Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 546: Yakushi Kabuto

Chapter 546: Yakushi Kabuto

The tens of meters long wall of fire was burning, and the flames are billowing. Supported by Kanps power of Ryumyaku, it goes on endlessly, like a huge wave surging into the sky incessantly.

The hot flames illuminated the green steam on Guys body red, making his expression more ferocious and terrifying.

As expected of Kanp!!!

Guy throw his fists excitedly. Although Morning Peacock was suppressed steadily, it made Guy even more excited!


Guy loudly roared, and the green figure instantly broke through the sound barrier, and with the sound of sonic boom, Guy instant crosses the wall of flames in an instant and blasted out ring-shaped waves of flames behind him, suddenly appearing in front of Kanp!

So fast!

Kanps dynamic vision can hardly detect Guys figure, but thanks to Minatos nerve reflexes, Kanp can still react immediately.

He stopped the Great Fire Annihilation, clenched his fist, accumulate power, and finally strike with a heavy punch!

At the same time, Guy also used Leaf Great Whirlwind, dragging the rich green steam on his right thigh, and savagely kicking towards Kanp with terrifying power and violent air waves.


With the dull of physical impact, a ring-shaped air wave swept across all directions in an instant. Kanp only felt that he was hit by a fast-moving locomotive, and his whole body was repelled uncontrollably, with his feet on the ground, forcibly draws two deep scratches on the ground.

And Guy was also blasted into the air by the Extraordinary Strength along with the crisp sound of bone cracks, and finally fell to the ground in a difficult situation.

Kanp looked down at his right fist, and saw four of his finger bones were faintly broken and there are red, purple and blue colors on his skin, which were too horrible to look at.

Too ruthless!

Kanp grimaced in pain. Healing Technique is useless for this kind of injury, as it must higher-level Medical Ninjutsu like Mystical Palm Technique to heal such injury in a short time!

It took 100 days to heal the muscles and bones, and it was estimated that the fracture needed to be put on a plaster cast and would take three months. With Uzumaki Clans physique is included, he should not be able to run for at least two months!

Kanp wants to cry but has no tears.

Guy is indeed a rogue! No wonder Kakashi wants to throw him to me! How can an average person withstand his critical blow!

Not far away, Guy who had closed the Six Gates, limped up from the ground. The injury to his leg bone and the sequelae of the Eight Gates Technique made him exhausted, but his eyes are shining brightly.

Kanp, I really can only show my Youth when I am fighting with you!

Guy grinned and revealing his gleaming back molars, and slowly stretched out his right hand and raised his thumb.

Is this praising me?

Kanps face twitched. He took a deep breath, endured the severe pain and said earnestly: Guy-senpai, lets fight from time to time, but can you not dig my stone in the future?

The Network Cable from the village to the Forest of Death is actually not a big problem, but the key is that Kanp also has ten Network Cables outside. With Guys terrifying intuition, in case he accidentally cut off his Network Cable, it is just killing him.

If Kanp encounters a strong enemy, and happens to escape on this Network Cable, but the Network Cable is suddenly broken The picture is so beautiful that Kanp cant imagine it!

Its just Guy is very busy at this time. He took out a small notebook, took out a ballpoint pen, and recorded and summarized todays situation on it: A draw!

Including the previous three decisive battles, Kanp, we each have one win, one loss and two draws! Guy put away his notebooks solemnly.

Guy-senpai, are you listening to me? Kanp felt helpless for a while.

But if you don't dig your rocks, I won't be able to block you.

Guy is usually an idiot, his heart is extremely greasy this time, and he said, Unless you accept my challenge twice a month!

Kanp looked at his right hand and said: Guy-senpai, Im afraid we'll have to take care of this injury for several months, maybe once every three months.

Guy thinks about it. Every time he finished fighting with Kanp, he would have to walk with sticks. He also felt that twice a month is a bit too frequent and it is not good for the body, so he readily agreed, and said: Okay, then once every three months! Kanp, goodbye!

Kanp is dumbfounded, He agrees so easy?

If I knew he would agree like that, I would have said once every half a year!

After seeing Guy limping away, Kanp first deactivated the Extraordinary Talent talent, and then lit up Narutos Uzumaki Clans physique. At this moment, he doesnt know if it was an illusion, but Kanp suddenly felt that his right hand seemed to be warm and felt a little comfortable, but soon came another severe pain. Sighing, Kanp dejected rushed to Anbus Headquarters, and asked the Medical-nin there to heal himself.

Husky, your finger bone is a little cracked. It is best to rest for three months. During this period, remember not to use your right hand. The Anbus Medical-nin put a plaster on Kanps right hand and said with a smile.

I understand, thank you very much.

Kanp thanked with a bitter face.

Thinking about he will fight with Guy again 3 months later, Kanp feels that his future is not bright!

Its just

How did Guys strength improve so much compared to the previous few times?

Is his special strength training so useful?

Kanp shook his head, and then went to the Anbus Commander, Eagle to ask for leave. After all, after suffering such a heavy injury, it was really unreasonable not to ask for a three-month leave!

Eagle didnt make it hard for him and approved it directly.

Leaving the Anbus Headquarters, Kanp headed to the Forest of Death again. On the way, he reburied the Flying Thunder God Techniques stones that was stolen by Guy, and then flickers all the way.

The depths of the Forest of Death.

Right now, Kanps shadow clones are still collectively recalling those sad movies, TV series, and anime from his previous life. Kanp even saw four or five shadow clones with tears on their faces with a cursory glance.

Kanp originally wanted to disband them and used the wave of emotional feelings to evolve to 3-Tomoe, but now that his right hand is put in a plaster and cannot form hand seals, if this wave of impact fails

Forget it, just let the shadow clones continue to brew the grief and make the impact be more violent!

Kanp quietly walked to the side and took out a scroll with his left hand.

This scroll was snatched by his shadow clone No. 3 from the Roots Headquarterss data room, and it recorded the experimental data about Hashiramas cell transplant.

Kanp opened it and took a quick look, then found that there are a lot of experimental data inside. The earliest data showed that it was decades ago, and it should be the experimental data when Hiruzen and Danzo were working together.

Then there is the experimental data of the cooperation between Danzo and Orochimaru, which even contains the data of Tenzos group of children transplanted with the Hashiramas cells.

Kanp looked at it for a while, and threw the Collection Technique out his curiosity, but unfortunately, the green light cluster in his mind did not move at all.

Cant be collected!

Kanp shook his head, feeling that this thing is a useless thing, and he wondered what madness shadow clone No. 3 has to steal such a thing.

Kanp wanted to destroy it, but then, a figure suddenly emerged from his mind.


Kanp touched his chin with his left hand and pondered.

Shisui is now an undercover agent in Akatsuki, but as far as I saw inside the Akatsuki, Shisuis mission is doomed to fail. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Shisuis Mangekyo Sharingan has been used many times. By mixing around Akatsuki, I am afraid that he will lose his eyesight soon.

It just so happens that Hashiramas cells can cure blindness!

It also happened that I obtained all the experimental data of the Hashiramas cell transplantation of Sandaime and Danzo, and Danzo and Orochimaru.

However, I am not good at this.

It is also impossible to ask Orochimaru to help him.

Wait, there is someone else!

Yakushi Kabuto?!

Kanps heart skipped a beat, How can I forget about this ruthless man?

With Yakushi Kabutos talent in Medical Ninjutsu, after nurturing him a little bit, and then give him this scroll

Its justWhere is Kabuto?

Kanp carefully recalled the plot about Kabuto.

If I remember correctly, Danzo used the funds of the orphanage to coerce Yakushi Nono to go undercover in an enemy country, and then he takes Kabuto away, train him as a spy, and send him to the enemy country.

After being a spy for five years, Kabuto mistakenly killed Yakushi Nono under Danzos misleading, and then fell into Orochimarus arms, and Orochimaru arranged Kabuto to be a spy under Sasori.

Sasori returned Kabuto to Orochimaru after some great manipulation.

After that, Itachi massacred his clan and joined Akatsuki, Orochimaru failed on his sneak attack towards Itachi, and after leaving Akatsuki, he established Otogakure.

Then, Kabuto joined Otogakure, and then entered the Konoha as undercover agent under Orochimarus arrangement. During this period, he participated in the Chunin Exams for four consecutive years, but failed again and again.

Narutos Chunin Exams took place around July in Konohas Year 60, and if we go back four years, it would be around July Year 56.

In the original book, Itachis massacring his clan happened in this year!

The timing is right.

Then continue to move backward from Konohas Year 56.

Kabuto has been undercover in the enemys country for five years, so pushing back Konohas Year 56 by five years, that means Konohas Year 51.

But in addition to this, the day when Orochimaru gave Kabuto to Sasori when Orochimaru was in Akatsuki, and then Sasori returned to Orochimaru, how many days are there? The length is hard to say, lets suppose it is six months to two years.

Counting backward like this, the earliest time is probably the Konohas Year 49.

In the current time and space, in Konoha's Year 48, Danzos Root was cut by nearly half by Minato.

At the beginning of Year 49, Orochimaru defected from Konoha under my arrangement. Danzo sent Roots Shinobi to hunt him down. As a result, all of his Roots Shinobi were killed by me. With fewer manpower, it is impossible for Danzo to still gave the energy and manpower to send spy to the enemy country at this time!

That means, Kabuto is most likely still at the Root?

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