Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 525: I Can Do It For You

Chapter 525: I Can Do It For You

After entering winter, the temperature in the Land of Fire dropped sharply, and there was heavy snow everywhere. Snowy mountains and snowfields can be seen everywhere, draped in silver.

Kanp, who has turned into Taki, is wearing the Akatsukis robe and big sunglasses. He runs like a wild dog in the snowy field formed by a mountain depression, splashing snow dust all over the sky!

After parting with Orochimaru, Kanp went all the way to the east, and it snowed within a few days, and without end, the snow under his feet was getting thicker every day, and the road he chose was an inaccessible place, either mountain valley road or jungle grassland, so the road is very difficult!

As for the snowfield in the mountain depression that he just crossed, the snow is two meters deep, and ordinary people can't walk there at all.

Fortunately, Kanp is a Shinobi.

However, he didn't cover the soles of his feet with Chakra in a regular way, but instead ran Chakra frantically and used Gentle Fist, crushing away in the two-meter-deep snowfield!

His way of wasting Chakra is beyond the comprehension of a Shinobi with small Chakra Reserve!

After walking out of the snowy field formed by this mountain depression, Kanp found that his understanding of Gentle Fist has been deepened by several points!

He looked back at the road that he had forcibly created with Gentle Fist, and there was no hint of pride in his Byakugan.

When he walked far away, the split body of White Zetsus clone came out from the ground. He looked at the road in the snowfield, and secretly sighed: He didnt even forget the train Gentle Fist, no wonder he was recognized by Orochimaru.

He was about to burrow into the ground to continue monitoring, when suddenly, another split body of White Zetsus clone emerged from the ground, which was the half where he split out to monitor Kakuzu.

The two split bodies immediately merged into one, and then silently sneaked into the ground and continued to track and monitor Kanp.

It is close to the coastline of the Land of Fires eastern sea. Since it was affected by the sea breeze, even though the temperature here is still cold, there is not much snow.

Taking out the map given by Orochimaru, Kanp confirmed the direction a little bit, and then rushed to a dock dozens of kilometers away, then hired ships and sailors, and prepared to go out to sea to find the island.

Although the Land of Whirlpools was destroyed, the island is still there. And although the name has been changed now, when Kanp took out the map and pointed at the circle drawn by Orochimaru, the sailors immediately knew their destination and gave promise that they would reach there in three days.

After going out to the sea, Kanp stayed quietly in the cabin to rest.

There were storms during this period, but it was not a big problem.

Three days passed by, and when Kanp walked out of the cabin, there was a palm-length black horizon in the sea ahead.

That is the Land of Whirlpools?

Kanp stands quietly on the deck, maintaining his unruly Missing-nin persona.

When the ship slowly approached, Kanp jumped off the ship, stepping on the sea water and rushing towards the island.

The islands size is small, only three or four times of Konoha. With good eyesight, the coastline at both ends can even be seen.

Although the Land of Whirlpools is called a country, its citizens are only members of the Uzumaki Clan clansman, and its scale can't even be called a village!

It is as if Kanp took the Gekko Clan to find an island at random, and then named himself a Daimyo and founded the Land of Moonlight.

Kanp couldnt understand what the Uzumaki Clans Clan Head was thinking back then.

They and Senju Clan are obviously distant relatives, and even if they dont join Konoha, theres no need to go to such a remote island to create a country, right?

Avoiding the world?

Living in seclusion?

What a joke, this is the Shinobi World. For Shinobi, is the sea dangerous?

If they really want to hide from the world and live in seclusion, just go as far away as possible, its much better than this place!

The most important thing is, it actually caused me to travel across the sea to dig you up

Kanp kept complaining in his heart.

After reaching the island, Kanp immediately activated Byakugan and looked around as he walked.

He discovered there are simple piers and stone houses on the coastline of the island. He guessed that it was built by the maritime merchants for temporary stop and rest.

Kanp glanced at it, and then looked towards other directions.

Soon, his sight was attracted by a small hill in the west. His figure flickered, and Kanp galloped away.

This small hill is very small, about more than ten meters high. There are many rough stone tablets on the hillside. The stone tablets are exposed to the sun and rain, and are covered with cracks and moss. But he can see the traces of being taken care of from nearby stone tablets.

Kanp remembered Narutos mother, Kushina came here to pay respect, and he knew it clearly.

This should be the burial place of the Uzumaki Clan!

Its just is it so easy to find?

Kanp thought for a while, and said: Zetsu.

After half a minute, there was only sea wind whistling around.

Zetsu, come out, I know you're down there. Kanp said. White Zetsus clone got out of the ground unwillingly: Whats the matter?

Are there any bones down there? Look for it. Kanp said.

Hyuga Taki, wont you do it yourself!

White Zetsus clone refused directly, You even wanted to ask me to dig a grave? Do you think you are Black Zetsu ptui, Uchiha Madara!

Kanp lowered his head and sighed: I treat you as a friend, but you actually hmph, don't come to me for anything in the future.

White Zetsus clone then thought about it, Although Hyuga Taki is not Madara-samas direct subordinate, he is still a full-fledged member of Akatsuki. Its not a bad to win him over, and maybe I can get information about Impure World Reincarnation or Abyss from him.

Besides, isnt it just digging graves?

This kind of thing is easy!

White Zetsus clone immediately said: Im just kidding, of course I will help you find it.

Seeing White Zetsus clone drilling into the ground, Kanp immediately activated Byakugan again, then he focused his vision to enable the perspective ability.

The reason why Kanp asked the White Zetsus clone to dig the bones was that Kanp was worried that the matter would be exposed in the future and would be hated by the Kushinas couple, and secondly, he also wanted to try if he can see White Zetsus clone underground using Byakugan.

Under the gray vision, there seems to be only an outline left on the soil of the stone tablet on the hillside, and Kanp can clearly see the image behind the outline.

There is soil under the stone tablet, and under the soil, a vague outline resembling a human skeleton appeared. Kanps vision quickly stopped and stared closely at the skeleton. At the next moment, a gray-white shadow was like a ghost, flickering in the ground, and then, Kanp discovered that a certain part of the skeleton had disappeared.

Closing his Byakugan, Kanp pondered in his heart: Although I can see White Zetsu, his movement speed is too fast. Unless he stands still, my perspective vision cannot keep up with his movement speed.

But this is enough!

Kanp showed a weird smile.

Half a minute later, White Zetsus clone drilled out of the ground, holding a large pile of black skeletons with a smile, and said: Taki, I have visited every grave, its interesting enough. If I have something to do in the future, you can help me.

Kanp has recovered his Hyuga Taki expression, and praised: As expected of Zetsu. Rest assured, as long as I can do it, I wont say anything else. If you dont believe me, I will swear an oath in the name of Hyuga Clans ancestors!

Kanp puts out an empty oath while cleaning up the bones, and didn't care whether the Hyuga Clans ancestors would chase after him if they knew it.

Of course I believe you.

When White Zetsus clone saw Hyuga Taki saying such an oath, he immediately reciprocated, Taki, I have an information here, you will definitely be interested in it.

What information? Does it have anything to do with me? Kanp sealed all the bones on the ground into a scroll, then turned and looked towards White Zetsus clone.

That's right.

White Zetsus clone smiled and said, Shisui of the Body Flicker has entered Akatsuki.

Kanp secretly sighed, but there was an expression of dissatisfaction on his face: Shisui of the Body Flicker is still coming? By the way, since the newcomer has joined, why are we not having a meeting?

Well, he may be spy after all, so I have to observe him for a while before deciding whether to call everyone. White Zetsus clone explained with a smile.

Is that so?

Kanp thought to himself that in the original book, Itachi joined Akatsuki after killing the Uchiha Clan, so Pain, or Nagato, didnt think he was a spy from the beginning to the end, so they generously meet him.

But Shisui in this life just failed to attack the Hokage. To a certain extent, Shisuis defection did not at all bring any loss to Konoha, so the possibility of him being a spy is naturally countless times greater than Itachi's.

If it wasnt for the Uchiha Clan and Konohas higher-ups that have always been at odds, and Mizusawa taking the blame and Fugaku concealing the blame, it is estimated that not many people would believe that Shisui has defected.

While thinking about it, Kanp snorted decisively: Maybe? I know that Shisui of the Body Flicker is definitely spy, Pain will definitely regret it!

Taki, lets not talk about it anymore. Even the souls of the dead can be summoned back to the present world , what's so strange about Shisui of the Body Flicker defecting? White Zetsus clone looked at Hyuga Taki' with a smile on his face, hinting of a crack in the wall.

A thought flashed through Kanps mind, and he deliberately asked tentatively: Are you interested in Impure World Reincarnation?

White Zetsus clone shrugged his shoulders: Actually, I really want to see my dead parents, so

Your parents?

Why dont you talk about your grandma?

Kanp sneered in his heart, but he interrupted him plausibly, and said: What is this? Zetsu, bring your parents' bones, and I will ask Orochimaru to summon it together with Impure World Reincarnation! Oh, by the way, if you cant dig their graves, I can do it for you!

White Zetsus clone face twitched, Why does it feel that Hyuga Taki is scolding me?

No, I didnt mean that.

White Zetsus clone coughed dryly and said with a forced smile, I want to reincarnate my parents myself.

Kanp frowned, and said hesitantly: Impure World Reincarnation is Forbidden Technique, which was sealed in the Hokage Tower by the Hokage. In the entire Shinobi World, no one knows the training method of this technique except Orochimaru.

Arent you cooperating with Orochimaru? Cant you get Impure World Reincarnation from him? White Zetsus clone finally revealed his evil intention.

Kanp shook his head: Orochimaru is very cautious. Wanting to get the training method of Impure World Reincarnation from him Unless you pay a large enough price, there is no hope.

White Zetsus clone thought about it, and sighed regretfully.

Summoning Madara-sama with Impure World Reincarnation is of great importance and cannot be handed over to Orochimaru in any case. If the training method of Impure World Reincarnation is not available

White Zetsus clone sighed silently, Now, I can only hope that those clones who monitor Orochimaru can do it.

Seeing White Zetsus clone was distracted, Kanp didnt bother him. He activated his Byakugan again and looked all around the ground, hoping to find some treasure' left by the Uzumaki Clan.

Unfortunately, after the fall of the Uzumaki Clan, valuable things had already been robbed. Even if there are good things buried in the ground, they will definitely be taken by Konoha, so how can Kanp take advantage of it?

Kanp looked around and confirmed that there is nothing of value here.

We should go.

Kanp turned his head, and there was a vast ocean behind him. Seeing this, his body shook, Wheres the ship?!

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