Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 505: I Stop Doing This Kind of Thing at the Age of Three

Chapter 505: I Stop Doing This Kind of Thing at the Age of Three

Land of Rain.

The heavy rain continued, and Hyketsu, who was wearing a black robe with red cloud patterns and a hat, walked slowly in the rain.

Behind him, a tall, thin man with a pair of Byakugan, wearing a Konohas forehead protector on his forehead followed, but the symbol representing Konoha on the headband has been scratched by kunai, which is the sign of a Missing-nin.

The two then walked forward in silence.

Haven't shown up yet?

Under the ice crystals mask, Hyketsu squinted his eyes and pondered.

I brought a Hyuga Clans Shinobi into the Land of Rain openly. Although we avoided villages and crowd, with Zetsus detection ability, he should have sent the information back to Akatsuki.

The reason Akatsuki remained silent is probably because they are collecting information about Hyuga Taki.

When they reached half a day away from Amegakure, Deva Path, Konan and Zetsu finally appeared.

Hyketsu, is this the new member you recruited from the Abyss?

Deva Path fell from the sky, and the majestic rain slipped from his side, looking like a rain god.

Konan flapped her two huge paper wings, floating in the air like an angel.

As for Zetsu, he drilled out of the ground as usual, with an indescribably strange expression on his Yin-Yang face.

I shouldnt need to introduce you. Hyketsu said coldly.

Hyuga Taki.

Deva Path said blankly, A Hyuga Clans Branch Houses member.

The collected information shows that Hyuga Taki has died in the battlefield during the Third Shinobi World War, is this person really Hyuga Taki himself? Surprisingly, a gloomy voice rang, which is Black Zetsu asking.

He faked his death. Hyketsu explained.

Why did he do that? Black Zetsu continued to ask.

Taki raised his head slowly, with a sneer and an unwilling smile on the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: Of course it is to avoid the exploitation of the Main House, and then for the opportunity to have my revenge!

Black Zetsu is silent. Hyuga Clans Main House controls the Branch House through Caged Bird. So it is not surprising that there are a few people who are unwilling to succumb to their fate like Taki.

So you joined Akatsuki to use us to deal with the Hyuga Clans Main House? Konan asked.

Taki nodded: Yes, only when the Main House is dead that the Caged Bird can disappear completely, and I can live freely in this Shinobi World!

Deva Path looked towards Taki, and asked indifferently: This is just your one-sided story, you may also be a Konohas spy.

For so many years, you are the first Shinobi to betray the Hyuga Clan. Its really suspicious. White Zetsu couldnt help but interjected. After saying that, he looked at Hyketsu provocatively.

Hyketsu just shrugged, took two steps back and said: I have already brought the person, as for whether you need him or not, you can decide for yourself.

Deva Path looked Taki, and the Rinnegans pupil power slowly overflowed, and the powerful momentum turned into an invisible air pressure enveloped Taki's mentality.

Do you have anything to say? Deva Path said indifferently.

Taki spread his hands and said with a smile: I probably understand what you mean. You suspect that I faked my death during the Third Shinobi World War to get into your Akatsuki, hehehe, stop joking around. At that time, the Shinobi World does not have the slightest information about Akatsuki, and, whether the Hyuga Clan or Konoha, it is basically impossible to see the situation of the Shinobi World after the Third Shinobi World War with such a clear sight, you think too much.

Deva Path retracted his eyes-power and lowered his eyes, and thought carefully that it was indeed the case.

According to Zetsus information, when Hyuga Taki faked his death, Yahiko hasnt died, so Akatsuki hasnt change. So Taki faking his death to join Akatsuki as a spy many years later is indeed a bit far-fetched.

Thinking about it this way, Deva Paths doubts about Taki were immediately eliminated.


Is it possible for Hyuga Taki to fake his death in order to join the Abyss as a spy?

If this is the case, then Hyuga Taki joined Akatsuki through Hyketsus recommendation, there will be a problem.

Black Zetsu, as the old mastermind who has lived for more than a thousand years, quickly considered this probability.

So the eyes of both of them fell on Hyketsu.

Whats wrong? Hyketsu asked with a frown.

How did Hyuga Taki join the abyss? Deva Path asked.

Hyketsus thoughts spun, and soon realized that this is not a weak spot, and said with a snort: It was me who invited him into the Abyss. Do you suspect that he is the spy that Konoha inserted into the Abyss?

Black Zetsu started to talk: This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Taki has been in the abyss for many years. If he is a spy, how can the Abyss still be fine?

Hyketsu said softly with a smile, Of course, if you dont trust him, I have no objection.

Deva Path was silent.

If Akatsuki doesnt trust me, I dont think there is any need for me to stay here anymore.

Taki said with a bit of unwillingness, Unfortunately, I cant avenge the Hyuga Clans Main House!

After saying that, Taki turned and left.

Zetsu and Konan looked towards Deva Path at the same time.

After pondering for a while, when Taki's figure was about to disappear, Deva Path finally said: I allow you to join Akatsuki, Hyuga Taki, but if you betray Akatsuki, I will kill you all your relatives for the payments of your actions.

Understood, then, happy cooperation!

Taki stopped, and a look of excitement appeared in his Byakugan: I finally mixed with Akatsuki!

After that, the group of five quietly came to the central steel tower of Amegakure, and Taki successfully received his clothes and ring.

Takis ring is Blue, and the position where he wears it is the index finger of his right hand. As for his teammate, of course, its the one who wears the ring North, Kakuzu.

This time, Kakuzu is working in the Land of Rivers. After Taki received the clothes and ring, he was sent away by Deva Path.

If Akatsukis information is leaked because of Hyuga Taki, you will also be responsible, Hyketsus. After Taki left, Deva Path stared at Hyketsu indifferently.

Dont worry.

Hyketsu smiled coldly, The Abyss has been fine for so many years, it is impossible for Taki to be a spy.

Deva Path closes his eyes and did not speak again.

At the same time.


At ten oclock in the morning, in the backyard of Gekkos mansion, Kanp sat on the wooden corridor, leaning against a large wooden pillar, enjoying the life wantonly while bathing in the warm sun and eating grapes.

Its almost time for work, right?

After spitting out the grape seeds, Kanp looked at the time, and then began to sense the coordinates of Flying Thunder God Technique on Narutos body.

But the distance seems to be more than thirty kilometers, and he cant sense it.

Kanp immediately absorbed Natural Energy, refined Senjutsu Chakra, and brazenly entered Sage Mode.

At this moment, Kanps body seemed to emit an invisible gleam, like a celestial being descended from the world, full of ethereal aura.

In Sage Mode, Kanps Flying Thunder God Techniques sensing reached one hundred and fifty kilometers. So at the next moment, Kanps figure suddenly disappeared from the backyard.

On Hokage Rock.

Today, Naruto also climbed up here full of energy. He has red paint on his left hand, yellow paint on his right hand, a big brush in his mouth, and ropes, ladders and other crime tools on his back. From the first glance, he is not a novice!

Putting down the equipment on his body, Naruto was about to go for a big fight, but a familiar pain came from the back of his head.


Ouch!! Naruto roared in pain, turned around and saw that the person who came was indeed his new tutor, Gekko Kanp.

Why are you here? Naruto rubbed the back of his head in surprise. He just checked all around, and there is obviously no one nearby!

Call me sensei. Kanp put away the Sage Mode, then crossed his arms and looked down at Naruto, who was just a little over one meter tall.


Naruto laughed, and then asked carefully, Sensei, are you here to stop me?

Stop you? No no no, Naruto, I dont want to stop you, I just want to ask, how old you are this year? Kanp asked with a solemn expression.

Five years old. Naruto felt the atmosphere a little serious, and subconsciously became serious too.

Five years old?

Kanp sighed in disappointment, shook his head, and said, You do these things to attract the attention of your parents, right? Too? I'm so disappointed, you know, I wouldn't do such things when I was three years old, you hey

That's not it.

Naruto hopped his feet and stared at his eyes, Im not trying to attract the attention of my parents, I, I, I

Naruto was so anxious that his face was flushed, and since he has poor vocabulary, he said with a snort, Anyway, I'm not.

Then tell me, why do you only paint on Yondaime-samas statue? Kanp issued a soul torture.

This, this, this

Naruto scratched his ears, and finally sat down on his head portrait, Anyway, I dont have any reason.

Okay, okay, you didnt.

Kanp smiled and changed the subject, It's time for lunch, want to go to Ichiraku Ramen?


Embarrassed, Naruto turned his head to the right, ignoring Kanp.

Kanp immediately flickered to his right, and said with a smile: Ichiraku Ramen?


Naruto glanced to the left again, but seeing that there is also Kanp here, he turned his head and looked towards the right: Two Sensei?

A thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately jumped up and shouted: Shadow clone, is this Shadow Clone Technique?

Two Kanp smiled and nodded: Want to learn?

Naruto nodded. His unpleasant mood from before disappeared instantly, leaving only the longing for Shadow Clone Technique.

Then, do you remember what you promised me yesterday? Kanp dispersed the shadow clone, and then took out a book from his pocket.

This is the book he dug out from his little brother's bedroom last night. It is used for enlightenment and can be used to teach Naruto.

When Naruto saw the book, his facial features were all wrinkled together: You just said to go to Ichiraku Ramen, why did you take out a book?

Learn some words first, and then go Ichiraku Ramen, Im treating today. Kanp said with a smile.

What about the Shadow Clone Technique? Naruto asked aggrievedly.

After you have recognized the words in the book, I will teach you. Kanp said bewitchedly.


Naruto sat cross-legged on the ground again, his facial features are like a 30-years-old uncle who had lost his love.

Dont think about it, its such a happy decision!

Kanp sat next to Naruto, opened the pages of the book, and began to teach each word.

Naruto had a troubled look, brace himself and read with Kanp for a few minutes. After a while, Kanp was also infected by Naruto, and he read the words in the book like a monk reading scripture.

A few more minutes passed, and Naruto doesnt want to learn anymore. Kanp also doesnt want to teach anymore. After all, its so boring!

Ichiraku Ramen? Kanp raised an eyebrow at Naruto.

Well, Ichiraku Ramen! Naruto was overjoyed, snatched the book from Kanps hand, and then threw it down the cliff neatly, Learning and so on, go away!

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