Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 540: My Name is Uchiha Ōmadara

Chapter 540: My Name is Uchiha ōmadara

The fact that Itachi joined Anbu did arouse the resentment from a large number the Uchihas clansmen. The next morning, Itachi felt this atmosphere as soon as he went out after eating.

Itachi, you actually joined Anbu at this time, what do you want to do?

Are you planning to betray the clan?

The villages higher-ups have made it clear that they want to target us, why do you still want to join Anbu!

A group of annoyed clansmen blocked him and asked coldly.

Itachi glanced at them, and didnt have the slightest intention of arguing. With an indifferent face, he walked past them emotionlessly and went straight to the bathhouse to work.

Damn, Itachi, you will suffer retribution!

Well tell Clan Head-sama and let Clan Head-sama deal with you!

The voices of the clansmen gradually blurred and disappeared, and Itachi felt a little uncomfortable, but thinking of Shisui, both his teacher and friend, and Sasuke, who is standing behind and supporting him, made Itachi's footsteps became firm again.

Rushing to the third changing room of the bathhouse, Itachi was pleasantly surprised to find that Kanp had also arrived, so he hurriedly rushed over to ask about Shisuis defection.

Shisui Before he defected, I happened to be out of the village on a mission, so Haah, I dont know what happened that night. Kanp leaned against the wardrobe with depressed face, his eyes were kind of unfocused.

Brother Gekko, it's not a question of whether you know it or not, but Have you ever doubted it? You and Brother Shisui have been friends for so many years, and you should be very clear about his character. It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing!

Itachi said softly in a very agitated tone, There must be a misunderstanding!

Kanp said indifferently: So what if there is a misunderstanding? This matter has passed for so long, and it cannot be undone.

Brother Gekko

Itachi is a little anxious and wanted to persuade Kanp again, but the door of the changing room was pushed open at this time, and a bald Shinobi entered.

Yo, Husky, good morning. The bald Shinobi greeted.

Morning. Kanp still leaned against the closet, his expression is cold.

The bald Shinobi was startled: Why does it feel that Kanp is different from yesterday? Is it a shadow clone again?

Eh, why would I say again?

The bald Shinobi shook his head, his eyes swept at Itachi, but he ignored him.

With outsider around, Itachi knows that he couldn't continue the conversation anymore, so he sighedsilently, went back to his closet and began to change clothes.

As for Kanp, no, Kanps shadow clone is still leaning on the closet. Like an NPC, hes waiting for the next player.

For the next half a month or so, Itachi followed everyone to complete the training of the sixth team, while continued to spend time chatting with Kanp, hoping to persuade him to investigate the truth about Zhishui's defection together. Unfortunately, Kanp has been evasive, and kept pushing back and forth.

Itachi felt disappointed and distressed, wishing he could travel back to a few years ago and tell his Brother Shisui that Kanp, who is in front of him, is not worthy of being his friend at all!

However, although Itachi gave up on Kanp, he still did not give up the investigation!

In that case, I will do it alone!

A determined look flashed inItachis eyes.

But some things really cannot be achieved with faith alone. Itachi has been faintly rejected in the sixth team. In this case, he has no way to get any useful information from his teammates. Not to mention that Minato has already issued an order in the Anbu to prohibit discussion of Shisuis defection.

Time passed day by day, and the relationship between the village and the Uchiha Clan remained tense. Occasionally, bad incidents of Military Police Forces members and ordinary villagers quarreling on the street are reported.

And Itachi, who is caught in the middle, couldn't escape the fate of being complained by his clansmen.

The investigation made no progress, and he suffered the strange look of his clansmen. Itachi lived very exhausting life every day. At such a young age, the lines on both sides of his nose are already deeper than those of 40-year-old people.

One month passed quietly.


In the backyard of the Gekkos mansion, Kushina is guiding Karin on how to train the Four Symbols Seal. Not far away, Naruto crouched on the ground, staring at them with gritted teeth.

Yellow hair is obviously better, so why did Kaa-chan help that four-eyed Karin?

Naruto touched the bump on his head, and tears came out from the pain.

At this time, a ray of sunlight pours down, just falling on the red hair of Kushina and Karin, reflecting the dazzling luster.

Naruto squinted his eyes slightly, vaguely, he seemed to have found the answer.

Naruto, what about we play hide and seek?

Kanp came from the wooden corridor, and the dark circles under his eyes were a bit heavy.

During this period of time, he trains Sharingan in the depths of the Forest of Death day and night, while Anbus sign-in and Karins daily care are all done by the shadow clone.

Only when Kushina and Naruto come will his main body come back from the Forest of Death.


When Naruto heard Kanps voice, he turned around and rushed over, then showed a smile and asked, Sensei, tell me, which one looks better, yellow hair, red hair or black hair?

Of course it is black

Kanps answer suddenly paused, This question seems a bit dangerous.

He raised his head slightly, and from the corner of his eye, he felt an unexplained scorching gaze from the courtyard.

Hehehe, needless to say, of course the red hair looks best, hehehe. Kanp grinned happily, showing the expression of Why would you still need to ask this kind of question that even a three-year-old child knows.


Naruto was depressed.

He used to think that the reason why his mother helped Karin was because she also had red hair, But why did sensei think that red hair is better if he had black hair?

At young age, Naruto has begun to endure the suffering he should not endure at his age.

Not far away, Kushina smiled: Kanp is still the same as before.

Kushina remembers that the first time she saw Kanp was outside the Gekko Tavern. At that time, Kanp not only treat them, he also praised her red hair directly.

I didnt expect that after all these years, Kanps aesthetics is still outstanding.

Kushina smiled with satisfaction.

But Karin, who next to her, is a bit tangled.

Karin used her sense ability just now, so she knew that Kanp definitely lied.

What red hair the best? It is obviously a lie!

But I eat his food, drink his water, and live in his house Then for Aunt Kushinas sake, I won't expose him, hehehe.

Karin thought happily.

Although she really doesnt like Fuinjutsu, she still trains it every day, not only to meet Kushina, but also to repay Kanp!

Karin smiled triumphantly. Relying on her ability to perceive lies, she has confirmed that Kanps idea towards her is these Fuinjutsu.

He probably wants me to help him seal certain things after I learn Fuinjutsu, but these things should be very confidential, and I cant let Aunt Kushina know, um, it must be so!


Karin smiles like a red fox.


Kushina slapped her on the back of the head, and said with a straight face: Karin, dont be distracted.


Not only is Karin not angry, but the smile on her face became even stronger.

In the evening, Kushina took Naruto home. Karin was a little bit reluctant, but after the reluctance, she worked harder to train Fuinjutsu.

Seeing Xianglin worked so hard, Kanp was very relieved. After giving her a few praises, he went back to his room.

After closing the sliding door, Kanp sat on the futon with closed eyes and meditates.

During this period of time, Kanp trains Sharingan while recalling the sad movies, TV series, anime from his previous life, and finally make his Sharingan evolve to 2-Tomoe. Although there is still some distance from 3-Tomoe, Kanp can just use this time to get some Sharingans Genjutsu!

As for how to do it, of course it depends on Itachi!

Itachi now goes to Anbu to sign in every day, which gives Kanp an opportunity.

A terrifying plan gradually emerged in Kanps mind

In the dead of night, Kanp, who was lying on the futon, secretly lit up the Sharingan Kekkei Genkai, and then created a Sharingan shadow clone.

As soon as Sharingan shadow clone came out, it immediately runs his Chakra to his eyes. The pair of jet-black pupils instantly exuded a scarlet color, and in the blood color pupils, there were two pairs of tomoe hanging. He looked coldly at the Kanp, who was close at hand, and said: My name is Uchiha madara! (T/N: His name is the combination of big and Madara, so I made his name Omadara, which means Big Madara.)

The Sharingan shadow clone said domineeringly.

Kanps mouth twitched slightly: Get lost!


madara used Flying Thunder God Technique, and instantly disappeared.

Kan-my heart is tired-p sighed. After deactivating the Sharingan, he rolled over and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning.

Kanp left a shadow clone to lie on the futon, and another shadow clone to take care of Karin, while he rushed to the bathhouse early to work. After a while, the members of the sixth team arrived one after another.

The kid Tenzo came over and talked with Kanp. He seemed to have noticed something afterwards, and asked: Brother Gekko, youwere you a shadow clone before?

Kanp chuckled and said in a low voice: You finally found out, not bad.

Tenzo was puzzled: But why? Brother Gekko, are you okay?

Kanp nodded: Well, Anbus training is not suitable for me.

Tenzo nodded, seeming understand but also not understand.

At this moment, Itachi walked in with an expressionless face. He walked past Kanp without even looking at him.

Apparently, during this period of time, Kanps shadow clone has hurt his heart.

Kanp didn't take it seriously, and quietly dismissed the shadow clone left on the futon in his bedroom.

As soon as the shadow clone dissipated, madara immediately began to act.

Transformation Technique!


madara became Itachi, and then went home grandiosely.

Now that the relationship between the village and the Uchiha Clan is tense, as the Clan Head, Fugaku left home at seven o'clock in the morning to sit in the Military Police Forces building to avoid any uncontrollable moths.

As for Mikoto, she went with her friends to the vegetable market to buy groceries, and wouldnt come back for an hour, so right now, Sasuke the only one left in their house!

And this also gave madara a chance to steal his home!

Itachi, why are you back already! Did you get fired by Anbu?

You still have time to quit Anbu now, dont keep making mistakes!

When the clansmen saw Itachi, they rushed over while pointing fingers.

Itachi doesnt care, after all, they are not talking about him.

With a straight face, he returned home indifferently all the way.

He doesnt have the key, but he didn't panic, as he could knock on the door.

Knock knock knock.


An immature voice came from behind the door.

As soon as the door opened, Sasukes small head was exposed.

Big Brother!

Seeing his big brother, Sasuke immediately rushed forward.

Sasuke, I have something to do, maybe next time.

Itachi flicked his finger on Sasukes forehead, and then walked into the entrance. He doesnt change his shoes, and just walked in directly.

Big Brother, change your shoes. Sasuke shouted after closing the door.

Itachi waved his hand without looking back.

Time is running out, as he wants to find the Sharingans Genjutsu before Mikoto returns home!

Itachi looks at the rooms one by one, the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, the study

Huh, study?

Itachi immediately went in and searched around, and unexpectedly found a small scroll with Genjutsu written on it successfully.

There is no seal on scroll, so it can be opened easily.

There are only two Genjutsu in the scroll, namely Shackling Stakes Technique and Mirror Heaven and Earth Change. Looking at the introduction in the scroll, both of them are that require 3-Tomoe Sharingan to be used!

Big Brother!

Sasuke ran over from the entrance.

Put away the scroll, Itachi smiled slightly, and then immediately used Flying Thunder God Technique, and disappeared from the study instantly.

Sasuke trotted all the way over, but found that his big brother had disappeared.

Big Brother?

Big Brother!!!

Sasuke anxiously went in and out of each room, but he couldn't find his big brother.

Strange, is it a hallucination just now?

Or is Big Brother gone again?

Sasuke is confused.

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