Chapter 511: Three Months

Aiya, Shinichi-senpai, Im so sorry, I've hit too hard.

Shinichi-senpai, walk slowly and be careful with your steps.

Shinichi-senpai, youre welcome to come next time, let's continue to learn from each other.


Outside the Gekkos mansion, Shinichi walked out from behind the iron gate expressionlessly. His movements were somewhat mechanical, stiff, and a bit slow. From the outside, he was unscathed, but he knew that there was no uninjured part under his clothes!

He rolls up his sleeves, his forearms are one piece of blue, one piece of purple, and one piece of red, they are put together like building blocks. And when he touched it lightly


Thats the feeling!

Shinichi leaned on the wall, trembling faintly all over.

Shinichi-senpai, are you okay? How about I take you home?

Kanps concerned voice came from behind.

Shinichi, who has never been defeated in his life, trembled all over. He slowly raised his right hand, waved it twice, and said without looking back: No, I Im okay!

Then, Shinichi-senpai, walk slowly.

Kanps enthusiastic farewell sound was heard from behind him, followed by the sound of the iron gate closing.

Shinichi staggered and leaned against the wall slowly, softening slowly.

Konoha-Style Kenjutsu is really terrifying

Shinichi remembered the scene when Kanp swiping the wooden sword like a ghost in the battle just now, and he suddenly felt the pain all over his body and severe pain.

I will never spar with that bastard again!

Shinichi walked slowly towards his house while leaning against the wall.

On the other side, Kanp, who closed the door and went home, was in a good mood. Today, he not only avenged his revenge and vented his anger, but also collected the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, Why do I think that all the good things in this world are taken up by yourself?

Kanp secretly reflected and warned himself not to be proud, but to be humble!

After entering the bedroom and changing into clean clothes, Kanp went out again.

The spar with Shinichi only lasted for half an hour, and theres still two hours before ten o'clock. Kanp plans to go to the Uchiha Clans settlement and use up todays last Collection Technique.

Strolling all the way, Kanp arrived to the Uchiha Clan settlement an hour and a half later. There was a lot of traffic in the nearby streets, and Kanp turned around a few times and saw many men and women wearing Uchiha Clans attire. However, no Uchiha child under one meter was found.

Seeing that it was almost ten oclock, Kanp had no choice but to lower his requirements, and threw the Collection Technique at a kid in his early 1.3 meters.

A child of this height, if theres no accident, has already entered the Academy, so he is an impure child.

The facts are also as Kanp expected. The green light cluster in his mind spewed out a light blue dot after surging. After using his consciousness to wrap it, it is a kunai throwing technique, moreover, it is incomplete.

It is the chicken rib among the chicken ribs.

Kanp sighed weakly, and disappeared from that place in an instant.

Its almost ten oclock, so its time to go to Naruto.

Kanp flickered to a secluded place, then turned on Sage Mode, and the sensing range of his Flying Thunder God Technique was expanded to one hundred and fifty kilometers in an instant. He then found Narutos Flying Thunder God Techniques coordinate quickly.

In the next moment, Kanp already appeared in a spacious bedroom.

This should be Narutos room.

Kanp stopped the Sage Mode, turned his head and looked around.

The bedroom is not big, but it is very warmly decorated, with pink everywhere. But theres no way Naruto would have such a girlish heart.

Well, maybe it was arranged by Kushina.

Kanp looked towards Naruto, who was lying on the bed, and couldn't help pulling out the fox whiskers on both sides of his cheeks with his hands.

Naruto, get up. Kanp called softly while pulling.

Naruto babbled a few words in a daze, slapped Kanps hand, turned over and continue dozing off on the bed.

Looking at Naruto's little butt, Kanp suddenly remembered Kakashis special skill: One Thousand Years of Death!

However, in order to avoid dirtying his fingers, Kanp found a pencil of unknown brand on Narutos desk, and then threw it lightly, hitting exactly between Naruto's buttocks.



With the severe pain hitting his body, Naruto woke up from his sleep immediately, his muscles were tense, his two thighs were fighting, and he was in too much pain to move.

Are you awake now? Kanp pulled out the pencil and put it on the desk casually.

Naruto shivered and stretched out his hand to cover his butt, he was wriggling on the bed like a fish, his bared teeth almost made Kanp laugh.

After a while, Naruto jumped up from the bed full of energy, and directed his baring fangs at Kanp: Its too much, even if you are my Sensei, I cant forgive you!

I originally wanted to invite you to Ichiraku Ramen for a luxurious meal, but seeing you like this I have no choice but to hire someone else. Kanp looked helpless, shrugged his shoulder, and wanted to jump off the building.

As soon as Naruto heard about the luxurious meal, Naruto immediately jumped off the bed to stop Kanp, and said with a chuckle: Sensei, I was joking just now, don't take it seriously.

Really? Kanp looked Naruto with a smile.

Of course.

Naruto didn't feel much pain now, and Ichiraku Ramens luxurious meal is really tempting to him, so his anger has dissipated at this time.

Then go and wash up. Kanp waved his hand.


Naruto immediately ran out of the bedroom, and after a while, he poked his head in again, and asked curiously: Sensei, how did you come in?

I can teleport, so I can go wherever I want. Kanp boasted shamelessly.

Really? Narutos eyes suddenly shined brightly.

Kanp felt a little guilty, but he still bit the bullet and said yes.

Naruto rushed in suddenly, grabbed Kanps hand and jumped and said: Then Sensei, take me to the Moon, I want to go to the Moon!!

The Moon

Kanps face twitched, I also wanted to go to Moon, but I couldnt do it!

Kanp sighed and said: Naruto, there seems to be no oxygen on the Moon, and ordinary persons cant survive on it.

Naruto tilted his head: What is oxygen?


Kanp remembered that the Shinobi World didnt know about oxygen, so he quickly changed the subject: Go wash up, or the Ichiraku Ramen will be full because were late.

Naruto responded and immediately went to wash up.

Ten minutes later, Kanp led Naruto on the street.

Naruto, where is your mother? Kanp asked.

Kaa-chan went to pay respect to my grandpa and grandma, and I dont know where she is.

Naruto looked a little downcast and asked, Sensei, do you know who my grandpa and grandma are?

I dont know. Kanp shook his head, but his heart was slightly relieved, If theres no remains of the Uzumaki Clan, then Kushina, as a Jinchuriki, did not need to venture out of the village to pay respect. She can just set up an altar to pay respect at home.

In other words, there must be Uzumaki Clans remains in the tombs of the Uzumaki Clan.

In this case, I Bah, Hyketsu can just dig a little bit and collect the material for Impure World Reincarnation.

That bastard Hyketsu might not want to do it!

Kanp cursed secretly.

When they arrived at Ichiraku Ramen, it was less than eleven oclock. There are not many people in the restaurant, so Kanp and Naruto occupied a good place and started ordering.

Naruto hadnt had breakfast and was very hungry. After sitting down, he ordered two large bowls of miso ramen and ordered ten portions of tonkotsu, two portions of pork chops, two portions of beef, and two portions of seafood, and two eggs. After he was done ordering, he patted the table and urged Teuchi to hurry up.

Seeing Naruto's active appearance, Kanp felt very relaxed, as if he had returned to his carefree eighteen years old.

Although he is only seventeen this year.

Sensei, what is oxygen? After Naruto urged Teuchi for a while, he turned to Kanp to ask scientific questions.

Oxygen is

How can Kanp be stumped by Naruto, his thought revolved, and he said earnestly, Naruto, if you want to know what oxygen is, you have to be able to read first!

Narutos face became bitter when he heard this: Sensei

Naruto, whether it is going to Moon or being a Shinobi, literacy is the foundation. If you dont know how to read, you cant do anything!

Kanp decided to continue to change the subject, so he asked, Remember the Shadow Clone Technique on the Scroll of Seals last night?

Naruto nodded.

It was right in front of you, but unfortunately, you cant read the words there, so you can only learn through the hand seal. In the end, did you learn it? Kanp asked with a smile.

Naruto lowered his head. He trained that hand seal so many times last night, but he still couldnt use the Shadow Clone Technique!

Sensei, can I master the Shadow Clone Technique as long as I can read? Naruto asked.

Kanp nodded: I promise you can learn it!

In the original work, there are two reasons why Naruto is the lowest ranking. One is that he doesn't like to study, as he is an idiot, and the other, which is the more important reason, is that the Kyubis Chakra has been disrupting his Chakras movement, so Naruto cant even train the Three Basic Techniques.

But in this life, with Minato looking over him, the Kyubis Chakra, not to mention disturbing, it has now become Narutos battery.

With Kanp personally watching his studies, with no accident, once Naruto enters the Academy, he will definitely becomean idiot.


Well, won't it make me seem particularly useless?

Sensei, I will learn to read from you! Naruto pondered, and finally made up his mind.

Kanp let out a sigh of relief.

Then Sensei, what exactly is oxygen? Naruto asked again.

The corner of Kanps mouth twitched, and he blankly stared at him: Cant you stop asking that?

Time passed day by day, and for the next three months or so, Kanp asks his shadow clone to go to Anbu to sign in everyday, while he slept in until ten o'clock, and then went to work as Naruto's tutor from ten o'clock to three o'clock in the afternoon. In addition to teaching him literacy, he also took him to play in the village, and his childhood became a little better.

After three oclock in the afternoon, Kanp will go to the Uchiha Clans settlement to find children to collect, and every three days, he will go to the seventh training ground to receive special reflex training from Minato.

In the past three months, Kanp has successfully collected and successfully merged Sharingan, but Minatos nerve reflexes have not been collected.

Until Kanps birthday comes.

This day is Kanps 18th birthday. It is also the day for Gekko Clans Clan Head, Gekko Hoshino to resign, and it is also the day for Kanp and Tabakos decisive battle to determine the Clan Head!

At five oclock in the afternoon, Kanp was still receiving special training from Minato at the seventh training ground, and was not distracted by clan affairs at all, and was seriously beaten.

Kanp, let's stop here for today.

Minato stepped back ten meters with a flicker, looked at Kanp with a smile, and said, By the way, happy birthday. After saying that, Minato throws a scroll at him, This is a gift for you for becoming an adult, I hope you like it.

Thank you, Hokage-sama.

Kanp endured the soreness and pain in his hands and feet, took the scroll and opened it, and saw that it was Rasengans training method.

Although he has already collected it, Kanp still expressed his thanks earnestly.

Rasengans training is very simple, and you should be able to learn it soon.

Minato believes in Kanps talent on Ninjutsu, but

As for your special training Minato shook his head slightly. After more than three months of special training, Kanp would instinctively avoid the vital points when he was beaten, but there was no improvement in other things. Minato was helpless about this.

Kanp calmly threw out the Collection Technique, and said: Ive been bothering Hokage-sama for a while now, so from now on, I will cooperate with my shadow clone to train, hoping to enhance my own nerve reflexes.

The green light cluster in his mind began to surge, Kanp waited silently, and finally, a purple stardust spurted out.

Kanp, I know that your family has a big event today, so go home early. Minato said with a smile.

Then, I will leave first.

Kanp bowed slightly, and his consciousness quickly pounced at the new purple stardust, which is Minatos nerve reflexes talent.

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