Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 518: Why Am I So Smart?

Chapter 518: Why Am I So Smart?

Under the moonlight, Itachi quickly jumped and galloped across the roofs, and soon he arrived at Hokage Tower.

Its just that Hokage Tower is already surrounded by a large number of Anbu at this time, and he cant get close at all.

Could it be that Brother Shisui really attacked Yondaime Hokage-sama I dont believe it!

Itachi firmly believes that Shisui is innocent. Since his father won't help, he can only act on his own.

I need to find Brother Shisui first and find out the truth of the matter!

Itachi made up his mind, so he began to think of Shisuis whereabouts.

When Brother Shisui leaves Konoha, which direction will he go?

Itachi ran toward the exit of the village, while frowning in contemplation.

There is only one entrance to Konoha, and the rest are surrounded by tall walls, and there are barriers arranged by Anbu on the walls. If there is no corresponding key, no one can enter and exit, and Brother Shisui happens to be an Anbus member, so he knows the barriers key, then, if he wants to escape, he can leave Konoha in any direction!

I can just rely on luck.

At this time, Itachi has already seen the gate of the village, as well as several masked Anbus Shinobi.

Will I be stopped?

Itachi walked over with a calm face, and the surrounding Anbu subconsciously looked towards him, but strangely, no one stepped forward to stop him.

Itachi breathed a sigh of relief and left the village, then he looked around, Now is time to test my luck.

The sky is getting brighter, and the warm sun slowly jumps out from the east, wisps of slightly warm sunlight pouring down, awakening Konoha.

At the same time, the news about Shisuis defection quickly spread in Konoha.

The Shinobi of the Uchiha Clan were all shocked when they heard the news. They inquired and verified each other, and their faces became more and more ugly. Some of the extreme Shinobi clamored loudly that Yondaime Hokage is jealous of Shisuis talent, and some Shinobi thinks this is the machination of the villages higher-ups to attack their clan.

And the Military Police Forces building is the center of this vortex.

Fugaku was sitting in the office, and waves of Uchiha elites came to him one after another, asking him to come forward to settle' Shisui's matter.

Fugaku had already anticipated this situation, so he didn't panic. He just gave the order calmly, which is See you in the old place at 7 oclock in the evening, and this barely managed to suppress the elites under him.

As for the old place, it is naturally Naka Shrine.

Hokage Tower.

Minato also came to work early today to deal with official duties and a series of consequences caused by Shisui's defection.

At around nine oclock, there was a faint quarrel outside the office.

Minato listened carefully, and it was the sound of the doors guard, Tenzo, who stopped Kakashi.

Its about Shisui.

Minato sighed and said: Tenzo, let Kakashi come in.

Yes! Tenzos voice came from outside the door. Soon, Kakashi opened the door aggressively and entered.


Kakashi slammed the door violently and walked to the desk, and said solemnly: I dont believe Shisui would do such a thing. Minato-sensei, what happened last night!

Kakashi, I am very sad that Shisui attacked me. This incident ends here, I dont want to pursue it anymore, and neither do you. Minato said seriously.

Ends here again! Dont let me chase again! You told me the same way when Obito defected last time. Kakashi growled unwillingly.


Minato closes his eyes, then opened his eyes and retorted seriously, No! What I said last time was that if you can defeat Kanp, he I will tell you the truth in person.

Kakashi was choked by the anger: Are you trying to be funny?

So its the same this time. Minato said softly.

Its Kanp again!

Kakashi became angry again, Why! Why does Kanp know the truth than I did every time?!

He is obviously Minatos disciple, but Kanp

The more he thinks about it, the angrier he gets!

There is gradually jealousy drifting in the office.

Seeing him like this, Minato couldnt help but sighed and said, Kakashi, Kanp is two years younger than you, and sometimes plays around, but he is very rational. No matter what happens, he can control his emotions and deal with it calmly. But you Although you usually seem calm, you will always be unable to control this kind of thing It is true that Shinobi need to improve their strength, but they must also learn to grow in terms of spiritual will and mentality. Kakashi, go back and think about it carefully.

Kakashi was trembling with anger: So am I not as good as Kanp in all aspects?!

Damn it!

He clenched his teeth and wanted to say something, but seeing Minato, who lowered his head and began to process the paperwork, he grunted, turned and slammed the door and left.

Leaving Hokage Tower, Kakashi kept telling himself to calm down, and after ten minutesh e really calmed down.

He then come to a corner of the park.

Kakashi sat down on a bench, touched his chin and began to analyze what happened in the past two days.

First, Kanp left.

Although that guy often disappears, he would leave a shadow clone to fool people every time, but this time, he did not leave any shadow clone after he left the village, which is very strange.

The second is Shisui.

On the second day after Kanp left, Shisui was absent-minded. And that night, he just


Wait a minute!

Minato-sensei said that Kanp knew the truth about Shisuis defection, but Kanp left the day before yesterday, and Shisui defected last night!

Looking at the time, it is basically impossible for Kanp to know the truth about Shisuis defection!!

Unless Kanp knew that Shisui was going to attack Minato-sensei before he left?

But this is unreasonable!

The relationship between Kanp and Minato-sensei feels closer than me, not to mention that guy is already Gekko Clans Clan Head, and Gekko Clan is a firm supporter of the Hokage. If Kanp knows that Shisui will attack Minato-sensei in advance, he will definitely stop him!

Dont tell me

Kakashis right eye gradually glowed: Excluding all the impossibilities, the remaining one, no matter how unbelievable, is still a fact.

Shisui is not defecting, but carrying out a secret mission as a Missing-nin!

Then since Kanp left the village, I am afraid that he also received the relevant mission!

The more Kakashi thinks about it, the more he felt it is true!

Its just that what kind of mission that needs Shisui to defect!

Kakashi closes his eyes and recalled memories about Kanp bit by bit.

Since Minato said Kanp knew the truth, he felt that the truth must be hidden in this memory.

Time passed, and Kakashi slowly opening his eye. His eye is sparkling brightly, and he seemed to have found the answer.

Half a year ago, small villages on the Land of Fire and other Great Countries borders were destroyed. At that time, I took Anbus sixth team to investigate. During the investigation, Kanp, no, it should be Kanps shadow clone, mentioned a terrifying conjecture

Kakashi squinted his right eye: Is there really a Missing-nin organization in this world?

Shisui became Missing-nin in order to join this Missing-nin organization as a spy, and Kanp he left the village to protect Shisui, and he didnt even stay keep the shadow clone here.

Kakashi closes his eye. He sighed for a long time and murmured: It would be great if Obito was like this

If it wasnt for the fact that Asuma's mother really died, Kakashi would have doubted Obito also deliberately defected to become a spy.

However, he had to bury these things in his heart. Once they leak out Shisui will die, right?

Kakashi scratched his white hair vigorously, and secretly blamed himself: Why am I so smart? Why should I find the truth?

Now that I know the truth, once I show any flaw, it is very likely to affect Shisuis spy plan!

What should I do?

Kakashi gritted his teeth, feeling both tangled and happy.

On a cliff, Shisui stood quietly on the edge of the cliff, looking at the rushing river below the cliff motionlessly.

At some point, a few crows came out of the forest behind them, releasing strange sounds.

You are here. Shisui said without looking back.

Brother Shisui!

Itachi looked Shisuis figure excited, I finally found you, that's great, they all said you attacked Hokage-sama, but I dont believe it. You would never do this, because, because

Having said this, Itachis face suddenly changed.

Big brother, big brother, save me!!

A thin figure fell on Shisui feet, covered in blood, looking at himself with horror and excitement.


Itachi staggered back in disbelief, his brain seemed to lack oxygen, and bursts of dizziness made him completely unable to think.


This is not true!

Brother Shisui will not do this!!

Itachi closed his eyes: This is Genjutsu, this must be Genjutsu!


Itachi opened his eyes suddenly, and under the intense emotional stimulation, his Sharingan has evolved from two tomoe to three-tomoe!


Big brother, big brother, save me!

Big brother, big brother

Sasuke fell in a pool of blood, his voice his voice became softer and softer, the, and the fear on his face and the excitement at seeing him slowly faded into a trace of disbelief. He seemed to be asking Itachi, Why didnt you save me?

This is not true, this is not true, this is not true

Around the 3-Tomoe Sharingan, dense bloodshot filled Itachis eyes, like lava flowing in the earth, which looks hideous and terrifying.

Itachi, after all these years, do you think you really understand me? Shisui slowly turned his head, stepped lightly on Sasukes head with one foot, and then slowly exerted force.


Sasuke screamed feebly, his head slammed onto the uneven ground, and blood quickly spilled from both sides of his cheeks. The smell of blood is getting stronger.

No, don't, don't, Brother Shisui, no Itachi seemed to have lost his ability to move, and could only watch while trembling.

Big brother, big brother Sasuke stretched out his hand towards Itachi.

Shisui then stepped his foot hard.


Red and white bloom instantly!


Itachis pupils shrank, and the 3-Tomoe Sharingan spun quickly, and finally under Shisuis cold eyes, it finally turned into a brand pattern.

Mangekyo Sharingan

It's finally done you did not let me down.

Itachi, Im sorry, but dont worry, you will see your little brother soon.

Itachi took two steps forward in a daze. He only felt that the surrounding scenery seemed to be changing rapidly, especially his little brothers body, which seemed to be distorted, but before he could react, his vision darkened and he passed out.

Shisui walked to Itachis side, knelt down to support his head, and lifted his eyelids.

In the blink of an eye, Shisuis eyes have turned into the windmill-shaped Mangekyo patterns, and he is looking directly at Itachis dull eyes.

Although Mangekyo is powerful, excessive use will cause blindness, so unless you encounter an invincible enemy, you should never use it.

A Mangekyos Genjutsu quietly enters Itachis brain through his eyes.

After gently putting down Itachis head, Shisuis eyes slowly overflowed with blood. He quickly deactivated the Mangekyo, gasping for air in pain.

Shisui showed a wry smile. He didnt intend to do this, but he was afraid that his mission failure would cause the revenge of those Missing-nin, which would implicate the clan, thats why he wanted Itachi to awaken Mangekyo, so that could protect the clan while having the power to protect himself.

As for the Genjutsu, it is to prevent Itachi being blinded due to premature contact with Mangekyo.

I hope the mission goes smoothly, so that you wont be troubled by blindness.

After resting for a few minutes, Shisui turned and jumped off the cliff, leaving quietly.

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