Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 544: Only Kids Make Choices

Chapter 544: Only Kids Make Choices

There are many kinds of barriers in the Shinobi World. There are barriers to trap enemies such as Four Violet Flames Formation and Four Red Yang Formation, protective barriers such as Five-Seal Barrier that can form a barrier space and prevent outsiders from invading, perception barriers to guard against foreign Shinobi, and of course, there are barriers to block others senses.

What Kanp saw is the last one.

This kind of barrier is not very useful, as it is only to prevent others from peeping inside.

But now, even if Kanps Byakugan uses Senjutsu Chakra as the fuel, it still cannot see through this barrier!

Could it be Hashiramas cells?

Kanp shifted his gaze slightly, looked outside the door of this room, and there were two Roots Shinobi standing impressively.

Kanp suppressed his slightly excited mood and continued to observe. Soon, he saw the same layout in a room tens of meters away?

A safe blocked by a barrier, and two Roots Shinobi guarding the door!

Kanp frowned slightly, Why does it feel that there is a trap here?

Is the thing in one of the rooms is real, and the one in the other room is fake?

With Danzos character, it is not surprising to make such an arrangement.

Kanp continued to look, and after a while, he found his sight was blocked by the barrier!

And this time, its even more exaggerated. Its not a safe, but the entire room is covered by a barrier, making it impossible to see through!

Of course, there are also Roots Shinobi guarding outside this room.

Choose one from three?

Kanp shook his head.

Only kids make choices, we adults take it all!

Kanp retreated quietly for three kilometers, then formed a hand seal: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

Bang bang bang!

Three thin, middle-aged men with Byakugan and wearing human skin masks walked out of the light smoke.

My name is Hyuga Taki! *3

Yes, yes, you are all Taki.

Kanp rolled his eyes and said softly, Caution Be careful and act now!

You have done so much preparation, but still make us go.

Haah, its really troublesome.

The three shadow clones shook their heads and sighed.

Kanps face twitched, and he said with a snort: Go.

The three shadow clones had no choice but to form hand seals and use Subterranean Voyage to dive into the ground quietly, swimming from the ground to the underground of Roots Headquarters.

With Byakugan, these shadow clones dont have to worry about getting lost.

Kanp quietly returned to his previous hiding location, then turned on Byakugan, and continued to check.

In Byakugans vision, Kanp can see that the three shadow clones are quickly approaching their respective target rooms.

According to the distance, Kanp marked the closest to him as Room 1, followed by Room 2, and the last one that was completely covered by barrier is Room 3. The same was true for the shadow clone.

In just a few seconds, shadow clone No. 1 got out inside Room 1.

His movements were very light, and he emerged from the ground little by little, for fear of disturbing the Roots Shinobi outside the room.

Under Kanps fearful gaze, shadow clone No. 1 finally completely out of the ground.

Shadow clone No. 1 looked at the safe in front of him, frowning slightly.

The four sides of the safe were covered with the barrier formula, and there are eight pieces of talisman paper pasted on them, four of which are written with the word forbidden, and the remaining four are written with explosive, which is surprisingly Explosive Tags!

Shadow clone No. 1 observed for a while, and soon confirmed that the four Explosive Tags had been connected to the barrier outside the safe. If the safe was opened rashly, these four Explosive Tags would explode instantly, alarming all the Roots Shinobi underground.

How about I pack it and take it away?

Shadow clone No. 1 rubbed his chin and thought about it.

This safe is not big, so it can be taken away without opening it, but I am afraid there is a tracking mark in this safe!

So to take or not to take?

At the same time, in Room 2, shadow clone No. 2 also drilled out of the ground, and the same problem as shadow clone No. 1.

As for shadow clone No. 3, it was even worse. He found that the sealed talismans buried are also buried under the floor of Room 3. Although there is no Explosive Tag, if he drilled out just like this, the probability of alarming the Roots Shinobi was extremely high!

Just when the three shadow clones were in a dilemma, in a room of the underground of Roots Headquarters, several Roots Shinobi suddenly stood up.

Not good, someone sneaked in!

As Danzo's lair, during its peak period, Roots Headquarters has a perception barrier for more than a dozen kilometers above and below the ground. Once someone enters, the perception barrier will be triggered!

But now that the Root is financially difficult and understaffed, the perception barrier is gradually shrinking, and now, only the underground is covered!

So when Kanps three shadow clones sneaked into the ground, they were unfortunately discovered.

At this time, Kanp is still squatting in the previous position, using Senjutsu Chakra to fuel his Byakugan, looking at the movement of the underground.

The three shadow clones suddenly stopped moving, which made Kanp a little anxious, but then, he found that the Roots Shinobi underground suddenly came out of the room like a honeycomb, rushing towards Room 1, 2, and 3!

Were discovered?

Kanp sighed depressedly, but then he thinks about it, This is the Roots Headquarters after all, and a starving camel is bigger than horse. Moreover, this camel is not completely starved yet, so is not surprising to be found.

But Kanp has to remind them quickly, otherwise, this operation will not only be all in vain, but will also alarm Danzo!

Kanp quickly created a shadow clone, and then destroyed him with a punch.

After the shadow clone dissipates, the rest of the shadow clones will share his memory in an instant, so the three shadow clones underground started to move like clockwork.

Shadow clone No. 1 and No. 2 hugged the safe without saying a word, and quickly formed hand seals together and fled into the ground

Of course, they can also directly use Flying Thunder God Technique to run away, but if they do, even fools will know that people who steal their things are good at Space-Time Ninjutsu. At that time, wouldnt Kanps name be smeared?

He is a pure man!

As for the shadow clone No. 3, he is also rushing towards Room 3. They have been exposed after all. At most, he will just blow up, so whats there to be afraid of?

Shadow clone No. 3 easily broke out of the ground, then he turned his head and looked around. He found that this room seemed to be a reference room. Various scrolls scrolls and notes were densely placed on the wooden shelf on the wall. But under Byakugans gray vision, the shadow clone No. 3 could not see the writing in these scrolls.

At this split second, the door of the room was suddenly opened from the outside.

White light poured in from outside the room, and fell on the face of shadow clone No. 3.


Its Hyuga Clan!

The two Roots Shinobi responsible for guarding the Roots data room immediately made a judgment and attacked shadow clone No. 3 at the same time.

Because the room is filled with Roots important information, the two Roots Shinobi didnt dare to use Ninjutsu. They just pull out their sword and attack with Taijutsu.

Shadow clone No. 3 took a stance calmly, unhurriedly unleashed the Gentle Fist that had been trained for several months, and fought with the two Roots Shinobi!

Plak plak plak!

Plak plak plak!

A shadow clone will dissipate if it receives a fatal attack, but shadow clone No. 3 has Minatos nerve reflexes, Byakugans terrifying insight, and Kanps five-on-one experience, so how could it be destroyed by two mere Roots Shinobi?

While fighting, shadow clone No. 3 could look around with the light coming in from outside, and soon, he saw the electric light switch near the door.

He immediately appeared next to the switch with a flicker, and turned on the light with a snap.

A dazzling white light instantly poured down from above the room.

The two Roots Shinobi continued to attack with no emotion at all, while shadow clone No. 3 began to dodge, while grabbing the scroll and notes on the wooden shelf.

He grabbed a scroll, quickly glanced at the writing on it and threw it to the Roots Shinobi, then he flickered again and continued to grab the scroll, and continued to throw them until he grabbed a scroll called Wood Release cell transplant. His eyes flashed with joy. After he stuffed the scroll into his pocket, he immediately formed a stance: Gentle Fist Art Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!

Plak plak plak

With that technique, shadow clone No. 3 successfully slapped the two Roots Shinobi out of the room. At the same time, the Roots Shinobi who came to support finally arrived, and the sound of sharp footsteps rushed to Room 3.

But when they entered, they saw a beam of fire bursting out of the room.


Room 3 was instantly filled with flames, burning blazingly.

All the scrolls and notes in the room were swallowed by the flames, crackling as they burned.

Damned, their target is the data room

A Roots Shinobi, who looks like the leader here, shouted, Who is it, who is it?

Lord, its Hyuga Clan!

The two Roots Shinobi, who were slapped away, climbed up from the ground and said, The other party has Byakugan, and they also used Gentle Fist Art. It can't be wrong, its definitely the Hyuga Clan!

Hyuga Clan?

The Roots Shinobis leader was startled. This is not good. After all, if they catch one of the culprit, they can openly go to the Hyuga Clan to question the crime, but since they don't catch anyone now, going to the Hyuga Clan now is a framing!

Of course, if Sandaime is in power, even if they have no evidence, Danzo can lead them into the Hyuga Clan to question the crime, but now that Danzo is weak, and Minato is on the top position

So uncomfortable!

What about the other two rooms? The Roots Shinobis leader asked.

Lord, the other party escaped into the ground with a safe. The guarding Roots Shinobi reported.

The Roots Shinobis leader felt uncomfortable again.

Using Earth Releasee to escape into the ground is not hard to deal with, as the opponents can be dug out with Opening Earth Rising Excavation, but they have a safe in their hands. Once there are violent fluctuations from the outside, the Explosive Tags on the safe will also instantly explode!

If this place is blown up, then the experiment they are working on will be

Sensor Ninjutsu and the tactical team will be responsible for tracking!

The Roots Shinobis leader said, The rest are on guard and send someone to call Danzo-sama.


The dozens of Roots Shinobi in the corridor dispersed immediately.

At the same time.

Shadow clone No. 1 and No. 2 finally got out of the ground.

Kanp has long been waiting beside them. At this time, he was still in Sage Mode, so he didnt care about the psychological journey of the two shadow clones. He just grabbed the two boxes and went online!

Run away after stealing things, being a thief is very exciting!


After Kanp disappeared, the two shadow clones left behind checked the surroundings immediately to confirm that there were no traces left nearby, and then dispersed themselves.

As for shadow clone No. 3, after getting out of the ground, he immediately activated Sage Mode, and then he also went online!

Run away after stealing things, being a thief is very exciting!

At this moment, all the Roots Shinobi rushed out of the ground.

The Sensor Shinobi in the middle suddenly used Sensor Ninjutsu, however

This is whats going on?

They suddenly disappeared?

How is it possible?!

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