Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 532: Uzumaki Karin

Chapter 532: Uzumaki Karin

On the way to the Land of Grass, Kanp, who had nothing to do, began to bury stones.

The stone is of course not an ordinary stone, but a Flying Thunder God Techniques stone processed by him. If the stone is buried in advance, then in the future, whether he is on the road, or chasing others, or being chased by others, or if you swap identities with Taki and Hyketsu, he can use these points.

The more Kanp thought about it, the more excited he became. He immediately created ten shadow clones, then took out the map and drew up ten routes across the Land of Fire, and ordered the shadow clones to bury the Flying Thunder God Techniques stones along the way!

And in order to keep it secret, Kanp also asked them to be invisible when burying the stones, and they must not be discovered by others!

As expected of the wise me!

Kanp imagined the logistics points that would cover the entire Land of Fire in the future. By then, he will be able to walk back and forth from the eastern part of the Land of Fire to the western part of the Land of Fire in less than one minute!

Who can match this mobility?

Aiya Aiya, why didn't I think of that from long ago!

Kanp is a bit embarrassed, Fortunately, it is not too late to make up for it!

After traveling for nearly half a month, Kanp finally crossed the Land of Fire and reached the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass.

According to the relationship between countries, there would be a lot of Shinobi stationed near the border of two countries, but there are hardly many Shinobi on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass, and all of this is thanks to Kanp!

After the Land of Grass was destroyed before, Kanps sixth team came to investigate. When returning, Kanp proposed to Kakashi to leave some people in the Land of Grass to help them rebuild Kusagakure. Kakashi readily agreed, and directly left ten Anbu here!

After Namikaze Minato learned about this, he immediately sent ten Konohas Shinobi to the Land of Grass to escort a large amount of supplies to help the distressed Kusagakures Shinobi rebuild their homes, and then transferred the ten Anbu elites back along the way.

With the help of Konohas Shinobi and various supplies, Kusagakure has been successfully rebuilt, and naturally, it formed the closest alliance with Konoha!

Of course, the so-called alliance is just a paper contract, which has no binding force on Shinobi. Perhaps in the first few years, Kusagakure will be very close to Konoha, but over time, Kusagakure will definitely give birth the idea to get rid of Konohas control, unless Kusagakure is merged into Konoha!

After entering the Land of Grass, Kanp is still burying the Flying Thunder God Techniques stones. This thing doesnt cost money anyway, and he can get as much as he wants, which is convenient.

Two days later, Kanp arrived at Kusagakure.

Kusagakure is not small. Although the traffic on the street is not as good as Konoha, it is much more crowded than other villages and towns. As Kanp walked, he looked around, and found many Shinobi with Kusagakures forehead protector.

However, Kanps forehead protector and Shinobi certificate are placed on Konoha. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, he did not rush forward to inquire the information about Karin.

Turning left and turning right, Kanp found the office building of the Kusagakures leader at the center of Kusagakure.

Then, he found a hotel near the office building to stay.

Time passed slowly, and night fell. When it was midnight, Kanp activated Transparent Release and quietly left the hotel.

At this time, Kusagakure was completely silent, and except for the dim light on the street, there was no one on the street. After a while, even the moon hanging in the night was covered by a dark cloud!

The moon is dark and the wind is blowing softly, everything is silent, just suitable for doing shameful things!


Kanp rushed to the office building of Kusagakures leader, sneaked in, and then began to look for the Shinobi information in Kusagakure.

Kusagakure is not a Great Shinobi Village and there are no important information in the office building, so there are only two Kusagakures Shinobi guarding the entire office building, and these two Kusagakures Shinobi are drinking in an office to keep warm, so they didnt notice an uninvited guest coming quietly.

A few minutes later, Kanp smoothly entered Kusagakures archive room. The archive room was completely dark, and Kanp was not a stingy person. He immediately turned on the light and then rummaged through the cabinet.

When the Land of Grass was destroyed, many Kusagakures Shinobi died in battle, so the Shinobi information of Kusagakure are far fewer than Kanp imagined.

Looking at the four cardboard boxes in his hand, Kanp roughly counted them, and there are only four hundred copies at most!

Kusagakure is really bad.

Kanp create three shadow clones. Each one of them is responsible for one cardboard box, and they quickly search.

After searching for half a minute, a shadow clone suddenly went on strike, looked at Kanp blankly and said: Karin is the same age as Naruto and Sasuke, so she should be six years old this year. How could her information appear in the Shinobi information?

Kanp stared blankly at the shadow clone, and he didnt feel too good!

He only thought that Karin was Kusagakures Shinobi, but he forgot that she was not a Shinobi at this age, so how could he find her information inside the Shinobi information?

If Karin is not a Shinobi, it is also impossible for other Kusagakures Shinobi to know about her information. Another shadow clone said.

Then what should we do? With the shadow clones present, Kanp felt that he had been forcibly demoted.

The third shadow clone said: The easiest way is to issue a mission in Kusagakure. After all, here, Kusagakure is a local tyrant. With their help, we should be able to find her soon.

Kanp slapped the thigh of this shadow clone and said: I think the same!

The shadow clone curled his lips, but Kanp had already punched him before he could say anything else.

The other two shadow clones couldnt escape and were also dissipated into smoke.

After restoring the scene, Kanp quietly left the office building.

In the early morning of the next day, Kanp entered Kusagakures office building and openly released a mission to find the red hair Karin. Because the payment was sufficient, a team of Kusagakures Shinobi took the mission in less than ten minutes.

Kanp then met the three Kusagakures Shinobi.

Hello, are you the mission client, Nikko Kanp? A Kusagakures Shinobi looked at Kanp and asked. (T/N: Nikko means Sunlight, and his clan name, Gekko, is Moonlight.)

Kanp showed an honest smile and said: Yes, I am Nikko Kanp.

When doing something strange, the most important thing is to hide themselves, so when Kanp released the mission, Kanp wisely wrote a pseudonym.

Three Shinobi-sama, I, Kanp, is a distant relative of Karin. After I heard about her in Kusagakure, I immediately looked for her. Unfortunately, I couldnt find her at all. I can only use these filthy stinky money to trouble Shinobi-sama! Kanp said in a heartbroken voice.

In order to avoid complications arising, Kanp even concealed his Shinobi identity.

The three Kusagakures Shinobi did not doubt that him at all, and immediately patted their chests confidently to reassure Kanp, and then the three people moved separately. One went to the orphanage to see if there was any red-haired girl, the other went to the hospital to check if there was any birth record of the red-haired girl named Karin, and the last one went to the office that manages the household registration to see if there is a child named Karin in each household.

As the mission client, Kanp stayed quietly in the office building happily.

Time passed, and at noon, the three Kusagakures Shinobi came back.

Nikko Kanp-san, we found the red hair Karin!

She is in the village's orphanage!

But she said she has no distant relatives, and your hair isnt red, youare you sure you're not lying?

The three Kusagakures Shinobi spoke one after another, and their tone seemed to be quite unkind.

Kanp was overjoyed, but with a wry smile on his face, he said: Shinobi-sama, I am indeed Karins distant relative. Karin didnt know that because she was only six years old!!

The three Kusagakures Shinobi was startled, and then thought, Thats right, Karin is only six years old. At such a young age, how can she know how many relatives she has?

Furthermore, if this Nikko Kanp is a bad guy, how dare to just and honorable come here to issue a commission? How dare you lie in front of us, three powerful Shinobi-sama?

Hahaha, we are worrying too much, Nikko Kanp-san, come with us.

We will take you to see Karin!

The three Kusagakures Shinobi were relieved and immediately led the way.

In less than half an hour, the group of four people came to an orphanage in the east of the village.

There is a fence in front of the orphanage, and there are many little kids inside, and the place is very lively and festive.

After opening the fence and walking in, Kanp saw Karin mixed in with the other little kids at a glance!

Red hair and red eyes, it is indeed her!

That is Karin.

A Kusagakures Shinobi pointed at the red-haired girl in Kanps sight and said, Ill call her over.

No, Ill do it myself.

Kanp smiled shyly at him, and then his figure appeared directly beside Karin.


Whats going on?!

That guy turned out to be a Shinobi?!

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the three Kusagakures Shinobi, Kanp grabbed the stunned Karin, then used Chakra to protect her body, and then use Flying Thunder God Technique to appeare outside Kusagakure in an instant.

Hey, how could this happen!!

Damn it, that guy is a human trafficker!

That damned Nikko Kanp, I will never spare you!!!

Lets leave alone the three furious Kusagakures Shinobi. At this time, outside Kusagakure, the red-haired girl named Karin was already struggling.

Let me go, let me go, you bad guy!

While saying that, Karin immediately bit Kanps arm.

Feelign the pain, Kanp hurriedly let go of this tough little girl.

Karin immediately ran in the direction of Kusagakure.

Uzumaki Karin, come back to me! Kanp said.


Karin was startled, then she turned around and asked in confusion. How do you know my surname?

After becoming an orphan, Karin never mentioned her surname again. But now, the stranger in front of her

At this time, Karin suddenly remembered the words Kusagakures Shinobi said before, and her eyes couldnt help but brighten: You are the one who claims to be my distant relative? Is that true?

Kanp nodded righteously: Of course, otherwise, why would I come here to look for you.

Is it true?!

Karin rushed over excitedly, Thats great, I'm not an orphan!! That what should I call you?

Kanp let out a dry cough and said, Just call Uncle. Okay, come with me.

Where are we going? Are we not going back to Kusagakure? Karin looked up at Kanp with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

Kanp asked: Do you have any relatives in Kusagakure?

Karin shook her head.

Then come with me, lets go to Konoha, when the time comes

There was a weird smile on the corner of Kanps mouth, Ill introduce a very handsome little brother to you, okay?

Karin blinked her red eyes, and showed a shy smile: What handsome little brother! I dont like it.

Kanp just chuckled when he saw this.

By the way, if you are idle on the way back, Uncle will show you something good, this is my treasure~~ Kanp put his hand into his trouser pocket mysteriously.

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