


No, you're already dead!

A cold voice suddenly came from behind Yamajiro, accompanied by a kunai stabbing his head. The kunai is engraved with technique formula that can erase the consciousness of Impure World Reincarnation!

After the kunai entered his head, the expression in Yamajiros eyes suddenly dimmed, turning into a puppet completely.


Kanp then instructed, Three circles to the left and three circles to the right, twist your neck and twist your butt Okay, well, you are awkward.

Kanps face twitched and hurriedly stopped the filthy reincarnator.

Too spicy for the eyes.

Kanp shook his head, and formed the hand seals to dismiss him.

Now that the verification has been successful, the next step is to summon the Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama!

Kanp heartbeat is a little disordered, after all, he is going to summon the God of Shinobi!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the palpitations in his heart, and used the Transformation Technique first, turning into Orochimaru.


Kanp imitated Orochimaru and stretched out his tongue to wash his face, but unfortunately his tongue couldn't even reach the tip of his nose.


With a dry cough, Kanp, no,Orochimaru took out a bottle of Hashiramas DNA, and at the same time, the shadow clone had replaced the dead bandit with another living one.

Kanp carefully poured Hashiramas DNA at the starting point of the black technique formula. About halfway through it, Kanp hurriedly closed the bottle and then quickly formed hand seals.

Tiger Snake Dog Dragon!

Impure World Reincarnation!

Kanp clasped his hands together.

In an instant, a dark wind blew up, rolling up countless gray dust, which wrapped the second bandit in the blink of an eye, and finally formed to Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama!

I am

Hashirama opened his eyes and looked at his hands in disbelief, but when he discovered the cracks in his hands, he immediately reacted. Impure World Reincarnation?!

He suddenly raised his head, looking directly at Orochimaru with fierce eyes, Who are you?

Orochimaru did not speak, because he found that Hashiramas will was struggling, trying to get rid of his soul shackles.

I am Orochimaru! Orochimaru grinned, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth is not very exaggerated.

But it doesnt matter. Kanps shadow clone has inserted the kunai into the back of Hashiramas head, instantly erasing his consciousness.

Seeing the expression in Hashiramas eyes faded, Kanp became more and more excited, but at the same time he was also a little nervous.

I only have three chances to collect it. If I fail I can only try the other remains of the Senju Clan.


This moral

Kanp sighed secretly, and then focused his attention on Hashirama.

When collecting Uzumaki Clans physique, Kanp waited for them to demonstrate the Adamantine Sealing Chains to collect it. And even so, the success rate was only one-third.

But what special or related skills does Senju Clans physique have?

Kanp thought about it, only thinking of the powerful resilience and humongous Chakra.

But he changed his mind, Thats not right. Now that I am in control of him, I can just give him an order

Kanp immediately gave Hashirama an order in his mind: Pass on the Senju Clans physique to me!

Although the order was somewhat inexplicable, Hashirama faithfully fulfilled the order. He raised his emotionless eyes, brazenly tore off his right hand and stuffed it into Kanps mouth. His movement was as fast as lightning!

Is he going to pass his own cells to me?

The corner of Kanps eyes twitched, and Hashirama has already appeared in front of him. Fortunately, Kanp has Minatos nerve reflexes, and reacts immediately. He first throws out the Collection Technique, and then flickers backwards quickly.

The green light cluster in his mind surged and boiled rapidly. Seeing this, Kanp quickly ordered Hashirama to stand back to where he was.

At this time, Hashiramas torn right hand had turned into dust and covered his right shoulder again, and the green light cluster in Kanps mind also slowly stopped.

The collection failed?

Kanp rubbed between his eyebrows, It really wasn't that simple.

But at this time, he had no better way, so he could only give the same order to Hashirama again.

When Hashirama tore off his right hand and tried to stuff Kanps mouth again, Kanp decisively threw out the Collection Technique again and ordered Hashirama to stand back where he was.

Soon, the green light cluster in his mind slowly stopped. Just when Kanp thought he had failed again, a purple stardust was suddenly ejected from the green light cluster.

Senju Clans physique?!

Kanp was overjoyed, and quickly wrapped this purple stardust with his consciousness, but he had no time to realize that this purple stardust has been mixed with the purple stardust of Uzumaki Clan, the more than dozen purple stardust rotates rapidly, and there is a faint trend of fusing.

Still not enough?

Kanp frowned, but soon, his eyes lit up. He quickly shut down the Narutos physique that had merged into his body.

In the next instant, the dozen or so purple stardust finally began to merge!

Uzumaki Clans physique plus Senju Clans physique

No, it should be Narutos physique plus Hashiramas physique.

Both of them are the reincarnation of Asura, the second son of Sage of Six Paths

So thats how it is!

Kanp seemed to understand the truth of the world. He only feels that his whole body is filled with sour and refreshing aura from the inside out.

Its just that the fusion of these purple stardust seems a bit slow.

Kanp waited for a while but didn't get better, so he had to divert his attention.

He looked towards Hashirama, who was standing back where he was, and his heart became hot again.

As the God of Ninja World, Hashirama has too many powerful techniques, such as Senjutsu, Genjutsu, Summoned Beast, Fuinjutsu, of course, the most praiseworthy of them is naturally the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai!

There is still one last chance to collect tonight, no, after 12 oclock, I can collect three more times!

But I have collected Senju Clans physique from him, which means I can only collect him two more at most.

And Wood Release, as Kekkei Genkai, should be the same as Ice Release and Explosion Release. It needs to be collected three times

But Kanp doesnt panic. There is a Tenzo outside. Just by collecting it once from him, he can fuse the Wood Release, but the only thing that worries Kanp is that, Can the Wood Release collected from Tenzo be combined with the Wood Release collected from Hashirama?

He shook his head to get rid of these advanced' thoughts, and began to order: Demonstrate Wood Release, dont use Chakra.

Hashirama began to form seals without saying a word: Wood Release: Hobi Technique!

Kanp squinted and looked.

Wood Release: Wood Human Technique!

Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique!

Wood Release

Kanp looked at it seriously, and then threw the Collection Technique.

The green light cluster in his mind surged instantly, but it calmed down after a while, and the collection failed.

Lets wait until twelve oclock.

Kanp stretched his waist, and then noticed the more than a dozen purple stardust that were fusing. According to the visually observed fusion speed, he believed it wont be done in a short time.

Without Uzumaki Clans physique, Kanp was a little flustered. However, he actually can just train the Body Revival Technique.

Speaking of which, since having Uzumaki Clans physique, Kanp at first did insist on training this Forbidden Technique, but over time, Kanps laziness grew stronger, especially after collecting the power of Ryumyaku. From then on, he didnt train this Forbidden Technique anymore.

After all, extracting chakra from his own body is not as cool as directly extracting from the power of Ryumyaku!

Thinking about it this way, the thought of practicing this Forbidden Technique has fade away.

Kanp waited silently.

After twelve oclock, the Collection Technique refreshed, so Kanp immediately asked Hashirama to demonstrate Wood Release again, and then collected.

But he doesnt know if its because of he lost the blessing of the Gods, after throwing the Collection Technique three times in a row, all of them failed!

Helpless, Kanp had to let Hashirama make a wooden coffin by himself, then put him in, order him to fall into a deep sleep, and then sink the wooden coffin into the ground.

Although there is still a possibility of being discovered in this way, Kanp has too little Hashiramas DNA in his hands. At most, he can use Impure World Reincarnation six times. After considering the transplant operation to be done later, Kanp thinks it is better to use sparingly.

After doing everything, Kanp left three Byakugan shadow clones behind and returned home.

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