Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 536: Kushina and Naruto’s Visit

Chapter 536: Kushina and Naruto's Visit

The next morning.

Kanp opened his eyes in a daze, sleepy, he suddenly remembered that he had brought Karin home with him

Kanp intends to have breakfast and lunch by himself, so as to save some food for the family. Thinking of this, he turned over with peace of mind and continued to doze off.

Unfortunately, his plan fails.

Kanp was sleeping happily, when the sliding door was pushed open roughly: Kanp-sensei, Im here!!

Kanp was instantly awakened by the roaring sound.

Which naughty brat is this Kanp got up angrily!

Its me, Sensei, it's already so bright and you still don't get up, you are worse than me!

Naruto put his hands on his hips, thinking of his mother saying that people who sleep late are bad children. Looking at Kanps lethargic appearance, he is so proud of himself!

Kanp rubbed his messy black hair and raised half of his body, his face full of helplessness: Naruto, why are you here?

I came with my mother.

Naruto rushed over to pull Kanps quilt, and said, You promised me to teach shadow clone and teleportation, hurry, teach me quickly.

These many words have you learned in the past few months?

Kanp asked with slanted eyes, You already wanted to learn shadow clone and teleportation? You want to run as soon as you walk, why don't you go to the sky?

I cant go up. Naruto said aggrievedly.

Kanp was taken aback, and then remembered that Naruto really wanted to go to the sky, to the Moon.

This brat!

Kanp opened the quilt and began to dress up.


Kanp suddenly remembered what Naruto had just said.

You came with your mother? Kanp asked.


Naruto nodded, holding the back of his head with both hands and said with a laugh, She is talking with a little girl with red hair.

Its Karin.

Kanp nodded.

Since they are both Uzumaki Clans members, Kushina will definitely come when he knows Karins arrival. Kanp had expected it a long time ago, but he didnt expect it to be so soon.

After getting dressed, Kanp yawned and went to the bathroom to wash up. Naruto followed behind with his arms on his head, and he said enviously: Sensei, your house is so big.

Are you jealous?

Kanp said, Your Sensei have made countless contributions and outstanding achievements during the Third Shinobi World War. This is why I got such a mansion, which most people can't afford.

Awesome!! Naruto put down his hands and looked Kanp with shining eyes.

Did you bring the kunai I gave you? Kanp asked.

Naruto immediately opened the ninja bag on his leg and took out the only one kunai there: Of course!

Kanp sensed his Flying Thunder God Kunai, and then said with a smile: Your Sensei used this kunai to do all those achievements. Naruto, since I have passed it to you, you can understand my deep meaning, right?

When he reached the bathroom, Kanp squeezed the toothpaste and brushed his teeth.

Naruto followed in. He stood by the toilet, holding the kunai with both hands, looking at it with piercing eyes, as if looking at a peerless sword, and said excitedly: The deep meaning of Sensei giving me must be that you want me to hold it in my hand as I make meritorious service on the battlefield!

Gu gu gu pu!

Kanp spat out foam and said, That's right, that's what I mean.

Naruto was so excited that he jumped directly onto the toilet swung the kunai up and down, and said: I wanted to be a Hokage before, but now, I want to go to battlefield to kill

Kanp looked at Naruto, whose path has deviated, shook his head and laughed. After washing his face, he walked out of the bathroom, just in time to see his little brother putting on airs while walking outside.

Hayate. Kanp shouted.

Hayate turned around, waved his hand and said: Brother, the guests at home are looking for you, Ill go first, see you later.


Kanp just opened his mouth, but Naruto had already put away Kunai and chased him out, and said: Sensei, lets go to Hokage Rock to play!

No. Kanp shook his head.

Then go to Hokage Tower to play. Naruto said with a chuckle.

Lets talk about it after I see your mother. Kanp said.


Narutos excitement disappeared in an instant, but soon, he came back to life and asked, Sensei, have you ever gone to Academy?

said: Of course I have, Naruto, let me tell you Naruto, not only I have been in the Academy, I am also a good student and the best student every year.


Naruto had never studied, so how could he understand what Kanp is talking about. At this moment, he only feels that when the morning sun is shining on Kanp, there seems to be a halo of sun around him, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

Just as Kanp was about to brag a few more times, the voices of women's conversations could be faintly heard from the front.

Here we are.

Turning around the wooden corridor at the front, Kanp saw two red-haired women, one big and one small, standing beside the rockery, they are none other than Kushina and Karin.

Karin is very happy at this time, very elated, very excited, and the smile on her face has never stopped!

Because Kushinas hair color is the same as her and her mother, which is red!

Because Kushinas surname is Uzumaki!

Because of the aura exuding from Kushinas body, she feels very comfortable and warm, just like being in her mother's arms!

Karins eyes glowed, and at this moment, she finally felt that she was no longer alone!

Sister Kushina. Kanp walked over with a smile.

Kanp. Kushina turned her head with a smile on her face.

Back when Kushina gave birth to Naruto, it was Kanp who rescued her. After that, although the two rarely met, Kushina has always been very grateful to Kanp. Originally, Kanp should call her senpai or sama. But at Kushinas insistence, he called her sister.

Karin looked at Kushina, then at Kanp, and he couldnt help but feel at ease again.

Kushina suddenly bowed to Kanp, and said solemnly: Kanp, since the Land of Whirlpools was destroyed, we Uzumaki Clan have been killed and wounded, and the remaining clansmen have also been hiding everywhere, living a miserable life, so thank you, thank you for taking care of Karin.

Kanp smiled wryly and said: Sister Kushina, what are you doing? Karin is my younger sister now, so its my responsibility to take care of her.

Kushina said gratifiedly: I will come to see Karin frequently in the future. If you bully her, dont blame me for beating you!

Hearing this, the corner of Kanps mouth twitched: Just now, she bowed to thank me, but now, she threatened to beat me. This temper as expected of the Red-Hot Habanero!

Naruto, who is next to him, was also in a cold sweat, and he reminded him softly with lingering fear: Sensei, my mother is very terrifying when shes angry, you must not mess with her!

Naruto~ What were you talking about? Kushina asked with a smile.

No, no, I didnt say anything.

Naruto quickly hid behind Kanp, grabbed the hem of his clothes and begged, Sensei, help me!

Sister Kushina, Naruto is still young and growing up. It wont be too late to beat him when hes older. Kanp immediately said to help Naruto!

Naruto was inexplicably impressed, but soon after, he feels something strange.

Kushina didnt know whether to cry or laugh, and said: Naruto, go play with Karin, I have something to tell your sensei.

Huh? Oh?

Naruto glanced at his mother and confirmed that she didn't use this as an excuse to deceive him, so he immediately ran around her to Karins side, took her little hand, and left together.

When the two of them left, Kushina asked solemnly: What exactly did Karin experienced in Kusagakure?

In the conversation just now, Kushina sensitively found that Karin had a fear towards Kusagakure, and when she thought of Karins mother also died in Kusagakure, her imagination couldnt help but run wild.


Kanp hesitated, With Kushinas violent temperament, if she knows what Karin has encountered in the Kusagakure, I cant imagine what she would do. Especially since she is the wife of Yondaime Hokage.

Hurry up! Kushina put her hands on her hips, and the momentum of the Red Hot Habanero immediately appeared. Her red long hair started raising and dancing, full of special effects.

Kanp sighed and then briefly told her about the experience of Karins mother and daughter working as medical blood packs in Kusagakure.

These are all the contents that Karin revealed on their way to Konoha. Kanp knew that this was a painful thing for Karin, so he didnt ask too much.

Damn it, those damned Kusagakures Shinobi!!!

Kushina gnashed her teeth, and the Chakra in her body seems to show the sign of going berserk.

Vaguely, Kanp seemed to hear the sound of the chain sliding.

He instantly thought of the Kyubi inside Kushinas body and the Adamantine Sealing Chains.

Could it be that Kushina was so angry that she was abusing Kyubi inside her body?

Kanp is surprised and uncertain.

Meanwhile, the seal space inside Kushinas body.

The golden chains wrapped around Yin Attribute Kyubi as it tightened quickly with clanking sound, and the huge suppression force made Yin Attribute Kyubi to roar continuously.

Aooo!! Damned Kushina, you bastard, I will kill you first after I go out!! Aooo! I will never let you go!!!

Not far away.

Naruto turned his head around in surprise, and asked strangely: There seems to be a cry of wild beast, Karin, did you hear it?

I didnt hear it.

Karin shook her head. She looked at Naruto, who was about the same age as her, and curiously asked, Your name is Naruto, right? Are you Aunt Kushinas child? Why dont you have red hair?

Naruto smiled proudly and said: My hair is like my dad's. How about it? It looks good, right?

Karin looked down at her red hair, and said: Red hair looks better.

Nonsense, yellow hair is better. Naruto said with a snort.

Red looks better! Karin thought of her mother, unwilling to admit defeat.

Yellow looks better! Naruto glared at Karin. If he didnt see her as a girl, he would have turned violent!

Red looks better! Karin glared at Naruto, not to be outdone.

The two kids started pecking at each other for the first time.

The other end.

Kanp looked Kushina, who was on the verge of anger, and didn't know how to comfort her.

Ask her to forgive Kusagakure based on the overall situation?

Kanp has no position to do so, because he took Karin without the consent of Kusagakures Shinobi.

As for encouraging Kushina to go to Kusagakure to kill everyone, it is not realistic.

So Kanp took out his small notebook decisively and changed the subject: Sister Kushina, look at this.

What is it?

Kushina seemed to be less angry. She took a look at the small book, and her eyes suddenly widened, This is the Fuinjutsu of our Uzumaki Clan, how is it possible?

Kanp cant hide this small notebook because he had showed it to Karin when he brought her out of Kusagakure. With the relationship between Kushina and Karin, he knew that the existence of this small book will be revealed soon.

Instead of passively explaining, its better to take advantage of her anger and justify herself.

This is what I got from torturing a group of Rogue Shinobi.

Kanp said solemnly, I also learned about Karins information from them.

Kushina gritted her teeth, and instantly imagined a group of Rogue Shinobi coveting Uzumaki Clans Fuinjutsu and traveled the Shinobi World to hunt down her clansmen.

Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!!!

Clang clang

The golden chains in Kushina's body began to shrink again.

Kanp listened attentively, Thats right, it was indeed the sound of chains.

Kanp approached by two steps and he didnt know if it was a psychological effect, but he seemed to hear the cursing of Kyubi, and then he was blown away by Kushina's punch.

Tell me where the Rogue Shinobi is? Kushina clenched his fists and was about to run berserk.

Kanps right cheek is purple, and he immediately said, I burned them all and all their bones were blown to ashes.

Good job! Kushina suddenly showed relieved expression.

Vaguely, Kanp seemed to hear the Kyubi in Kushina's body also heaving a sigh of relief.

What the hell?

Could it be

Kanp suddenly remembered the Kyubis Chakra inside his body.

Is it because of the Kyubis Chakra that I can hear the voice of Kyubi?

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