Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 507: Collecting the Scroll of Seals

Chapter 507: Collecting the Scroll of Seals

My name is Morino Idate, and I am stealing things now, but things have gone beyond my teachers plan!

According to the information collected in the afternoon, there are two Anbu guarding outside the room where the Nidaime Hokages Sword of the Thunder God and Scroll of Seals are stored. According to my teachers plan, he will first lure the Anbu away, then use shadow clone to lure the remaining Anbu. The few minutes in between are the time for me, Morino Idate, to move!

But now, there was a third Shinobis footsteps in the corridor, and they are approaching quickly!

No, he blocked the door!!

Idate looked at the tall figure outside the door with horror on his face.

The man's back was facing the moonlight, so Idate couldnt see his face clearly, but there seemed to be a glimmer of light on his body, and the hazy moonlight also seemed to turn into an invisible silver light and drape over this tall figure, making him look like a god.

Who are you?

Idate couldn't even grit his teeth.

It took him a long time to sneak into the taboo data room, but before he could do the crime, he was blocked by others!

Idates mentality and heartbeat are about to explode!

Sensei, I saw him, grab him quickly!! Naruto, who was 1.1 meters tall, was carried by Kanp, who was 1.85 meters tall, on his back. He was hanging in the air without being uncomfortable, on the contrary, he excitedly pointed at the shadow in the data room and shouted, his tone was full of excitement.

Squat down! Hold your head with your hands!

Kanp said. His tone was cold, with a trace of killing-intent, like bone-eating maggots burrowing into Idates heart.

Idate is just a Genin, and never been on the battlefield. Being hit by the momentum and killing intent of Kanps Sage Mode, he couldn't control himself, and his feet softened and he fell down.

Huh? Sensei, why didn't he resist?

Naruto wondered, It wasn't like this when I was hit by someone when I did something bad.

Kanp ignored Narutos doubts. He put Naruto down, and then turned on the light in the data room.

After turning on the light, he can see that the data room is not big, but it is full of wooden shelves. The wooden shelves are filled with messy scrolls, notebooks, and cardboard boxes. Inside the boxes are some Ninja Tools with weird shapes, almost all of which are covered with dust.

Kanps eyes slowly narrowed. He knew most of the scrolls and notes on the wooden shelves were research materials related to various Forbidden Technique left by Nidaime Hokage, such as Flying Thunder God Technique, Impure All of World Reincarnation, etc.


Kanps eyes lit up, as he suddenly saw a huge scroll in the corner of the wall. Outside the scroll was the words Scroll of Seals.

Kanps heartbeat quickened, and for some reason, he suddenly feels a little guilty.

Cough cough!

Kanp coughed twice, and said righteously, You thief even dared to sneak into Hokage Tower to steal things. Its a heinous crime. No, I have to check this room to prevent him from stealing something important!

After saying that, Kanp pounced towards the Scroll of Seals.

Kanp is not slow, but Naruto is faster. As soon as he was put down by Kanp, he pounced towards the Scroll of Seals like a vicious dog. After he hugged the Scroll of Seals, his head bumped onto the wall, Naruto grimaced in pain, but he was holding the scroll tightly.

Kanps face turned dark and he calmly said: Naruto, let go, that scroll is dangerous, let me take it!


Narutos hands and feet wrapped around the scroll, and he said with a snort, I have seen this scroll before, it's mine!

You have seen it? Kanp was taken aback.

Naruto nodded repeatedly: I saw Tou-chan write something on it at home, I wanted to read it, but he wouldn't let me. it must be the Shadow Clone Technique inside!

Otherwise, why would Tou-chan not let me see it?

Naruto looked at the Scroll of Seals wittily, his eyes are sparkling.

Scroll of Seals is a very large. Its a long and thick scroll, wrapped with a brown-black string, which looks extremely solemn and mysterious.

Naruto put the scroll on the ground, quickly untied the knot, and unfolded the Scroll of Seals to the left.

Idate, who was squatting on the side, couldn't control her curiosity, and stretched his neck to look over.

Kanp let out a muffled snort, and Idate was scared and immediately shrank his neck. He put his hands on his head, and his eyes closed tightly.

Seeing that the prisoner was honest, Kanp immediately flickered behind Naruto and looked down. The first Forbidden Technique on the Scroll of Seals was the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Kanp has already collected this technique. And he intentionally urges Naruto to continue to the next one, but Naruto still stared at the content of this Forbidden Technique, and has no intention to read the next at all.

Kanp is puzzled, This idiot Naruto couldnt even read all the words, how can he understand Multiple Shadow Clone Technique? With a dry cough, Kanp asked: Naruto, do you know the words above?

Naruto felt that he was insulted, so he immediately pointed to the three characters in the middle of Multiple Shadow Clone Technique and said word by word: Kage! Bun! Shin! (T/N: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is Ta j kage bun shin no jutsu in Japanese.)

The corner of Kanps mouth twitched, What the f**k!

Out of the seven characters, you only recognize these three characters?

Do you know the words behind that? Kanp asked blankly.

Naruto shook his head, but he was very smart, and he ponted to the hand seal and said: As long as I learn this, I can learn Shadow Clone Technique!

What he said was so reasonable that Kanp was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, Kanp has hands and feet, so how could he be restricted by Naruto?

He lightly hooked the scroll with his toes, and the scroll suddenly rolled to the left, and finally hit the wall, and then rolled back.

Kanp was stunned when he saw this. He quickly hooked the scroll with his toes, and looked down, just in time to see the second Forbidden Technique after the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Goj Kibaku Fuda! (Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags)

Naruto was so engrossed by the Multiple Shadow Clone Techniques hand seal that he didn't notice Kanps small movements, and Idate also squatted down while hugging his head, so he couldn't see this side.

Kanp breathed a sigh of relief, but he was dissatisfied with his actions, and immediately threw a Collection Technique.

The green light cluster in his mind surged rapidly and subsided after a while.


Kanp quickly threw the second Collection Technique.

Although Anbu, who was guarding here, was lured away by Aoi, it would not take long for them to react. When they rush back, he wouldnt be able to collect the Scroll of Seals anymore!

As a veteran driver, Kanp has already had a lot of life experience, and he can even write an epic novel about himself, but at this moment, his heartbeat still cant but help speed up.

As for Naruto, he is using the Multiple Shadow Clone Techniques picture as a model, but unfortunately, his movement is totally different.

Naruto scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, and on Kanps side, his second Collection Technique also failed.

There is one last left.

Kanp sighed silently. Regardless of success or failure, the techniques on the Scroll of Seals will be temporarily out of reach for him.

Throwing the last Collection Technique, the green light cluster in my mind instantly surged, and then a light blue light dot was ejected.

Kanps consciousness wrapped around it, and it is the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags!

At this moment, the sound of messy footsteps could be vaguely heard from the corridor outside. Kanp knew that the time wait for no one, but he felt itchy, and with a hook on his toes, the Scroll of Seals suddenly scrolled to the left, Kanp stared at it, and found that the Forbidden Technique recorded behind the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags was actually Eight Gates Technique!


The scroll hit the wall and bounced back, covering the words Eight Gates Technique.

Kanp sighed regretfully, then moved to Naruto's side, and said in a low voice: The Anbu has returned, we have to go.

But Sensei Naruto was not reconciled, as he hasnt remembered the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

But Kanp has already rolled the Scroll of Seals, then restored the knot on it and placed it in the corner. Then, he used one hand to grab Naruto and Idate with the other, and then left the Hokage Tower directly with Flying Thunder God Technique.

Originally, he could have handed Idate to Anbu, but he has a guilty conscience Cough cough.

Sensei, are we out yet? Naruto looked left and right, and found that they appeared behind a street light in a street, and there was no one in the surrounding area.

Naruto didn't notice that there was a Flying Thunder God Techniques imprint on the bottom of the electric pole of the street lamp beside him, after all, it was so dark that it couldn't be distinguished unless he looked carefully.

And in Konoha, there are a lot of Flying Thunder God Techniques imprint like this.

Kanp put down Naruto and Idate, and turned off Sage Mode at the same time. His muscles were a little sore, but it was not a big problem.

He looked around, then lowered his head and asked: Naruto, now that we have caught the bad guy, what are you going to do?

Naruto was startled. He looked at the trembling Idate, and was a little dazed for a while.

Although he was very excited when he caught the thief, but now that he caught the thief, he doesnt know what to do next.

Naruto then laughed and said: Sensei, Ill listen to you.

Then, well send him to Anbu. Kanp said with a nod.

No matter what, it was the Shinobi who dared to steal things from the taboo data room things, so he is worried about handing him over to the Military Police Force, and it was better for Anbu to handle it. After all, it was his own territory.

No, dont, I dont want to go to Anbu!

When he heard the word Anbu, Idate turned pale with fright, turned around and ran away.

Kanp was not polite with him. He knocked him out with a chop, and then quickly disappeared with him and Naruto in each hand.

The second floor of Hokage Tower.

The two Anbu guarding the taboo data room have returned. Looking at the lights in the data room, their expressions behind the masks are getting more and more ugly.

Damn it, theyre luring us away so that they can inside!

Is the goal of the other party something in the data room?

The contents inside are all taboos. Once they are leaked they dare not be careless and immediately raise the alarm.

At the dark alley three streets away from Hokage Tower.

Aoi stood in the shadow, looking at the signal that is gradually blooming in the sky with an ugly expression.

Anbus movements are as usual, but

Damn it, why hasnt that idiot Idate come back yet!

According to his plan, at this time, Idate should come to join him with the Sword of the Thunder God and the Scroll of Seals!

Is there an accident, or did that brat run away with the things by himself?

Aoi hesitated, unable to advance or retreat.

Although he has already contacted Amegakure and can directly promote to Jonin there, but without the Sword of Thunder God, even if he gets the Jonin title, he doesnt have that strength!

I cant wait any longer!

Aoi squinted his eyes, I must leave Konoha immediately, its too dangerous here!

Konohas Anbus Headquarters.

When Kanp arrived with Naruto and Idate, many people had already gathered here, and they all came after seeing the alarm signal from the Hokage Tower.

Kanp, you are here too.

Ibiki saw Kanp as soon as he came in from the main gate. After all, they are a colleague who had cooperated with during the Chunin Exams, so when he saw him, he naturally wanted to communicate with him, What happened at Hokage Tower, that huh? Hey, what are you doing with my younger brother?

Your younger brother?

Kanp picked up Naruto and Idate with one hand each, Which one?

Sensei, I dont know him. Naruto, who was grabbed by the waist, dangling slightly in mid-air, with a somewhat lifeless expression.

Ibiki also proved who his younger brother is with his actions.

He snatched the unconscious Idate from Kanps hand, and after a check, he was relieved to find that he was just unconscious, but then, his tone was raised because of Kanps words.

Thats a coincidence, this guy and other Shinobi sneak into the taboo data room in Hokage Tower to steal taboo items. Ibiki, you are his big brother and you also happen to be in Torture and Interrogation Force, so it is just right to entrust this guy to you. Kanp said with a smile.

Ibiki looked at Kanp, and his face became more and more ugly: You you!!!

Thinking of the alarm signal from the Hokage Tower, Ibikis heart sank immediately.

You arent thinking of shielding your younger brother, do you? Kanp squinted at Ibiki, his whole figure was full of righteousness!

Ibiki gritted his teeth and finally said: Of course not, but if you are just slandering him, I will never let you go!!

Kanp chuckled and said: I am not that kind of person, but dont worry too much. Your younger brother didnt steal anything, at most, it was just an attempted theft, and he also doesnt seem to be the main culprit. If you can get the information about the main culprit from him, you might be able to make up for it.

Hearing this, Ibikis expression improved slightly, and then he grabbed Idate and walked towards his office.

Sensei, I want to go and see? After Naruto broke free from Kanp, he wanted to follow Ibiki out of curiosity.

Kanp thought for a while, and felt that they might as well go and have a look, lest Ibikis younger brother talk nonsense. He cant let his innocence be slandered.

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